

单词 附表


新附表 n

new schedule n

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

不建议在壁厚超出附表格中 对每种尺寸所显示的范围之外的 卡套管上使用世伟洛克卡套管接头。
Swagelok tube fittings are not recommended for tube wall thicknesses outside the ranges shown in the accompanying tables for each size.
审计委员会感到关切的是,近东救济工程处的程序不足以防止未清偿债务的 重大虚报;在财务报表编制过程中,管理程序和控制措施未解决证明 附表 和财 务报表之间的差异。
The Board was concerned that the UNRWA procedures were not adequate to prevent a material overstatement in its unliquidated obligations and that the differences between the supporting schedule and the financial statements were not addressed by management processes and controls during the financial statement preparation process.
(c) 各国政府应当落实 2010 年 6 月 8 日至 10 日在利马举行的国际前体管 制专题讨论会商定的关于列附表和 未列 入 附表 的 前 体的成果。
(c) Governments should implement the outcomes agreed upon by the International Precursor Control Symposium, held in Lima from 8 to 10 June 2010, on scheduled and non-scheduled precursors.
指港燈與電力有關而在土地、樓宇、廠房和設備方面 的投資及轉化為資本開支的整修和改善工程,除根附表二 A 部所載規定外,亦包括建築期內的資產,暫 付款項,運送中的貨物和資本物料。
means HEC’s Electricity-Related investments in land, buildings, plant, equipment, and capitalised refurbishment and improvement works and, subject to Section A of Schedule 2, includes assets in the course of construction, payments on account, goods in transit and capital stores.
不管本協議在那日開始生效,如果在本協議簽訂之日之後條例被廢除或 有任何修改 (除按照政府於 2007 年 12 月 17 日發出的立法會環境事務小 組編號 CB(1) 418/07-08(07)文件(“立法建議”)中建議修改條例以設置污 染物的排放上限及便利使用排放交易),或任何指明工序牌照有任何更新
或更改(對初始上限所作的更改或按照立法建議而作的更改除外),從而 對此機制或港燈的排放表現或遵守所有污染物的總許可排放量的情况造 成重大影響,則此機制不適用於
[...] 該適用年度及之後各適用年度,直至港 燈與政府達成協議,對附表作必要的修改以令機制繼續生效爲止。
Notwithstanding the date on which the Agreement comes into effect, if from the date of this Agreement there is any repeal or amendment to the APCO (other than pursuant to the Government’s proposal to amend the APCO to cap the emissions of the Pollutants and to facilitate the use of emissions trading as described in a Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affairs Paper reference CB(1) 418/07-08(07) dated 17 December 2007 (“Legislative Proposal”)) or any renewal of or change to any Specified Process Licence (other than to the amount of the Initial Cap or pursuant to the Legislative Proposal), which has a material effect on the Mechanism or HEC’s emissions performance or compliance with the Total Permissible Emissions, the Mechanism shall not apply to that Applicable Year and any subsequent Applicable Years until HEC and the
Government have reached agreement as to the
[...] amendments to this Schedule that are required [...]
to give continued effect to the Mechanism.
不過 , 由 於這項工程計劃( 即 720CL 號工程計劃) 下的各項工程( 原 為 658CL 號工程計劃的一部 分 ) 均 不 屬 於 《 環境影響評 估 條例附 表 2 的 指 定工程項目,當局無須就擬議工程的施工和設施的運作申領環境 許可證。
However, all works under the subject project - 720CL (part of former 658CL) are not designated under Schedule 2 of the EIA Ordinance and no environmental permit is required for the construction and operation of the proposed works.
内陆渔业提供的服 务与内陆水域生态系统提供的生态系统服务一样( 附表 )。
The services provided by inland fisheries are similar to the ecosystem services provided by inland
[...] water ecosystems (see accompanying table).
(a) 土㆞發展公司條例第附表第 6 (1)條規定:「公司成員對提交給公司考慮的合約(不 論是由公司或其僱員、代理㆟或合夥㆟所訂立或擬訂立的合約,或是由公司設立 的法㆟團體所訂立或擬訂立的合約),如有任何直接或間接的利害關係,須在公司 [...]
可,該成員不得參與公司就該合約而進行的商議,並在任何情況㆘,均不得就有 關該合約的任何問題投票」。
(a) Section 6(1) of the First Schedule of the LDC Ordinance provides that "A member of the Corporation who is in [...]
any way directly or indirectly
interested in a contract made or proposed to be made by the Corporation, or in a contract made or proposed to be made by a servant or agent or a partner of the Corporation or, by a body corporate established by the Corporation which is brought up for consideration by the Corporation, shall disclose the nature of his interest at a meeting of the Corporation; and the disclosure shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the Corporation, and the member shall not without the permission of the Chairman take part in any deliberation of the Corporation with respect to that contract and shall not in any event vote on any question concerning it".
在過 渡期間,當局容許食物業界遵守有關准許防腐劑和抗氧化 劑的現附表( 即舊附表) 或經修訂附表( 即新附表),兩 者 都已訂明准許在每種指明食物∕食物類別中使用添加劑的 分量。
During the transition period, food trades would be allowed to comply with either list i.e. the existing (old) and the revised (new) lists of permitted preservatives and antioxidants, with levels of additives allowed under each specified foods/food categories.
当只考虑计划部门时,总部与总部外办事处 人员的分配更为平衡,正常预算项下的 976
[...] 名工作人员(主任,专业人员和一般事务人员) 中的 50 %就职于总部外办事处(见附表 7), 其中包括由总部外协调局在当地聘用的一般 事务人员。
When only programme sectors are considered, the distribution of staff between Headquarters and the network of field offices is more balanced as 50% of the 976 staff members (D, P and GS)
under the regular budget are in
[...] the field (see Table 7 of the attached Annex, which incorporates [...]
in the overall figure the
local General Service staff in the field under BFC).
[...] 獲豁免遵從營養標籤規定時,應根據以下原則審批:產品是否屬於食物,是否已經預先 包裝和是否屬於第132W章附表6所列 15項獲豁免項目的其中一項。
Mr. C. L. CHIU summed up that to determine whether certain products were considered as fruit / vegetable / meat / aquatic life and whether they could be exempted from the NL requirements, they should be assessed whether
it was food, whether it was prepackaged, and whether it was one of the 15 exempted
[...] items under Schedule 6 of Cap. 132W.
本集團截至二零零五年十二月三十一日止三個月及九個月之未經審核綜合業績及與 去年同期業績之比較載附表內。
The unaudited consolidated results of the Group for the three months and nine months
ended 31 December 2005 and comparisons with the results for the same period last year are
[...] set out in the accompanying table.
5.3 假若閣下未有根據本客戶協議及 附表 履 行本身的任何責任及/或償還閣下的任何債務,包括未有提供保 證金,則吾等可無須事先通知閣下或獲得閣下同意的情況下,採取絕對酌情權:(a)拒絕接受閣下在交易 所交易的期權業務發出的進一步指示;(b)將閣下與吾等之間的部分或全部客戶合約平倉;(c)訂立合約或 進行證券、期貨或商品的交易以履行所產生的責任或對沖吾等因閣下未有履行責任而須承擔的風險;及/ 或 (d)處置保證金或其在任何部分並將該等處置所得收益清償閣下欠下吾等的債務,及在閣下欠吾等的一 切債務清償後的任何收益餘款支付予閣下。
5.3 If you fail to comply with any of your obligations and/or to meet your liabilities under any of the provisions of this Client Agreement including this Schedule, including without limitation failure to provide Margin, we may at our absolute discretion and without prior notice to you or your consent; (a) decline to accept further Instructions in respect of Exchange Traded Options Business; (b) Close Out some or all of your Client Contracts with us; (c) enter into Contracts or transactions in Securities, Futures or Commodities, in order to settle obligations arising out to or to hedge the risks to which we are exposed in relation to your failure; and/or (d) dispose of the Margin or any part thereof, and apply the proceeds thereof to discharge your liabilities to us, and any proceeds remaining after discharge of all your liabilities to us shall be returned to you.
缔约国还应按年度在附表格中 说明其立法、规章或其他措施是否有任何修改。
On an annual basis States parties
[...] shall indicate, also on the attached form, whether [...]
or not there has been any amendment
to their legislation, regulations or other measures.
(c) 將其股份分拆為數個類別,且在無損之前已賦予現有股份持有人的任何特 別權利的情況下,分別附加於該等類別股份任何優先、遞延、受限制或特 別權利、特權、條件或有關限制,倘本公司並無於股東大會作出有關決 定,則董事可作出決定,惟倘本公司發行 附表 決 權 的股份,則應在有關 股份的稱謂中加上「無表決權」一詞;倘股本包括具不同表決權的股份, 則須在各類別股份(具最優先表決權的股份除外)的稱謂加上「有限制表 決權」或「有限表決權」等字
(c) divide its shares into several classes and without prejudice to any special rights previously conferred on the holders of existing shares attach thereto respectively any preferential, deferred, qualified or special rights, privileges, conditions or such restrictions which in the absence of any such determination by the Company in general meeting, as the Directors may determine provided always that where the Company issues shares which do not carry voting rights, the words “non-voting” shall appear in the designation of such shares and where the equity capital includes shares with different voting rights, the designation of each class of shares, other than those with the most favourable voting rights, must include the words “restricted voting” or “limited voting
我明白,根據《房屋條例》(第 283 章)第 26(1)(c) 條的規定,任何人若在提供資料時蓄意向「房委會」作出虛假陳述,即屬違法,一經定罪,可判《刑 事訴訟程序條例》(第 221 章附表 8 所訂第 5 級罰款及監禁 6 個月(在本申請書修訂之日第 5 級的 最高罰款為港幣 50,000 元)。
I understand that by virtue of Section 26(1)(c) of the Housing Ordinance (Cap. 283), any person who knowingly makes any false statement to HA in furnishing the particulars shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine at Level 5 as specified in Schedule 8 to the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap. 221) and to imprisonment for 6 months (as at the date this Application Form is revised, the maximum fine at Level 5 is HK$50,000).
認可結算所」 指 香港證券及期貨條附表1第I部 分及其不時生效 之任何修訂或再頒佈條文所賦予的涵義,包括當中 納入或替代的各項其他法例。
recognised clearing house" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Part I of Schedule 1 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance of Hong Kong and any amendments thereto or reenactments thereof for the time being in force and includes every other law incorporated therewith or substituted therefor.
請分 別參考《建築物(小型工程)規例 附表 1 及 《認可人士、註 冊結構工程師及註冊岩土工程師作業備考》APP-147 中有關小 型 工 程 項 目 的 一覽表及 簡 化 規 定 。
For the list of minor works items and the simplified requirements, please refer to Schedule 1 of the Building (Minor Works) Regulation and PNAP APP-147 respectively.
[...] 式由證監會不時訂明,最新版本載列於本客戶協議第三部份 附表 B8 或 第四部份。
Risk Disclosure Statement” means the risk disclosure statement provided by Tanrich to you before the opening of the Account and/or from time to
time in form prescribed by the SFC from time to time with the current version set
[...] out in Part III Schedule B8 and Part IV.
委員會採納英國企業 管治守則所載的良好管治原則、遵守英國金融服務管理局的上市規 則、二零零六年英國公司法的相 附表 及 二 零零八年中大型公司及 集團(會計及報告)規附表八的 董事薪酬報告規例的規定。
The Committee adopts the principles of good governance as set out in the UK Corporate Governance Code and complies with the Listing Rules of the Financial
Services Authority
[...] and the relevant schedules of the Companies Act 2006 and the Directors’ Remuneration Report Regulations in Schedule 8 to the Large [...]
and Medium-sized Companies
and Groups (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008.
(E) 儘管附表載有 任何條文,倘根據本公司細則第 6(C)條第 8 段上述條文 [...]
削減的換股價金額少於一仙,則不得對換股價作出調整,而因其他原因 須作出的任何調整不得結轉。
(E) Notwithstanding anything
[...] contained in this Schedule, no adjustment [...]
shall be made to the Conversion Price in any case
in which the amount by which the same would be reduced in accordance with the foregoing provisions of paragraph 8 in this Bye-law 6(C) would be less than one cent and any adjustment that would otherwise than be required to be made shall not be carried forward.
53.3. 总干事表附和说 问题资金是教科文组织以往负责的开发署项目间接费用造 [...]
53.3 The representative of the Director-General [...]
followed by saying that the funds in question were generated as overhead
charges on UNDP projects managed by UNESCO in the past and that is was the prerogative of the Director-General to use them as he deemed fit.
就基金經理所知,除財務表附註 4 及下文所披露者 外,子基金並無與關連人士進行任何其他交易。
To the best of the Manager's knowledge, the Sub-Fund does not have any other transactions with connected persons except for what is disclosed in Note 4 to the financial statements and below.
詳情載於 截至二零一一年十二月三十一日止年度之年度財務 表附 註 三 十一。
Details were set out in Note 31 to the
[...] annual financial statements for the year [...]
ended 31 December 2011.
预算外实物捐助不入账,但列入财务 表附 录。
Extrabudgetary contributions in kind are not recorded in the accounts but
[...] are listed in the appendix to the financial statements.
审计委员会比较了近东救济工程处财务 表(附注 4 )应付账款披露附注中各 细列项目金额和近东救济工程处节约储金财务 表(附注 6 )内的应收账款,注意 到虽然期初和期末结余一致,但是该两年期内记录的活动并不逐项相符。
The Board compared the amounts per the line items in the note disclosure for accounts
[...] payable in UNRWA financial statements (note 4) and accounts receivable in UNRWA Provident Fund financial statements (note 6) and noted that although [...] [...]
the opening and closing balances agreed, the activities recorded during the biennium did not agree on a line-by-line basis.
我们审计了所附的安全理事会第 1958(2010)号决议所设联合国代管账户的
财务报表,其中包括:收入和支出及准备金和基金结余变动表(报表一);截至 2010 年 12 月 31
[...] 日的资产、负债及准备金和基金结余表(报表二);2010 年 12 月 15 日至 31 日期间的现金流量表(报表三);以及财务 表附 注。
17 We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the United Nations escrow account established under the provisions of Security Council resolution 1958 (2010), comprising the statement of income and expenditure and changes in reserves and fund balances (statement I), the statement of assets, liabilities and reserves and fund balances as at 31 December 2010 (statement II) and the cash flow
statement for the period from 15 to 31 December 2010
[...] (statement III), as well as the notes to the financial statements.
(b) 附有答辩人在答复中提到的每一份文件的副本,如果原文不是联合国正
[...] 式语文,应附上正式语文之一的译文;每份文件第一页的顶部应有“附件”字样, 并以阿拉伯数字按第 8 条第 2 款(b)项所指上表附件的顺序编号。
(b) A copy of each document referred to by the respondent in the answer, accompanied by a translation into one of the official languages of the United Nations if the original language is not one of the official languages; such documents shall be identified by the word “Annex” at the top of the first page of each document and an
arabic numeral which follows in sequence the
[...] numbering of the annexes to the appeal form referred to [...]
in article 8.2 (b).
IAS 39 所訂明及財務表附註 2.4 所披露的投資持倉估值,與按日期為二零一一年八月六日的子 基金信託契約所示方法計算所得金額之間的差額,導致在計算每基金單位資產淨值以處理子基金認購及贖 回時計算子基金於二零一二年十二月三十一日的資產淨值中產生差額人民幣 7,337,726 元(二零一一年: 人民幣 10,842,390 元)。
The difference between the valuation of investment position as prescribed by IAS 39 and as disclosed in Note 2.4 to the financial statements, and the methodology indicated in the Sub-Fund's Trust Deed dated 6 August 2011 results in a difference in the calculation of the Sub-Fund's net asset value of RMB7,337,726 (2011: RMB10,842,390) as of 31 December 2012 for the purpose of calculating the net asset value per unit for processing subscription and redemptions in the Sub-Fund.




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