

单词 阿德莱德


External sources (not reviewed)

火车——市郊火车从赌场边 阿德莱德 火 车 站出发。
Train – Suburban
[...] trains depart from Adelaide Railway Terminal, [...]
by the Casino.
此次活动正值2010年阿德莱德举办 的澳大利亚资源中国投资大会一周前,ACBC南澳州分会作为主要赞助方和主办方组织安排了此次活动。
This event came just a week before
the 2010 Australian Resources Chinese Investment
[...] Conference held in Adelaide, with ACBC SA as [...]
key sponsor and facilitator.
马斯库斯· K(2000b),《知识产权与外来直接投资》,第 0022 号政策讨论文件阿德莱德大学, 阿德莱德。
Maskus, K. (2000b) “Intellectual Property Rights and Foreign Direct Investment”, Policy Discussion Paper No. 0022, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, pp.2-3.
需要强化英语语言学习的学生,可考 阿德莱德 英 语 中学(Adelaide Secondary School of English)等学校。
Those requiring more help with English language can consider schools such as Adelaide Secondary School of English.
本项下出现差异的主要原因是,无需用救护飞机把人员医疗后送到 阿德莱 德或悉尼的医院。
64. The variance under this heading is primarily
attributable to lack of requirement for medical evacuation of personnel by air
[...] ambulance to a hospital in Adelaide or Sydney.
2008年,中国野生动物保护协会与南澳大利亚州动物园(Zoos South Australia)签署前往友好发达阿德莱德 留 学 了一份合作协议,同意南澳参与协助大熊猫物种的长期繁衍和生存。
In 2008, a cooperative agreement between China Wildlife Conservation Association and Zoos South Australia was signed, allowing SA to help in the long-term survival of the Giant Pandas.
[...] 划”得到了于 2002 年 9 月 22-26 日在澳大利阿德莱德举行 的第四届“人工再蓄”国际讨 论会的批准。
The programme for launching a joint UNESCO-International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) action on Managing Aquifer Recharge (MAR) has received the approval
of the fourth International Symposium on
[...] “Artificial Recharge” held in Adelaide, Australia, [...]
from 22 to 26 September 2002.
1692年至1724年间,这里是图卢兹伯爵的内室,1724年至1750年间是图卢兹伯爵夫人的内室,最后在1752年至1753年间又成为 阿德莱德 夫 人 的内室。
It was the interior chamber of the Count
of Toulouse from 1692 to 1724, the Countess of Toulouse from 1724 to 1750
[...] and lastly Madame Adelaide from 1752 to 1753.
2010年阿德莱德举办 的澳中研讨会集中研究了以下问题:气候变化对食品安全的影响;食品安 [...]
The 2010 Australia China
[...] Symposium held in Adelaide focused on Climate [...]
Change Impacts on Food Security; Food Safety, Food
Nutrition and Human Health; and Agricultural Productivity, Biosecurity and Future Demand for Food.
该机拥有50英尺7英寸(约合15.42米)长的3区客舱和无与伦比的0.90马赫(i)高速巡航能力,可搭乘8名乘客从伦敦直 阿德莱德 、 从香港直飞纽约和从孟买直飞多伦多(i),并有最好的舒适度。
With its superior three-zone cabin offering a 50 ft 7 in (15.42 m) passenger compartment and an unsurpassed M 0.90(i) high-speed cruise ability, it will fly eight
passengers in ultimate comfort between cities
[...] such as London and Adelaide, Hong Kong and [...]
New York, and Mumbai and Toronto(i).
她的姐姐们的肖像是纳蒂耶(Nattier)绘制的:有伊丽莎白夫人、帕尔马公爵夫人和弹奏低音古提琴的昂里埃特夫人 阿德莱德 夫 人 把最后这部画作放在了她自己的大房间中。
Nattier painted the portraits of her older sisters: Madame Elisabeth,
Duchess of Parma and Madame Henriette playing the
[...] bass viol: Madame Adelaide had placed that [...]
painting in her large chamber.
壁橱里摆放着几本封面带有夫人们的徽章的书籍,一个夫人们的侄女伊丽莎白夫人的装有地图集的盒子,几件1775年交付 阿德莱德 夫 人 的带有中国装饰元素的塞夫勒陶瓷咖啡用具,以及一个带有维克多尔夫人镀金姓名首字母图案和徽章的桌铃。
The cupboards house a few bound books bearing Mesdames’ coat of arms, a box containing a collection of geographical maps having belonged to Madame Elisabeth, niece of Mesdames, pieces of a Chinese
decor Sevres china coffee set, created in
[...] 1775 for Madame Adelaide, and a vermeil [...]
table bell bearing the monogram and coat of arms of Madame Victoire.
承认以“不同文明间对话”的名义召开的会议和开展的行动意义深远,并进一步 在教科文组织的职能领域发挥 2004 年 11 月 28 日至 12 月 3 日阿德莱德由亚 太 地区各教科文组织全国委员会发起的“教育促进文化间和宗教间相互理解的共同 价值观”国际会议取得的成果、以及根据德洛尔报告中“学会共同生活”和不同 文明间对话的理想为基础的会议上达成一致意见的“行动呼吁”的作用。
Acknowledging the range of valuable initiatives and meetings held under the auspices of the “Dialogue among Civilizations”, and building on the results of the International Congress “Education for Shared Values for Intercultural and Interfaith Understanding” initiated by the National Commissions for UNESCO of the Asia and the Pacific region, held in Adelaide from 28 November to 3 December 2004, and the “Call to Action” agreed at the Congress founded upon the ideals of the Delors Report pillar “Learning to Live Together” and the Dialogue among Civilizations, and in the context of the mandate of UNESCO
南澳有五所大学,包括三所南澳大利亚州大学(分别 阿德莱德 大 学 、福林德斯大学和南澳大利亚大学)以及国际性大学(卡内基美隆大学(Carnegie [...]
Mellon University)和澳大利亚能源与资源研究院UCL学院(UCL School of
Energy andResources Australia)。
SA has five universities, three South Australian universities
[...] (University of Adelaide, Flinders University, [...]
and University of South Australia) and
two campuses of international universities (Carnegie Mellon University and UCL School of Energy and Resources Australia).
With its highly refined furniture
and souvenirs from Bellevue castle, the
[...] preferred residence of Mesdames, the [...]
current layout of Madame Adelaide’s interior
chamber evokes this princess who, according to the Countess of Boigne “had an extreme need for the studied elegance invented by luxury”.
这里曾先后充当过图卢兹伯爵、图卢兹伯爵夫人 阿德莱德 夫 人 以及小夫人们的第二候见厅,1767年成为了索菲夫人的寝宫,1769年又变成了维克多尔夫人的寝宫。
It was the second antechamber of the Count of
Toulouse, then the Countess of Toulouse,
[...] followed by Madame Adelaide and lastly the [...]
youngest Mesdames, in 1767 it became the
bedroom of Madame Sophie and in 1769 that of Madame Victoire.
其中的两张桌子是鲁米耶(Roumier)为隔壁的镀金室制作的,第三张是弗里奥(Foliot) 阿德莱德 夫 人 在贡比涅城堡的居室制作的;桌子的仿大理石平台再现了凡尔赛宫、马利宫和圣日耳曼昂莱城堡的平面图。
Two of the tables were made by Roumier for the gilded room next door, and the
third by the Foliot family for the
[...] apartments of Madame Adelaide at Compiègne; their [...]
stucco plateaux represent the plans
of the domains of Versailles, Marly and Saint-Germain-en-Laye.
床室中的帷幔让人联想阿德莱德夫 人 的“夏季家具”,这里还挂着卡尔勒范洛为路易十五创作的肖像画,以及德鲁埃(Drouais)为索菲夫人和路易丝夫人创作的肖像画。
In the alcove, whose wall
[...] covering evokes Madame Adelaide’s “summer furniture”, [...]
hang the portraits of Louis XV by Carle
Van Loo and of Mesdames Sophie and Louise by Drouais.
人们称呼路易十五的六个女儿为“夫人们”,她们从1752年起就住在这里,但只有其中的两位,也就 阿德莱德 和 维克多尔,终身未婚且寿命颇长,在这里一直居住到大革命之时。
Mesdames, as the six daughters of Louis XV were
referred to, settled there in 1752, but
[...] only two of them, Adelaide and Victoire – [...]
who did not marry and lived a long life
– lived there until the revolution.
之后这里先后充当了图卢兹伯爵的卧室、图卢兹伯爵夫人的卧室 阿德莱德 夫 人 的卧室,最后是维克多尔夫人的卧室,她当时是与其姐妹索菲和路易丝共用这间居室的。
It then became the room of the Count of Toulouse, the Countess of
[...] Toulouse, Madame Adelaide and lastly Madame [...]
Victoire when she shared the apartment
with her sisters Sophie and Louise.
阿德莱德大都 市区设有两所TAFE学院,此外还有一所则覆盖南澳中小城市区域。
There are two institutes in
[...] metropolitan Adelaide and one that [...]
covers regional SA.
参与过的戏剧和歌剧包括:悉尼歌剧院《阿伊达》(2009年) 阿德莱德 节 《泪之泉》(2008年)、同悉尼戏剧团合作的《Season of Sarsparilla》(2007+2008)、阿德莱德 交 响 乐团合作的《列宁格勒交响曲》(2006年)、同澳大利亚室内管弦乐团及Bill Henson合作的《Luminous》(2008年斯洛文尼亚、2004年澳大利亚)、《HAIR》(2003年)。
Theatre and
[...] opera credits include ‘AIDA’ Sydney Opera House (2009), ‘Ainadamar’, Adelaide Festival (2008), ‘Season of Sarsparilla’, with Sydney Theatre Company (2007+2008), ‘The Leningrad Symphony’ with Adelaide Symphony Orchestra [...]
(2006), “Luminous” with the
Australian Chamber Orchestra with Bill Henson (2008 Slovenia, 2004 Australia), and HAIR (2003).
位于威廉国王街(King William St)与柯里街(Currie St)交汇处阿德莱德城市 交通信息中心 ( Adelaide Metro Information Centre )可提供都市巴士、火车和格来内尔(Glenelg)有轨电车综合交通网络的时刻表,并出售车票。
The Adelaide Metro Information Centre (cnr King William & Currie Sts) has timetables and sells tickets for the integrated metropolitan buses, trains and the Glenelg tram.
我们在悉尼、墨尔本和布里斯班的销售工程师团队获得帕斯 阿德莱德 、 达 尔文和新西兰经培训的合作伙伴的支持,为金属处理市场提供无人能与之相比的报价方案。
Our resident team of sales engineers in Sydney, Melbourne
and Brisbane is supported by trained
[...] partners in Perth, Adelaide, Darwin and New [...]
Zealand and provides an unparalleled product
range for the metal processing market.
[...] Howard)对即将访澳的希腊总理科斯塔斯·卡拉曼利斯(Costas Karamanlis)表示欢迎,希腊总理将于5月21日至26日由外长多拉·巴科扬妮斯(Dora Bakoyannis)陪同访问澳洲的几大城市,悉尼、堪培拉 阿德莱德 、 墨 尔本以及达尔文市。
MELBOURNE (ANA-MPA - S. Hatzimanolis): Australian Prime Minister John Howard expressed his great pleasure over the weekend that his Greek counterpart, Costas Karamanlis, will be visiting Australia, and in
particular the cities of
[...] Sydney, Canberra, Adelaide, Melbourne and Darwin, from May 21-26, accompanied by Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis.
该团队管理着全世界13个国家15个办事处的雇员,包括:阿布扎比 阿德莱德 、 奥 克兰、开普敦、多哈、迪拜、格拉斯哥、香港、伦敦、马德里、墨尔本、莫斯科、巴黎、里约热内卢和东京。
The team manages 575 employees worldwide across 15 offices in 13 countries; Abu Dhabi, Adelaide, Auckland, Cape Town, Doha, Dubai, Glasgow, Hong Kong, London, Madrid, Melbourne, Moscow, Paris, Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo.
要求总干事在大会批准《2006--2007 年计划与预算》之后立即把为实现上述目标而 开展的具体活动列入其工作计划,并就此向执行局第一七四届会议报告;
承认作为不同文明间对话组成部分召开的会议和开展的行动意义深远,基于在教科文组织的职 权范围内于 2004 年 11
[...] 月 28 日至 12 月 3 日在澳大利阿德莱德由亚 太地区各教科文组织全国 委员会发起的“教育促进文化间和宗教间相互理解的共同价值观”国际会议取得的成果以及该 [...] [...]
次会议根据德洛尔报告中“学会和睦相处”和不同文明间对话的理想达成一致意见的“行动呼 吁
Acknowledging the range of valuable initiatives and meetings held as part of the dialogue among civilizations and building on the results of the International Congress “Education for Shared Values for Intercultural and Interfaith Understanding” initiated by the National
Commissions for UNESCO of the Asia-Pacific
[...] region, held in Adelaide, Australia, from [...]
28 November to 3 December 2004, and on
the “Call to Action” agreed at the Congress founded upon the ideals of the Delors Report pillar “Learning to Live Together” and the dialogue among civilizations, and in the context of the mandate of UNESCO
Tim在很多国际和澳大利亚的艺术节及艺术空间进行过表演和艺术展示,包括:国立台湾美术馆第二届亚洲艺术展(2009年,两年一届)、墨尔本国际艺术节(2009年) 阿德莱德 视 觉艺术节(1986-2008)、奥克兰艺术节(2009年)、新西兰Taranaki艺术节(2007年)、布里斯班主要节日“人民日”(2006年)、“悉尼节”(2004年)。
Tim’s performance and installation art has featured in many international and Australasian festivals and performance spaces including the National Taiwanese Museum of FIne Art 2nd Asian Art BIennial (2009), the Melbourne International
Festival of the Arts (2009), the ‘Festival of
[...] Visual Arts’ in Adelaide (1986-2008). the [...]
Auckland Arts Festival (2009); ‘Taranaki
Arts Festival’ in New Zealand (2007); ‘People’s Day’, Major Brisbane Festivals (2006); ‘Sydney Festival’ (2004).
另一方面,安理会虽然未能就 2007 年 3 月提交阿赫蒂萨里报告达成决定, 但鼓励努力对各方进行调解,尤其是当时安理会决定于 2007 年 4 月派遣一个由 安理会成员组成、由比利时代表约翰·韦贝克率领的代表团前往贝尔 莱德 和普 里什蒂纳(2007 年 4 月 20 日,S/2007/220),并支持由联络小组建立的“三驾马 车”(由欧洲联盟、美国和俄罗斯组成)所作出的对双方进行调解的各种尝试(自 2007 年 7 月至 12 月以来)。
On the other hand, although unable to reach a decision on the Ahtisaari report, referred to it in March 2007, the Council nevertheless encouraged attempts at mediation between the Parties, in particular when it decided to send a mission, made up of members of the Council and led by Johan C. Verbeke, representative of Belgium, to Belgrade and Pristina, in April 2007 (S/2007/220 of 20 April 2007), and when it supported the attempts by the troika (made up of the European Union, United States and Russia) created by the Contact Group to reconcile the two Parties (from July to December 2007).




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