

单词 除此之外


in addition this
apart from this

See also:


except for
not including sth.(when counting or listing)


apart fromadj


other thanadv



External sources (not reviewed)

除此之外月玻利 维亚申请作为正式会员加入南方共同市场,这也会对教科文组织在此次区域的各项行 [...]
In addition, this month Bolivia [...]
has requested to be incorporated as a full member of MERCOSUR, a fact that will also have
direct impact on UNESCO’s actions in the subregion.
除此之外用于子菜单和输入窗口的翻页以及选中可由用户 设置的数位。
They are
[...] alsoused toscroll through the menu subgroups [...]
and input screens and to highlight decimal points which can be set by the user.
除此之外述法律亦对宗教信仰的个人私隐、宗教集会自 [...]
In addition, itprovides for [...]
the privacy of religious beliefs, the freedom of religious assembly, the freedom to hold religious
processions and the freedom of religious education.
除此之外鼓励节约汽油消费,其目的还在 于增加国内汽油存量用以出口,因为,对于液体燃 [...]
Furthermore, theaim isto have [...]
increased gasoline domestic surplus in order to export gasoline, as value per energy unit
traded is far higher (two or three times) for liquid fuels than for natural gas.
除此之外用执行局决定 149 EX/6.5 第 12 [...]
段提出的办法,相关会员国应和秘书处一 道探索签署一项“顶债”协定的可能性。也就是说,凡与 C/5 相关的教科文组织活动和项目 都可以在这些国家里从自己的预算中拿出本地货币来实施,使用这种方法可加速在
35 届全 体大会前减少“旧债”的总额。
Inaddition,the Member States [...]
concerned, together with the Secretariat, should explore the possibility of entering into
“swap” agreements using the modality in 149 EX/Decision 6.5, paragraph 12, whereby UNESCO activities or projects in conformity with the C/5 document would be implemented in their country using local currency from their own budgets thus accelerating the reduction of the entirety of the “old” debt before the 35th session of the General Conference.
除此之外们 还需要充分意识到我们的单独和集体责任,凭借强大 [...]
Beyond that, we need full [...]
awareness of our individual and collective responsibilities, which we can meet through a strong political will.
由于对术语、格 式、连贯一致、审校、期限等问题以及语文工作的其他方面都必须进行讨论和解
[...] 决,质量管理可以很轻松地占用一名高级审校的一半时间,而此除此之外负责其他职能,包括名册管理、上游的质量管理以及对见习员进行监督。
Because issues of terminology, format, consistency, revision, deadlines and other aspects of language work must be discussed and resolved, quality management can easily
occupy up to half of the time of a senior
[...] reviser, who, inaddition,is responsible [...]
for a host of other functions, including
roster management, upstream quality management and supervision of trainees.
14.3合同关系受CISG法律解释(联合国国际货物销售合同公 约)除此之外EGO司所在地法律作为补充。
14.3 The contract is subject to the laws of the United Nations
relating to the international sale of
[...] goods (CISG), in addition to the laws at [...]
the principal place of business of E.G.O.
Exceptforthis,all of the [...]
original clauses and terms remain unchanged.
除此之外些权力包括以任何形式 获取任何文件并有权收到副本;要 求包括管理公司或托管银行在内的 [...]
任何人员提供信息,必要时召唤并质 问相关人员以获取信息;要求停止违 背UCITS指令的任何行为;要求暂时 禁止专业活动及全面撤销对UCITS、
管理公司或托管银行的授权;为了单 元持有人或股东或公众利益,暂停单 元/股份的发行、回购或赎回,并处以 罚款。
These powersinclude, interalia,the access to [...]
any document in any form and the right to receive a copy; to require any
person including management companies or depositaries, to provide information and if necessary to summon and question a person with view to obtaining information; to require the cessation of any practice that is contrary to the UCITS regime; to request temporary prohibition of professional activity as well as full withdrawal of the authorisation granted to the UCITS, management company or a depositary; to impose the suspension of the issue, repurchase or redemption of unit/shares in the interest of unit or shareholders or the public, to impose fines.
除此之外察官有 关对 Félicien Kabuga [...]
的资产采取进一步调查或适当行动的其他要求都没有得到 落实。
Savefor this, noneof the [...]
other requests of the Prosecutor for further investigation or appropriate action against Félicien
Kabuga’s assets has been complied with.
除此之外成维持和平行动工作人员请求的管理评价常常涉及到与特派团 [...]
的决策者和总部后勤人事司质量保证股成员的广泛协商,尤其是在寻求以非正式 方式解决问题的时候。
In addition, the completion [...]
of management evaluations requested from staff members in peacekeeping operations often involves
extensive consultation with decision makers in the missions and with members of the Quality Assurance Unit in the Field Personnel Division at Headquarters, particularly when an informal resolution is explored.
除此之外在与应用这些观念的人多 次讨论之后——我们认为有必要为您指出一些具体 [...]
细节、局限性以及给自然估价的可能性(在最后一 章介绍)。
But in additionandafter many [...]
discussions withpeople applying these concepts – we feel it is important to point you
to some nuts and bolts, to the limitations as well as to the potential of valuing nature (summarised in the last chapter).
他的职业生涯大部份时间都在海外度过(1962年至1970年期间,先后在安哥拉、几内亚及帝汶等地服务;于1974年至1976年,抵澳担任总督),是一位国际性的指挥家(于1987年至1990年间,在北大西洋公约组织(NATO)担任葡萄牙军事顾问代表;于1996年,担任联合国西撒哈拉公民投票特派团(Minurso / ONU)的军事指挥官、高级军事研究学院和国防研究学院院长及陆军副参谋长)除此之外是位高等教育机构人员(分别於高级军事研究学院、里斯本技术大学社会与政治科学高等学院及葡萄牙天主教大学政治学院,担任专家导师)。
His professional life was divided between the ancient colonies (Angola from 1962 to 1964 and from 1970 to 1972, Guinea-Bissau from 1965 to 1967 and Timor from 1968 to 1970, and was Governor of Macau between 1974 and 1979), the command and international roles (Military Counselor of the Portuguese Delegation of NATO between 1987 and 1990, Commanding Officer of Minurso/ONU-1996 Military Component, director of the High Military Studies Institute and of the National Defense Institute, and Vice-Chief of the Army Staff), and the universitary teaching (IAEM and masters degrees from the Superior Institute of Social and Political Sciences, IEP/UCP).
除此之外Setup Factory支持创建一个安装文件包或一个单独的setup.exe文件,生成文件可以运行于任意版本的windows中,包括95到windows [...]
7及其以上版本,且更利于您的发布,比如通过网站下载、CD-ROM, DVD-ROM刻录和局域网。
What's more, Setup Factory [...]
creates a compact, single-file setup.exe that runs on any version of Windows from 95 to windows
7(and above) and is perfect for distribution by web download, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM and LAN.
虽然只要求之前和未 来年份的量化信息,除此之外果国家和牵头执行机构需要,格式将包 [...]
While the quantitative information is required only for previous and future
years, the format will include the
[...] option to submit in addition information regarding [...]
the current year if desired by the
country and lead implementing agency; and
除此之外有为使防洪工作符 合现行洪水安全标准而编入预算的费用。
They are additional tothecosts already [...]
budgeted for bringing the flood defences into compliance with present flood safety standards.
在任董事於董事会出现空缺时仍可继续行事,惟如人数减至低於本章程细则订 定或规定之最低人数,则在任董事可为增加董事人数至最低数目而行事,或召开本 公司股东大会除此之外其他目的。
The continuing Directors may act notwithstanding any vacancy in their body, but if and so long as their number is reduced below the minimum number fixed by or pursuant to these Articles, the continuing Directors or Director may act for the purpose of increasing the number of Directors to that number, or of summoning a general meeting of the Company, but forno other purpose.
除此之外还敦促安 理会及其成员国考虑采用新方法来防止和应对违反 [...]
国际人道主义法和人权法的行为,确保保护平民工 作得到应有的重视。
Beyond that,Ialso urge the [...]
Council and Member States to consider new approaches to preventing and responding to violations
of international humanitarian and human rights law, and to ensure that the protection of civilians receives the attention it demands.
记者受《宣言》第十九条和《公约》第十九条保护,有权通过任何传播媒 介寻求、接受和传递信息和思想除此之外者还受到国际人权法其他条款的 保护,包括生命权、不遭受酷刑和任意逮捕和拘留的权利,以及获得有效补救的 [...]
In addition to articles 19 of the Declaration and of the Covenant, which protect the right of journalists to
seek, receive and impart information and
[...] ideas ofany kind throughanymedium of communication, [...]
journalists are also protected
under other provisions in international human rights law, including the right to life, freedom from torture and arbitrary arrests and detention, and the right to an effective remedy.
最后,他赞赏特别报告员在 2010 年地震后在起草报告时将智利纳入其中,但他认为除此之外可以用政府重建工作方面的其他信息来 补充,并请她到智利实地了解一下当地形势。
Lastly, he appreciated the Special Rapporteur’s inclusion of Chile in drafting her report following the2010 earthquake, but thought that it could be complemented with further information on the Government’s reconstruction efforts and invited her to see the situation in Chile on the ground.
除此之外客户机没有任何移动部件,因此不仅能节省空 间,还能减少机器的发热量并省电。
Combine this withthe fact that thethin clients [...]
have no movingparts and you not only save on space but also cut down on
the heat output from the machines and the power use.
本行的责任是根据审阅之结果,对中期财务资料作出结论,并按 照双方所协定之应聘书条款仅向整体董事会报告除此之外报告别无其他目的。
Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this interim financial information based on our review, and to report ourconclusion solely to you, as a body, in accordance with our agreed terms of engagement, and for no other purpose.
Inaddition to this initiative, [...]
we have also introduced project-driven R&D since 2003 and examples include the use of the
"common W-trap pipe system" in waste water drainage, vertical green panels and green roofs, multi-sensory maps to assist the visually impaired, and the use of micro climatic studies to facilitate sustainable designs.
国民账户体系应能反映在迅速变化的时期,如目前的金融危机之中的“实体” 经济形势除此之外应进一步研究,通过编制社会账户,明确国内生产总值 等对增长的常规计量法与家庭部门之间的关联,以推行对福祉和贫穷的多种计量 法。
Apart from the fact that the SNA should be able
to reflect the “real” economic
[...] situation during periods of rapid change, such as with the [...]
current financial crisis, further
research should advance multiple measures of well-being and poverty through the development of social accounts in order to articulate the link between the conventional measures of growth, such as gross domestic product, to the household sector.
除此之外1999 年世界知识 产权组织成员国会议的决定之后,世界知识产权组织还为来自不同的发展中国家和转型国家(非 [...]
洲,亚洲,拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区,阿拉伯国家各一名,共有 5 名;亚欧一些国家,其中一名 来自中国)参与选定委员会会议的
26 位政府官员提供了赞助。
In addition, following a decision [...]
by the Assemblies of WIPO Member States in 1999, WIPO sponsors the participation of 26
government officials from different developing countries and transition countries (five each from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Arab countries, certain countries in Asia and Europe plus one from China) in meetings of a selected number of committees (dealing with patents, trademarks, copyright and traditional knowledge).
除此之外究所还与土库曼斯坦 各大部委合作,在联合国机构驻土库曼斯坦代表处的促进下在土库曼斯坦境内出 版 18 种汇编,其中包括“关于人权的国际文书”、“土库曼斯坦的人权与司法 [...]
在土库曼斯坦的权利与义务”、“保护个人在土库曼斯坦的权利与自由”等一系 列文件。
The Institute hasalsoissued 18 compilations in cooperation with various ministries [...]
and government departments and United
Nations specialized agencies in Turkmenistan. These include: “International human rights instruments”, “Human rights and the administration of justice in Turkmenistan”, “Women’s rights in Turkmenistan”, “The rights of refugees in Turkmenistan”, “The rights and duties of foreign nationals in Turkmenistan”, and “Protection of individual rights and freedoms in Turkmenistan”.
吾 等 留 意 到 , 於 本 公 告 日 期 , 金 宝 通 集 团 有 限 公 司 (「 本 公 司 」) 之 股 份 成 交 量 上 升 , 并 兹 声 明 , 今 日 本 公 司 主 要 股 东 Little Venice Limited 以 每 股 0.45 港 元 收 购 合 共 22,000,000 本 公 司 之 股 份 ( 相 等 於 本 公 司 已 发 行 股 本 约 2.65 % 及 本 公 司 今 日 股 份 成 交 量 之 99.79 % )除 此 之 外等 并 不 知 悉 该 等 上 升 之 任 何 原 因 。
We have noted the increase in the trading volume of shares of Computime Group Limited (the ‘‘ Company’’ ) as at the date of this announcement and wish to state that we are not aware of any reasons for such increase save as the purchase of a total of 22,000,000 shares of the Company today by Little Venice Limited, a substantial shareholder of the Company, at HK$0.45 per share, which represent approximately 2.65% of the issued share capital of the Company and 99.79% of the Company’strading volume of shares today.




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