

单词 陈德良

See also:

lay out
vassal state during the Spring and Autumn Period 770-475 BC
surname Chen
Chen of the Southern dynasties (557-589)


very adj
virtuous adj

very much

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 者,尤其在有关尊重个人自由、公民对其 德良 好 名 誉及声誉之权利等方面为 然。
Both the freedom of expression of thought and the right to information are exercised without any form of censorship, impediment or discrimination, within the boundaries of
the respect for individual freedoms and the right of all
[...] persons to their moral integrity, public [...]
standing and reputation.
一名 12 岁的男孩艾哈德在书 面陈述中指出,“他们要我面壁跪下,每次我动一动, 就有人痛打我的脖子”。
One of the boys, 12-year-old Ahmad, said in an affidavit, “I was made to kneel and face the wall, and every time I moved, a man slapped me across the neck”.
在同次会议上,下列人士还就报告草案发了言 陈 先 生 、 德 科 先 生、海因 茨先生、胡赛努乌先生、坂本先生、塞图尔幸先生和瓦尔扎齐女士。
Also at the same meeting, statements
in relation to the draft report were
[...] made by Mr. Chen, Mr. Decaux, Mr. Heinz, Mr. Hüseynov, [...]
Mr. Sakamoto, Mr. Seetulsingh and Ms. Warzazi.
[...] 建立未来更高声望和更高效率的教科文组织,我们确实需要这种远见卓识,以维护其作为 联合国大家庭知识前哨和德良知的 原有品质。
The prospect of the world in front of us indicates that this oversight is indeed what we need for a more visible and effective UNESCO in
the future, to ensure its original function of intellectual
[...] watchtower and moral conscience of the United Nations family.
他是最高立法者,該Rewarder道德良好 , 懲罰者的道德罪惡。
He is the supreme Lawgiver, the Rewarder of moral good, and the Punisher of moral evil.
咨询委员会第五届会议通过了第5/4 号建议,指陈先生、德科先 生(报告 员) 、侯赛诺夫先生、卡尔塔什金先生、基松宾女士、西图辛格先生(主席) [...]
和瓦尔 扎齐女士为起草小组成员,就此问题开展筹备工作,供咨询委员会第六届会议审 议。
At its fifth session, the Advisory Committee
adopted recommendation 5/4, in which it
[...] designated Mr. Chen, Mr. Decaux (Rapporteur), [...]
Mr. Hüseynov, Mr. Kartashkin, Ms. Quisumbing,
Mr. Seetulsingh (Chairperson) and Ms. Warzazi as members of a drafting group to undertake preparatory work on the issue for consideration by the Advisory Committee at its sixth session.
在同次会上陈先生、德科先 生、卡尔塔什金先生、西图尔辛先生、瓦尔 扎齐女士和佐勒菲卡尔女士就建议草案发了言。
At the same
[...] meeting, Mr. Chen, Mr. Decaux, Mr. Kartashkin, [...]
Mr. Seetulsingh, Ms. Warzazi and Ms. Zulficar made statements
in relation to the draft recommendation.
在 7 月 13 日第 28 次会议上,理事会举行了一次主题为“消除性别歧视和良的性别陈规定 型观念:有效的对应政策”的小组讨论,由理事会副主席阿布卡 拉姆·阿卜杜勒·穆明(孟加拉国)主持。
At its 28th meeting, on 13 July, the Council held a panel discussion on the theme “Countering gender discrimination and negative gender stereotypes: effective policy responses”, chaired by Vice-President of the Council Abulkalam Abdul Momen (Bangladesh).
您在電視上向人民流露的那一點 德良 知 , 與劉先生相比,不過是更加 殘缺、污穢且無耻的。
The moral conscience you display on television [...]
in front of the people only manifests that you are all the more incapable,
filthy and shameless in comparison with Mr LIU.
随后,伯尼先 生陈先生、德科先 生、海因茨先生、胡赛努乌先生、卡尔塔什金先生、穆德霍 先生和西图尔辛先生也加入为提案人。
Subsequently, Mr. Burney, Mr. Chen, Mr. Decaux, Mr. Heinz, Mr. Hüseynov, Mr. Kartashkin, Mr. Mudho and Mr. Seetulsingh joined the sponsors.
[...] 科文组织及其统筹兼顾的方针应发挥的独特作用,作为联合国系统“ 德良 知 ” 的代表,教科文组织可以审时 度势,化危机为契机,避免出现“各自为政”现象以及文化与文明冲突的危险。
For many of them, this difficult set of circumstances underscored the particular
relevance of UNESCO and its holistic
[...] approach, as the “moral conscience” of the United Nations [...]
system, to transforming the crisis
into an opportunity, and averting the risks of withdrawal and isolation and a clash of civilizations or cultures.
消除性别歧视和良的性别陈规 定型观念:有效的对应政策”小组 讨论
Panel discussion on “Countering gender discrimination and negative gender stereotypes: effective policy responses
随行有一大批 中国高级官员,其中包括:外交部长杨洁篪,中共中央对外联络
[...] 部部长王家瑞,国家发展与改革委员会主任张平,商务部部陈 德铭, 文化部部长蔡武,国务院研究室主任谢伏瞻,中国驻朝鲜 [...]
大使刘晓明,总理办公室主任丘小雄,外交部副部长武大维及中 国人民解放军总政治部副主任刘振起。
He was accompanied by an exceptionally large delegation of Chinese senior officials, including: Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, Chinese Communist Party International Department head Wang Jiarui, National Development and
Reform Commission Minister Zhang Ping, Minister
[...] of Commerce Chen Deming, Minister of [...]
Culture Cai Wu, Director of the research
office of the State Council Xie Fuzhan, China’s ambassador to the DPRK Liu Xiaoming, premier’s office director Qui Xiaoxiong, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Wu Dawei and deputy director of the General Political Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Liu Zhenqi.
宣传官员限制对前上海市委书陈良 宇 案件的独立报导 陈良 宇 因 腐败问题而于7月被中共撤职),并明令所有出版物只能采用新华社对此事件的报道。
Propaganda officials restricted independent
reporting of the case of
[...] former Shanghai Party Secretary Chen Liangyu, who was dismissed from the [...]
CCP in July for corruption,
and ordered publications to rely only on Xinhua News Agency reports for their coverage of this topic.
为全面实施“对基于性别的暴力包括人口贩运的零容忍行动”拨出 必要的资源,并确保最高政治层面对该行动的参与,以突出暴力侵害妇女行 为的不可接受性,改变致使对妇女有害和充满暴力的歧视性做法长期存在的良态度和陈规定型观念
97.10. Allocate the resources necessary for the full implementation of the “Zero Tolerance Campaign against Gender Based Violence, Including Human Trafficking”, and ensure engagement at the highest political level in the campaign to highlight the unacceptability of violence against women and address the attitudes and stereotypes that perpetuate discriminatory practices that are harmful and violent toward women (Canada)
在过去的140年里,TÜV 南德意志集团已经德国建立了良好 的品牌声誉并成为了优秀的安全及检验服务提供商。
Over the past 140 years, TÜV SÜD has built a sterling
[...] brand reputation in Germany as the premium provider [...]
of safety and inspection services.
再加上这些伟大的男子可能是所提到的圣西里尔的精神导师,圣Pelusium,其2000年的信件处理寓言注释主要是,通过对圣马克维克多的安提阿评论伊西多尔,以及对引进的经文解释 德良 和 尚 ,一个的安提阿方法说明书。
Together with these great men may be mentioned St. Cyril's spiritual adviser, St. Isidore of Pelusium, whose 2000 letters deal chiefly with allegorical exegesis, the commentary on St. Mark by Victor of
Antioch, and the introduction to the interpretation of
[...] Scripture by the monk Hadrian, a manual of [...]
the Antiochene method.
在 这 种 情况下,工会的注 意力主要集 中在维
[...] 护工人和员 工 福 利上,同 时 鼓励会 员 在 个人工作、国家事务和德方面有良 好 表 现。
At that time, principles of the trade union were focused mainly on participation in defending benefits of
workers and personnel and encouraging members who had good performances in their
[...] works, the State’s affairs and morality.
我們須記 一點:市場運作 要受人類的德良知規範。
We must bear in mind that market operation is
[...] regulated by the morals and conscience of human beings.
促使公共和私营行为者提供捐助的是 德良 知。
Moral conscience impels all public [...]
and private actors to contribute.
除非上述措施在政策文件中加以明确规定,并纳入《工作人员条例与服务细则》,否则 任良好意愿的陈述都 只不过是空中楼阁。
Unless such measures are clearly spelled out in a policy document and incorporated into Staff Regulations and Staff Rules, any statement of good intentions would be no more than wishful thinking.
以 色列当局继续试图清理这些神圣场地以建造所谓的“人类尊严中心和宽容博物 馆”及在墓地的另一部分建造“司法建筑群”。用挖掘逝者遗骸和破坏成百上千
[...] 座坟墓的方式建造这类“宽容”和“司法”机构建筑的做法,是对每一个具有德良知和 人类基本敏感性的个人的挑衅。
The building of such institutions of “tolerance” and “justice” via the disinterment of human remains and the destruction of
hundreds and hundreds of graves should be offensive to any
[...] individual with moral conscience and basic human [...]
包括与中国农业大学陈章良校长及其他管 理人员会面,并参加了城市农业工程改革与发展国际 研讨会和在人民大会堂举行的由回良玉副总理主持的 纪念典礼。
This included contacts with the President of CAU, Dr. Chen Zhangliang, and other directorial officers, as well as participating in the International Symposium on Innovation and Development of Urban Agricultural Engineering and attending the centennial ceremony held in the Great Hall of the People presided over by the VicePremier Hui Liangyu.
环境保护署感谢各工作小组成员及其他曾协助制订本测试指引的人士所作出的贡献,并铭 谢香港科技大学俞坚博士在制订测试方法时所提供的宝贵意见、香港大 陈德 仪 博 士和香港浸会大学张桂宗博士在模拟测试中所提供的协助及香港生产力促进局林子聪博士为完成测试指引时所作出的支持。
Special thanks are given to Dr. Jian YU of the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology for his advice in developing the test methods; Dr. Andy CHAN of the University of Hong Kong and Dr. K.C. CHEUNG of the Hong Kong Baptist University for their support in conducting the pilot tests; and Dr. C.C. LAM of the Hong Kong Productivity Council for his support in finalising the Testing Guideline.
(b) 如我们 1 月 18 日向新闻界发表的声明所强调,埃塞俄比亚当局愚蠢地 企图将毫无道理地杀害无辜平民的懦夫之举当作可用来诋毁厄立特里亚 良 机, 这是不德的。
(b) As we underlined in our press statement of 18 January, the ill-advised attempts of the Ethiopian regime to take the senseless and cowardly killing of innocent civilians as a blessing in disguise to vilify Eritrea is not only morally reprehensible, but its threat to use force against another Member State on trumpedup charges is a violation of Article 2, paragraph 4, of the Charter.
根據民研計劃的標準,高永文屬於「表現理想」,張建宗、林鄭月娥和曾俊華屬於「表現成功」,黎棟國、陳家強、張 良 、 梁 振英、 德 成 、吳克儉及陳茂波屬於「表現一般」,譚志源、黃錦星、蘇錦樑、鄧國威和袁國強屬於「表現不彰」,沒有人屬於「表現失敗」或「表現拙劣」。
According to POP’s standard, Ko Wing-man falls under the category of “ideal” performer, Matthew Cheung, Carrie Lam and John Tsang now fall under the category of “successful” performer.
预计书记官处能实现各项目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a) 前南斯拉夫各国在 提供信息及其他形式的援助方面予以合作;(b) 诉讼程序不会因法庭无法控制的 原因而出现延误,如被告人患病、出乎意料的材料披露、请求更换辩护律师、请 求复审已审案件、影响诉讼程序的其他动议以及没有证人 陈 述 予以证明及提供 证词;(c) 法庭工作人员的更替率在可接受的范围内。
The Registry is expected to meet its objective and expected accomplishments on the assumption that: (a) the States of the former Yugoslavia cooperate in the provision of information and other forms of assistance; (b) there are no delays in the proceedings for reasons beyond the Tribunal’s control, such as illness of the accused, unforeseen disclosure of material, requests for replacement of defence counsel, requests for review of cases already tried, other motions affecting the proceedings or the non-availability of witnesses to certify statements and provide testimony; and (c) the turnover rate of the Tribunal’s staff remains within acceptable limits.
根据教科文组织的《性别平等行动计划》,重点强调,要加强媒体内容中的性别视 角,减少性陈规定型观点,与此同时,倡导妇女在媒体领域决策职位上的机会平等。
In line with UNESCO’s Gender Equality Action Plan, strong emphasis was placed on fostering gender perspectives in media content and on reducing gender stereotyping, while at the same time advocating for equal opportunities in decision-making positions for women in the media.
[...] 这类“宽容”和“司法”机构建筑的做法可憎可恶、骇人听闻,是对每一个具有德良知和 人类基本敏感性的个人的挑衅。
The building of such institutions of “tolerance” and “justice” via the disinterment of human remains and the destruction of hundreds and hundreds of
graves is obscene and appalling and should be offensive to any
[...] individual with moral conscience and basic human [...]




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