单词 | 院试 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 院试 —examination hall used for provincial imperial examinations |
现在,对国际习惯法之形成的兴趣似乎复苏了,有一部分是受到国内 法 院试 图应 对这一问题的激励――这种努力有时候相当具有争议性。 daccess-ods.un.org | There now appears to be a revival of interest in the formation of customary [...] international law, in part stimulated by [...] the attempts, sometimes quite controversial, of domestic courts to grapple with [...]the issue. daccess-ods.un.org |
三个项目的二期工作:“‘初创’国家知识产权 学 院试 点 项 目”、“开发专利信息查 询工具”和“专业化数据库使用和支持”。 wipo.int | A proposed phase two of three projects: [...] "Pilot Project on the Establishment of “Start [...] Up” National Academies", "Developing [...]Tools for Access to Patent Information and [...]"Specialized Databases’ Access and Support". wipo.int |
医管局于2001至2005年 在九龙西联网的葵涌医院试行精 神科专科门诊夜诊服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | HA implemented psychiatric SOPC evening consultation [...] service on a trial basis in Kwai Chung Hospital in the Kowloon [...]West Cluster from 2001 to 2005. daccess-ods.un.org |
小和田恒先生( 国际法院院长) 说法院试图根 据它的判例的演变,以及《海洋 法公约》第七十四和八十三条,确定一个海洋划界的方法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Judge Owada (President of the International Court of Justice) said [...] that the Court had tried to develop an approach [...]to maritime delimitation [...]based on its evolving jurisprudence and on articles 74 and 83 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. daccess-ods.un.org |
11.10 非人事资源的拟议增长主要与“建立‘初创’国家知识产权 学 院试 点 项目”最终的第二阶 段有关,该项目有待评价第一阶段和 [...] CDIP 批准第二阶段。 wipo.int | 11.10. The proposed increases under non-personnel resources are mainly linked to the eventual Phase 2 of the “Pilot [...] Project on the Establishment of [...] “Start-up” National Academies”, subject to evaluation [...]of Phase 1 and subject to CDIP approval of Phase 2. wipo.int |
小组委员会了解到,宪法法院曾试 图通 过提供酷刑的广泛定义而填补这一空白。 daccess-ods.un.org | The SPT understands that the [...] Constitutional Court has attempted to bridge this [...]gap by providing a broad definition of torture. daccess-ods.un.org |
非洲地区信息社会网(RINAF)6 [...] 的联络点会议于 2003 年 12 月在喀土穆举行,会 上介绍了有关网络竞争(科特迪瓦、尼日尔、莫桑比克、苏丹)、信息与传播技术支持 [...] 下的远程教育、低成本个人电脑和开放源软件等试点项目,以及莫桑比克、南非和苏丹 的虚拟多媒体学院试点项目。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The meeting of focal points for the Regional Information Society Network for Africa (RINAF)6 took place in Khartoum, in December 2003 presenting pilot projects on Web competition (Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Mozambique, Sudan), distance education with ICT support, low cost PC [...] and open source software as well as the [...] Virtual Multimedia Academy pilot project in Mozambique, [...]South Africa and Sudan. unesdoc.unesco.org |
确定单方面宣布独立者时以其臆想中的意图为依据也很有问题,因为这就预 先确定了法院试图做 出的解答:毫无疑问,宣布独立者希望被视作合法的、民主 [...] 选举产生的新独立的科索沃领导人,但其主观意图并未使之成真。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also question-begging to identify the authors of the unilateral declaration of independence on the basis of their [...] perceived intent, for it predetermines the [...] very answer the Court is trying to develop: there [...]can be no question that the authors [...]wish to be perceived as the legitimate, democratically elected leaders of the newly-independent Kosovo, but their subjective intent does not make it so. daccess-ods.un.org |
在取得成绩的同时,我们应该认识到自身的不足,例如在两年来的办学实践中,我 [...] 们大部分是本着拿来主义的思想,借鉴计算机专业的基础课程,借鉴企业的高端技术课 [...] 程,借鉴国外的先进课程,然后加工形成 我 院试 验 性的课程体系,在前期的教学过程中 [...]还存在一些不规范运作;再如,目前同企业的合作还处于谋求收益的阶段,企业的目的 是为了招收一些优秀学生实习,并未意识到其潜在利益,如果企业长时间不能意识到这 [...] 种潜在利益,我们的校企合作就只能停留在面上。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For example, [...] during the past two years, we basically [...]just use basic courses in computing, high-tech training program of [...]enterprises and advanced foreign teaching program as reference, as a result, the teaching operated in earlier stage was not very normal. unesdoc.unesco.org |
其中包 [...] 括旨在减少公共保健服务和学校方面现存差距的一系列改革,包括改善基层保健 服务,支持建立综合医疗制度、全国基本保健制度以及 医 院试 点 改 革。 daccess-ods.un.org | These consist of a series of reforms to reduce disparities in public health services and schools, including improving grass-roots health-care services, [...] supporting the establishment of a comprehensive medical system, a national essential medical [...] system, and a pilot hospital reform. daccess-ods.un.org |
在有关北海海洋划界的 一案中,国际法院试图将 来自它先前判例及有关的国际仲裁判决的许多不同因素 [...] 以明确和易懂的方式加以综合,而又不背离海洋法演变的总趋势。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the case concerning Maritime Delimitation in the [...] Black Sea, the Court had tried to bring together [...]in a clearly intelligible manner the [...]various points articulated by its jurisprudence and the relevant international arbitral awards without departing from the general trend in the development of the law of the sea. daccess-ods.un.org |
柬埔寨报告,司法部为四个示范法院制订了标准、准则和战略以及一 项行动计划,正在进行多方面的法院登记,以便在四个示范 法 院 开 展 试 点工 作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cambodia reported that the Ministry of Justice had prepared standards, criteria and strategies for four model courts and [...] an action plan, and [...] that various court registries were under development in order to pilot and put the four model courts into operation. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会还对这类学校的毕业生没有资格参加日本大学及 学 院 的 入学 考 试 表示 关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also concerned that graduates from these schools may not be eligible for entrance [...] examinations to universities and colleges in Japan. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过一系列的培训,TA提供的水力学 院 使 得 安装、 调 试 和 维 护更加简单。 tahydronics.com | Technical education was offered through a series of training sessions to [...] make installation, commissioning and maintenance procedures easier. tahydronics.com |
为了找出过敏原,你可以在医院通过 皮 试 、 验血等方式确定究竟是哪种物质引起了过敏反应。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | To pinpoint the cause, you can [...] undergo a skin test or blood test at our hospital to determine which [...]substances trigger your reaction. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
20 名法官已通过国家法官学院的考试招 聘,并在法国接受了培训, 在那里他们接受了理论培训,并在不同的法院进行了实习,然后获得了毕业证书 并已返回海地。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some 20 judges were recruited by competitive examination to the Legal Service Training College and were trained [...] in France, where [...]they received theoretical training and completed placements at various courts before receiving their diplomas and returning to Haiti. daccess-ods.un.org |
iStudy:酶是一种生物酶生物学研究工具,旨在帮助您为医 学 院 入 学 考 试 考 试 研 究。 cn.moba-app.com | iStudy: Enzyme Biology is an enzyme biology study tool designed to help you study for the MCAT exam...iStudy: Enzyme Biology offers the following:. moba-app.com |
集合Ⅱ型高压并联电容器获国家重大技术装备成果一等奖;电气化铁道专用高压集合Ⅱ型并联电容器被评为国家级产品; 2006年开发的1000kV电容式电压互感器顺利通过武汉高压研 究 院 的 型 式 试 验 ,并在武汉特高压试验基地一次投运成功;公司新产品Univar电容器成套装置获得成功推广,并被广泛应用。 nissin-wuxi.com | Shunt capacitor type Ⅱ wins the first prize of country significant technical equipment achievement, the electrical railway specialized capacitor get the national product reward; In 2006 the company developed 1000kV CVT smoothly then through the Wuhan High [...] Voltage Research Institute [...] of the Type Test, and ran well without any problems in the Wuhan test base; Univar [...]is a kind of new product [...]the company make, this capacitor obtains the successful promotion and widely used. nissin-wuxi.com |
在TNR工作的实施中,如果在一家合作医院中发生的绝育数量相对较大,即便已经享受 到医院提供的优惠价格,依然可以尝 试 向 医 院 争 取 更多的优惠。 animalsasia.org | In the implementation of the TNR work, if the [...] neutering number is [...] larger in a partner hospital, even with the preferential [...]price provided by the hospital, we may still ask for more benefits. animalsasia.org |
为提高法律专业人员的可得性,国家政府提供奖学金鼓励人们到国外进法 学院学习法律,或者通过密克罗尼西亚 学 院 提 供 的 试 验 律 师课程学习法律,该课 程是为那些对法律有兴趣但没有机会进入法学院学习的学生开设的。 daccess-ods.un.org | To promote availability of more legal professionals, the National Government encourages people, with scholarship assistance, to pursue study of law either in [...] law schools abroad or [...] through in a trial counselor program offered in the College of Micronesia–FSM [...]which caters to the [...]needs of those interested students in law but who do not have opportunities to enroll in any law school. daccess-ods.un.org |
瑞士拥有卓著的科学声誉、严格的标准 和众多可进行临床试验的著名医院, 因 此瑞士的注册药品享誉国 际。 gza.ch | Swiss registration enjoys high-level international standing, thanks to the [...] country’s exceptional scientific reputation, its strict criteria and the [...] large number of renowned clinical-testing hospitals. gza.ch |
在与香港玛丽医院(该技术临床试验 选 定机构之一)的团队医生和护士进行交流后, WILDDESIGN被允许进行用户调研,了解医护人员每天的任务和日常工作,以助于我们为产品设计和用户界面确定标准。 wilddesign.cn | Focus groups and interviews with nurses and doctors at the Queen Mary Hospital in Hong Kong (one [...] of the selected institutions [...]for the clinical trials of the technology) allowed WILDDESIGN to conduct market research, identifying daily challenges and routines for health care workers. wilddesign.cn |
在2009年秋天,位于成都的中国测试技 术研 究 院 ( N I MT T)接收了一套自由场互易校准系统。 bksv.cn | The Chinese National Institute [...] of Measurement and Testing Technology (NIMTT) [...]in Chengdu took delivery of a Primary Free-field [...]Reciprocity Calibration System in the Autumn of 2009. bksv.ru |
2010年8月11日,北京 – 世界领先的移动电视芯片供应商思亚诺 (www.siano-ms.com) [...] 今日发布了最新产品,为中国移动的移动广播业务管理系统(MBBMS)设计的软件协议栈,此协议栈顺利通过中国移动研 究 院 — — CMRI的 测 试 并 得 到了认证。 siano-ms.com | Beijing, August 11th, 2010 – Leading mobile TV chip maker Siano Mobile Silicon (www.siano-ms.com) announced today that its recently launched product, a software protocol stack for China Mobile’s Mobile Broadcasting Business [...] Management System (MBBMS), has successfully passed China Mobile [...] Research Institute – CMRI tests and is now fully certified. siano-ms.com |
2001年,他离开马大医院,开设了自己的私人诊所,并且在2002年至2009年期间,被委任为吉隆坡班台 医 院 ( P a nt ai Hospital Kuala Lumpur)试管婴儿医疗部门的临床主任。 klfertility.com | In 2001 he left [...] University Hospital to set up private practice and was appointed Clinical Director of IVF services at Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur [...]from 2002-2009. klfertility.com |
开发计划署表示,在 10 家区域医院中作为试行项 目开展了这一项目部分,在这些医院里,改造过的设备包括 8 台冰箱(用于储存药品和疫 [...] 苗)和 2 个冷冻室。 multilateralfund.org | UNDP indicated that this project component had been [...] carried out as a pilot project for 10 regional hospitals, where the equipment [...]converted included [...]8 refrigerators (used to store medicine and vaccines) and 2 cold rooms. multilateralfund.org |
C 的温度范围内进行了测试。进行稳定性测试的江苏省产品 质量监督检验研究院发现,所测试的 多元醇大多稳定性良好,且能与环戊烷良好兼容。 multilateralfund.org | The Jiangsu Research Institute of Product Quality Supervision and Inspection that carried out the stability tests found that the majority of the polyols tested have good stability and good compatibility with cyclopentane. multilateralfund.org |
上海新拓分析仪器科技有限公司已通过ISO9001:2008国际质量管理体系认证,于2009年全部产品通过CE认证,其产品更是通过了国家海洋仪器产品质量监督检验中心、上海市计量 测 试 技 术研 究 院 、 华 东国家计量 测 试 中 心 、中国上海计量测试中心等部门的检测,是上海市科委认定的《上海市高新技术企业》。 sh-xintuo.com | Xintuo has qualified for ISO 9001:2008 Standard. All of the products have got CE certificate and were tested by National Quality Control Center of Oceanic Instruments, Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, East China Center of Measurement and Testing Technology and Shanghai Institute of Measurement. sh-xintuo.com |
关于上海仁爱医院:上海仁爱医院通过“国际ISO9001-2000质量认证体系”,荣获“中国诚信医院”、“精神文明单位”等称号,还与美国麻省理工医疗界建立了远程医疗会 诊 试 点 医 院 、 与美国国际人民交流协...... ridanchina.com | Shanghai Renai Hospital:Shanghai Renai Hospital by "international ISO9001-2000 quality certification system", won the "China good faith hospital", "spiritual civilization unit" and so on, and also United States [...] medical community at MIT established a [...] telemedicine pilot hospitals, and the United [...]States Association for international exchange of people ... ... ridanchina.com |