单词 | 除气 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 除气 noun —outgassing nExamples:除气味 n—deodorization n
除气候变 化之外,还可利用粮食、水和能源安全以及减贫等其他挑战来发展和验 [...] 证可持续发展的新理念。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to climate change, other [...] challenges which will be used to develop and test the new vision for sustainable development [...]may include food, water and energy security, as well as poverty reduction. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,几名成员建议,除气候变 化之外,模式还 可包括环境问题,例如能源资源、水利使用、安全和人类健康。 multilateralfund.org | Several suggested, however, that the [...] model could also include environmental [...] issues other than climate change, such [...]as energy sources, water use, security and human health. multilateralfund.org |
配有氩弧焊焊接(TIG-welded)小法兰的不锈钢波纹管和波纹软管可满足 在 除气 和 洁 净度等方面的高要求。 vacuubrand.com | Stainless steel bellows and corrugated hoses with TIG-welded small flanges meet high [...] requirements in terms of outgassing and cleanliness. vacuubrand.com |
真空阀杆头/适配器有助于消除气窝或截 留 气 量 。 swagelok.com | Vacuum stem [...] tip/adapters help eliminate gas pockets or [...]trapped volumes. swagelok.com |
DFP4000型泡沫除气泵能 确保设备稳定运行,即使在泡沫形成条件复杂且泡沫量不断变化时也不例外。 voith.com | The DFP4000 foam de-aeration pump guarantees [...] stable operation, even with highly varying foaming behavior and changing amounts of foam. voith.com |
联合国系统在执行 2008 年经济及社会理事会实质性会议高级别部分通过的关 于可持续发展方面的国际商定目标和承诺的部长级宣言中的作用”(第 2009/28 [...] 号决议)--要求联合国系统行政首长协调理事会所有成员组织:a) 进一步将可持 续发展议程主流化,促进其政策和方案的连贯性;b) [...] 进一步加强协调和连贯的全 系统方针,以消除气候变 化的不利影响;c) 继续将社会正义关注纳入其有关方案 [...]中,以支持国家可持续发展战略。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The role of the United Nations system in implementing the ministerial declaration on the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to sustainable development adopted at the high-level segment of the substantive session of the Economic and Social Council in 2008” (RES/2009/28) – The member organizations of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination are requested: (a) to further mainstream the sustainable development agenda and to promote coherence among their policies and programmes; (b) to further strengthen a coherent [...] system-wide approach to addressing the [...] adverse impacts of climate change; and (c) [...]to continue integrating social justice concerns [...]in their programmes conducted to support national sustainable development strategies. unesdoc.unesco.org |
采用串联的溶剂除气装置来消除溶解在溶液中的气体以降低信号的不稳定性和噪音。 malvern.com.cn | An in-line solvent degasser is employed to eliminate any dissolved gases in the line [...] so that signal instability and noise are reduced. malvern.ru |
该系统面临的挑战 [...] 是将一组由有限物理观测组成的观测网络扩展到包括生物和化学变量的观测网 络,以支持评估除气候之 外的海洋状态,其中包括碳吸收、酸化、生态系统变化、 生物多样性等。 daccess-ods.un.org | The System faces the challenge of broadening the observation network from a limited set of physical observations to one that embraces biological and [...] chemical variables to underpin [...] assessment of the state of the oceans beyond climate, including, [...]for example, carbon uptake, [...]acidification, ecosystem change and biodiversity. daccess-ods.un.org |
采 用 除 渣 装 置 去 除 富 氧 熔 渣 ,在 钢 包 精 炼 炉 中 [...] 进 行 去 氧 、合 金 化 处理并加热熔态金属,利用真空除气 法 去 除 氢 、 氮和硫元素。 assab-china.com | It is also important to stop the polishing operation immediately after the last scratch [...] from the former grit size has been removed. assab-china.com |
他对世界最贫困人口受到 气候变化影响最大这一点表示遗憾,希望知道如何 进行国际合作,以消除气候变 化对适足住房权的影 响,并加强发展中国家的应对能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | He asked how international cooperation could help to combat the impact of climate change on the right to adequate housing, and particularly in strengthening the adaptive capacities of developing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
当通过泡沫型除气泵后 ,泡沫团中的空气含量可从最高80%降至平均8%。 voith.com | When passing through the DFP, the air content of the foam mass is reduced from up to 80% to an average of 8%. voith.com |
所有SOLIMIDE泡沫等级是本质上地防火,轻量级和不伤环境的与实际上没有offgassi ng 或 除气 作 用。 professionalplastics.com | All of the SOLIMIDE foam grades are inherently fire-resistant, lightweight, and environmentally friendly with [...] virtually no offgassing/outgassing. professionalplastics.com |
阿拉伯国家集团申明,《联合国气候变化框架公约》是 消 除气 候 变 化风险和 根据《公约》规定的原则审议应对气候变化必须采取的措施的主要论坛。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group of Arab States affirms that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the primary forum for addressing climate change risks and considering the measures that must be taken to confront climate change, in accordance with the principles enshrined in the Convention. daccess-ods.un.org |
要在海洋界解决这些问题,必须消 除气 候 变 化可能产生的破坏影响,特别关注发 [...] 展中世界和小岛屿发展中国家。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The need to address these issues in the ocean community is a vital first [...] step in combating the potentially [...] devastating effects of climate change with specific [...]attention to the developing world and SIDS. unesdoc.unesco.org |
国际社会应当在顾及气候变化潜在安全影响的 [...] 情况下继续考虑如何能够最妥善地消 除气 候 变 化已 被观测到的影响和未来的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community should continue to work on [...] how best to overcome the observed and [...] future impacts of climate change, taking [...]into account the potential security implications. daccess-ods.un.org |
这 种情况会使 iTX 锁定在高浓度报警,并且必须通过排 除气 体 危险和关闭仪器再 重新打开的手动操作重新设定。 indsci.com.cn | This condition locks the iTX in high alarm and must be manually reset by clearing the gas hazard and turning the iTX off and on again. www.indsci.com |
吸烟人士:遍布支气管边缘的细胞表面有数以百万计的微小茸毛(纤毛),这些茸毛以海浪的拍打方式 清 除气 道 中 的正常分泌物,但烟草等刺激物令纤毛失去活动能力,因而令分泌物积聚。 hsbc.com.hk | The hairs beat in a wave-like fashion to clear your airways of normal secretions, but irritants such as tobacco smoke paralyze the cilia, causing secretions to accumulate. hsbc.com.hk |
往往由于维护不当,用来去除气体中的水汽的干燥机不会一直按预想的那样去工作。 csinstrument.com | Dryers used to remove moisture from [...] gas, are not always performing as they intend to do, mostly caused by a poor maintenance. csinstrument.com |
他们也用于最小的offgassing或除气作用 是重要的航空航天应用。 professionalplastics.com | They are also used in aerospace applications [...] where minimal offgassing/outgassing is critical. professionalplastics.com |
HUBER+SUHNER 气体放电管保护装置通常提供的没有气体管的型号有时也被称 为 除气 器。 hubersuhner.com | HUBER+SUHNER gas discharge tube protectors are normally delivered without gas tube some times called gas capsule. hubersuhner.com |
进行批次试验是不可能确定示差 (RI) 检测器参比侧的除气溶剂 的大气污染物的成分与样品溶液中的污染物成分完全相同,因为在测量过程中样品溶液仍在不断吸收湿气和空气。 malvern.com.cn | It is impossible with the batch experiment to make sure that the reference side of the RI detector [...] is purged with solvent having the exact [...] composition of atmospheric contaminants [...]as is in the sample solutions, because the [...]sample solutions continually absorb moisture and air during the course of the measurements. malvern.ru |
他们也能够适应要求极高的环境需要 — 避免‘除气’问题的影响,超高真空条件需要整个环境在高达120 [...] oC的条件下进行周期性的‘烘干’。 renishaw.com.cn | They can also cope with the demanding [...] environment - to avoid ‘out-gassing’ problems, the ultra [...]high vacuum conditions require the [...]entire equipment to be periodically ‘baked’ at temperatures of up to 120 oC. renishaw.nl |
若要清除气味, 请使用宠物医生批准的对宠物无害的喷雾产品。 eukanuba.com.cn | To neutralize odors, use a spray [...] product that’s veterinarian-approved as safe to use around pets eukanuba.com.au |
12 除气温升 高和海平面上升 以外,科学家们还预测,降雨情况会变得更易变,干旱更普遍、时间更长。这将 使全世界水土流失更严重,沙漠化加剧。 daccess-ods.un.org | This will exacerbate soil erosion and desertification around the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
为便于带有 Al 2 [...] O3 电流馈送的全金属传感器进行除气, 可 以轻松拆卸发射器外壳及其电子元件和磁铁。 inficonfurnace.com | For degassing of the all-metal sensor [...] with Al 2 O3 current feedthrough, the housing of the transmitter with its electronics [...]and magnet may easily be removed. inficonfurnace.com |
(l) 采取各种措施,通过对海洋进行生态系统管理等手段,确保以可持续的 方式管理海洋生物多样性和生态系统,包括以可持续的方式管理鱼类资源,因为 [...] 这有助于粮食安全、消除饥饿和贫困,同时 消 除气 候 变 化对海洋环境和海洋生物 多样性的不利影响 daccess-ods.un.org | (l) Taking measures to ensure the sustainable management of marine biodiversity and ecosystems, including fish stocks, which contribute to food security and hunger and poverty eradication efforts, including through ecosystem approaches to [...] ocean management, and to address the [...] adverse effects of climate change on the [...]marine environment and marine biodiversity daccess-ods.un.org |
常设论坛敦促各国审查其关于生物燃料工业的政策,这些政策正在以 消 除气 候变 化影响的名义,导致大片森林地区的森林遭到砍伐,土著人民流离失所。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Permanent Forum urges States to review their policies on biofuel [...] industries, which, in the name of remedying [...] the impacts of climate change, are resulting [...]in the deforestation of large forest [...]areas and the displacement of indigenous peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
现在,在洗选厂将进行三步清洁过程:利用静电除尘器、洗衣设施和催化剂, 去 除气 体 中 的粉尘、重金属、氧化物和二氧芑等有毒物质,然后排除干净的空气。 swissworld.org | These gases then undergo a three-stage purification process, [...] whereby electrostatic filters, a wash tower [...] and catalyser remove any dust particles, [...]heavy metals, oxides and dioxins before [...]sending the neutralised air back into the atmosphere. swissworld.org |
由于沸点低,废物中多数汞含量在燃烧过程中蒸发,直接排放入 大 气 , 除非 派出气体被正确控制。 zeromercury.org | Because of its low boiling point, most of the mercury content of the waste [...] evaporates during combustion, and is emitted [...] directly to the atmosphere, unless the exhaust gas is properly [...]controlled. zeromercury.org |
关闭所有流向喷枪的空气,弹膛空 气除 外 , 弹膛空 气可引动喷枪。 graco.com | Turn off all the air to [...] the spray gun except the cylinder air, [...]which triggers the gun. graco.com |