

单词 附设

附设 noun ()

ancillary n

See also:

be attached
be close to

External sources (not reviewed)

他认为,在克 罗地亚,信息中心附设于档 案馆,或国土战争文献中心。
He considered that in Croatia an Information Centre could be attached to the Archives, or to the Documentation Centre for the Homeland War.
附设Lipki .Circle俱乐部,安排旅行、生日派对、计算机课程、弹吉他、编织、陶艺等活动,并组织不同的兴趣小组、家长会及其他精彩活动。
Circle. There are excursions and birthday parties, computer lessons and playing the guitar, weaving, ceramics, organization of different hobby groups, parent meetings and other fun events.
存 款 者 可 赚 取 高 于 一 般 定 期 存 款 的 利 率 〔 实 质 乃 存 款附 设 的 赎 回 期 权 之 期 权 金 〕 。
The deposit, embedded with a call option, compensates the depositor with a higher yield (call premium) than normal time deposit for the callable feature.
世卫组织、世卫组附设的杜 绝结核病全球伙伴关系、艾滋病规划署秘书处 和全球基金已与若干伙伴密切合作,以求加强结核病防治界和艾滋病毒防治界之 间的合作,致力于在 2015 年前将死于结核病的艾滋病毒感染者减半,为此应增 强政治承诺,动员社区,投资进行研究并加强基于权利的办法,以确保普及结核 病和艾滋病毒综合服务。
WHO, the WHO-hosted Global Partnership to Stop Tuberculosis, the UNAIDS secretariat, and the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria have worked closely with a number of partners to strengthen collaboration between the TB and HIV communities with commitments to halving TB deaths in people living with HIV by 2015, through increased political commitment, community mobilization, research investment and a strengthened rights-based approach to ensure universal access to integrated TB and HIV services.
配套商业附设大堂 、餐饮、会议、休闲等商业功能并营造一个集餐饮、健身、游泳、休闲为一体的高档商务服务中心。
[...] commercial building attached to the lobby, [...]
restaurant, conference, leisure and other commercial functions and
create a set of dining, fitness, swimming, leisure as one of the high-end business services center.
各间巴士公司亦在其辖下大部分巴士上装设其他设施,方便 残疾乘客,附设靠背 及安全带的轮椅停放处、降低车身功能,并设有阔门、车 [...]
厢内设有颜色分明及有纹理的扶手、特低地台并铺有防滑地板、伸手可及的按 铃、残疾乘客优先座位、车头设有大字体终点站及路线编号的电子显示、车身侧
面及后面设有大字体路线编号的电子显示、巴士出口设有车门关闭蜂鸣器及提示 灯及车厢内设有显示车牌号码及顾客服务专线的点字板。
Ancillary facilities such as wheelchair space with back rest and restraint lap
[...] belt, front kneeling capability with [...]
wide entrance, high colour contrast and
textured handrail system inside compartment, super low floor covered with non-slippery floor material, easily reached bell; priority seats for passengers with disabilities, large electronic destination and route number display on the front, large electronic route number display on the side and rear, closing door buzzer and warning lamp at exit and Braille registration number plate and customer service hotline inside compartment are equipped in most buses to facilitate persons with disabilities in using bus services.
对于其它的工艺和应用,我们专利的 PRISM® 变压附设备PSA或者非深冷膜 分离系统可以为您现场制取氮气,与 传统供应模式相比,该系统的成本节 约最高可达50%。
For other processes and applications, our PRISM® PSA or membrane noncryogenic systems can provide on-site generated nitrogen with potential cost savings of up to 50 percent compared to traditional supply modes.
两所规模较大的小附 设学习中心,提供特殊教育服务。
Special education services are
[...] provided at centres attached to two of the [...]
larger primary schools.
Ÿ 鼓励经安全理事会授权的联合国维持和平特派团及其他相关特派附 设一个大众媒体部门,以传播有关国际人道主义法和人权法的信息,同 时也提供关于联合国活动的客观信息。
Ÿ Encourage United Nations peacekeeping and other relevant missions authorized by the Security Council to include a mass-media component that can disseminate information about international humanitarian law and human rights law while also giving objective information about the activities of the United Nations.
单间式或单身公寓房只有一 个房间,附设有厨房和洗手间。
Studios or bachelor suites have one room with a kitchen area and a bathroom.
图 1. NT1000/W (附设工件推料器) NMV3000 DCG 是一台拥有卓越接近性、能见度的 5 轴控制高精度立式加工中心。
Contact] Sales Planning Section users@moriseiki.co.jp Fig. 1 NT1000/W (with workpiece discharge unit) The NMV3000 DCG high-precision 5-axis control vertical machining center provides both superior accessibility and visibility.
在户外露天安装 MOBOTIX M12 时,如果把摄像机正面朝天安装(即使为摄像 附设 了 防 雨罩),自然冷凝产生的湿气将无法正常排出摄像机。
When mounting the MOBOTIX M12 upside-down in outdoor scenarios (even though the camera is protected from rain), humidity from natural condensation cannot exit the camera properly.
针对这些要求,在本污水站设计中采用了以下措施: 1整个污水站采用全地埋方式,仅有一间操作室在地面以上;
[...] 1采用SBR工艺,占地面积很小; 1气味有专门的排放口,并可加活性碳 附设 施, 1曝气采用日本百事德公司生产的回转式风机,噪音很小,不会对周边地区产生噪音污染。
As the eco-park built in the national forest park, leisure and entertainment in itself, it requires the sewage station has an area of small, beautiful shape, no noise and odor pollution, deal with high efficiency, design capacity 500m3 / d. In response to these requirements, the design of the sewage station adopted the following measures: 1 the sewage station buried with full mode, only one operating room above ground; 1 using SBR technology, small footprint; an odor with
special discharge, may be added
[...] activated carbon adsorption facilities, an aeration [...]
of Japan Pepsi de produced rotary fan noise
is very small, no noise pollution to surrounding areas.
墙体从60公分、80公分到1米厚不等,全部由当地石材砌筑而成,石头墙是自承重的,墙 附设 构 造 柱、圈梁和门窗过梁,起到增强石墙整体性的抗震作用,同时用来支撑混凝土现浇的屋顶。
After a brief rest, gathering necessary information of the area and other supplies, sending out emails to friends and relatives, visitors are again led by a zig-zag
stone path way down the hill into the village,
[...] and afterwards, set foot to explore [...]
the Mount Namchabawa and disappear into the
no-man-forest of the Yaluntzangpu valley for days and weeks.
此外,金沙城中心附设两间水疗中心、三间健身俱乐部、以及两间共300,000平方呎 (28,000平方米) 的独特设计娱乐博彩中心,金沙城中心势必成为路凼金光大道上首屈一指的休閒娱乐项目*。
Andwith two spas, three health clubs and 300,000 square feet (28,000 square metres) of gamingspace in two, uniquely-themed gaming centres, Sands Cotai Central provides a new level ofluxury and accessibility to the Cotai Strip*.
在这方面,我们强烈呼吁那附设一些 限制条件,造成其捐款无法用于任何与非 索特派团军事部分有关的开支的捐助方取消那些限 制条件,以便能够将资源用于偿还非索特派团部队派 遣国的有关费用。
In this regard, we strongly appeal to donors that have placed caveats preventing the use of their contributions for any expenditure related to the military component of AMISOM to remove those caveats in order to free resources for the reimbursement of AMISOM troop contributors.
这种合约模式亦有助提升工程管理质素,例如在合约 附设 特 定 的风险管理条款等,令合约双方尽快共同联手解决问题,以确保工程能顺利尽早完成。
This form of contract also facilitates better project management, such as provisions on risk management, so that problems can be solved jointly and promptly by the contracting parties as they arise, and the works progress can be enhanced.
古巴将继续严格遵守第 1267(1999)号、第
[...] 1373(2001)号和第 1540(2004)号决议,并同这三项决 议设附属机构合作。
Cuba will continue to strictly comply with the provisions of resolutions
1267 (1999), 1373 (2001) and 1540 (2004) and to
[...] cooperate with the subsidiary bodies created [...]
pursuant to those resolutions.
委员会可考虑到《公约》和《任择议定书》的规定,设立它认为履行其职能 所必需的小组委员会和其他设附属 机 构并规定其组成和职权。
1. The Committee may, taking into account the provisions of the Covenant and
the Protocol, set up such subcommittees
[...] and other ad hoc subsidiary bodies as it deems [...]
necessary for the performance of its
functions, and define their composition and powers.
总务处设附属 部 门 ,它们代 表文化艺 术 部对所有涉及文化遗 产的任务 进 行 协 [...]
调 , 同 时根据当前 形势确 定相应 的义务和责 任。
Following the establishment of the General Department [...]
with subordinating departments, which represents to coordinate with
the Ministry on all tasks related to the cultural heritage, and by determining the appropriate duties and responsibilities in response to the current situations, the specialized officials are able to perform their tasks comparatively well as follows
这类援助设附加条 件,形式主要是赠款和非常优惠的长期贷款。
The aid, which was non-conditional, was mainly provided in the form of grants and long-term loans of high concessionality.
6 点钟”位设附掣停 装置的红色小秒针,指示腕表运作正常。
The small red seconds hand rotating at “6 o’clock” is an indication that the watch is running normally.
这些附属机构之一是京都议定书设附件一 缔约方进一步承诺特设工作组,其成果文件中载有关于在其第二个承 诺期中继续执行《京都议定书》的主要协定,并在其序言部分中列明了针对气候 变化问题制定全面的全球应对办法的重要性。
One of these subsidiary bodies was the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex 1 Parties [...]
under the Kyoto Protocol,
whose outcome document contains the main agreements regarding the continuation of the Kyoto Protocol in its second commitment period, and includes in its preamble the importance of developing a comprehensive global response to the problem of climate change.
公约与建议委员会(CR)是执行局 设附 属 机 构之 一1 ,2009-2011 年由产生于各选举组的 29 [...]
名委员组成,即:德国、西班牙、美利坚合众 国、法国、意大利 (第 I 组);白俄罗斯、波兰、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐克(第 II 组);智利、古
巴、秘鲁、圣卢西亚、委内瑞拉(玻利瓦尔共和国) (第 III 组);中国、印度、马来西亚、菲律 宾、大韩民国 (第 IV 组);布基纳法索、科特迪瓦、肯尼亚、尼日尔、塞内加尔(第 Va 组); 阿尔及利亚、沙特阿拉伯、埃及、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、突尼斯(第 Vb 组)。
The Committee on Conventions and Recommendations (CR)
[...] is one of the permanent subsidiary bodies of the Executive [...]
Board.1 For 2009-2011, it is
composed of 29 members from all the electoral groups: France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United States of America (Group I); Belarus, Poland, Romania and Slovakia (Group II); Chile, Cuba, Peru, Saint Lucia and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (Group III); China, India, Malaysia, Philippines and Republic of Korea (Group IV); Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Niger and Senegal (Group V(a)); Algeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic and Tunisia (Group V(b)).
大会第 43/222 B号决议决定保留会议委员会,作为一个 设附 属 机 构。
In its resolution 43/222 B, the General Assembly decided to retain the Committee on
[...] Conferences as a permanent subsidiary organ.
大会第四十三届会议决定保留会议委员会为 设附 属 机关,由 21 名成员组 成,成员由大会主席同各区域集团主席协商后任命,任期三年(第 [...]
43/222 B 号决 议)(另见项目 115(f))。
At its forty-third session, the General Assembly
decided to retain the Committee on
[...] Conferences as a permanent subsidiary organ composed of [...]
21 members to be appointed by the
President of the Assembly, after consultations with the chairmen of the regional groups, for a period of three years (resolution 43/222 B) (see also item 115 (f)).
1995 (XIX) 号决议第11 段中决定,理事会可作出安排,请与贸易问题及贸易
[...] 与发展之关系问题有关的非政府组织的代表参加理事会及其 设附 属 机 构和工作 组的讨论,但无投票权。
The General Assembly, in its resolution 1995 (XIX), as amended, entitled “Establishment of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development as an organ of the General Assembly” decided, in paragraph 11, that the Board may make arrangements for representatives of non-governmental organizations concerned with matters of trade and trade as related to development to participate,
without vote, in the deliberations of the Board and
[...] in those of the subsidiary bodies and working [...]
groups established by it.
联合国防治荒漠化公约》( 《荒漠化公约》) 缔约方会议在第1/COP.5号决
[...] 定中决定设立《公约》执行情况审评委员会( 审评委) ,作为缔约方会议的设附 属机构,协助缔约方会议定期审评《公约》和“战略”的执行情况。
By its decision 1/COP.5, the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) decided to establish the Committee for the Review
of Implementation of the Convention
[...] (CRIC) as a standing subsidiary body of the COP [...]
to assist the COP in regularly reviewing
implementation of the Convention and The Strategy.
33.在第 11/COP.9
[...] 号决定中,缔约方会议决定设立审评委,作为缔约方会议的 一个设附属机 构,协助缔约方会议定期审评《公约》和“战略”的执行情况。
In decision 11/COP.9, Parties decided to establish the
[...] CRIC as a standing subsidiary body of the COP [...]
to assist it in regularly reviewing the
implementation of the Convention and The Strategy.




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