

单词 除非相

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

(3) 任何以掛號郵遞方式送達的通知或命令 除非相 反 證明成立,否則均須當 作是在經㆒般郵遞應收到該通知之日的翌日送達。
(3) Any notice or order served by registered post shall
[...] be deemed, unless the contrary is shown, [...]
to have been served on the day succeeding
the day on which it would have been received in the ordinary course by registered post.
除非相關物 業發展項目之建築期預計超出正常業務週期,否則待出售物業分類為流動資產。
Properties for sale are classified as
[...] current assets unless the construction [...]
period of the relevant property development
project is expected to complete beyond normal operating cycle.
(4) 如任何文件看來是加蓋法團印章而妥為簽立的, 除非相反 證 明成立,否則該文件須視為妥為簽立。
(4) A document purporting to be duly executed under the common seal is to be regarded as having been
[...] duly executed unless the contrary is proved.
(2) 任何人如用意是根據第(1)款授予的授權行事 除非相 反 證 明 成立,否則須視為已根據本條合法地獲授權。
(2) A person purporting to act under an
authorization granted under subsection (1) is to
[...] be regarded, unless the contrary is proved, [...]
to have been lawfully authorized under this section.
(4A) 局長不得行使 第 (4) 款 所 賦 的任何權 力除 非 相 對 引 致 行 使 該項權 力 的 該 款 所 提 述 的 違 反而言 , 該項權 力 的 行 使 在該個案的 整體情況下屬相 稱 及 合 理的。
(4A) The Authority shall not exercise a power under
[...] subsection (4) unless the exercise of the power is, in all the circumstances of the case, proportionate and reasonable [...]
in relation to the
contravention concerned referred to in that subsection giving rise to the exercise of the power.
(ii) 如未成年人的父母的居籍不是同一國家或地區,而該
[...] 未成年人與父母其中一人同住一家但並非與餘下的一 人同住一家,除非相反證 明成立,否則須推定該未 成年人與上述與他同住一家的父或母的居籍所在的國 [...]
(ii) where the child’s parents are not domiciled in the same country or territory and the child has his home with one of
them, but not with the other, it shall be
[...] presumed, unless the contrary is proved, [...]
that the child is most closely connected
with the country or territory in which - 5 the parent with whom he has his home is domiciled.
會員」、「團體經理」及「主管合股人」授權「「生」可接受「馬會」就第11(a)(ii)及11(b)(i)項條文而提供之付款通知,作為彼等對 「馬會」所欠債務之憑證除非相反 證明成立),並會分別自「會員」之「專用卡戶口」、「賽馬團體戶口」及「合股人戶口」支取有 [...]
Each Cardmember, Syndicate Treasurer and Managing Partner authorise Hang Seng to accept any advice of the Club referred to in Clauses 11(a)(ii) and 11(b)(i) as conclusive evidence of their
[...] liabilities to the Club (unless and until the contrary is established) and debit the relevant sums to the [...]
Card Account of the
Cardmember, the Syndicate Account and the Partnership Account respectively without obtaining further proof or records and without prior notice to or consent of the Cardmember, the Syndicate Treasurer or the Managing Partner.
[...] 會人員簽署的,則該文件即可獲接納為證據, 除非相 反 證 明成立,否則亦須視為是由議會發出的 通知或其他文件,並須視為是以其看來的簽署方式簽署的。
A document purporting to be a notice or other document given or issued by the Council and purporting to be signed by an officer of the Council authorized for the
purposes of section 63 is admissible in
[...] evidence and, unless the contrary is proved, [...]
is to be regarded as a notice or other
document given or issued by the Council and signed as purported.
[...] 会核准(而不是根据本组织某个官员的决定),并应采用竞标的方式 除非相 关财 产调查委员会另作决定。
Sales of supplies, equipment or other property declared surplus or unserviceable are subject to the approval of a Property Survey Board (and not to the decision of a
single official within the Organization) and are based on
[...] competitive bidding, unless the relevant Board decides [...]
(i) 如未成年人的父母的居籍是同一國家或地區,而該未
[...] 成年人與父母其中一人同住一家或與父母兩人同住一 家,除非相反證明成立,否則須推定該未成年人與 該國家或地區有最密切聯繫;以及
(i) where the child’s parents are domiciled in the same country or territory and the child has his home
with either or both of them, it shall
[...] be presumed, unless the contrary is proved, [...]
that the child is most closely connected
with that country or territory; and
(3) 法院須對競委會的印章予以司法認知,而任何已蓋上該印章 的文件 — (a) 可接納為證據;及 (b) 除非相反證 明成立,否則須推定為妥為蓋印。
(b) presumed to have been properly sealed unless the contrary is proved.
美國公共衛生協會 (APHA)聲明﹕APHA 決議敦促聯邦、州及地方政府與公共 健康機構,強制暫停設立新的集約畜牧農場(CAF O) , 除非相 關 公 共健康風險的 科學資料已被收集,且其不確定性獲得解決。
Resolves that APHA urge federal, state and local governments and public health agencies to impose a moratorium on new Concentrated Animal Feed Operations (CAFOs) until additional scientific data on the attendant risks to public health have been collected and uncertainties resolved.
(2) 除非相反證 明成立,否則任何成年人身處香港均推定是合法 的。
(2) An adult’s presence in Hong Kong shall be
[...] presumed to be lawful unless the contrary is proved.
(c) 系统地呼吁冲突各方严格遵守适用的国际法,包括禁止全部或部分驱逐 或强迫转移平民或使其流离失所 除非相 关 平民的安全和重大军事理由要求这样 [...]
做;(d) 对违反国际法,袭击医疗设施、运输工具和医护人员或进行其他形式干
(c) To systematically call for strict compliance by parties to conflict with applicable international law, including the prohibition against deportation, forcible transfer or
displacement of the civilian population, in
[...] whole or in part, unless the security of [...]
the civilians concerned or imperative military reasons so demand
第 ( 2 )除 非 相 反 證 明 成 立 , 否 則 根 據 第 ( 1 ) 款 當 作 由 某 人 代 表 某 公 司 開 立 、 承 兌 或 背 書 的 匯 票 或 承 付 票 不 屬 由 該 名 獲 該 公 司 授 權 的 人 簽 立 的 匯 票 或 承 付 票 , 以 免 令 致 該 人 須 要 為 該 匯 票 或 承 付 票 負 上 個 人 法 律 責 任 。
Sub-section (2) A bill of exchange or promissory noted deemed to have been made, accepted or endorsed on behalf of a company under sub-section (1) shall not, unless the contrary is proved, be a bill or note executed by the person acting under the authority of the company so as to render him liable on that bill or note.
分摊比额表 一经大会决定,至少三年内不作总的修改 除非相 对 支 付能力显然 已发生重大变化。
The scale of assessments, when once fixed by the General Assembly, shall not be subject to a general
revision for at least
[...] three years unless it is clear that there have been substantial changes in relative capacity to pay.
修正案中第26A(4)條 其實與第(3)款有些矛盾,當中訂明“如處長
[...] 備存資料紀錄的形式,有別於載有有關資料的文件於交付處長時採用 的形式,或有別於處長製作載有有關資料的文件時該文件採用的形 式,除非相反證明成立”,其實這處用“反證成立”便行,“該紀錄須 推定為反映了該文件於交付或製作時所載的資料”。
Clause 26A(4) in the amendment is somewhat in conflict with subclause (3). It provides that "If the Registrar keeps a record of information in a form that differs from the form in which the document containing the
information was
[...] delivered to, or generated by, the Registrar, the record is presumed, unless the contrary [...]
is proved (the Chinese rendition
該條例第4(2)條規定除非相互法律協助的安排在實際程度上 符合該條例的條文,否則行政長官會同行政會議不得作出命令。
Under section 4(2) of the Ordinance, the
Chief Executive in Council shall not
[...] make the Order unless the arrangements for mutual legal [...]
assistance to which the Order relates
are substantially in conformity with the provisions of the Ordinance.
(3) 如未成年人的父母的居籍是同一國家或地區,而該未成年人
[...] 與父母其中一人同住一家或與父母兩人同住一家, 除非相 反 證 明成立, 否則須推定該未成年人與該國家或地區有最密切聯繫。
territory and the child has his home
with either or both of them, it shall be
[...] presumed, unless the contrary is proved, [...]
that the child is most closely connected
with that country or territory.
公司不打算,也沒有義務更新或修改本文所含的任何前瞻性陳述,以便反映隨後的資訊、事件、情況或其它事項 除非相 關 法 律有此要求。
The Company does not intend, nor does it undertake, any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information or statements contained in this
document to reflect subsequent information, events or
[...] circumstances or otherwise, except as required by applicable laws.
(由1965年第35號第26條增補) (5) 一份看來是由某人或代某人根據本條例提交的報稅表、陳述書或表格 除非相 反 證 明成立,否 則須為所有目的而當作是由該人或由其授權提交的(視屬何情況而定),而簽署該報稅表、陳述 書或表格的人,則須當作知悉該報稅表、陳述書或表格內的所有事宜。
(5) A return, statement, or form purporting to be furnished under this Ordinance by or on behalf of any person shall for all purposes be deemed to have been furnished by that person or by his authority, as the case may be, unless the contrary is proved, and any person signing any such return, statement, or form shall be deemed to be cognizant of all matters therein.
建 議的修訂條文規定除非 相 反 證 明成立,否 則,文 件 如在新訂的第 [...]
23A 條生效前 15 年 內由法 團 簽 立, 即須推定 為 已 妥 為簽立 。
The proposed amendments provide for a presumption of
[...] due execution, unless the contrary is proved, [...]
for documents executed by corporations
within 15 years prior to the coming into effect of the new section 23A.
(4) 如處長備存資料紀錄的形式,有別於載有
[...] 有關資料的文件於交付處長時採用的形 式,或有別於處長製作載有有關資料的文 件時該文件採用的形式,除非相反 證 明 成立,該紀錄須推定為反映了該文件於交 付或製作時所載的資料。
(4) If the Registrar keeps a record of information in a form that differs from the form in which the document containing the
information was delivered to,
[...] or generated by, the Registrar, the record is presumed, unless the contrary [...]
is proved, to represent
the information contained in the document as delivered or generated.
(3) 除非相 對於引致罰款的沒有遵 從 一 事或一 連串沒有遵 從 之 [...]
事而言,罰 款在有關個案的整 體情況下 屬相稱及合理,否則電訊局長不得根據本條施加該項罰 款。
(3) The Authority shall not impose a financial penalty
[...] under this section unless, in all the circumstances [...]
of the case, the financial penalty
is proportionate and reasonable in relation to the failure or series of failures concerned giving rise to that financial penalty.
條例草案原擬 第 5 及 8 條訂明,凡 僱 主 終 止 懷 孕 僱 員 的僱傭合 約 或 僱 主 在僱員 放 取 病 假 期間終 止其僱傭合 約 ,除 非相反證明成立,否則視 僱 主 在沒有充 分 理 由作出 即 時 解 僱的情況下 終 止 該僱員 的僱傭合 約。
Under the original clauses 5 and 8, employers who terminate a contract of a pregnant employee or an employee on paid sick leave shall be deemed to have done so otherwise than in circumstances where summary dismissal is justified, unless the contrary is proved.
(C) 除非相關股 份所附帶的權利或其發行條款另有明確規定,否則賦予 任何股份或任何類別股份持有人的特別權利不得被視為經進一步增設或發行與其享 有同等地位的股份而被修改。
(C) The special rights conferred upon the holders of any shares or class of shares shall not, unless otherwise expressly provided in the rights attaching to or the terms of issue of such shares, be deemed to be altered by the creation or issue of further shares ranking pari passu therewith.
您确认并同意接受服务条款,您不依赖于任何表示 除非相 同 已 在服务条款明确表示,您同意您有没有补救措施方面无任何失实陈述,成为一个长期的服务条款您的协议,在本条款不适用于任何有关欺诈的失实陈述无论是否已成为一个长期的服务条款。
You confirm that, in agreeing to accept the TOS,
[...] you have not relied on any representation save insofar as [...]
the same has expressly been made
a representation in the TOS and you agree that you shall have no remedy in respect of any misrepresentation which has not become a term of the TOS save that your agreement contained in this Clause shall not apply in respect of any fraudulent misrepresentation whether or not such has become a term of the TOS.
除非相关平 民的安全和重大的军事理由所必需,禁止全部或部分地 驱逐或强迫转移平民或使其流离失所。
The prohibition against deportation, forcible transfer or displacement of the civilian population, in whole or in part, unless the security of the civilians concerned or imperative military reasons so demand.
然而除非相关的 社会经济、孕产妇和人口、环境等决定性因素尽快得到妥善解决,否则,以目前的进展,该国可能无法实现在1990至2015年间将五岁以下儿童死亡率降低三分之二的千年发展目标4。
However, at the current pace, the country is unlikely to achieve Millennium Development Goal 4, which aims to reduce under-5 mortality rate by two thirds between 1990 and 2015, unless related socio-economic, maternal and demographic, and environmental determinants are urgently addressed.




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