单词 | 降水量 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 降水量—precipitation (meteorology)less common: measured quantity of rain See also:降水n—precipitationn rainfalln 降水—precipitation (meteorology) rain and snow 水量n—quantityn 水量—volume of water quantity of flow
最大降雨量出现在 [...] 山区和山麓地带-平均为 398 毫米,最低降水量在卡拉博加兹戈尔湾(95 毫米)和 [...]土库曼斯坦东北部(105 毫米)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Precipitation is greatest in the [...] mountains and foothills, averaging up [...]to 398 millimetres (Koine-Kesir), and lowest in the [...]Kara-Bogaz-Gol bay (95 millimetres) and north-east Turkmenistan (105 millimetres). daccess-ods.un.org |
海洋性气候的主要特征是温度基本偏低,季节之间平均温差不大,降水 量稳定,热量差异不明显。 champagne.fr | Oceanic influences keep temperatures on the low side but also ensure steadyrainfall,with no major fluctuations in temperature from year to year. champagne.fr |
不断恶化的安全局势妨碍安全地接触需要帮助的人,降水量低导致的近乎旱灾的 状况产生越来越大的影响,从而引起更大的需求,在北部尤其如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | The deteriorating security situation hampered safe access to people in need, and the increasing [...] effects of drought-like conditions, [...] caused bylow levels of precipitation, created greater [...]needs, particularly in the north. daccess-ods.un.org |
降水量、气温和农业用水供给将受到气候变化的 影响。 undpcc.org | Ensure climate proof investments and promote investments to bridgedevelopment gaps undpcc.org |
和更大降水量和降水更规则的地区相比,干旱地区的自然植被覆盖和土壤重生需要5到10倍更长的时间。 un.org | Natural regeneration of vegetation cover and soils in arid areas takes 5-10 times longer than in favourable areas with greater and more regular rainfall. un.org |
国际水管理研究所(IWMI)的科学家们预计,东南亚的广大地区的降水量将会保持稳定,而且大部分的预期改变将发生在海上,而不是在陆地上。 worldhealthstore.com.cn | Scientists from the International [...] Water Management Institute (IWMI) have [...] predicted that precipitation levelsin vast areas [...]of South-East Asia will remain stable, [...]and most of the anticipated changes will occur over the sea, rather than over land. worldhealthstore.com.cn |
LGDH/MNSCPDD 指出,因为近年来降水量减少,所以获得水及环境卫生 [...] 状况没有改善。 daccess-ods.un.org | LGDH/MNSCPDD indicate [...] that access to waterand sanitation [...]has not improved in recent years because there has been less rainfall. daccess-ods.un.org |
而在缅甸中部和北部,降水量增加事实上将有助于提高作物产量,因为这些都是在该地区最干燥的地区。 worldhealthstore.com.cn | In central and northern Myanmar, the increase will in fact help to raise crop output, as these are the driest areas in the region. worldhealthstore.com.cn |
这些产品是使用 人工神经网络遥感信息降水量估计(PERSIANN)云层分类系统制得的,它的 算法使用了国家海洋和大气局气候预测中心提供的来自全球地球同步卫星的网 格红外图像。 daccess-ods.un.org | The products are [...] derived using thePrecipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks(PERSIANN) Cloud Classification [...]System (CCS), [...]whose algorithm uses the gridded infrared images from the global geosynchronous satellites provided by the Climate Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. daccess-ods.un.org |
2.4.3 在土质较轻、地面坡度较大或降水量较少的地区,积极推广保护性耕作技术。 wrdmap.org | 2.4.3 In the areas where the soil is light, the ground has a big [...] slope or the amount of precipitationis notgreat, [...]actively popularize protective ploughing techniques. wrdmap.org |
解决这一问题的措施可以是从其他地区调水或额外抽取地下水来完全 抵消降水量的不足,也可以接受即将发生的作物灾害并鼓励农民通过办理保险来从损 [...] 失中获得赔偿。 wrdmap.org | Strategies for coping with this situation could [...] rangeof transferring waterfrom elsewhere [...]or pumping extra groundwater to completely offset the [...]shortfall through to accepting that crop damage will occur and encouraging farmers to take out insurance to compensate for the loss. wrdmap.org |
在水资源极度紧缺的时候,需水量普遍有所提升——如果降水量偏低的话,灌溉需水 量就会增加,但与此同时,河道中的可用水量也减少了。 wrdmap.org | Demand for water generally rises at the times when it is most scarce – the need for irrigation is higher if there is low rainfall, but there will be less water in the river system at that time. wrdmap.org |
今天看来 这对我们来说无法想象 [...] 将会出现悲剧性的后果 我们会遭受更多 沙漠风暴的袭击降水量也会显着下降 沙漠面积将进一步扩大 [...]而且盐池一些地 方也许会成为无人区 netzhammerbreiholz.de | It would have been a tragedy. We would have had a lot more [...] desert storms and muchless rainfall. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
福 建 省 福 安 市 於 二 零 一二年 上 半 年的降 水 量为1,085 毫 米 , 而 福 建 省 周 宁 县 於 二 零 一二年 上 半 年的降 水 量为1,288 毫 米 。 haitianhydropower.com | The precipitation in Fuan City, Fujian Province in the first half of 2012 was 1,085 mm andthe precipitation inZhouning County, Fujian Province [...] was 1,288 mm in the first half of 2012. haitianhydropower.com |
塔斯马尼亚州:冬季天气湿润,降水量比长期 平均值高出50%。 barthhaasgroup.com | Tasmania: The winter was [...] very wet, with precipitation 50 % above the [...]long-term average. barthhaasgroup.com |
在喀麦隆境内的撒哈拉地区,年均气温不断上 升,降水量不断减少,导致土地日益沙漠化。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Sahara region of Cameroon, annual temperatures were [...] rising andprecipitation levels were dropping, causing the desert to advance steadily. daccess-ods.un.org |
基于有限区域中尺度暴雨预报模式AREM,利用常德、荆州、宜昌3部多普勒雷达及武汉数字化天气雷达联合反演的1h降水量资料和宜昌、荆州多普勒雷达反演的水平风场资料,采用3种不同的初值方案:Grapes-3DVAR同化方案、Barnes客观分析法及Barnes-3DVAR同化方案,对 [...][...] 2002年7月22日20:00-23日20:00发生在长江流域的一次大暴雨过程进行了多普勒雷达估算降水和反演风场在不同初值方案下对降水预报影响的数值试验,结果表明:(1)采用相同资料源(探空+T213L31分析场),3种初值方案降水模拟效果差别显着.整体而言,融合了Barnes和3DVAR两种方案的Barnes-3DVAR初值方案降水模拟效果最好:雨带模拟完整,位置与实况完全一致;降水中心中尺度结构清晰,位置、强度与实况接近. cmsjournal.net | On the basis of the joint [...] estimated 1-h precipitation from Changde, [...]Jingzhou, and Yichang Doppler radars as well as Wuhan [...]digital radar, and the retrieved wind fields from Yichang and Jingzhou Doppler radars, a series of numerical experiments with an advanced regionalη-coordinate model (AREM) under different model initial schemes, i.e., Grapes-3DVAR, Barnes objective analysis, and Barnes-3DVAR, are carried out for a torrential rain process occurring along the Yangtze River in the 24-h period from 2000 BT 22 July 2002 to investigate the effects of the Doppler-radar estimated rainfall and retrieved winds on the rainfall forecast. cmsjournal.net |
如果降水量不足设计值,则灌溉需水量将会增加。 wrdmap.org | If there is less rain the demand [...] for irrigation water will be higher. wrdmap.org |
年降水量150–200厘米,主要集中在6-8月间,常有台风警告。 shangri-la.com | Much of the annual 150-200cm of rainfall occursfrom June [...] to August. Typhoon warnings are most common during these months. shangri-la.com |
每年仅有2%的降水量被用作饮用水 供应。 gza.ch | Only 2 % of annualprecipitation is utilized for the drinkingwater supply. gza.ch |
不断升高的海平面、降水量的改变、更频繁的极端天气、以及热带疾病的扩散蔓延,这些都是可能出现的后果。 georgfischer.com | Some possibleeffects include a rise in sea levels, changes in precipitation patterns, [...] a greater frequency of extreme weather [...]and the spread of tropical diseases. georgfischer.com |
然而,由于这些地区降水量低且极不规律、温差极大、湿 度低、旱灾频发等因素,形成了对水的供给和粮食生产不利的自然条件。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, the conditions on such lands [...] are adverse for watersupply andfood [...]production due to low and erratic precipitation, [...]extreme temperatures, low humidity and frequent droughts. unesdoc.unesco.org |
观测时段(1950~2005 AD)二者相关 系数为−0.46, 重建时段(1880~1949 AD)二者相关系 数为−0.44, 显着性水平均超过 99%; [...] 在年代际尺度 上, 暖池 SST 对黄淮夏季降水量的解释方差分别达 到 72%(观测时段)和 [...]67%(重建时段). adrem.org.cn | The correlation coefficients between them are −0.46 in observation period and −0.44 in reconstruction period respectively, both significant at the 0.01 level. On interdecadal timescale, the warm [...] pool SST can explain 72% and 67% [...] variances ofsummer precipitationin observation [...]and reconstruction periods respectively. adrem.org.cn |
於 截 至 二 零 一二年 九 月 三 十 日 止 九 个 月 , 本 集 团 生产的 电 力 较 去 年 [...] 同 期 急 升 22 % , 此 乃 因为降 水 量增加所 致 。 haitianhydropower.com | The electricity generated by the Group in the nine months ended 30 [...] September 2012 surged by 22% when compared to corresponding period of last year [...] resulting from theincreasedprecipitation. haitianhydropower.com |
即使大部分种植园都有足够的灌溉用水,也 无法替代恰当的降水量所能带来的好的效果。 barthhaasgroup.com | Even though the farms mostly [...] have sufficient water for irrigation purposes, this is no substitute for the effect of a healthyvolume ofrainfall. barthhaasgroup.com |
观测时段(1950~2005 AD) 的暖池 SST 与黄淮区夏季降水量相关系数达到−0.46, 重建时段(1880~1949 [...] AD) 二者相关系数为−0.44 (P >99%), 说明重建的暖池 SST 与该区域夏季降水 关系是稳定的. adrem.org.cn | The correlation coefficients between the warm pool SST and the [...] regionalsummer precipitation indexin this [...]area during the observation period 1950- [...]2005 and the reconstruction period 1880-1949 are −0.46 and −0.44, respectively, suggest a stable links between them. adrem.org.cn |
废水管理方案旨在将地下水抽水量降至混合行动所 需水量的 60%,其余 40%将来自回收利用的废水。 daccess-ods.un.org | The wastewater management [...] programme aims at reducingextraction of groundwater to 60 per cent of the Operation’s water requirements, [...]with the remaining 40 [...]per cent to be generated through the recycling of wastewater. daccess-ods.un.org |
上述全球网络举措的产品,例如在线数据准入和直观化工具,使水文学家 能够近实时和实时访查高分辨率降水量估计数,可以对这些产品加以调整以满 足成员国的特定需要,以便能够按国家和多比例流域查阅数据和加以分类。 daccess-ods.un.org | The G-WADI products such as online data access and [...] visualization tools that allow hydrologists access to [...] high-resolution precipitationestimatesin near-real [...]and real time are customized [...]to suit the needs of Member States in terms of ability to view and categorize the data by country and multiple-scale watersheds. daccess-ods.un.org |
准确的降水测量是许多应用的关键,包括天气预报、水资源管理和气候研究。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Accurate rainfall measurements are crucial for many applications, including weather forecasting, water resources management, [...] and climate research. chinese.eurekalert.org |
同时这也是降低用水量所期望的——可以通过降 低“管理损失”来实现,管理不善时,如将正确的水量输送到了错误地点或输送时间 [...] 有错就会造成“管理损失”。 wrdmap.org | It is also expected toreduce water consumption–this canbe achieved [...] by reducing the ‘management losses’ which can occur [...]when there is weak management which delivers the right amount of water but to the wrong places or at the wrong times. wrdmap.org |