

单词 降幅

降幅 ()

degree of reduction (in prices, numbers etc)

See also:


fall v
descend v

come down


classifier for paintings, pictures or Chinese couplets

External sources (not reviewed)

男性和女性就业 率均呈下降趋势,不过,与女性相比(1.0 个百分点),男降幅略高(1.1 个百分 点)。
The descendent trend occurred for both – male and female – but a bit deeper for male (1.1 p.p.) than for female (1.0 p.p.).
尽管摩尔多瓦共和国婴儿死 亡率高于欧洲国家,但最近五年 降幅 远 高 于欧盟国家的水平。
Even though the infantile mortality ratio the Republic of Moldova is higher than in the European states, during the last five years this ratio diminished at a higher pace than in the EU.
地中海-黑海和西 南大西洋自2007年起也都出现了渔获量下降的情况, 降幅 度 分 别为15%和30%。
Both the Mediterranean–Black Sea and the Southwest Atlantic have seen declining catches, with decreases of 15 and 30 percent, respectively, since 2007.
你或许会高兴地注意到在共同努力打击当前海盗行为方面所取得的可喜进 展,因为最新统计数据显示,2 月份,遭海盗劫持的船只和海员数目分别为 33 艘和 733 人(创最高记录),而最近,这两项数字分别降至 13 艘和 265 人降幅 达近三分之二。
You may be pleased to note the good progress made in the common efforts to suppress the menace of modern-day piracy through recently compiled statistics, which show that against 33 ships and 733 seafarers held captive by pirates in February (when the numbers peaked to record highs), the numbers have lately fallen to almost one third of those mentioned above: to 13 ships and 265 seafarers.
东亚和东南亚、加勒比和中美洲的生育率迅速下降, 至少有 30%的降幅度是在开始下降后 15 年内发生的。
Eastern and South-eastern Asia, the Caribbean and Central America registered a rapid reduction in fertility, with a drop of at least 30 per cent occurring within 15 years of the onset of the decline.
由于严重干旱,农业毛附加值在 2007 年 GDP 中所占的比重幅下降(与 2006 年相降幅达 4.4%,几乎比 2003 年低 2 倍),严重干旱导致种植业总产值 与 2006 年相比下降 33.4%,畜牧饲养业总产值与 2006 年相比下降 1.8%。
Significant decrease of the gross added value of agriculture in the 2007 GDP (with 4.4% compared to 2006 and almost 2 times lower than in 2003) is mainly determined by the severe drought, which decreased the total vegetal production by 33.4% and the animal production by 1.8% compared to 2006.
手 機 產 品 的 毛 利 率
為''.7% ,去 年 同 期 則 為''.6% ,手 機 毛 利 率 下 降 主 要 是 由 於CDMA手 機 銷
[...] 售 毛 利 率 下 降,而降 幅 部 分 被 國 際'G手 機、國 [...]
內 GSM手 機 銷 售 毛 利 率 上 升 所 抵 銷。
Gross profit margin for the Group’s handsets segment was lower at 2'.7% as compared to 25.6% last year mainly in tandem with
lower gross profit margin for CDMA handsets,
[...] although such decline was partially offset [...]
by gross profit margin improvements
in the international sales of 3G handsets and domestic sales of GSM handsets.
虽然欧洲联盟新成员国家和欧洲新兴经济体在 2009
[...] 年经历了一场非常严重 的危机,国内生产总值降幅度相 当大,但这场危机的严重程度远远不及 [...]
1990 年代从计划经济转向市场经济的过程中所经历的经济衰退。
Although the European Union new member States and the European emerging economies
experienced a very serious crisis in 2009
[...] with some large declines in GDP, the [...]
severity of the crisis was not even close to
that of the economic decline experienced in the 1990s during the transition from planned to market economies.
从历史发展上看,运输成本在快速下降——过去五十年间,汽车行驶的成本 大约降低了 50%,航空旅行的成本降幅度更 大,这是技术创新以及汽车和航空 [...]
The cost of driving a car is approximately half of what it was 50 years ago and the cost of air
[...] travel has fallen even more dramatically.
一方面,我 们必须依靠一些计量经济学的模式刺激引进专利制度的影响,另一方面,也要依靠发达国 家的经验,即非专利品生产者与以研究为基础的生产者的互相竞争 发达国家有广泛的证据证明,如果非专利医药参与竞争,医药价格会直降而下,市场上的 非专利竞争者越多,价格降幅就越 大。
In part we have to rely on econometric models to simulate the impact of introducing patent protection, and in part the experience of developed countries where generic producers compete with research-based ones.
这个结果证明我们齐心协力时可以取得的成果是惊人的:在中国农村出生缺陷比例 降幅 达 85 %,而学到的经验教训已成为全世界产前保健的金科玉律。
The results were as stunning as they were indicative of what we can accomplish when we work together: in rural China birth defects fell up to 85 percent, and the lessons learned have become the gold standard for prenatal care around the world.
(b) 如在某次有關租金的檢討中,信納第二 期間的收入指數低於第一期間的收入指 數[0.1]%以上,委員會須在該次檢討後, 在切實可行範圍內盡快減少有關租金降低幅度為收入指數的跌幅。
(b) if satisfied on a review of the relevant rent that the income index for the second period is lower than the income index for the first period by more than [0.1%], shall as soon as practicable after the review reduce the relevant rent by the rate of the reduction of the income index.
青年人所占比例幅降 低, 给社会带来了一些潜在的负面影响,即劳动力短缺、技能差距、受扶养人比 率高和经济增长缓慢。
Such a substantial fall in the share of young people has a number of potential negative impacts on society, namely labour shortages, skills gaps, high dependency ratios and low economic growth.
这使得 MEMSIC 能够生产出高性能的加速计以及其它 MEMS 器件,且与大多数传统工艺相比 幅降 低 了 成本。
This allows MEMSIC to produce high-performance accelerometers and other MEMS device at substantially lower cost than most traditional processes.
但是非索特派团和过渡联邦政府最近侵占了一些领土,这 幅降 低了 针对机场及其邻近地区的间接火力攻击和迫击炮袭击的风险。
The recent territorial gains secured by AMISOM and the
Transitional Federal Government have, however,
[...] considerably reduced the risk of indirect [...]
fire and mortar attacks against the
airport and its immediate environs.
采用最佳做法可将填充损失降低到大约 3
[...] 0.3%,墨西哥就是一例,而印度的平均损失率在 0.5%至 1%之间不等,不时会更高,但有 一家公司报告损失率幅降低。
Best practices can bring filling losses down to about 0.3 %, as for example in Mexico, while the average in
India is between 0.5% and 1 %, and at times even higher, except for one company
[...] which reports significantly lower losses.
M7613 是一款在各种状况下使用皆十分稳定的热释红外控制器,应用线路相当简单,可以 幅降 低 应用电路所需组件成 本和提高竞争力。
More than this , there are few components needed in its application circuit which
[...] can reduce material cost and increase competitive.
[...] 务方面的国家计划和战略,以便作为一项立即关切事项,通过扩大影响广泛的 一揽子优先干预措施,幅降低产 妇、新生儿和5岁以下儿童死亡率,从而按照 [...]
千年发展目标4和5的规定降低产妇和儿童死亡率,同时注意到国家、区域和国 际在所有千年发展目标方面的举措,包括双边举措和通过南南合作。
the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health undertaken by a broad coalition of partners, which aims at supporting national plans and strategies in health
matters, in order to significantly reduce
[...] the number of maternal, new born and [...]
under-five child deaths as a matter of immediate
concern by scaling up a priority package of high-impact interventions, so as to reduce maternal and child mortality in accordance with Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5, and also took note of the various national, regional and international initiatives on all the MDGs, including those undertaken bilaterally and through South-South cooperation.
[...] 从推行结构性调整方案以提高生产能力以来,农业部门长期存在弊病,同时国家 撤销机构支持服务,通过幅降低或 取消关税和配额制,在条件尚未成熟的情况 [...]
下让小农面临大型跨国供应商的竞争,以及一些发达国家由于过分支持国内农 民,实施粮食“倾销”政策。
These weaknesses reflected a persistent failure since the promotion of structural adjustment programmes to support the building of productive capacities; along with a dismantling of institutional support services; the
premature exposure of small-scale farmers,
[...] through a rapid reduction or elimination [...]
of tariffs and quotas, to competition from
large multinational suppliers; and food “dumping” by a number of developed countries because of excessive support to their farmers.
2002 年可持续发展问题世界首脑会议承诺更有效、更协调一致地落实《公约》 的三个目标,到 2010 年在全球、区域和国家一级幅降低 目 前的生物多样性丧 失速度,为减缓贫穷和造福地球上所有生命作出贡献(“2010 [...]
年生物多样性目 标”),并指出为此需要在各级采取行动,包括执行国家生物多样性战略和行动
At the World Summit on Sustainable Development, in 2002, States committed themselves to pursue a more efficient and coherent implementation of the three objectives of the
Convention and the achievement by
[...] 2010 of a significant reduction in the current rate of loss of [...]
biodiversity at the global, regional
and national levels as a contribution to poverty alleviation and to the benefit of all life on Earth (the “2010 biodiversity target”), noting that that would require action at all levels, including the implementation of national biodiversity strategies and action plans and the provision of new and additional financial and technical resources to developing countries.
特别顾问的建 议包括着重开展 (a) 短期 防止工作,打破暴力和有罪不罚的势头,包括通过部署国内和国际人权监 测员,承 诺将侵权行为 肇 事人绳
之以法,加紧 努力制定方案 , 解 除 大 肆 实 施暴力 的武装团伙中青年的武装;(b)
[...] 长期防止工作,包括宪法改革,土地改革,加强国 家机构,改 进政党 的作用,幅降低青年 失 业 率 , 快 速 缓 解 贫困, 减少经济不 [...]
平 等现象。
The Special Adviser’s recommendations included a focus on (a) short-term prevention to interrupt a dynamic of violence and impunity, including through deployment of national and international human rights monitors, a commitment to bring perpetrators of violations to justice, and urgent work towards a demobilization programme for youths in armed gangs perpetrating much of the violence; and (b) long-term prevention, including constitutional reform, land and agrarian reform, strengthening of State
institutions, improving the function of
[...] political parties, significantly reducing youth unemployment [...]
and rapid poverty alleviation and economic inequality.
[...] 解决有效执行手段的重要性,并回顾要到 2010 年实 现幅降低生 物多样性的丧失速度,需要对发展中 [...]
She underscored the importance of addressing means of implementation effectively
and recalled that the achievement by 2010 of
[...] a significant reduction in the rate [...]
of biodiversity loss would require the provision
of new and additional financial and technical resources to developing countries.
包括印度在内的一些缔约 方除了为遵守相关控制时间表而必须采取的行动外,还采取了积极的监管行动
[...] 来限制其国内氟氯烃生产设施的生产量,从而 幅降 低 了 这类物质对臭氧层的 潜在影响。
Some of those parties, including India, had taken proactive regulatory actions to limit production of HCFCs in facilities in their countries beyond those required for compliance
with the relevant control schedule, thus
[...] achieving a significant reduction of the potential [...]
impact of those substances on the ozone layer.
(f) 增加副學位畢業生入職公務員職級;及 (g) 檢討學生資助、貸款及還款安排,包括取消經入息審
[...] 查的低息貸款的固定利率(2.5%)和免入息審查貸款 的風險利率;幅降低所 有專上學生貸款計劃的利 率,並豁免學生『免入息審查貸款計劃』在學期間的 [...]
容許大學教育貸款還款額可獲扣稅;研究讓本地學生 申請學生貸款到境外升學的可行性;以及增加專上課 程學生的助學金金額
(g) review student financial assistance as well as loan and repayment arrangements, including abolishing the fixed interest rate (2.5%) for means-tested low
interest loans and the risk rate for
[...] non-means-tested; significantly lower the interest [...]
rates of all loan schemes for tertiary
students, waive the interest accrued during students’ study periods under the Non-means-tested Loan Scheme, and change the situation where interest rates of student loans are higher than those of bank mortgages; allow tax deduction on repayment amounts of university education loans; study the feasibility of allowing local students to apply for student loans for pursuing further education outside Hong Kong; and increase the grant amounts for tertiary students
隨著員 工越來越多機會在世界不同角落—包括分支辦事處、家中、酒店及客戶辦事地 點等地工作,用戶端/伺服器運算解決方案成爲不可或缺的工具,於提供企業主 導的運算機資源下減低複雜性及 幅降 低 總 擁用成本。
As employees become increasingly spread around the world in branch offices, homes, hotels, and customer sites, client/server computing solutions become more of a necessity in order to reduce both the complexity and the total cost of ownership in the provision of enterprise-driven computing resources.
[...] 病毒活躍性的H9N2病毒的數量,已從二零零八年實施「街市活雞日 日清」及家禽業界退牌計劃前的5.11% 大 幅降 至 最 近的萬分之九,即 0.09%,顯示當局已把零售層面的禽流感風險有效控制在穩定和低的 [...]
On-going surveillance conducted in retail outlets by the University of Hong Kong has found that the isolation rate of H9N2 viruses, which is a good indicator of the
loading of AI virus in the poultry
[...] population, has significantly dropped from 5.11% before [...]
the ban on the keeping of live
poultry overnight in retail markets and the introduction of the buyout scheme for the live poultry trade in 2008 to 0.09% recently.
此 SSWFT(基于网络的自助服务免费模式科技)方式, 幅降 低了 Magpi 的移动设备数据收集成本,并允许近 [...]
10,000 使用者(包括世界银行、美国疾病控制和预防中心、红十字会等)开始更快速地收集有用数据,且花费更低。
This SSWFT (Self-Service Web-based Freemium
[...] Technology) approach has dramatically lowered the cost of [...]
mobile data collection with Magpi, and
allowed nearly 10,000 users (including the World Bank, the CDC, the Red Cross, and others) to begin collecting useful data faster and for far less money.
具体目标 16:在下一个双年度对与各项公约、国际科学计划、第 1 类机构以及其
[...] 他政府间计划的治理有关的所有开支进行审查,以期 幅降 低 事务性费用、行政 支助费用和差旅费。
Target 16: All costs associated with the governance of the Conventions, International Science Programmes, category 1 institutes and other intergovernmental programmes
will be reviewed in the coming biennium,
[...] with a view to sharply reducing transaction [...]
costs, administrative support, and travel costs.
欢迎秘书长的全球妇女和儿童健康战略,该战略由一个支持国家计划和战略 的广泛伙伴联盟实施,以便作为当务之急 幅降 低 孕 产妇、新生儿和五岁以下儿 童的死亡率,为此将推广一套优先高效干预措施,并整合卫生、教育、两性平等、 [...]
Welcoming also the Secretary-General’s Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health, undertaken by a broad coalition of partners, in
support of national plans and
[...] strategies, in order to significantly reduce the number of [...]
maternal, newborn and under-five child
deaths as a matter of immediate concern by scaling up a priority package of high-impact interventions and integrating efforts in sectors such as health, education, gender equality, water and sanitation, poverty reduction and nutrition
为达所需性能水平,Membrain 未在 DRAM 中缓存数据并将数据分散(分片)于多个服务器中,而是利用闪存盘显著提升缓存容量,同时 幅降 低 服 务器成本和年运营成本。
Instead of caching data in DRAM and spreading (sharding) the data across many servers to deliver a desired level of performance, Membrain
delivers much higher cache capacity from flash drives
[...] at greatly reduced cost in servers and their annual operating costs.




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