单词 | 降 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:降温v—cooling downv 降解n—degradabilityn 降解性n—degradabilityn 升降机n—liftn escalatorn
如在加入马鈴薯後油的温度下降幅度较大并维持较长时间,会令马鈴薯摄入更多脂肪,而炸成时如油炸 温度较高则会导致产生过多丙烯酰胺。 cfs.gov.hk | A bigger long-lasting temperature drop after addition of potato will increase the fat uptake and a higher end temperature will lead to excessive acrylamide formation. cfs.gov.hk |
主要聯营公 司沙地英国银行带來的利润亦有所增加,利好因 素包括资产负债增长强劲和錄得费用收益,促使 该行收益上升,以及支出下降。 hsbc.com.tw | Profits from our principal associate, The Saudi British Bank, also increased due to a combination of higher income resulting from strong balance sheet growth and fee income, together with lower costs. hsbc.com.tw |
如产品的特性、原料及/或生产工序有任何 改变,以致可能影响产品在食物安全或降解性方面的表现,便须重新办理登记。 wastereduction.gov.hk | Re-registration is required if there is any change in product properties, raw materials and/or production process which may affect its performance with respect to either food safety or degradability. wastereduction.gov.hk |
(甲) 提出的问题是中立的,并无暗示要将有关年龄提 高、降低或改变。 hkreform.gov.hk | (a) The questions asked were neutral, and did not imply an increase, decrease, or, change in the relevant age. hkreform.gov.hk |
建造业议会正与香港机电工程商聯会、电梯业协会及职业训練局(职训局)积极 商讨,为建造业机电工种(包括升降机及 自动梯行业)提供更多培训,各方已原 则上同意为机电工种推行「承建商合作培训计划」,并为有志於完成职训局的机 电基本工艺课程後,投身成为机电学徒的学员提供资助,以提升机电工种的人力 资源。 devb.gov.hk | To increase the manpower for the trade, they have agreed in principle to introduce the Contractor Cooperative Training Scheme for the electrical and mechanical trade and provide subsidy to those trainees who intend to join as electrical and mechanical apprentices after completing VTC's basic craft courses in electrical and mechanical engineering. devb.gov.hk |
当风速降低後,强风保护功能停止运作,风力机本体会自动转回正面 [...] 迎风的位置。 windtek.com.tw | When the [...] wind speed slower, theHigh-Wind [...]Protect function will inactive and turn the turbine back to the heading wind position. windtek.com.tw |
c) 「本会要求就中区警署古蹟群的竹棚设计方案谘询区内居民意 見,及政府需降低新建筑物的高度至附近居民可接受水平。 centralpolicestation.org.hk | c) "The DC requests that residents in the vicinity should be consulted on the scaffolding design of the CPS Compound and that the Government should reduce the height of the new structure to a level acceptable to the residents. centralpolicestation.org.hk |
其他经济体系的经验显示,引入更多电力 市场參与者以提供顾客选择权,也不是完全没有风险,因 为供电可靠性下降和电价波动,都可能会出现。 forum.gov.hk | Lessons from other economies have indicated that introducing more players into the electricity market to provide customer choice is not without risks, and lower supply reliability and price fluctuations could be the outcome. forum.gov.hk |
将主画格向上或向下拖曳,以提高或降低素材上该点的音量等级。 site.theimportsworld.com | Drag the key frame upwards/downwards to increase/decrease the volume level at this point of the clip. site.theimportsworld.com |
这可以增加可用资本(例如透过财务再保险)的形 式出现,或以减少规定资本(例如透过新业务的组合及水平),以及透过使用对冲及再保险等降低风险的其他 策略的形式出现。 prudential.co.uk | These could take the form of increasing available capital (for example, through financial reinsurance) or reducing required capital (for example, through the mix and level of new business) and the use of other risk mitigation measures such as hedging and reinsurance. prudential.co.uk |
(3) 电费稳定基金的主要目的,是累积和提供资金,以 减少电费的增加或在合适情况下促进电费的下降。 hkelectric.com | (3) The main purpose of the Tariff Stabilisation Fund is to accumulate and provide funds to ameliorate tariff increases or facilitate tariff reduction where appropriate. hkelectric.com |
(三) 人口周期 (demographic cycles): 由於政治或社会因素(例如大战之 後),「婴儿热潮」令人口急增,提供了充足的勞动供应和市场需求;後來享樂 主义、物慾倾向与其他文化变迁使出生率下降,趋势便逆转。 sktsang.com | (3) Demographic cycles: Because of political or social factors (e.g. the end of a war), “baby boom” leads to a rapid growth in population and eventually provides sufficient labour supply and market demand. sktsang.com |
这项减费储备金通常於紧接的年度内以电费回 扣方式减少,以降低电费或尽量减低电费的增加。 hkelectric.com | This Rate Reduction Reserve shall be reduced by rebates applied to the tariffs normally in the Year next following so as to effect tariff reductions or to minimise tariff increases. hkelectric.com |
机电署亦会检讨和更新《实务守则》以提高对工作环境的要求,例如《实务守则》 已加入新条文订明承办商应在进行工程前,评估升降机槽 的温度、通风、照明等 工作环境条件,确保符合要求,适合工友进行相关工程。 devb.gov.hk | For instance, the CoP has introduced new provision that required contractors to assess and confirm that the environmental factors, such as temperature, ventilation, lightings, etc., inside the lift shaft are suitable before commencing works. devb.gov.hk |
但库存现金及中央银行结余以及同业 贷款则下降,原因是我们把流动资金再投放於 高评级的债务证券,以偿付已发行债务和支持 客户贷款增长,抵销了上述因素的部分影响。 hsbc.com.tw | This was partly offset by a decline in cash and balances at central banks and loans and advances to banks as liquidity was redeployed into highly rated debt securities, to repay debt in issue and to support customer lending growth. hsbc.com.tw |
如果当会议中的其 他人抱怨你的声音品质,你可以减少你的 上传频宽降低对其他人的视讯传输。 w1.iproom.com | If other people in the same meeting complaining your audio quality, you can reduce your up-stream bandwidth that slow down your video transmission to others. w1.iproom.com |
再者,如果议员辞职引发补选又參与 该补选的情况经常发生(事实上有人曾声言会再 度辞职引发补选),则不单对立法会的运作带來 [...] 很大影响,议会的完整性会有减损,而对选举程 序的尊重亦会降低。cmab.gov.hk | Moreover, if the phenomenon of a Member resigning in order to trigger a by-election in which he or she seeks to stand becomes a common occurrence (and there have in fact been threats by some to repeat the resignation and by-election exercise), not only will the operation of the LegCo be [...] adversely affected, the integrity of the Legislature will also be undermined and respect for the [...] electoral process lowered. cmab.gov.hk |
於回顾期内,集团面对之不利经营因素包括: (i) 能源成本上升令进 口氧化铝成本走高; (ii) 国产氧化铝供应的增加虽较前兩年缓慢,但仍处高位; 及 (iii) 二零零 [...] 八年年初华南地区雨雪天气导致部分国内的铝冶煉厂停产,令氧化铝需求下降造成 价格下 滑。 mmg.com | In the period under review, the Group in particular faced the following adverse operating environments: (i) imported cost of alumina ran high because of rising fuel costs; (ii) increase in supply of domestically-produced alumina in the PRC, though slower than previous two years, still remained on the high side; and (iii) decreased demand for alumina as a result of the disruption in production [...] of certain PRC aluminium smelters after snow storms in Southern China [...] in early 2008 has caused a price [...]slide of alumina. mmg.com |
整体毛利率由二零零六年上半年的 15.1%下降至二零零七年上半年的 11.3%,原因主要在於: (i) 铜加工业务占集团总营业额比重有所增加,惟其毛利率未及集团的其余业务; (ii) 二零零 六年上半年国内氧化铝价格正处於異常高位,集团氧化铝贸易业务因而受惠,氧化铝平均 售价远高於其他时期; 及 (iii) 随着若干长期销售合同於二零零六年完结,集团面对氧化铝价 格下滑的调节能力受到影响。 mmg.com | Overall gross profit margin dropped from15.1% in the first-half of 2006 to 11.3% in the first-half of 2007, which was mainly attributable to: (i) copper fabrication accounted for a higher percentage of the Group’s turnover than before; however, its gross profit margin was not as high as that of the other business segments; (ii) in the first-half of 2006 the Group’s alumina trading business was particularly benefited from the absurdly high prices of alumina in the PRC market, thus the average selling price of alumina for that period was much higher than that of others; and (iii) the withstanding power of the Group to downside price adjustments of alumina was reduced because certain long-term sales contracts were ended in 2006. mmg.com |
(a) 为配合伤健人士及有特别需要的人士的需要,方便他们使用铁 路服务,新一代的港铁車站均会设置最少一条无障碍通道,例 如客用升降机或 斜道,方便行动不便的人士进出車站。 mtr-westislandline.hk | (a) To cater for the needs of persons with disabilities or special needs, there will be at least one barrier-free access, for example, equipped with a passenger lift or a ramp, in each new railway station to help passengers in need enter or leave a station conveniently. mtr-westislandline.hk |
该估值显示,有足够的精算盈余乃至雇主供款可以降低至 信托契据规定的最低水平,从而可於日後年度回收部分盈余。 prudential.co.uk | Under that valuation there was sufficient actuarial surplus to permit a reduction in employer contributions to the minimum level under the trust deed rules, thereby allowing recoverability of part of the surplus in future years. prudential.co.uk |
展望 101 年,法规强制降价的脚步尚未歇止,但我们已经准备好要迈开數位汇流的大 步伐,强化所有业务的综效,提供用户全方位的數位生活,更为股东创造最大利益! corp.taiwanmobile.com | For 2012, Ddespite continuing challenges fromon the regulatory front, Taiwan Mobile is well-prepared for the digital convergence age, ready to enhance its business synergies, provide an all-encompassing digital life for its customers and create maximum returns for its shareholders. english.taiwanmobile.com |
8.2 国家及 RFMO/As 应当考虑到国际海事组织目前就修订 1978 年议定书修改 1973 年预防船舶污染国际公约(简称 MARPOL 73/78)附件五和降低有关遗失渔具影 响执行指导方针所作的努力。 ofdc.org.tw | 8.2 States and RFMO/As should take account of current work at the International Maritime Organization on the revision of Annex V of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78) and the Guidelines for the Implementation of Annex V in relation to reducing the impact of lost fishing gear. ofdc.org.tw |
其重点是透过合作、提高效率及加强创意,共同提高 工程价值及降低成本,而并非以苛刻的合约条款或按合约 索偿谋取利益。 hkcic.org | The focus is on jointly improving value and lowering cost through cooperation, enhancement in efficiency and innovation, instead of gaining an advantage through onerous contract terms or contractual claims. hkcic.org |
学生应明白如何生成加成聚合 物;此外,他们应懂得塑胶较其他物料优胜的地方是其耐用性,但这一特 性同样也是塑胶的缺点,因它们在自然界中难以降解。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Moreover, they should appreciate that durability is one of the great advantages of using plastics over other materials, but that this advantage is also a drawback, as most plastics do not readily degrade in a natural environment. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
本文将探讨 PTN 的主流 技术在數据主导(Data Dominant)时代,如何有效率地传送封包讯务,且降低电信业 者的总成本;并分析平滑演进到全封包传输网路过程中, P-OTP 平台所扮演的角 色。 chttl.com.tw | This article would discuss how PTN could transport packets efficiently and reduce TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) for carrier at the data dominant age and would also analyze the role of the P-OTP platform in the process of the smooth evolution to all-packet transport network. chttl.com.tw |
(注意:购买乾热灭菌爐时请注意BS 3421所示的要求: 乾热灭菌爐应设有辅助风扇、热电偶插口,以及确保乾 热灭菌爐紧闭直至温度降至摄 氏60度以下的安全装置。 chp.gov.hk | (N.B. When purchasing hot air oven, please note the requirements of BS 3421: hot air oven should be fan-assisted; it should have a thermocouple entry port and safety device which will keep the door locked until chamber temperature is below 60oC. chp.gov.hk |
部份回应者建议使用鼓勵和警告兩种方法來反映用户用电的趋 势,例如当用电量超过上个月,可以在电费单上印上红色警告字眼,相反对有效降低能源消耗量的家庭给予鼓勵的字句以作表扬。 susdev.org.hk | Some suggested that energy consumption trends be presented in an encouraging and discouraging way like a warning message in red could be printed on the electricity bill if there was an increasing trend of energy consumption compared to the previous month, and complimentary words could encourage households that reduced energy consumption. susdev.org.hk |