单词 | 陡坡 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 陡坡noun—steep slopenless common: sluicen 陡坡—steep incline water chute See also:陡—precipitous unexpectedly abrubtly 坡—sloping slanted 陡adv—suddenlyadv
关岛因在陡坡上修筑主要道路,引起土壤侵蚀, 所造成的沉积导致了岸礁珊瑚群的死亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Guam, major [...] roadbuilding on steep slopes has causederosion [...]and the resulting sedimentation has killed coral colonies on fringing reefs. daccess-ods.un.org |
在中国 四川,有关政策已开始由在陡坡种植果树转变为种 植天然林,因为天然植被更为密集,因此可更加有 效地防止滑坡(Stolton [...] 等,2008b)。 teebweb.org | In China, policies in Sichuan are starting to shift from [...] planting fruit trees onsteep slopes to plantingnatural [...]forests because natural vegetation [...]tends to be denser and therefore more effective in landslide prevention (Stolton et al. 2008b). teebweb.org |
他们避免了在陡坡和岩石露头clifs生活的食肉动物。 zh.northrup.org | They avoid [...] predators bylivingonsteep clifs and rocky [...]outcrops. northrup.org |
新的托盘流动系统采用更陡坡度设计,以更好地利用重力使托盘顺畅地流动到分拣站。 interroll.com | The new pallet flow system is [...] designed with asteeper slopetogive gravity a [...]better opportunity to let the pallets flow [...]freely down to the picking station. interroll.com |
在山岭和陡坡建议综合考虑回头曲线的长度、半径和坡度。 treaties.un.org | It isrecommended that the combination of distance, radius and gradient of hairpin bends in the mountainous and steep terrain be considered. treaties.un.org |
有关选择方案包括:维护或恢复湿地吸收洪水的能 [...] 力;修复江河流域的涝原;(通过立法、购买、奖励 措施或协议)保护或修复陡坡的森林;保护;妥善管 理或修复(如必要)自然海岸防御系统,包括海滨沼 [...]泽、珊瑚礁及红树林;针对水土流失和沙漠化的植物 保护。 teebweb.org | Options include: maintaining or restoring wetlands capable of absorbing floods; restoration of flood [...] plains on rivers; protection or [...] restoration of forestsonsteep slopes (through legislation, [...]purchase, incentives or agreement); [...]protection; good management or if necessary, restoration of natural coastal defences including coastal marshes, coral reefs and mangroves; protective planting against soil erosion and desertification. teebweb.org |
岩石裂缝,在灌木,陡坡,潮湿的草甸,桦树杜鹃花森林,河床中间; 3600-4700米西藏,云南 [...] [不丹,锡金 ]. flora.ac.cn | Rock crevices, among shrubs, steepslopes,moist meadows, [...] Betula-Rhododendron forests, streambeds; 3600-4700 m. Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, Sikkim]. flora.ac.cn |
物种丰富的混合常绿和落叶林地,通常在狭窄山谷的陡坡和在排水良好的棕钙土的河边;600-1200米。 flora.ac.cn | Species-rich mixed evergreen and deciduous [...] woodlands, often on steepsidesof narrow valleys [...]and along rivers on well-drained [...]brown soils; 600-1200 m. S Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang. flora.ac.cn |
陡坡缓降控制系统(HDC) – 该系统使用防锁死制动系统,自动将下坡速度控制至安全范围。 landrover.com | Hill Descent Control (HDC) – automatically [...] restricts your downhillspeed to a safe [...]limit, using the anti-lock braking system. landrover.com |
本公司的销售•市场部的高级副总裁Matt [...] Lugar在介绍该项目时说,“此次项目的成功,再一次证明了我们公司在陡坡等条件下也能设计、安装复杂的光伏发电系统的知识与技术。 itochu.co.jp | The Jordan Winery solar project is another example of Stellar Energy's expertise in designing and [...] installing complex, groundmounted solar [...] installations on steep hillsides," saysMatt Lugar, [...]Senior VP of Sales and Marketing at Stellar Energy. itochu.co.jp |
数百年来,通过保留陡坡的植被控制滑坡、雪崩和岩石崩落一直作为一个实用 的管理对策为人们所用(Rice,1977 [...] 年)。 teebweb.org | The retention [...] of vegetation onsteep slopes to control landslides, [...]avalanches and rock falls has been used as a practical [...]management response for hundreds of years (Rice 1977). teebweb.org |
美国旧金山以陡坡着称,也因此让这座城市与众不同,全市山丘超过50座,尽管在山顶视界良好,徒步上下却很痛苦。 thisbigcity.net | There are over 50 hills within the city and while they provide some great views once you’re at the top, they can also be a real pain to walk up! thisbigcity.net |
改 善 后 的 栖 息 地 不 仅 能 减少陡 坡上的地 表 径 流 和 土 壤 侵 蚀 [...] , 对 当 地 的 野 生 动 物 也 大 有 好 处,最重要的是,每公顷面积还能供养更多的家畜(FAO,2006 年)。 teebweb.org | This improved habitat reduces surface runoff [...] and soilerosion on steep slopes, benefits local wildlife [...]and, crucially, is also able [...]to support a much higher density of cattle per hectare (FAO 2006). teebweb.org |
一个人的一生中至少要来访一次摩纳哥,这位于阿尔卑斯山崎岖的岩石陡坡和天鹅绒般蓝色的地中海之间的传奇之地是一个梦想也是现实。 luxe-immo.com | This legendary spot between the [...] rugged,rocky slopes oftheAlps and [...]the velvety blue of the Mediterranean is both a dream and a reality. luxe-immo.com |
无论是在层层积雪、坚硬砂砾、滔天洪水、炎热沙漠、惊险山路或倾斜度达到100%的陡坡上行驶,Unimog U 4000/U 5000均畅通无阻。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Whether you have to tackle deep snow-covered roads or hard [...] gravel tracks, floodwaters or hot desert [...] sand, dizzyingly steep downhillstretchesor climb [...]gradients of up to 100 %: that’s [...]what the Unimog U 4000/U 5000 is all about. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
在上周末405号州际公路关闭期间,市政府举办了各种活动,例如单车与飞机赛跑(竟然赢了)、洛杉矶民众步行日(很愉快)等,然而令人失望的是,在西洛城与凡杜拉大道之的高速公路上,却不见任何行人活动,单车骑士不准到陡坡骑车,也无法在此想像或许有朝一日,单车或许能超越汽车的地位,成为道路上的主流;在这10英里路面上,民众亦不得举办封街派对、野餐、足球或腰旗橄榄球等比赛,任何无关车辆的活动一律禁止(不过还是有一群人成功闯入,违法举办晚餐派对,洛城警察虽不以幽默感着称,但看到长10英里的烤肉人群,相信也能会心一笑)。 thisbigcity.net | Of all the novel activities during last weekend’s Interstate 405 closure —bikes racing planes (and winning), Angelinos walking (and enjoying it)— there was none more disappointing than the lack of pedestrian activity on the barren stretches of highway between West LA and Ventura Boulevard. thisbigcity.net |
在陡坡上的距骨; 2000-3500米台湾中部。 flora.ac.cn | Talus on steepslopes; 2000-3500 m. C Taiwan. flora.ac.cn |
中国政府已确定,在陡坡毁林开荒是导致这 些灾难的直接原因。 teebweb.org | China’s government determined that [...] deforestation andfarming on steep slopescaused thesetragic events. teebweb.org |
附加的坡度释放控制功能(GRC),在车辆驶下陡坡时,帮助驾驶者加大对车辆的操控性。 landrover.com | Gradient Release Control (GRC) is an additional function that further [...] improves control over difficult descents. landrover.com |
各种特殊规格能够应用于输送高温,油质物料以及陡坡输送。 contitech.cn | In addition to a range for normal bulk goods, various special types are available for conveying hot goods, for the [...] transport of goods containing [...] oil and grease, forsteep-incline conveying and [...]with special reinforcing materials for particular applications. contitech.cn |
该新型器件,如陡坡晶体管,从该项目得名,发展可以提供一个更加突然之间的过渡和关闭状态时的金属氧化物半导体场电流限制比较60mV/decade效应晶体管(MOSFET)在室温下。 technologeeko.com | The development of novel [...] devices,suchasthe steep slope transistors, from which [...]the project gets its name, can provide [...]a much more abrupt transition between the off and on states when compared with the current 60mV/decade limit of metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) at room temperature. technologeeko.com |
旧金山是座很棒的城市,有些街道极具特色,还有许多值得步行游逛市区的理由,尽管陡坡对某些人确是一大问题,在其他人眼中却是运动燃烧卡路里的好方法 thisbigcity.net | And while the steeper hills may be a [...] problem for some, for others they just provide a more efficient way to burn calories! thisbigcity.net |
作为一位抓住瞬间的老手,他快乐地玩着自由式滑雪,当他从世界上最危险、最壮美的悬崖上俯冲而下时,便完全融入了大自然的威严与力量之中;他是一位生活艺术的大师,对他热爱的山脉、积雪、雪道陡坡以及自由式滑雪所包含的禅理充满激情。 swatch.com | A master of the art of living, Sverre is passionate about the mountains he loves, about the [...] snow pack, the steep slopes, and the zen of [...]freeskiing. swatch.com |
例如,危地马拉大部分最肥沃的土地属于巨大种植园所有,而留给大多 [...] 数小农户和土着人耕作的是危地马拉山区陡峭的斜坡(见E/CN.4/2006/44/ Add .1)。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, most of the fertile lands of central Guatemala are part of huge plantations, while the majority of smallholder [...] farmers and indigenous people are left [...] to cultivate thesteep slopesof Guatemala’s [...]mountainous regions (see E/CN.4/2006/44/Add.1). daccess-ods.un.org |
石灰石山坡,陡崖,冰的砾石,牧场; 3600-4900米云南。 flora.ac.cn | Limestone slopes, gravelly slopes, glacial gravel, pastures; [...] 3600-4900 m. Yunnan. flora.ac.cn |
虽然机构承包商的 学习曲线通常相当陡直,但经验表明,同他们进行持续互动长时间内会改善业绩, [...] 只是互动过程比较费时,并且效益不太显而易见。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the learning curve of institutional contractors [...] is generally rathersteep,experience has shown [...]that continuing interaction with them [...]tends to improve performance over time, even though the process is time-consuming and the benefits not readily apparent. daccess-ods.un.org |
马尔达夫在过去一年的表现令人鼓舞,虽然天然气进口 价格陡增,且向传统市场的红酒出口受到干扰,减缓了增长、刺激了通货膨胀并对银 行系统带来威胁。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Moldova’s performance last year has been encouraging, despite sharp increases in natural gas import prices anddisruptions in wine exports to traditional markets, which have slowed growth, fuelled inflation, and posed risks to the banking system. unesdoc.unesco.org |