

单词 附则

See also:

be attached
be close to


rule n
principle n
standard n

classifier for written items (such as an official statement)
conjunction used express contrast with a previous sentence or clause

External sources (not reviewed)

缅甸代表团说,《选举法》及附则 允 许 全体公民充分参与,不论种族、 宗教、地域、性别,并且有权组建政党以及作为独立候选人参选。
The delegation of Myanmar stated that the Electoral Law and by-laws permit full participation of all citizens, regardless of their race, religion, region, gender and the right to form political parties as well as to be an independent candidate for election.
管理问题高级别委员会一直在指导罗列和审查联合国工作人员和联合国人 员在因公受伤、死亡或残疾时的福利范围的工作,并提议修改联合国工作人员则附则 D,而附则 D 将成为所有机构的参考范本。
The High-Level Committee on Management has been guiding a mapping and review of the benefits coverage for United Nations staff and personnel in the event of service-incurred injury, death
or disability and has
[...] proposed changes to appendix D of the United Nations staff rules, which will [...]
become the reference model for all agencies.
此外,于 2009 年 12 月 30 日通过的第 27/2009 号关于维护及促进就业并保 护失业人员的紧急措施的法律文件,在 附则 第 五 条中对 2007 年 7 月 11 日通过 的第 20/2007 号关于“自主就业地位”的法律文件 附则 第 十 条进行了修改,在 “自主就业者亲属社会保险框架”中增加了第二段,即自主就业者可雇用其有特殊 就业困难的年满三十周岁的子女,该项规定公布于 2009 年 12 月 31 日的政府官 方公报上。
Mention should be made here of the fifth additional provision of Act No. 27/2009 of 30 December 2009 on emergency measures for the maintenance and promotion of employment and the protection of persons with disabilities, published in the Official Gazette (BOE) of 31 December 2009, amending the tenth additional provision of Act No. 20/2007 of 11 July 2007 on the status of self-employed workers, which deals with the “inclusion of self-employed workers’ families in the social security system”; it adds a second paragraph, which expands the ability of self-employed workers to engage as employees their children over 30 years of age who experience special difficulties in entering the labour market.
可 能利益攸关方并不知道这附则,这 再次突出表明,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国需 要与国际人权组织进行更多交流,并允许它们进入该国。
It is likely that the addendum was not known to stakeholders, which again highlights the need for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to interact more with international human rights organizations and their access to the country.
此外,根据《劳工 规约法附则第二 条,与残疾劳动者签署实习合同的企业可在合同有效期内少缴 纳社会保险金的企业需缴纳部分的 50%,如第 5 部分所述。
Moreover, in
[...] accordance with the second additional provision of the same Act, , businesses that conclude [...]
employment and induction
training contracts with workers with disabilities have the right to a rebate, during the life of the contract, of 50 to 100 per cent of employers’ social security contributions payable in respect of common contingencies, as mentioned in section 5.
受托人应按协议的条款和理事按协议做出的决定对基金加以管理,其职责的履行应受受托人 章程附则、规则和决 定(以下简称“受托人规则”)中有关规定的约束。
The Trustee shall administer the Fund in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Instrument and such decisions as the Council may take under the Instrument and shall be bound in the performance of its duties by the applicable
provisions of the Trustee’s Articles of
[...] Agreement, by-laws, rules and decisions (hereinafter [...]
referred to as “the rules of the Trustee”).
工作人员因执行联合国公务而死亡、受伤或患病时,有权按照本《 则 》附 录 D 所载规则领取赔偿。
Staff members shall be entitled to compensation in the event of death, injury or illness attributable to the performance of
official duties on behalf of the United Nations, in accordance with the
[...] rules set forth in appendix D to the present Rules.
第 17.3 条规
[...] 定,主席、三名副主席和报告员的职位应根据议事 则附录 A,按公平地域原 则轮流担任,每五年为一周期。
Rule 17.3 stipulates that the offices of the Chairman, the three Vice-Chairmen and the Rapporteur shall be
subject to equitable geographical rotation within a five-year cycle
[...] in accordance with appendix A to the rules of [...]
执行局的议程和审议工作应反映 1993 年 12 月 20 日大会第 48/162 号决议附件一第 22 段所列举的职能(见议事则附件)。
The agendas and deliberations of the Executive Board shall reflect the functions
set forth in
[...] paragraph 22 of annex I of General Assembly resolution 48/162 of 20 December 1993 (see annex to Rules of Procedure).
拟议预算不包括与目前对《工作人员则》附录 D进行的机构间审查有关的任何变动,因为这些修改将提交大会审议 (同上,第 33.11-33.16 段)。
The proposed budget does not include any changes
related to the ongoing
[...] inter-agency review of appendix D to the Staff Rules, as these modifications [...]
will be presented to
the General Assembly for consideration (ibid., paras. 33.11-33.16).
附加条款仅为提议。贵方承诺中的任何附加或相左条款均会被理解为提议,除非我公司以书面形式同意贵方的附加条款或其他条款, 则附 加 或 相左条款不能作为合同的组成部分。
Additional Terms Are Proposals Any additional or different terms in your acceptance will be construed as proposals and will not become part of the contract with you unless Seagate agrees in writing to the additional or different terms.
(b) 执行局委员指定的代表或任何由执行局特别委任的其他人员的代表为代表 执行局执行任务而进行的旅行(《执行局议事 则 》 附 件第 I.1.2 条)。
(b) By a representative appointed by the Member, or of any other person specially appointed by the Board,
to perform a mission on behalf of the Board (Article
[...] I.1.2 of the Annex to the Rules of Procedure [...]
of the Executive Board)
(c) 在委员会网站上公布翻译成联合国所有语文的尽职调查 则(附 件 一 ), 进一步鼓励所有会员国向其管辖范围内的进口商、加工业及矿产品的消费者传达 [...]
(c) To publish translations of
[...] the due diligence guidelines (annex I) in all United [...]
Nations languages on the Committee’s
website, and to further encourage all Member States to convey the guidelines to importers, processing industries and consumers of mineral products under their jurisdiction.
因此,他认为在没有提出其 他提案的情况下,委员会希望在《 则 》 附 件 中 增 列“可能的弃权声明”的单独标题,之后是挪威代 [...]
He therefore took it that, in the absence of
any other proposal, the Committee wished
[...] to add to the annex to the Rules a separate heading, [...]
“Possible waiver statement”,
followed by the text proposed by the representative of Norway.
(e) 及时向本委员会秘书通报其组织结构和成员的变化、其秘书处的重要变化以 及按照本则附件提 供的信息所发生的任何其它重要变化。
(e) to promptly report to the Secretary of the Commission changes it its structure and membership, important changes in its secretariat as
well as any other important changes in the information provided in
[...] accordance with the Annex to the present [...]
见《委员会议事规则》,特别是第 44 条之二(以及附件三,第 2(a)段):安排审议划界案所载材 料以及必要时保密的实际机制;第 46 条:必要时翻译以英文以外的其他正式语文写成的划界案; 第 47 条:将划界案记录在案;第 48 条:确认收到划界案;第 49 条:发出收到划界案的通知和
公布/划界案有关的拟议大陆架外部界限;附件二,第 1 段:划界案的安全保管;附件二.3:查
[...] 阅机密材料应通过特定程序和在特别为此指定的房间内进行;附件二.4:参与涉及机密材料的评 议;附件二,第 5 段:协助委员会执行机密则;附件 二 ,第 7 段:将机密材料归还沿海国。
2 (a)): establishment of practical mechanisms to consider the material contained in submissions and ensure its confidentiality if necessary; rule 46: translation of submissions made in language other than English, if needed; rule 47: recording of the submission; rule 48: acknowledgement of the submission; rule 49: notification of the receipt of a submission/publication of the proposed outer limits contained therein; annex II.1: safe custody of the submission; annex II.3: access to confidential material and surveillance thereof through dedicated procedures and in designated rooms; annex II.4: participation in deliberations that involve confidential material; annex II.5:
assistance to the Commission in the
[...] enforcement of rules on confidentiality; annex III.7: return [...]
of confidential material to coastal State.
专家小组鼓励按照第 1903(2009)号决议第 6 段预先通知委员会的所有会 员国使用订正则附件中的预先通知表(见附件四)。
The Panel encourages all Member States notifying the Committee in advance pursuant to paragraph 6
of resolution 1903 (2009) to make use of the advance
[...] notification form annexed to the revised guidelines (see annex IV).
动议批准及采纳组织章程则(附于此之副本并标示「E」以供识别)为本公司之新 组 织章程细则,以替代本公司现有之所有组织章程细则,惟先决条件为包销协 议 成为无条件(包括(如有关)由建银国际金融有限公司豁免任何条件) 及并无根据该 等协议之条款或其他原因终止在各情况下股份于联交所开始买 卖之日(预计为二 零一零年七月九日前后) 或该等较迟时间及╱或由建银国际金融有限公司与本公 司书面同意之日)上午八时正(香港时间)前。
7. THAT conditional upon the Underwriting Agreements becoming unconditional (including, if relevant, as a result of the waiver of any condition(s) by CCBIC) and not being terminated in accordance with the terms of such agreements or otherwise, in each case prior to 8:00 a.m. (Hong Kong time) on the day on which dealings in the Shares commence on the Stock Exchange (which is expected to be on or about 9 July 2010) (or such later time and/or date as may be agreed between CCBIC and the Company in writing), the articles of association (a copy of which is annexed hereto and marked “E” for identification purposes) be and are hereby approved and adopted as the new articles of association of the Company in substitution for and to the exclusion of all the existing articles of association of the Company.
所需资源包括监察员费用估计数 187 700 美元(按每月 12 880
[...] 美元,外加生活费津贴 5 700 美元以及根据《工作 人员则》附录 D 支付可能提出的索偿储备计算)、通信费(1 [...]
200 美 元)、信息技术设备和维护费(3 500 美元)及其他用品(400 美元)。
The requirements include the fees of the Ombudsman, which are estimated at $187,700 (on the basis of a monthly rate of $12,880 plus cost-of-living allowance of
$5,700, as well as provision for
[...] possible claims under appendix D to the Staff Rules), [...]
communication charges ($1,200),
information technology equipment and maintenance ($3,500) and other supplies ($400).
其中一些 规定收录于大会议事则附件(A /520/Rev.17)内。
Some of these provisions are
[...] reproduced in the annexes to the rules of [...]
procedure of the General Assembly (A/520/Rev.17).
放弃的权 利不是《规则》加强的,而是各方当事人能够根据 自身的仲裁协议选择弃权;弃权的可能性应当作为
[...] 可列入协议的第五项内容而包含在内,列入的方式 与《则》附件草案所载四项内容相同 (A/CN.9/703/Add.1 [...]
号文件,第 28 段)。
Rather than having a waiver imposed on them by the Rules, the parties would then be able to adapt the waiver to their own arbitration agreement; the possibility of a waiver would be included as the fifth element that could be added to
that agreement, in the same way as the four elements listed
[...] in the draft annex to the Rules (A/CN.9/703/Add.1, [...]
para. 28).
民间社会倍感沮丧的是,发达国家通过金融和粮食投机、不公正贸 易则、附加有 偿条件的不合理贷款、以及包括气候变化在内的生态损害,给最 [...]
Civil society is frustrated that, having caused massive costs in the
LDCs through financial and food
[...] speculation, unjust trade rules, illegitimate loans [...]
with onerous conditionality, and ecological
damage, including climate change, the developed countries have not even committed to provide more aid to LDCs.
依照委员会议事则附件一第 2 条(a)款,Whomersley 先生告知委员会,部 分划界案的主题也是阿根廷提交的一项划界案的主题。
In accordance with
[...] paragraph 2 (a) of annex I to the rules of procedure [...]
of the Commission, Mr. Whomersley informed the Commission
that the subject of the partial submission was also the subject of a submission by Argentina.
Abreu 表示,葡萄牙和西班牙之间以及葡萄牙和摩洛哥之间未就大陆架边界
[...] 一事达成一致,这并不被任何相关国家看作是在规则 46 和议事则附件一和附 件三的意义上存在争端。
Mr. Abreu stated that the lack of agreed continental shelf boundaries between Portugal and Spain and between Portugal and Morocco was not considered by any of the States
concerned as reflecting the existence of a dispute in the sense of
[...] rule 46 and annexes I and III to the rules of procedure.
还有人认为,委员会《议事则》附 件 一 (CLCS/40/Rev.1)不仅适用于重叠 主张的情况,而且适用于与划界案有关的未决陆地或海洋争端。
The view was also
[...] expressed that annex I to the Rules of Procedure [...]
of the Commission (CLCS/40/Rev.1) applied not only in
case of overlapping claims, but also in cases of unresolved land or maritime disputes related to a submission.
[...] 由组织间安排以外技术合作资源和某些信托基金提供经费的工作人员,已按《工作人员 则 》 附录 D 的规定,为回国补助金和潜在补偿金支付义务预留了款项,分别按底薪净额的 [...]
8%和 1%计算(参见说 明 2.32)。
However, provision is made to meet repatriation grant entitlements and potential
liabilities for compensation payments under appendix
[...] D to the Staff Rules for personnel financed [...]
by technical cooperation resources
other than inter-organization arrangements and certain trust funds and are calculated on the basis of eight per cent and one per cent of net base pay, respectively (Note 2.32 refers).
该条的用语与联合国同公务员制度委员会规约和议事 则附 件 (I CSC/1/Rev.1) 提及的诸如万国邮政联盟、世界知识产权组织和联合国工业发展组织等被视为共 同制度的一部分的其他组织之间的关系协定中的用语类似。
The language of this clause is similar to the language used in relationship agreements between the United Nations and other organizations which are considered part of the common system, such as the Universal Postal Union, the World Intellectual Property Organization and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, and which are referenced in the annex to the ICSC Statute and Rules of Procedure (ICSC/1/Rev.1).
2.29 没有在普通基金中为服务终了补助金、离职后健康保险或支付《工发组织工作人员 则 》 附录 D 所载潜在负债预留款项,因为已经在预算拨款中预留基金以履行向离职人员的付款义务。
2.29 No provision is made in the General Fund for end-of-service entitlements, after-service health
insurance or meeting potential
[...] liabilities under appendix D to the Staff Rules of UNIDO, as funds [...]
are provided for in the budget
appropriations to meet the obligations on a pay-as-you-go basis.
总务委员会不妨建议大会第六十五届会议于 2010 年 12 月 14 日星期二休会, 并于 2011 年
[...] 9 月 12 日星期一闭幕(议事规则第 2 条和议事则附件四第 4 段)。
The General Committee may wish to recommend to the General Assembly that the sixty-fifth session of the Assembly recess on Tuesday, 14 December 2010 and
close on Monday, 12 September 2011 (rule 2 of the rules of procedure
[...] and para. 4 of annex IV to the rules of procedure).
按照大会议事则附件四 第 28 段中的建议,大会应确保尽可能不将 同一问题或某一问题的同一方面交付一个以上的主要委员会审议,这项建议 [...]
应得到更充分地实施,除非其他主要委员会审议中的问题的法律方面有必要 征求第六委员会的意见。
The recommendation in
[...] paragraph 28 of annex IV to the rules of procedure [...]
of the General Assembly, according to which the
Assembly should ensure, as far as possible, that the same questions, or the same aspects of a question, are not considered by more than one Main Committee, should be more fully implemented, except when it would be helpful for the Sixth Committee to be consulted on the legal aspects of questions under consideration by other Main Committees.




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