单词 | 降临 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 降临 verb —come varrive vExamples:降临节—Advent (Christian period of 4 weeks before Christmas) 圣灵降临—Pentecost 耶稣降临节—Advent (Christian period of 4 weeks before Christmas) See also:降 v—fall v • descend v 降—come down • subdue • capitulate • tame 临 v—face v 临 prep—just before prep
当灾难降临时,超人再次冲进行动,但是这一次他得到了一些意想不到的帮助,从一个新的超级英雄小队自称精英。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When catastrophe strikes, Superman once again rushes into action, but this time he gets [...] some unexpected help from a new [...]squad of super heroes calling themselves The Elite. seekcartoon.com |
在“莱伊什塔尔”这个黑社会,对此 她 降临 在 她已故的爱人搜索和“生命水”,是描述在灰暗的颜色;和相同的是我们拥有其他的描述正确的。 mb-soft.com | In the "Lay of Ishtar" this [...] underworld, to which she descended in search of her [...]deceased lover and of the "waters of life", [...]is described in gloomy colours; and the same is true of the other descriptions we possess. mb-soft.com |
根据个人兴趣学员还可以预订一些 专题选修项目如德国历史、路德维希二世传说、基 督 降临节 特别项目。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | Depending on your personal interests you can also book individual additional programs on topics such as German History, the Myths of King Ludwig II or an Advent Special. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
但是,近年赫尔辛基的雪来得愈来愈早,白雪经常在圣诞季 节 降临 这 芬 兰首都。 visitfinland.com | But in recent years the snow has arrived early and snow nearly always falls at some time over the festive season. visitfinland.com |
夜幕降临,您 可以置身于Diamond Heart曼妙的音乐之中,细品最爱的饮品和小吃,度过一个放松惬意的夜晚。 shangri-la.com | Music from the Diamond Heart Duo complements a relaxing evening with your favourite beverages and snacks in the popular hotel meeting place. shangri-la.com |
使徒行传 1:8 但圣灵降临在你 们身上,你们就必得着能力;并要在耶路撒冷、犹太全地和撒玛利亚,直 到地极,作我的见证。 sallee.info | Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. sallee.info |
要了解详细信息,请访问产品页面或者参加 2012 年日本光电展 (Photonix 2012)(将于 2012 年 4 月 11-13 日降临日本 东京的东京有明国际展览中心,光学与传感技术展区 E30-24 展位),届时将介绍有关使用 MOEMS 满足新一代、高密度、低功耗光学系统需求的 DH9665A 采样和保持精密线性放大器集成电路的详细信息。 tipschina.gov.cn | To learn more, visit the product page or attend Photonix 2012 (April 11-13, 2012 at Tokyo Big Sight in Tokyo, Japan in booth E30-24 in the Optics & Sensing Technology section) where details will be presented regarding the DH9665A sample & hold precision linear amplifier IC for next-generation, high density, low power optical system requirements using MOEMS. tipschina.gov.cn |
气候 变化对和平和安全都产生重大问题,它的影响深远、 错综复杂,其中许多影响已经降临到 我 们身上。 daccess-ods.un.org | Its effects are as powerful as they are complex, and many of them are already upon us. daccess-ods.un.org |
在培训方面,特别值得一提的是由外交部开展的活动:“白色盔甲-秘鲁志 愿者”国际论坛,其宗旨是以阿根廷白色盔甲志愿军在灾 害 降临 时 的 运作 组织模式为范例,展示秘鲁和阿根廷的经验;论坛主题为“在应对危难和 灾害中如何解决性别问题、老年人和残疾人问题”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The subject matter covered during the event was “Gender, older adults and persons with disabilities in risk and disaster management”. daccess-ods.un.org |
乍一看春,然后释放,从而防止寒冷的冬天十 年 降临 F a i rytopia的第一个春天的彩虹。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The First Blush of Spring then releases the First Rainbow of Spring, thereby preventing a bitter cold winter [...] of ten years to befall Fairytopia. seekcartoon.com |
在一个人类发展指数仍然令人担忧的南方国家, 重大灾难不幸降临,不管从治理的角度看,责任是否 [...] 是地方的,或者责任是否在于全球秩序,责任这个大 问题再次残酷地摆在面前。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a country of the South where the human development [...] index is still of concern, a major disaster [...] unfortunately arises, the great question [...]of responsibility comes brutally to [...]the fore again, whether the responsibility be local in terms of governance, or whether the responsibility lies with the global order. daccess-ods.un.org |
当这一灾祸降临时, 我国政府刚刚出台了国家 发展计划,瞬息间一切都改变了:必须重新对优先事 [...] 项进行评估,大多数情况下必须改变重点和(或)修改 重点。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government had just put in place its national development plan when [...] this scourge struck the country and [...]everything suddenly changed: priorities [...]had to be reevaluated, and in most cases refocused and/or modified. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们希望并祈祷,利比亚的流血和暴力将很快结束, 和平与稳定将再次降临该国。 daccess-ods.un.org | We hope and pray that the bloodshed and violence in Libya will soon end and that peace and stability will once again reign in that country. daccess-ods.un.org |
自约翰•马克安诺(John McEnroe)后,世界网坛引颈而望新科网球巨星 的 降临 , 期 待他能在网球场上展现独树一格的强烈个性。 audemarspiguet.com | Since John McEnroe, world tennis had been awaiting the arrival of a player with a strong personality on the courts. audemarspiguet.com |
死亡会降临后, 他的四百年'在位弥赛亚,全人类,世界将进入失效七天,之后将提出新的地球原始沉默的死亡,上帝会审判世界,并指派恶人到了地狱坑和天堂,而在另一侧是正义的(二公共服务电子化。 mb-soft.com | Death will befall the Messiah after [...] his four hundred years' reign, and all mankind and the world will lapse into primeval [...]silence for seven days, after which the renewed earth will give forth its dead and God will judge the world and assign the evil-doers to the pit of hell and the righteous to paradise, which is on the opposite side (II Esd. vii. 26-36). mb-soft.com |
为和平能够降临缅甸 的克钦地区祷告,好让难民能够安全返家。 amccsm.org | Pray for peace to come to [...] the Kachin region of Myanmar so that [...]the refugees can return safely to their homes. amccsm.org |
雪花不停地飘落,仿佛天堂所有的雪,都 会 降临 人 间。 swissworld.org | It snows and snows, whatever the heavens can let fall, and they let it fall in considerable amounts. swissworld.org |
求主的圣灵再度降临到我 们的心和中国教会的心中,兴起新一代的祷告战士。 amccsm.org | Ask the Lord to come upon our hearts and the hearts of His church in China with a fresh visitation of His Holy Spirit to raise up a new generation of prayer warriors. amccsm.org |
圣灵降临节的 下午,Sulz地区大的年轻人会举行Pfingstsprützlig庆典。 swissworld.org | On the afternoon of [...] Whit Sunday – seven weeks after Easter – the young men of the Fricktal villages of Sulz [...]and Gansingen take [...]part in the Pfingstsprützlig, or Whitsun Water Sprite, ceremony. swissworld.org |
患难”、“麻烦”,下同)时期, 即耶和华的日子;敌基督者的完全颠覆和 大巴比伦的衰亡;开始对犹太人恢复恩惠; 我们的主的第二次降临及他 的王国的建立; 圣徒的复活和奖赏。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | We find that many great and wonderful events center in this harvest: that in it occur the great time of trouble, the day of Jehovah; the final and complete overthrow of Antichrist and the fall of Great Babylon; the beginning of returning favor to the Jew; the second advent of our Lord and the establishment of his kingdom; and the resurrection and reward of the saints. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
民主的降临提供了处理马尔代夫性别歧视的新机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The advent of democracy offers a new opportunity to tackle gender discrimination in the Maldives. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如:虽然预言标示 出耶稣第一次降临的日 期和方式,但是人们 直到基督降临时才明白;然后,它又帮助那 些认真研究《圣经》的人们认识到耶稣就是 救世主,是上帝根据约定和预言派遣来的。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | For instance: Although prophecy marked the time and [...] manner of the first [...] advent, it was not understood until Christ had come; and then it helped those who carefully [...]studied the Scriptures [...]to recognize the man Jesus as the Christ, sent of God according to appointment and prophecy. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
伯爵Gouverneur腕表的超然风范完美衬托吴尊成熟内敛的贵族气质,吴尊以王子般的姿态压轴现身,穿梭由三座巨型金环所结合的光晕隧道,其气度神韵,展现犹如王 者 降临 般 的 尊爵风范。 piaget.com.cn | Walking through the arched tunnel of light framed by the 3 gigantic rings, Wu showed up with the charm of a Prince Charmant as the finale of the event, the Gouverneur watch on his wrist perfectly brought out Wu’s inner maturity and temperament and imbued him with the vigor of a king. piaget.com |
门徒们坚持不懈地聚集,等候圣灵的 降临 (徒 1:12-14),在此之前,他们已经 与耶稣天天在一起度过了三年的时间。 sallee.info | The disciples were constantly together as they waited for the Holy Spirit (Ac 1:12-14), and for three years previously they had been together daily with Jesus. sallee.info |
夜幕降临时, 熙熙攘攘的夜市热闹非凡。 shangri-la.com | At dusk, the square comes alive with an exciting night market. shangri-la.com |
2013年1月13日,上海旭宝会员月例赛新赛季的第一场在淅淅沥沥的雨中如期举行,44位会员如约而至,从12日晚上到13日早上一直飘落的小雨并未影响到会员们参赛的好心情,反而让参赛选手们享受着湿润清新的空气,整场比赛在轻快的节奏中进行,而幸运之神悄 然 降临 , 就 在西区第8洞,石松和臣先生击出一杆进洞,获得了All in One赞助的8000元礼券,点燃了全场的气氛。 silport.com.cn | A grand fortune ¨CHole in One on west 8 hole by Mr. ISHIMATSU KAZUOMI fired the whole match, and got 8000RMB Coupons sponsored by All in one. silport.com.cn |