

单词 降落伞


parachute into

fall onto
write down
rest with
leave out
fall or drop
(of a tide) go out
(of the sun) set
be missing
decline or sink
lag or fall behind
leave behind or forget to bring
get or receive

External sources (not reviewed)

But it is a bit like the parachutist: if it could be absolutely
certain that the system does not risk the slightest fault, whatever the circumstances,
[...] it would not need a reserve parachute.
在另一个活动中, 老师请学员们坐在地上,齐聚一起,她将一片儿童玩的彩降落伞,地盖在大家的头顶上,又马上拉起来,有些人开心大笑,有些人则愣住了。
At another activity, Ms. Chiang invites children to sit on the floor, gathered
together to play the Rainbow
[...] Kids Play Parachute, this activity makes use of a colorful parachute suddenly covered [...]
on everyone's head;
and then, immediately lift it up.
然而, 除了“设置”秘密拘留地或提供代理拘留服务等做法之外,还有许多其他形式的 共谋行为,包括准许飞降落、在移交“嫌疑犯”之前短期剥夺其自由、掩 盖绑架事件等。
Practices such as “hosting” secret detention sites or providing proxy detention have, however, been supplemented by numerous other facets of complicity, including authorizing the landing of airplanesfor refuelling, short-term deprivation of liberty before handing over the “suspect”, the covering up of kidnappings, and so on.
监於合并这些 盧森堡注册成立的产品系列,故AGIF将因欧洲和亚洲的地区投资及销售活动互相連 系,而成为全球性金。
Due to the amalgamation of these Luxembourg domiciled product families AGIF will become a global umbrella via the interconnection of regional investment and sales activities in Europe and Asia.
第 1973(2011)号决议第 17 和第 18 段禁止任何在利比亚注册或由利比亚拥 有的飞机从会员国领土起飞、在其领 降落越其领土,除非有关飞行事先得 到委员会的批准,会员国如有情报认为飞机上载有被禁物项或武装雇佣军,也必 须采取类似的禁飞措施,但紧降落 此列。
By paragraphs 17 and 18 of resolution 1973 (2011) a ban was imposed on any Libyan-registered or
owned aircraft taking off, landing and/or overflying the territory of Member States, unless the particular flight
[...] had been approved in advance by the Committee, and Member States must apply similar prohibitions to any aircraft if they have information that it may contain prohibited cargo or armed mercenaries, with the exception of emergency landing.
Foundparachutes wererecycled [...]
to be blankets or covers  from rain and sun at weddings and other gatherings.
1999 年 2 月 15
[...] 日,肯尼亚外交部宣布,奥贾兰先生乘机在内罗 降落希腊官员陪同进入肯尼亚领土,但未透露其身份,也未通过护照检查。
On 15 February 1999, the Kenyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that
Mr. Öcalan had been on board an
[...] aircraft thathad landed atNairobi and hadentered [...]
Kenyan territory accompanied by Greek
officials without declaring his identity or going through passport control.
为降低受便携式防空系统攻击的风险所 作的努力非常具体,涉及到:机场地区的安全,为飞机制定反措施,以及采取技 术步骤、增加飞机受攻击后顺降落会。
Efforts to mitigate vulnerability to attacks that involve the use of man-portable air defence systems are quite specific and involve airport-area security, countermeasures for aircraft and technical steps to improve the chances of aircraft landing successfully if hit.
2012 年 3 月 11 日,土耳其一架 CN-235 军用飞机在
12 点 19 分,未经外交许 可,也未与尼科西亚地区管制中心联系,从 Doren 点以南 10NM 进入尼科西亚飞 行信息区域,违反国际空中交通管制条例,并在
[...] 12 点 29 分至 12 点 44(降落),侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。
On 11 March 2012, one CN-235 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations by entering Nicosia FIR from 10NM south of point DOREN at 1219 hours and the national
airspace of the Republic of Cyprus between 1229
[...] and 1244 hours (landing time)without [...]
diplomatic permit or contacting Nicosia ACC.
本周在摩加迪沙,联合国难民事务高级专员办事 处一架搭载了为数千名流离失所者提供的31 吨住房
[...] 材料和约 2 500 个紧急救济包的飞降落都,这 是 5年来的首次。
In Mogadishu this week, an Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees airlift carrying 31 tons of shelter material and some 2,500
emergency assistance packages for thousands of
[...] displacedpeoplelanded in the capital, [...]
for the first time in five years.
(b) 开展制造及买卖羊毛、棉花、丝、亚麻布、大麻、黄麻及其他纱线,及有关 纱线制造之所有种类纤维、以及所有种类的人造皮革及橡胶装订、亦从上述
[...] 所制造的防水货物及物品、服装衬料、长统靴衬料、衣箱衬料、太阳帜、帐篷、相框、人造花及外科器械、擦地布、桌布及彩色防水布业 务。
(b) To carry on the business of manufactures of and dealers in woollen, cotton, silk, linen, hemp, jute and other yarns, and all kinds of fabrics manufactured from such yarns, and all kinds of imitation leathers and rubbers, and also waterproof goods and articles manufactured
therefrom, dress linings, boot linings,
[...] trunk linings, umbrellas, parasols, flags, tents, [...]
picture frames, artificial flowers
and surgical appliances, floor cloths, table cloths, and American cloth.
如果被遣返,他将被押解在刚果民主共 和国机降落种情况将更加容易使其陷入面对刚果当局的麻烦。
If he were to be sent back, he would arrive at the airport in the Democratic Republic of the Congo under a deportation order, a situation which would be much more likely to lead to problems with the Congolese authorities.
该中心 当前的目标是建立稳定机制监督东非储备机队和西非储备机队,在东非和西非启 用远程航班,着手支持中乍特派团、达尔富尔混合行动和开展全天候业务,包括 监测和跟踪进行战略性长期或短期客运和货运空运行动的所有飞机、协助取得所 需的飞行降落及抵达或出发时段、优化有效载荷和协助确定航行规范,开 展技术分析和挑选飞机,合同管理,财务规定审查和发票审核。
The current phase of the Centre is to stabilize the oversight of the Eastern African Reserve Fleet and West African Reserve Fleet, the inception of long-haul airliner in East and West Africa, initial support of MINURCAT, UNAMID and development of round-the-clock operations, including monitoring and tracking of all aircraft engaged in strategic long- or short-term passengerand cargo airlift movement, providing assistance in obtaining required flight and landing clearance and arrival or departure slots, payload optimization, and assistance with determining aviation specifications; technical analysis and selection of aircraft, contract management; review of financial provisions and invoice approval.
飞航安全调查委员会发布:立荣一架DASH-8-300型客机,正驾驶员於进场目视跑道时,因航机高度偏高故采取较大量之操作,使得正驾驶员之注意力局限於落地操作,未能确实接收管制员及副驾驶员提醒有关对错跑道之资讯,造 降落经指定跑道之事故。
Aviation Safety Council (ASC) released the investigation report of an Uni Air Dash-8-300, the aircraft landed on a non-designated runway due to the captain had his attention limited to landing operations during approach, as a result of his excessive control to correct the aircraft that was slightly above the glide slope, thus failed to perceive the information from both the controller and the first officer (F/O) that the aircraft was aiming at the wrong runway.




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