

单词 附带

附带 noun ()

fringe n

附带 adjective ()

secondary adj


附带服务 n

ancillary service n
attachment n

(法律) 附带的 adj

incident adj


collateral damage (both as a legal term, and as a military euphemism)

See also:

be attached
be close to

External sources (not reviewed)

对自愿基金的捐款不附带任何 政治、经济或其它条件。
No political, economic or other
[...] conditions may be attached to contributions [...]
made to the Voluntary Fund.
亚马尔土地使用变化 的问题可以分为几个方面,即(a) 由于自然资源的产业开发发生的土地使用变 化;(b)
[...] 牧民在一年的迁移周期中所使用土地的不同法律地位;(c) 驯鹿牧民的 组织状态附带的土地权利的差异。
The problem of land use change in Yamal might be divided into several dimensions, namely (a) land use change owing to industrial development of natural resources; (b) different legal status of lands used by herders in the one-year cycle of
their migration; and (c) the discrepancies in the
[...] rights to land attached to the organizational [...]
status of reindeer herders.
将产附带的 USB 连接线缆插入 Jabra PRO 9400 底座上的迷你 USB 接口和电脑/笔记本上的空闲 USB 插槽中。
Connect the USB connection cable supplied to the mini-USB socket on the Jabra PRO 9400 base and a vacant USB slot on your PC/laptop.
同样令人担忧的是,印度、韩 国等国为确保自身所需能源,无奈之下也打算采取类似 的方法,尤其是在安哥拉、尼日利亚等国,这些国家已 发出暗示,它们不接受只支付市场价格的竞购者,还是 偏爱于能够提供最具吸引力附带利 益 的买家。
Equally worrying is that states like India and South Korea feel pressured to adopt similar methods to secure the energy they need, especially as states like Angola and Nigeria have indicated that they will prefer not the bidder who pays market price, but the one who offers the most attractive side benefits.
[...] 同目标和团结一致的基础上,而且除其他外,依循 附带 任 何条件的尊重国家主 权和自主的原则。
South-South cooperation is a common endeavour of peoples and countries of the South, born out of shared experiences and sympathies, based on their common objectives and solidarity, and
guided by, inter alia, the principles of respect for national sovereignty and
[...] ownership, free from any conditionalities.
[...] 在国际法律秩序中存在个人直接取得违反国际人道主义法赔偿的权利 附带 和 关 键 的问题——例如受害人的定义9 或存在为非国家武装团体作出赔偿的义务——以及 [...]
Moreover, would the existence of an individual right to directly obtain reparation for violations of international
humanitarian law be recognized in the
[...] international legal order, subsidiary and crucial questions [...]
— such as the definition of the
victim9or the existence of an obligation to make reparation for non-State armed groups — as well as practical obstacles — such as the capacity of national legal systems to deal with the consequences of large-scale hostilities on an individual basis — would still jeopardize the implementation of this right.
儿童还往往成为精确空中轰炸和其 他类型的军事行动造成的附带损害 ”的受害者。
The Special Representative also focused on “collateral damage”, in which children are often the victims, resulting from precision aerial bombardment and other types of military operation.
[...] 系。这种联系在对具有一定严重性违法行为的判决案件中被明确提及,在行乞、 流浪、放荡和无序生活的案件中也有 附带 或 暗 示。
Most of these grounds are derived from or related to public order or public security, whether the connection is indicated clearly,
as in the case of conviction for serious
[...] offences, or incidentally or even implicitly, [...]
as in the case of begging, vagrancy,
debauchery and disorderliness.
如果岛屿可以维持 居住和进行经济活动,那么它有 附带 领 水 及专属经济 区。
If the island can sustain habitation and economic activity, then it is entitled to both territorial waters and an EEZ.
专家组 要验证这些物资附带的证明材料并妥善开展实物核查,以便把这些物资登记为 豁免物资,避免在今后检查中产生混淆,这是至关重要的。
It is of paramount importance that the Group verify the documentation accompanying the materiel and carry out appropriate physical verifications in order to register the materiel as exempted to avoid confusion during any future inspection.
空间探索的技术惠益、技术方 面的挑战附带利益 无论对工业化国家还是发 展中国家来说都是巨大的。
The technical gains, technological challenges and spin-offs of space exploration for both industrialized and developing countries are enormous.
委员会注意到,各国介绍了本国在空间技 附带 利 益 方面的做法,通过这 些做法,制定了区域经济发展管理战略,并在民间社会的多个科学领域和实践 领域实行了一些有益的创新,这些领域包括医学、生物学、化学、天文学、农 业、航空、陆运、消防、自然保护和能源。
The Committee took note of the information provided by States o n their national practices regarding spin-offs of space technology that had resulted in the introduction of strategies for the management of regional economic development, as well as useful innovations in numerous scientific and practical areas of civil so ciety, such as medicine, biology, chemistry, astronomy, agriculture, aviation, land transport, firefighting, the protection of nature and energy.
[...] 都是那些与文化内容直接相关的产品,而装备和辅助材料领域定义的则是辅助产业 附带服 务 (即使它们的内容只具有部分的文化属性),它们能够促进或促成文化产品的创造、生产和 [...]
Cultural products (goods and services) defined in the different domains are those directly associated with cultural content, while equipment and supporting
materials are related to the supporting
[...] industries, as well as ancillary services (even [...]
if only partially cultural in content),
that facilitate or enable the creation, production and distribution of cultural products.
根据当地社会工作者的一些评估,她们的生活条件据称较好,她们也表示希望和 母亲在一起附带的一 些文件将予以证明。
Following several assessments from local social agents, it’s reported that the girls live
in good conditions and have expressed their wish to remain with their mother, as
[...] several documents attached will prove.
咨询委员会还获悉,近期最突出的进展是,提交法 院附带诉讼 数量大为增加,需要投入的工作相当于就案情实质做出裁决所需的 工作。
The Committee was also informed that the most notable recent development was the significant increase in the number of incidental proceedings brought before the Court, which require comparable work to that required for the preparation of a decision on the merits of a case.
这一示范法律无论在内容还是附 带的对 几个主要事宜的解释中都仍没有作出具体说明,包括计算机程序和诸如基因及其它在自然 界中存在的生物材料的可专利性。
These include the patentability of computer programmes, or biological material such as genes or other material preexisting in nature.
(a) 明确地重申:绝对禁止施用酷刑并公开谴责酷刑的做法,尤其禁止警 察和监狱管理人员这样做附带明确 警告:凡是犯下这种行为的人、或与之同谋 [...]
或参与施用酷刑的个人,将为这类行为承担法律责任,并且受到刑事起诉和适当 的处罚
(a) Unambiguously reaffirm the absolute prohibition of torture and publicly condemn practices of
torture, especially by the police and prison
[...] personnel, accompanied by a clear [...]
warning that anyone committing such acts, or
otherwise complicit or participating in torture will be held personally responsible before the law for such acts and will be subject to criminal prosecution and appropriate penalties
我们的问题是—— 正如他本人所说的那样——附带条 件 这一点以及 该政策所牵涉的正反两方面问题而言,存在着发展和 细化的空间。
The issue for us — as he himself said — is that there is scope for development and refinement in the conditionality dimension and the positive and negative elements it entails.
[...] 直很高的问题,此情况可能导致违约,还讨论了以往核准的活动、世界银行建议的淘汰计 划、其费用以及一个项目可附带的 条 件。
Following a discussion, the Executive Committee established a contact group, which met and discussed the persistent high consumption of CFCs in Viet Nam, which could result in noncompliance, the activities approved in the past,
the phase-out plan proposed by the World Bank, its costing and possible
[...] conditions that could be attached to a project.
附带的严重耻辱,导致许多妇女拒绝在家 里利用婴儿营养支助和监测,剥夺了她们以婴儿配方哺育的好处。
The heavy stigma attached has led many women [...]
to reject taking advantage of nutritional support and monitoring of their babies
at home, depriving them of the advantages of nursing with infant formula.
但是,我们能够也必须更加努力避 附带 损 害和 友军误击,如昨天发生的导致五名阿富汗军人丧生的 不幸事件。
However, we can and must do more to prevent collateral damage and friendly fire, such as in the unfortunate incident yesterday that cost the lives of five Afghan servicemen.
比如说,我们建议法律应当重点(至少应 附带 的 注释中)强 调其它诸如农民的权利,专利物产物的权利以及其它专利权的例外情况(如用于教育)的不同地 位。
We would suggest, for example, that the law should highlight, at
[...] least in the accompanying commentary, [...]
the different positions taken also on other
issues such as farmer’s rights, rights in respect of the progeny of patented material and other exceptions to patent rights such as for educational uses.
双边合作还有一个好处是,让各国官员定 期密切接触,从而在共享信息和非正式合作方面 附带 产 生 一些好处。
It also had the benefit of bringing national officials into close
contact with each other on a regular
[...] basis, which had associated benefits in [...]
terms of informationsharing and informal cooperation.
注意:若话附带的不是频率补偿文件而是频率响应文件,则您需要将各频率处的增 益改变正负号,以将频率响应文件转变为频率补偿文件。
Note: If the microphone comes with a frequency response file instead, then you need to change the sign for the gain at each frequency to convert the frequency response file to a frequency compensation file.
2011 年的第四届高级别论坛应更多地由方案国和非执 行利益攸关方主导,并且需要改进衡量(取 附带 条 件 、能力建设、可预测性和 问责等方面)进展的方式,并扩大目标范围,以包括各利益攸关方所关注的其他 主要问题(方案国评价制度的运用,防止外来冲击的灵活性,减少政策和程序性 附加条件,保持优惠水平,发展合作各援助方之间采用更细致的分工办法,针对 两性平等、人权和环保的援助,以及反腐)。
It also needs to lead to improvements in the way progress is measured (on untying, capacity-building, predictability and accountability) and to broaden targets to include additional key concerns of stakeholders (use of programme country evaluation systems, flexibility to combat exogenous shocks, reducing policy and procedural conditionality, maintaining concessionality levels, having a more nuanced approach to the division of labour among providers of development cooperation, targeting aid to gender, human rights and protecting the environment, and combating corruption).
不得以任何方式复印、复制、重新发布、修改、上传、发布、传播、分发、反编译、反向工程或拆分网站材料,包括但不限于文字、图片、音频和/或视频及任何软件(包括但不限于任何软件中包含或生成的图像或文件或软 附带 的 数 据),除非您在任何一台单独电脑上下载一份网站材料的副本且仅用于个人、非商业之目的,但前提是您必须将所有版权、商标及其他专有权声明保持原样,并不得对作者归属进行任何改变或删减。
Materials may not be copied, reproduced, republished, modified, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way or decompiled, reverse engineered or disassembled, including but not limited to the text, images, audio and/or video, as well as any software (including but not limited to any images or files incorporated in or generated by the software or data accompanying such software), except that you may download one copy of the Materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial use only, provided you keep intact all copyright, trademark and other proprietary notices and make no change in or deletion of author attribution.
在这种情况下,负责领土国家关系的国家可以纯粹 将条约推广适用于该领土,但它亦可以只局部地推广;在后一情况,它在向保存 条约机构提出扩大条约领土适用范围的通知时 附带 提 出 专对该领土的新的保 留。
In such cases, the State responsible for the territory’s international relations may purely and simply extend the treaty to that territory, but it may also choose to do so only partially; in the latter case, upon notifying the depositary of the extension of the territorial application of the treaty, the State also includes in the notification any new reservations specific to that territory.
冲突后情 况下还存在下列加剧复杂性的因素:大量的人道主义、建设和平、能力建设和发 展项目;获得授权的维持和平特派团;作为执行机构的国际非政府组织以及世界 银行和联合国发展计划署(开发署)根据需求评估制定的发展战略;还有援助以及 当前的强制性谈判(如与国际货币基金会进行的债务拖欠问题谈判 ) 所 附带 的的 大量治理条件。
Further compounding factors in post-conflict cases are the myriad humanitarian, peacebuilding, capacity-building and development projects, mandated peacekeeping missions, international non-governmental organizations acting as implementing agents and development strategies designed by and based on needs assessments by the World Bank and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the wide range of governance conditionalities for aid and immediate, obligatory negotiations, such as those on debt arrears with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
如果是耐热等级为 H 的电机,要将制动整流模块安装在开关柜中! 请注意相应职业保险联合会有关断相保护以及与此有关的配线 / 线路转换的现行规定! 根附带的电 路图连接随货提供的辅助装备。
Comply with the applicable
[...] regulations issued by the relevant employer's liability insurance association regarding phase failure protection and the associated circuit/circuit [...]
(d) 应该拟定积极的信息,例如提到改进健康或省钱 附带 收 益 ; (e) 应该让男女都收到信息,使他们意识到其不同的作用、态度、偏好和 技能,从而推动克服性别角色及其局限性。
(e) The messages should reach women and men and make them aware of their different roles, attitudes, preferences and skills and contribute to overcoming gender roles and their limitations.




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