

单词 除了

External sources (not reviewed)

此外除了歐洲及北美地區食物以外,現時欠缺了其他地 區食物中丙烯酰胺含量的資料,因此需要在這方面進行更多研究。
Besides, data in food consumed [...]
in regions other than Europe and North America is lacking and called for more research in this area.
除了上文 (c)段所述勸諭食物業處所的持牌人外,當局會考慮發出警告信 [...]
In addition to giving advice [...]
to the licensee of the food premises as stated in (c) above, warning letters as well as other
enforcement actions should be considered.
另一位成員認 為除了完全 不造成污染的車輛外,停車熄匙的規定應涵蓋所 [...]
Another member opined that the ban should cover all
[...] types of vehicles except those that are [...]
totally non-polluting.
除了 歐洲 內含價值業績,經營溢利不包括經濟假設及選擇權和保證成本時間價值變動的影響及核心借款的市值 [...]
In addition for EEV basis results, [...]
operating profit excludes the effect of changes in economic assumptions and the time
value of cost of options and guarantees, and the market value movement on core borrowings.
此外除了政府人員外,個別 部門亦有聘請承辦商或非政府人員協助樹木管理工作。
In addition to the government [...]
staff, individual departments have engaged contractors or non-government personnel to assist in tree management.
(c) 除了建立 重要或/及有問題樹木的資料庫,局方是否有計劃為全港所有樹木 [...]
(c) Apart from developing a database [...]
of important and/or problematic trees, does the Bureau have any plan to develop a database of all trees in Hong Kong?
選管 會考慮到投票站工作人除了須改 裝投票站外,於投票結束後還 須忙於編製地方選區和各個功能界別的統計數字,認為用於改裝 投票站的時間合理。
The EAC considers that the time taken was acceptable in view that the polling staff was busily engaged in compiling statistics for not only GCs but also the various FCs at the close of the poll, apart from the physical conversion of the polling stations.
除了提供治療及康復運動外,跨專業團隊亦協助服務 使用者克服在日常家居遇到的適應問題,亦會就取得康復 [...]
器材、輔助器材/設備和家居改裝工程提供專業意見和援 助。
Apart from therapy and maintenance [...]
exercises, the multi-disciplinary teams also assist clients to overcome adaptation problems
at their homes, and provide professional advice and assistance in acquiring rehabilitative equipment, adaptive aids / devices and home modifications.
f. 新的網站設除了要提供政策局及政府部門的電郵地址,更要提供網誌、 網上電郵或即時通訊等通訊管道,讓市民與負責官員直接互動溝通。
f. Rather than simply giving a link to the email address of the Government bureaux and departments, direct communications channels could be established via the bureaux/departments websites so that citizens can interact directly with responsible officials such as through blogs, email or instant messaging.
本署保證貴公司所提供的資料除了 用 作 更新本 署的資料庫和推廣廢物回收活動及推動回收再造業發展之外,並不會用作其他用途。
Please be assured that the information provided by your company would be used solely for updating the database of our department, promoting waste recovery activities and development of the waste recovery/recycling industry
在學校的情境,學習社除了學生 與教師之外,往往更涉及學生家長及其他社群。
Such a learning community may involve not only students and teachers, but also parents and other parties in the community.
3.15 除了本細則或法律或法院命令另有明文規定外,公司不承認任何人士持有任 何股份作爲信托,此外公司不受限制或毋須以任何方式承認(即使有通知) 任何股份任何衡平法、或然、未來或部分權益或任何碎股的權益或任何股份 的其他權利除了注册 股東享有的所有絕對權利。
3.15 Except as otherwise expressly provided by these Articles or as required by law or as ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction, no person shall be recognised by the Company as holding any share upon any trust and the Company shall not be bound by or be compelled in any way to recognise (even when having notice thereof) any equitable, contingent, future or partial interest in any shares or any interest in any fractional part of a share or any other rights in respect of any share except an absolute right to [...]
the entirety thereof in the registered holder.
除 了啟動以外,無需對預設備份計劃進行額外的設定。
No additional configuration is required for the default backup plan beyond activating it.
藉著這個機遇,港鐵公司會在這些新鐵路項目的車站推出嶄新的設 施及設計除了能為 乘客帶來煥然一新的感覺外,站內的設施亦會更方便 及更能照顧乘客的需要,務求令乘客乘搭鐵路時有愉快的體驗。
Taking advantage of this opportunity, the MTRCL will launch in stations of these new railway lines new facilities and designs that will not only bring a refreshing look, but will also provide passengers with greater convenience and better services, and therefore better experience.
16.23 如果考慮安排委任兩位或以上董事擔任公司或公司有權益的其他公司的職務 (包括安排、更改、終止任期),應對每位董事通過一項獨立的决議,在該
[...] 種情况下有關的每位董事(如未被細則第 16.22(a)段禁止)有權對每項議案投 票(並列入法定人數)除了有關他的委任的議案。
16.23 Where proposals are under consideration concerning the appointment (including fixing or varying the terms of or terminating the appointment) of two or more Directors to offices or employments with the Company or any company in which the Company is interested, such proposals shall be divided and considered in relation to each Director separately and in such case each of the Directors concerned (if not prohibited from voting under Article 16.22(a) shall be
entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in
[...] respect of each resolution except that concerning his [...]
own appointment.
b 信貸風除了業務單位本身及整個集團在信貸風險方面的經營限額外,保誠亦在集團層面密切監察其交易對手風險,重點留意較 [...]
In addition to business unit and Group-wide [...]
operational limits on credit risk, Prudential monitors closely its counterparty
exposures at Group level, highlighting those that are large or of concern.
Any information, other than personal data or information, you transmit to AIA via this website, by electronic mail or otherwise, including data, questions, comments, or suggestions will be treated as non-confidential and nonproprietary and will become the property of AIA.
除了中國 語文、英國語文、數學和通識教育四個核心科 目外,報告建議讓學生根據個人興趣和能力,從不同的學習領域中選擇兩 [...]
至三個選修科目,並積極參與各種其他學習活動,包括藝術活動、體育活 動、與工作有關的經驗、社會服務和德育及公民教育等。
Besides the four core subjects, [...]
Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics and Liberal Studies, students are encouraged
to select two or three elective subjects from different Key Learning Areas (KLAs) according to their interests and abilities, and also to engage in a variety of other learning experiences such as aesthetic activities, physical activities, career-related experiences, community service, and moral and civic education.
在停止經營的業務方面除了若干 情況須特別處理外,一般來說,應評稅 利潤是根據上一課稅年度基期結束以後至停止營業日期為止所賺得的利潤計算。
On cessation of a business (subject to certain circumstances where special treatment would apply), the assessable profits are generally based on the profits for the period from the end of the basis period for the previous year of assessment to the date of cessation.
除了泰國 以外,該地區的其他國家都曾經是英國、法國、荷蘭、西班牙、葡萄牙或美國的殖 [...]
Except for Thailand, all [...]
the other countries in the region were colonies of Great Britain, France, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal or the United States.
隨著這個工程項目的完成,現 時港鐵共 84 個車站(包括港島綫、荃灣綫、觀塘綫、東涌綫、將軍澳綫、 迪士尼綫、機場快綫、東鐵綫、西鐵綫和馬鞍山綫),當 除了 東 鐵 綫及 馬鞍山綫共 22 個車站外,所有其他 62 個車站均已裝有月台幕門或自動月 台閘門。
With the completion of this project, out of the existing 84 MTR stations (including the Island Line, Tsuen Wan Line, Kwun Tong Line, Tung Chung Line, Tseung Kwan O Line, Disneyland Resort Line, Airport Express, East Rail Line, West Rail Line and Ma On Shan Line), other than the 22 stations along the East Rail Line and Ma On Shan Line, the rest of the 62 stations are installed with platform screen doors or APGs.
(C) 替任董事有權訂立合約及於合約或安排或交易中享有權益及利益及如同彼為 董事般受同等程度(經必要的變通)的彌償保證 除了 其 委 任人不時透過書 面通知向本公司指示原應支付該委任人的部分(如有)酬金外,彼無權就其 替任董事的委任自本公司收取任何酬金。
(C) An alternate Director shall be entitled to contract and be interested in and benefit from contracts or arrangements or transactions and to be repaid expenses and to be indemnified to the same extent mutatis mutandis as if he were a Director but he shall not be entitled to receive from the Company in respect of his appointment as alternate Director any remuneration except only such part (if any) of the remuneration otherwise payable to his appointor as such appointor may by notice in writing to the Company from time to time direct.
在界定你的未婚兄弟姊妹以及祖父母/外祖父母是否家庭成員 時除了他們 居住的地方外,本處亦會考慮他們是否由你父母供 養。
In determining whether or not the unmarried
siblings and grandparents are family
[...] members, the Agency, apart from considering [...]
their place of residence, will also take
into account whether or not they are dependent on your parents financially.
Photographic entries must not have been
[...] manipulated or altered, apart from standard [...]
cropping and editing.
徜若在此類稽核中發現 貴用戶未 支付給 Business Objects
的金額超過稽核當時所應支付給 Business Objects 總金額的百分之五 (5%),或是 貴用戶故意
[...] 違反任何重要合約內容除了支付 Business Objects 所應獲得的其他賠償以外, [...]
貴用戶還需支付或償還 Business Objects 的稽核費用。
In the event any such audit reveals that you have underpaid Business Objects by an amount greater than five percent (5%) of the amounts due Business Objects in the period being audited, or that you have
knowingly breached any material obligation
[...] hereunder, then, in addition to such other [...]
remedies as Business Objects may have, you
shall pay or reimburse to Business Objects the cost of the audit.
為讓教師更了解小班教學和合作學習的理念、提升對相關教學策略的理解, 本年度小班教學除了安排部份教師參與教育局舉辦的中文科及英文科小班「優質學習 圏」、小班教學培訓講座、科務會議中分享外,小班教學組還安排較資深的教師作全校性 教學分享,提供小班教學理念、教學策略等資訊,以提升學習效能。
In order to understand the concepts of small-class teaching and cooperative learning, as well as improve the understanding of relevant teaching strategies, the Small-class Teaching Section has not only assigned some teachers to attend the High-quality Learning Circle for Chinese and English language classes, small-class teaching training seminars and section meetings which were organized by the Education Bureau, but also assigned senior teachers to share their experiences and provide useful information on small-class teaching and teaching strategies, in order to improve learning effectiveness.
(d) 資訊科技除了負責 開發新的學生資訊系統,令學生選科時能夠掌握更多 資料外,電腦中心在二零一零年底將 [...]
Wi-Fi 無綫上網服務由八百四十個接 入點增加至一千七百五十個;中心並且在二零零九年六月推出了“網絡伺 服器雲端"服務以利便學生在互聯網和網絡渠道進行各種活動;此外中心
又支持 “軟件應用虛擬化"和在二零一零年十一月在所有中央公用電腦 實驗室推出 Microsoft DreamSpark 服務,讓進行技術設計、科技、科學及 工程相關活動的學生,能夠免費取用軟件。
(d) Information technology: Besides being responsible for [...]
developing the new SIS to support students making informed course
selections, the Computer Centre expanded the Wi-Fi network service from 840 to1750 access points in late 2010, launched a “web-server cloud” service in June 2009 to facilitate student activities on the Internet and web channels, and supported “software application virtualization” and launched Microsoft DreamSpark service in November 2010 in all central communal computer laboratories to allow free software access for students engaging in technical design, technology, science and engineering related activities.
作為取得相關豁免的條件,港華燃氣的董事確認,他們認為本公告所載資 料除了未包 括《上市規則》第 14.58(6)及 14.58(7)條所指的財務資料以外),是符合《上市規則》第 [...]
As a condition to the Relevant Waiver, the directors of TCC confirm their view that the information
contained in this announcement, taking
[...] into account the exclusion of the financial [...]
information on the Target Company referred
to in Rules 14.58(6) and (7) of the Listing Rules, remains accurate and complete in all material respects and is not misleading or deceptive in accordance with Rule 2.13(2) of the Listing Rules.
除了會配合中國天然氣市場之發展速度,適時加強投資外,亦會專注於提升旗下項目企業之競爭優勢、企業管治、 安全運作、環保效益、管理效率及盈利能力等工作,以樹立中國城市燃氣行業之優秀企業模範。
The Group will not only strengthen its investment to match the development of China’s natural gas market, it will also be focusing on improving the competitive edges, corporate governance, safe operations, environmental protection, management efficiencies as well as the profitability of Group companies, building its reputation as a model enterprise in the city gas industry of China.
(vii) 計算債券持有人持有的股份數目時,假設本金總額1,395,000,000港元或1,550,000,000港元(視 屬何情況而定)的可換股債券全數按初步兌換價港8.18元兌換為股份,並假 除了 兌 換 可換股債 券而獲發換股股份外,債券持有人目前和日後不會持有任何股份。
(vii) The number of Shares to be held by Bondholders are calculated on the basis that the Convertible Bonds with an aggregate principal amount of HK$1,395,000,000 or HK$1,550,000,000, as the case may be, have been converted in full at the initial Conversion Price of HK$8.18 into Shares.




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