单词 | 降血压药 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 降血压药 —antihypertensive drugSee also:降压 n—antihypertensive n 血压 n—hypertension n • cholesterol n 压降 v—pressure drop v
如果你改变了所有这些生活方式仍然不能 使 血压降 低 , 就需要服 用降压药物。 world-heart-federation.org | If you make all of these changes to your lifestyle, but you still [...] cannot lower your blood pressure, there are medicines that can help. world-heart-federation.org |
当有药品 来降血压、降胆固醇、改善葡萄糖代谢时,情况看上 去似乎得到了控制。 daccess-ods.un.org | When drugs are available to reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol [...] and improve glucose metabolism, the situation looks somehow under control. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,临床上却有这样一部分高血压患者,即便是遵医嘱规范服 用 降压药 , 血 压 仍 然居高不下。 asiancancer.com | However, there are such a [...] group of hypertension patients, whose blood pressure stay high even taking medicines under instruction [...]of a physician. asiancancer.com |
尽管她的这一状况不需要治疗,但她需 要 降 低 血压 、 改 善整体的健康 状况。 glenraven.com | The condition did not require treatment, but it did [...] indicate a need for lower blood pressure and a better overall [...]health status. glenraven.com |
如果这些措施还不够,你也需要服用 药 物 来 降低 血脂。 world-heart-federation.org | If these measures are not enough, you may [...] also need medicine to lower your blood fats. world-heart-federation.org |
在工厂健康诊所日常的血压检查过程中,执业护师建议 Johnson 与医生确认,因为她的血压已经明显 降 下 来 了。 glenraven.com | During a routine blood pressure check in the plant’s health clinic, [...] the nurse practitioner suggested that Johnson check with her [...] doctor because her blood pressure had dropped significantly. glenraven.com |
要释放青光眼患者眼球内的高压状况,医生会处方 眼 药 水 降 低 眼 球 压 力。 hsbc.com.hk | To release [...] high eye pressure in glaucoma, doctors may prescribe eye drops to lower eye pressure. hsbc.com.hk |
然而,据称,在东枝监狱,当地医生大约每两个月探访一次囚犯,检 查 血压 ,开 药方, 但监狱当局不提供药品,必须由家庭成员购买和送来。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, in Taungyi prison it is reported that a local doctor visits prisoners [...] approximately once every two [...] months when he checks blood pressure and prescribes medicines which are not [...]provided by the prison [...]authorities but have to be purchased and brought by family members. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于脑出血,降低血压非常 重要,同其他形式的脑卒中一样, 采用脑卒中单元管理模式也是理想的。 world-heart-federation.org | Blood pressure control is very important for [...] this type of stroke and management in a stroke unit is also desirable as for other forms of strokes. world-heart-federation.org |
尽管体育锻炼与健康之间有种剂量反应关系,不过好消息是:您不必训练得特别积极就可以开始实现通过运 动 降 低 血压 的 目 的。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Although exercise has a dose-response relationship to health, the good [...] news is you don’t have to train very aggressively [...] to begin achieving blood pressure reductions associated [...]with exercise. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
抗高血压饮食疗法(DASH)试验结果显示,在饮食中限制红肉、甜食和含糖饮料的摄入量,强调水果、蔬菜和低脂乳制品,同时包含鱼肉、坚果、禽肉和全谷食品,可以让收缩压和舒 张 压 分 别 降 低 11 .4和5.5毫米汞柱。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | The Dietary [...] Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) trial demonstrated that a diet limiting the intake of red meat, sweets, and sugar containing beverages, while emphasizing fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and including fish, nuts, poultry and whole grains can lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 11.4 and 5.5 [...]mm Hg respectively. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
还值得提一下的是,2011年2 月推出了《健康是无价宝方案》,它保证巴 西民众免费获得高血压和糖尿病的药 物 治 疗。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also worth mentioning the launch in February 2011 of the Health [...] Has no Price Programme, which [...] guarantees free access to hypertension and diabetes medication [...]for the Brazilian population. daccess-ods.un.org |
2003 年启动了“慢性病 援助方案”,目的是增加获得治疗的机会,通过提供免 费 药 物 来 治疗 特定慢性疾病,包括糖尿病、高血压 、 青 光眼、某些类型的心血管疾 病和哮喘病。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government also launched the Chronic Disease Assistance Programme (CDAP) in 2003 with the aim of increasing access to treatment by providing free medication to treat [...] specific chronic diseases, [...] including diabetes mellitus, hypertension, glaucoma, certain types of cardiovascular disease and asthma. daccess-ods.un.org |
保持健康的生活方式,同时认真服药如阿司匹林 和 降压药 物 十 分重要。 world-heart-federation.org | It is important to maintain a healthy [...] lifestyle and to follow carefully your medical treatment, such as taking [...] aspirin and medicine to lower your blood pressure. world-heart-federation.org |
他不再食用自动售货机供应的食物和饮料,不再吃油炸食 物,同时开始接受药物治疗以降低血 糖。 glenraven.com | He gave up on vending-machine food and beverages, cut out fried foods and [...] started medication to lower his blood sugar. glenraven.com |
工厂健康诊所已成为 Harris [...] 健康生活必不可少的一部分,该中 心不仅鼓励她减肥、监测血压降低的 情况,而且使 Harris 不再 有罹患糖尿病的风险。 glenraven.com | The plant’s health clinic has been an integral part of Harris’ health journey, [...] encouraging the weight loss, [...] monitoring reductions in blood pressure and documenting that [...]Harris is no longer at risk for diabetes. glenraven.com |
Diab 和 Halahla [...] 被以色列在没有提出任何指控的情况下实行行政拘留,自 2 月 29 日以来一直绝 食,生命危急,包括体重严重丧失、神经受损、脱水、肌肉紧张度 下 降 、 低 血压。 daccess-ods.un.org | Both Diab and Halahla, who are being held under administrative detention by Israel without any charge, have been on hunger strike since 29 February and are suffering from life-threatening conditions, including severe [...] weight loss, nerve damage, [...] dehydration, decreased muscle tone and low blood pressure, as they continue appealing [...]for their release. daccess-ods.un.org |
辛娜拉sculymus”大的消除利尿和尿酸,风湿,肝脏疾病和作品,在消化,增加胆汁分泌 和 降 低 血压。 zh-cn.arteblog.net | Cynara sculymus" Great Eliminator diuretic [...] and uric acid, rheumatism, liver disorders and works in the digestive, increases bile [...] secretion and lowers blood pressure. en.arteblog.net |
很明显,食用牛奶和奶制品有助于强壮骨骼与增强免疫力的同时,还 可 降 低 血压 、 减 少牙洞,降低患癌风险。 delaval.cn | Evidence is mounting that consumption of milk and dairy [...] products may reduce blood pressure, dental cavities [...]and the risk of cancer, while enhancing bone strength and immunity. delaval.com.br |
如果是心血管病的高风险人群,则应避免去到户外进行高强度锻炼;如果患者服用 的 药 物 有 降血 糖 的 作用,那么应谨慎做运动,因为运动会消耗大量糖分;同时我们也不推荐出现眼部并发症的糖尿病患者做高强度的运动,因为这些运动可能对已经很脆弱的视网膜造成损伤。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | If you are at high risk for cardiovascular disease, don’t go out and do vigorous exercises regularly. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
血糖升高(在糖尿病病人中监测血糖,因为 该类病人的治疗可能需要增加降低血 糖的 药物)。 thewpca.org | Raised blood sugar (in diabetics monitor blood [...] sugar as their treatment may need to be increased). thewpca.org |
因此我们关 注的是在保持知识产权制度得以实行的同时,可以 将 药 品 价 格 降 到 最 低的措施。 iprcommission.org | Thus we concentrate on measures within the IP system that [...] will reduce to a minimum the prices of drugs, while maintaining [...]their availability. iprcommission.org |
仓库办事员(本国一般事务人员)员额也拟涵盖目前由个体订约人履行的连续性 [...] 职责,如储存医用品,并监测其保存期,焚烧医疗废物、其中包括过期 的 药 品和 血液,并依照环境保护法律予以处置。 daccess-ods.un.org | The post of Warehouse Clerk (national General Service staff) is also proposed to cover functions of a continuous nature that are currently performed by individual contractors, such as storing medical items and monitoring their shelf [...] life, incinerating medical waste, [...] including expired drugs and blood, and disposing of them [...]in conformity with environmental protection laws. daccess-ods.un.org |
这与使用单一抗高血压药物的 效果相当。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | This rivals the effectiveness of using a single antihypertensive medication. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
此外,这种药还会使血压升高 ,对那些血压水平没有得到良好控制的高血压患者可能不安全。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Additionally, this drug can raise blood pressure and may not [...] be safe for those with uncontrolled hypertension. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
医疗急救服务有限;血液供应不可靠并且对 输 血 不 安全 ; 药 品 稀缺,往往是过期 的,在大多数地区普遍没有供应。 daccess-ods.un.org | Medical emergency [...] services are limited; blood supply is unreliable and unsafe for transfusion; medicines are [...]scarce, often beyond expiration [...]dates, and generally unavailable in most areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
钠摄入准则旨在降低成人血压,减少成人的心血管疾病、中风和冠心病的发病风险,以 及降低儿童血压。 codexalimentarius.org | Regarding sodium, the guidelines [...] are for reducing blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), stroke and coronary heart disease (CHD) in adults and for reducing blood pressure in children. codexalimentarius.org |
墨西哥当局报告说,在其领土上存在以及进入其领 [...] 土的大麻药草绝大部分是经陆路走私;经干燥后,大 麻 药 草 借 助 压 力 机和 液压 千斤 顶被装在塑料袋内,然后运往墨西哥和其他国家的非法市场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mexican authorities reported that the vast majority of cannabis herb exiting, as well as entering, its territory was smuggled by [...] land; once dried, the cannabis herb was packed in [...] plastic bags with the help of presses and hydraulic jacks and then [...]transported [...]to illicit markets, both in Mexico and in other countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
飞机, 电话, 电报, 广播, 电动机, 显微镜, [...] 印刷机, 狭义相对论, 左轮手枪, 摄影, 温度计, 铅笔, 雷达, 自行车, 西历, 炸药, 莫尔斯码, 降落伞, 火绳枪, 步枪, 牛顿万有引力定律, 加特林机枪, 电唱机, 气压计, 巴斯德消毒法, 摩托车, 手溜弹, 瓦特蒸汽机, 电影, 硝化甘油, 麦克风, 潜水艇, [...]汽车, 望远镜, 打字机, 热气球, [...]听诊器, X射线成像, 电池, 阿司匹林, 电熨斗, 内燃机, 人造黄油, 断头台, 蒸汽发动机, 缝纫机, 双焦距眼镜, 油灯, 电冰箱, 手表, 轮胎, 拖拉机 geacron.com | Airplane, Telephone, Telegraph, Radio, Electric motor, Microscope, Printing Press, Special relativity, Revolver, Photography, Thermometer, [...] Pencil, Radar, Bicycle, [...] Gregorian calendar, Dynamite, Morse Code, Parachute, Arquebus, Musket, Principia, Machine Gun, Phonograph, Barometer, Pasteurization, Motorcycle, [...]Hand Grenade, [...]Watt steam engine, Film, Nitroglycerin, Microphone, Submarine, Automobile, Optical Telescope, Typewriter, Hot air balloon, Stethoscope, X-ray Imaging, Battery, Aspirin, Electric iron, Internal combustion engine, Margarine, Guillotine, Steam engine, Sewing Machine, Bifocal Lens, Oil Lamp, Refrigerator, Pocket Watch, Pneumatic, Tractor geacron.com |