

单词 院系的

See also:

院系 adj

factorial adj

系的 n

international school n

External sources (not reviewed)

高等教育部执行了该次会议通过的关 于对在相院系的课程 中纳入有关儿童权利信息的情况进行审视的建议。
It carried out the recommendations adopted
at the conference on reviewing the
[...] curricula of relevant faculty departments to [...]
incorporate information on children’s rights.
这些项目的实施都是 在研究生院和本院系的合作 下完成的。
This project is a collaborative effort across the graduate and undergraduate schools.
与外国合作伙伴合院系的做法 已推广到包括精修外语在内。
The practice of
[...] establishing joint faculties and departments [...]
with foreign partners is being extended to include the advanced study of foreign languages.
International humanitarian law is an
[...] optional course at faculties of law.
这是很好的开始,因为不院系的学 生得以进一步互动交流,”他说。
This is a good development as it means that there is interaction with the
[...] students of different faculties," he said.
为了解决这个问题, 他们通过调院系的规模 来使之与可提供的助研助教职位 相当。
They addressed the problem by adjusting the size of graduate departments to match the number of assistantships available.
为了加强作为和扩大视野,非洲文化与国际谅解研究所(IACIU)考虑与那些业已确定 的国家层面机构开展横向和优势互补的合作,这些机构主要是:设在 Osogbo 的黑人文化与
国际谅解中心(CBCIU);设在拉各斯的黑人艺术和非洲文化中心(CBAAC),1997 年非
[...] 洲艺术和文化节(FESTAC)陈列馆;设在伊费岛 Obafemi Awolowo 大学的文化问题研究 所;Ibadan 大学的非洲问题研究所;Osun 州大学;Ota 非洲领导人论坛以及设有文化研院 系的一些大学。
In order to enhance its mission and vision, the Institute for African Culture and International Understanding (IACIU) envisages to hold horizontal and complementary cooperation with institutions already identified at the national level: these institutions include, among others, the Centre for Black Culture and International Understanding (CBCIU) based in Osogbo, the Centre for Black and African Arts and Civilisation (CBAAC), a repository of 1997 Festival of African Arts and Culture (FESTAC), based in Lagos, the Institute of Cultural Studies at Obafemi Awolowo University in ILE-IFE, the Institute of African Studies at Ibadan
University, the Osun State
[...] University, the African Leadership Forum in Ota as well as Universities with relevant departments on culture [...]
因此, 学生的适应能力和工作能力都要比其 院系的 学 生 高出一筹。
Therefore, their adaptive and working abilities are much higher than those of students only studying in classrooms in other schools.
与此同时,天主教哲学和神学提出由来自我们自 院系的 知 识 ,我们的精神和道德观念的特点主要是指神的想法。
At the same time, Catholic philosophy and theology set forth the idea of God
by means of concepts derived chiefly from the
[...] knowledge of our own faculties, and our mental [...]
and moral characteristics.
相关学科(国际水法律研究所,法律、地理、生命科学、工程学 院系的系 主任 和领导会面。
In all cases there was clear support for the creation of the IHP-HELP Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science at the University of Dundee under the auspices of UNESCO.
清 华控股有限公司是经国务院批准,清华大学出资设立的国有独资有限责任公司,20 多年 来,清华大学累计投资 2.34 亿元,公司累计给校院、系)的现 金 回报达 8.49 亿元, 是原始投资的 3.6 倍,为清华大学的教学和科研发展提供了财务支持。
In return, the company has turned in 849 million RMB in cash to the university as well as its schools and departments, 3.6 times of the original investment.
2007年,拥有多媒体超级走廊地位的 (MSC-Status)世纪技术学院 (SEGiTech)和资讯科院系的合并 ,进一步的提高世纪的声誉,也标志着不仅在商业课程上提供高素质的教育,更是资讯科技、电脑与多媒体教育上的首选。
The merger of SEGi College of Technology (SEGiTech), an MSC-Status institution, with the Faculty of [...]
Information Technology at the
start of 2007 has further strengthened SEGi’s reputation not only for its business programmes but also as the preferred college for further education in the disciplines of IT, computing and multimedia.
個別 大 學 正 在 計 劃 整 合 , 甚 至 殺系, 大
學 越 來 越 商業化 和 功 利 , 越 來 越 經濟掛帥, 大 學 工 作的重點 不 在 學
[...] 術 , 而 在 籌 募 經 費院系的 存 亡 不 在 質 素,而 在 [...]
收 生 數 目 ;教授的 精力不 在 教 書,而 在 職 業保障 。
For universities, the focus of their work is not
on academic pursuits but raising funds;
[...] the survival of faculties and departments [...]
does not depend on quality but on student
intake; the energy of professors are expended not on teaching but on job security.
考虑到教科文组织的一项关于加沙大学中远程学习能力的评估报告的结论,在 2010 年 8
[...] 月与伊斯兰开发银行签订协议后,教科文组织开始实施“针对受战争影 响的大学科院系的加沙 应急教育支助项目”。
Taking into account the findings of a UNESCO assessment report regarding e-learning capacity in universities in Gaza, and following the agreement signed in August 2010 with the Islamic Development Bank, UNESCO began
implementing the “Gaza Emergency Education
[...] Support Project to Faculties of Sciences at [...]
Universities Affected by the War”.
15.35 除上文第15.31段所提及的院校外,本地大專院校均設有與 藝術和文化有關的課程,為香港培育藝術人才;而提供教師培訓學院 或系的院校,亦開辦與藝術教育相關的深造文憑和深造學位課程, 以發展學校在藝術教育方面的專業能力。
15.35 In addition, besides the institutions mentioned in paragraph 15.31 above, our local tertiary institutions are providing a number of arts and culture-related programmes to nurture arts development expertise for the city, while institutions with teaching training faculties or departments are offering post-graduate diploma and post-graduate degrees related to arts education to develop the professional capacity of arts education in schools.
我们认为,秘书长 索马里近海海盗行径所涉法律问题特别顾问杰克·兰
[...] 先生在其最近报告(S/2011/30,附件)中提出的想法 是有道理的,包括建立索马里院系 统 的 建 议 ,包含 一个邦特兰特别法庭、一个索马里兰特别法庭和该国 境外的一个域外索马里特别法庭。
We find reasonable the ideas put forward by Mr. Jack Lang, the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Legal Issues related to Piracy off the Coast of Somalia, in his recent report (S/2011/30, annex),
including the proposal
[...] to establish a system of Somalia courts comprising a specialized court in Puntland, [...]
a specialized court
in Somaliland and a specialized extraterritorial Somali court outside the country.
请与感兴的院系或教 师协商,在选择好了讲座题目和在本校或邻校安排好两次讲座之后, 请最大范围地向相关院系通知该讲座的安排。
In consultation with interested faculty members, and after [...]
choosing among the Lecture Topics and arranging for two lectures
on or in the vicinity of your campus, please be sure to announce the event among the appropriate departments or the university at-large.
早自2010年以来,吉隆坡世纪学院护理 系院的 学 生就已经开始积极参与这项活动。
The students from the Nursing Faculty of SEGi College Kuala Lumpur have actively participated in this event since 2010.
Audyssey动态均衡器可在任意音量水平下保持低音和环绕声,也是众多一流家庭 院系 统 的 标 准 配置。
Audyssey Dynamic EQ preserves bass and surround sound at every volume level and is a standard
[...] feature in many premier home theater systems.
. 67 本章將為您提供多媒體播放器的概況,說明其主要功能及元件,並提供您設定簡易家庭院 系統所需的其他資訊。
. 67 This chapter provides an overview of your media player,
describes its main features and components, and lists the other things
[...] you need to set up a simple home theater system.
他们包括设有多院系和课程的大学以及专业性机 构,包括医学、公共卫生、艺术、工程、科学和商学等方面的专业机构。
They include universities
[...] with a variety of faculties and courses, as well [...]
as institutions with a specific focus, including
medicine, public health, art, engineering, science and business.
目前,全国有30 所大学法院系 开设专门的人权 法课程,20 多所高校和科研机构设立人权研究中心。
Currently, 30 university law schools and departments are offering specialized courses in human-rights law, and human-rights research centres have been set up in 20 colleges and research institutions.
汲取 Bowers & Wilkins 先进技术之精华,定制院系列可 让您在自 的 家 中 尽情享受逼 的 私 人 影院体验。
Drawing on Bowers & Wilkins advanced technologies, the Custom Theatre ranges provide the authentic private cinema experience in your own home.
繼 1990 年透過成立 醫管局對公營院系統進 行改革,醫療服 的 一 些 具體範疇在質素和效益方 面均有所改進,令香港得益不少。
As a result of the
[...] 1990 reform of the public hospitals system through the establishment [...]
of the HA, Hong Kong has benefitted
from improvements in certain aspects of quality and productive efficiency in specific areas.
小组还强调国际刑事院系统通过的 扩 展 性赔偿办法,旨在以个案起诉作出 赔偿裁决为手段,通过受害者信托基金,尽可能广泛地向受影响的人和社区群体 提供赔偿。
The panel also highlighted the expansive approach to reparations adopted by the International Criminal Court system, which aims to [...]
provide reparations to
as wide a group of affected people and communities as possible, both by means of the awards of reparations in individual prosecutions and through the Trust Fund for Victims.
如果迟迟未决,不能及时辞掉内定录用,则可能给其他学生 的录用造成影响,也对今后同校 院系 其 他学 生 的 就 业造成负面影响。
If you delay your declining of job offers, you not only impact the range of possible employment of other students, but you may also adversely impact the hiring of international students that come after you.
而这已在犹太法典组成行使同院系 也 有 必要为 的 研 究 ;犹太法典,因此有一个在犹太人民,然后将其向其他部门的知识导向的智力权力极其刺激的影响。
The same faculties which had been exercised in the composition [...]
of the Talmud were requisite also for the study of it; the
Talmud therefore had an exceedingly stimulating influence upon the intellectual powers of the Jewish people, which were then directed toward other departments of knowledge.
多年以来,根据行动计划,加中两国开展了许多合作项目和活动,包括:在2009年H1N1流感大流行期间的合作;传染病的监测与控制的合作和实验室建设;新发传染病和慢性疾病预防与控制研讨会/讲习班;就药品和医疗产品,食品和消费品安全举行的高层会谈和讲习班;卫生方面人力资源的交流和培训;卫生政策评估项目;联合卫生科研经费、项目和奖学金;以及在卫生系统、公共卫生、健康促进、慢性病预防与控制、实验室建设、 院系 统 和管理等方面进 的 专 业交流和研讨会。
Numerous collaborative projects and activities have been conducted over the years under the Plans of Action, including: cooperation during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic; cooperation in infectious disease surveillance, control; laboratories; seminars/workshops on emerging infectious disease and chronic disease prevention and control; high level meetings and workshops on drugs and medical products, food, and consumer product safety; health human resource exchanges and trainings; a project on health policy evaluation; joint health research funding, projects and scholarships; and
professional exchanges
[...] and workshops in health systems, public health, health promotion, chronic disease prevention and control, laboratories, hospital system and management.
业已建立的独立司法委员会正在执行其授权,将 与不法行为有牵的人员移交给国家 院系 统 , 以便 能够采取必的法律措施,同时在庭审各阶段保护被 告和受害者的所有权利。
The Independent Judicial Commission that has been established is fulfilling its mandate by
referring anyone
[...] implicated in an illegal act to the national court system, so that the necessary legal measures can [...]
be taken while preserving
all the rights of the accused and the victims at the various stages of court proceedings.
第 20(1)(a)条不仅提及“个人诉讼”,而且也提及“个人程序”,以便除了债
[...] 权人在法院对债务人或其资产提起的“诉讼”以外,也包括债权人在 院系统 以外提的强制 执行措施,一些国家在某些情况下允许债权人采取这些措施。
Article 20(1)(a) refers not only to “individual actions” but also to “individual proceedings” in order to cover, in addition to “actions”
instituted by creditors in a court against the debtor or its assets, enforcement measures initiated by
[...] creditors outside the court system, measures that creditors [...]
are allowed
to take under certain conditions in some States.




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