

单词 阿塞拜疆人


Azerbaijan, former Soviet Republic and region of northwest
Iran in Caucasus

See also:


(loanword) bye-bye

External sources (not reviewed)

战争前,这些地区的 424 900 名居民几乎清一色都阿塞拜疆人现在 没有一人留下。
Before the war the 424,900 inhabitants of those districts were
[...] almost exclusively Azeris, none of whom remain.
与亚美尼亚方面所声称的相反,公认的情况是:在冲突的军事阶段之前通过 了一系列非法宣言和决定,目的是确保 Daghlyq Garabagh 从阿塞拜疆单方面分 离;还于 1987 年底和 1988 年初在该地区和亚美尼亚境内阿塞拜疆人攻击, 造成平民伤亡及大批阿塞拜疆难民和境内流离失所者。
In contrast to what the Armenian side asserts, it is well established that the military phase of the conflict was preceded by a number of illegal declarations and decisions taken with a view to securing the unilateral secession of Daghlyq Garabagh from Azerbaijan, as well as by attacks at the end of 1987 and the beginning of 1988 on the Azerbaijanis, both in that territory and Armenia, resulting in civilian casualties and a flood of Azerbaijani refugees and internally displaced persons.
可见,亚美尼亚持续侵略阿塞拜疆,占领阿塞拜疆领土并进行族裔清洗,导致 约 100 阿塞拜疆人重返家园,此种情况下,在单一族裔的被占地区举行的任 [...]
Therefore, against the background of continuing aggression against Azerbaijan, and of the occupation and ethnic cleansing of
its territories, as a result of which
[...] about 1 million Azerbaijanis areprevented from [...]
returning to their homes, the arranging
of any kind of voting process in the ethnically homogeneous occupied areas is unlawful and in no way can produce legal effects and impose a unilateral solution.
亚美尼亚当局不应当对 1980 年代末的那些事件做出无端指控,而是最好回 想一下,其执法机构没有对 1987 年至 1989 年期间阿塞拜疆人美尼亚强行 驱逐的过程中残害几百阿塞拜疆人在战争期间阿塞拜疆人其他可 怕暴行的任何人提出刑事诉讼。
Instead of groundless allegations regarding the events at the end of the 1980s, it would be appropriate if the Armenian authorities could recall that its lawenforcement bodies had not brought criminal proceedings against a single person for the
brutal killing of
[...] hundreds of Azerbaijanisin the course of the forcible deportation of the Azerbaijani population from Armenia in 1987-1989, as well as for other horrible atrocities committed against the Azerbaijanis during the war.
显然,在接触线诉诸挑衅和破坏稳定的行动,在冲突的起源和本质上误导国 际社会,亚美尼亚借此企图破坏目前政治进程的信誉,而这个政治进程的核心是 基于结束亚美尼亚非法占领、恢复阿塞拜疆主权和领土完整并确保纳戈尔诺-卡 拉巴赫地区的亚美尼亚人阿塞拜疆人阿塞拜土框架内和平共处的解决 办法。
It is obvious that by resorting to provocative and destabilizing actions on the Line of Contact and by misleading the international community as to the origin and essence of the conflict, Armenia attempts to discredit the ongoing political process, at the core of which is the settlement formula based on putting an end to illegal Armenian occupation, restoration of the sovereignty
and territorial
[...] integrity of Azerbaijan and ensuring the peaceful coexistence of Armenian and Azerbaijani communities in the Nagorno-Karabakh region within the territorial frameworkof Azerbaijan.
[...] 所周知的霍贾里种族灭绝血腥悲剧致使数千阿塞拜疆人灭或被抓走,该镇 也被夷为平地。
This bloody tragedy, which became known as the
Khojaly genocide, involved the extermination or capture
[...] of thousandsof Azerbaijanis; the town was razed [...]
to the ground.
因此,亚美尼亚 方面对于阿塞拜疆一些城市发生的事件,特别是 1988 年 2 月 26 日至 28 日在 Sumgait 发生的事件保持沉默;而且,在这些事件之前,亚美尼亚方面还发表了 一些非法声明,并且为了确保对纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫从阿塞拜疆单方面分离做出 几项决定;1987 年年底对在 Khankandi(苏联时期称作 Stepanakert)和亚美尼亚阿塞拜疆人袭击,造成大疆难民和境内流离失所者,除其他地方 外,他们主要被驱赶到 Sumgait。
Thus, the Armenian side passes over in silence that the events in some Azerbaijani cities, notably in Sumgait on 26-28 February 1988, were preceded by a number of illegal declarations and decisions taken with a view to securing the unilateral secession of Nagorny Karabakh from Azerbaijan, attacks at the end of 1987 on the Azerbaijanis in Khankandi (during the Soviet period — Stepanakert) and Armenia, resulting in a flood of Azerbaijanirefugees and internally displaced persons who were directed, among other places, to Sumgait.
众所周知,在两 国间爆发全面战争之前,已有人作出一些非法声明和决定,谋求达赫利戈-卡拉 巴赫(纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫)单方面脱离阿塞拜疆,并为此目的,于 1987 年底和 1988 年初在该领土和亚美尼亚攻阿塞拜疆人成平民伤亡和大批阿塞拜疆难 民及境内流离失所者,最后则亚美尼亚正规武装部队、雇佣兵部队和恐怖主义团 伙侵入阿塞拜疆领土。
It is well established that the full-scale war between the two countries was preceded by a number of illegal declarations and decisions taken with a view to securing the unilateral secession of Daghlyq Garabagh (Nagorno Karabakh) from Azerbaijan, by attacks atthe end of 1987 and the beginning of 1988 on the Azerbaijanis, both in that territory and in Armenia, resulting in civilian casualties and a flood of Azerbaijanirefugees and internally displaced persons and, finally, by incursion of Armenian regular armed forces, mercenary units and terrorist bands into the territory of Azerbaijan.
时任亚美尼亚总统罗伯特·科恰良 2003
[...] 年在莫斯科外交学院发表的讲话中说,亚美尼亚人阿塞拜疆人存在“族裔不相容性”,见 2003 年 [...]
1 月 16 日 Artur Terian 发表的媒体文章, www.armenialiberty.org。这一说法引起时任欧洲委员会议会议长彼得·施德尔声明,“欧洲委员
会自成立以来,从未听到过‘族裔不相容性’这个词”,阿塞拜疆常驻联合国代表的信,即联 合国 2009 年 10 月 6 日 A/64/475-S/2009/508 号文件中引述了这一声明。
It is to be noted that in a speech made at the diplomatic academy in Moscow in 2003, the then President of Armenia, Robert Kocharian, was reported as saying that there
was an “ethnic incompatibility”
[...] between Armenians and Azerbaijanis, see the press [...]
article by Artur Terian published on 16
January 2003, www.armenialiberty.org. This comment provoked Peter Schieder, the then President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, to declare that “since its creation the Council of Europe has never heard the phrase ‘ethnic incompatibility’”, cited in a letter from the Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan to the United Nations, United Nations document A/64/475-S/2009/508, 6 October 2009.
[...] 冲突的基础是,尊重主权、领土完整和国际公认的阿塞拜疆边界不可侵犯性,纳 戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫的亚美尼亚人阿塞拜疆人阿塞拜土框架内和平共处, 充分、平等地享受民主与繁荣的惠益。
In this regard, I have been instructed by my Government to state, once again, that the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan can only be solved on the basis of respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and
inviolability of the internationally
[...] recognized borders of Azerbaijan, and peaceful coexistence [...]
of Armenian and Azerbaijani
communities in the Nagorno-Karabakh region within the territorial framework of Azerbaijan, fully and equally enjoying the benefits of democracy and prosperity.
20 世纪 80 年代末,230 000 阿塞拜疆人在亚美尼亚的家中被强行驱 逐,同时在整个亚美尼亚境内还发生杀戮、酷刑、强迫失踪和其他罪行,甚至儿 [...]
Thus, the forcible deportation of
[...] about 230,000 Azerbaijanis fromtheir homes [...]
in Armenia at the end of the 1980s was accompanied
by killings, torture, enforced disappearances and other crimes throughout Armenia, and even children were not spared.
[...] 国对阿塞拜疆的平民和基础设施实施了数十次的恐 怖行径,2 000 多阿塞拜疆人丧生。
The Republic of Armenia committed dozens of terrorist acts against the
civilian population and infrastructure of Azerbaijan, as a result of
[...] which over 2,000 Azerbaijanis have lost their lives.
还应该指出,在 2 月 26 日,47 名亚美尼亚人在霍加利被劫为人质,在行动 之后留下来的只有 13 人(包括 6
[...] 名妇女和 1 名儿童),其余 34 名人质阿塞拜疆 人一处无人知道的地方,我们没有任何信息可证实他们是否在阿塞拜疆的监 [...]
It should also be noted that on 26 February, 47 Armenians were taken hostage in Khojaly, but only 13 were left there after the operation (including 6 women and
a child); the rest of the 34 hostages
[...] were taken by the Azeris in an unknown direction, [...]
and we have no information confirming
their whereabouts in Azerbaijani prisons.
他的姓氏是典型阿塞拜疆人,其子女的出生证明表明,两位申 诉人都被登记阿塞拜疆人
His surname is typical for a
[...] personof Azerbaijani origin and their children's birth certificates show that both complainants are registered as ethnic Azerbaijanis.
由于亚美尼亚发动的侵略, 将近五分之一的阿塞拜疆领土被占领,大约 100 万遭 到族裔清洗阿塞拜疆人境内流离失所者或难 民,数以千计阿塞拜疆的历史和文化遗产被毁或被劫。
As a result of the aggression carried out by Armenia, almost one-fifth of the territory of Azerbaijan has been occupied, approximately 1 million ethnically cleansed Azerbaijanis have become internally displaced persons or refugees and thousands of Azerbaijan’s historical and cultural heritage artifacts have been destroyed or looted.
事实也证实了对 Khojaly 镇平民和维权者蓄 意屠杀的目的是对他们进行灭绝,而且完全因为他们阿塞拜疆人
Even children were not spared. The facts confirm that the intentional slaughter
of the Khojaly town
[...] civiliansand defenders was directed to their mass extermination only because they were Azerbaijanis.
阿塞拜疆人线阿格达姆分支机构的一个理事 R. Gajiyev 说:“我们原可帮助霍加利人的,我们有相应的部队和能力,但是巴库当局想向 人民证明他们没有部队,希望能呼吁独立国家联合体的军队提供帮助”。
A board member of the Aghdam branch of theAzerbaijani Popular Front, R. Gajiyev, stated, “We could help the Khojaly people, having the corresponding forces and abilities, but the Baku authorities wanted to demonstrate to the people that they had no forces, in hopes of calling upon the army of the Commonwealth of Independent States for help.
亚美尼亚方 面不应当做出这种不负责任和毫无根据的指控,而应当忆及,其执法机构没有对 1987 年至 1989 年期间阿塞拜疆人美尼亚强行驱逐过程中残酷杀害 216阿塞拜疆人何人进行刑事诉讼。
Instead of such irresponsible and groundless allegations, it would be appropriate for the Armenian side to recall that its law-enforcement bodies did not bring criminal proceedings against a
single person for the
[...] brutal killing of 216 Azerbaijanisin the course of the forcible deportation of the Azerbaijani population from Armenia [...]
in 1987-1989.
80 年代末,在对阿塞拜疆区域 Daghlyq Garabagh(纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫)提出
[...] 主张后,在亚美尼亚当局的指示和批准下,另外 23 万阿塞拜疆人离开亚 美尼亚。
Thus, shortly after the assertion of claims on the Daghlyq Garabagh (Nagorno Karabakh) region of Azerbaijan at the end of the 1980s, under instructions from and with the
blessing of the Armenian authorities, the
[...] more than 230,000 Azerbaijanis remaining were [...]
forcibly deported from Armenia.
阿塞拜疆人独立共和国地位 之前,标准的做法是,所有的信息都通过莫斯科克里姆林宫传播,因此,审查较 [...]
Priorto Azerbaijan attaining the [...]
status of an independent republic, the standard practice was that all information passed
through the Kremlin in Moscow, and thus there was high level of censorship.
上述事实表明,1992 年 2 月 25 和 26 日对霍贾里镇平民的蓄意屠杀、包括对
[...] 儿童、老人和妇女的屠杀,目的是为了集体消灭,而原因则仅仅因为他们阿塞 拜疆人
The facts mentioned above confirm that the intentional slaughter of the Kojaly town civilians on 25 and 26 February
1992, including children, elderly andwomen, was directed at their mass extermination
[...] only because they wereAzerbaijanis.
与此同时阿塞拜疆人明确表示不会改变上述做法,相反,正如阿塞拜 疆总统最近在 2011 年 6 月 26 日的武装部队日游行时的讲话和 2011 年 7 月 5 日 在世阿塞拜疆人上的讲话所证明,反亚美尼亚宣传正日益成为阿塞拜疆外 交政策的基本组成部分,这一事实也引发了其他关切问题。
In the meantime, additional concerns are raised by the fact that the Azerbaijanileadership has made it clear that it is not going to change its above-mentioned approaches; on the contrary, the anti-Armenian propaganda is becoming more and more an essential part of Azerbaijan’s foreign policy, as has been lately evidenced by the President’s statements during the Armed Forces Day parade on 26 June 2011, and at the World Azerbaijani Congress, on 5 July 2011.
申诉人指出尽阿塞拜疆况有了一些改善,仍然 存在公然和大规模侵犯人权的现象。
The complainant submits that despite some improvements with the human
[...] rights situation in Azerbaijan, there still exists [...]
a pattern of gross, flagrant and mass violations.
对 该 镇的袭击和占领造成数百阿塞拜疆人括儿童、妇女和老人被杀, 数千名平民受伤,被劫为人质,其中许多人至今仍然下落不明,与此同时,该镇 [...]
The attack and capture of the town involved the extermination
[...] of hundreds of Azerbaijanis, including children, [...]
women and the elderly; thousands
of civilians were wounded and taken hostage, many of whom remain missing, while the town was razed to the ground.
在国家教育和文化机构的基础上设有 66 家周末学校,共有约
[...] 5 000 名少数 民族代表在这里学习母语,其中包阿塞拜疆人美尼亚人、阿富汗人、格鲁 吉亚人、希腊人、犹太人、韩国人、拉脱维亚人、立陶宛人、摩尔多瓦人、德国 [...]
Within the State educational and cultural system there are 66 weekend schools where 5,000 representatives of
national communities study their
[...] mother tongue: Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Afghans, Georgians, [...]
Greeks, Jews, Koreans, Latvians,
Lithuanians, Moldovans, Germans, Poles, Ukrainians, Tartars, Turks and Roma.
阿塞拜疆人族裔清洗的政策导致 20%得到 国际公认的阿塞拜疆领土被占领,造成 100 多万难民 和境内流离失所者被迫离开家园。
The policy of the ethnic cleansing ofAzerbaijanis has resulted in the occupation of 20 per cent of the internationally recognized territory of Azerbaijan, creating more than 1 million refugees and internally displaced persons, who have been forced to leave their homes.
委员会请缔约国在其下次定期报告中提供在2011 年进行的人口普查和尊重自我
[...] 认定原则的基础上整理的关于其人口组成,包括亚阿塞拜疆人姆人和 其他小族裔群体的最新资料。
The Committee requests the State party, on the basis of the census to be held in 2011 and with respect to the principle of self-identification, to include in its next periodic
report up-to-date data on the composition of its population,
[...] including Assyrians, Azeris, Roma and other small [...]
ethnic groups.
相反,阿塞拜疆政府实现自决 权的方法有望实现纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫地区阿塞拜疆 和亚美尼亚社区在阿塞拜疆共和国的领土框架内共 存,而这显然以亚美尼亚从所有被占领的阿塞拜疆 领土上撤离、流离失所阿塞拜疆人家园为前 提。
In contrast, his Government’s approach to the right to selfdetermination envisaged achieving peaceful coexistence between Azerbaijani and Armenian communities of the Nagorny Karabakh region within the territorial framework of the Republic of Azerbaijan, with Armenian withdrawal from all occupied Azerbaijani territories and thereturn of displaced Azerbaijanis to their homes as obvious prerequisites.
2 因此,缔约国认为委员会应同时考虑阿塞拜疆况和申诉人被遣返 该国后在酷刑方面所面临的个人风险。
The State party argues that additional grounds must exist to show that the individual would be personally at risk.2 Therefore, the State party submits, the
Committee should consider both the
[...] general situation with human rights in Azerbaijan and [...]
the personal risk of the complainant
being subjected to torture upon his return.
阿塞拜疆总统不是重申其国家对和平解决纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫问题的承诺, 而是滥用联合国安全理事会具有权威性的论坛来重复阿塞拜疆过度使用的反亚 美尼亚宣传的论点,却不记得提阿塞拜疆广人知的种族主义论点,阿塞拜疆主要敌人是全世界的亚美尼亚人”。
Instead of reaffirming his country’s commitment to the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, the President of Azerbaijan is abusing the authoritative tribune of the United Nations Security Council in order to repeat the overused theses of anti-Armenian propaganda of Azerbaijan, forgetting to recall the Azerbaijani leadership’s famous racist thesis that Azerbaijan’s “main enemies are Armenians of the world”.




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