单词 | 阻塞 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 阻塞 noun —blockage nSee also:阻—block • hinder
警務人員亦會繼續加強巡邏該地點, 如發現過境巴士違規上落客而造成交 通 阻塞 , 會 採取適當 的執法行動。 legco.gov.hk | The police will also step up patrol at this location, and [...] will take appropriate enforcement action in case unauthorized pick-up/drop-off [...] activities have led to traffic obstruction. legco.gov.hk |
繁忙時段的主要樽頸地 帶,包括干諾道中/畢打街交匯處和干諾道西天 [...] 橋,擠塞情況可以非常嚴重,形成的車龍 會 阻塞駛 經該等地帶的非過海車流。 legco.gov.hk | Major bottlenecks during peak periods include the Connaught Road Central/Pedder intersection and the Connaught Road West Flyover where [...] congestion can be very serious with formation of traffic queues blocking the [...] non-cross-harbour-related through traffic. legco.gov.hk |
期間,我們會保護已局部完成的河岸免 [...] 受沖刷,並在現有過河通道底下加設排水管,以免河 道 阻塞。 devb.gov.hk | In the interim, we will protect the partially completed [...] river banks against erosion and will provide additional drainage pipes underneath the existing [...] crossings to avoid blockages. devb.gov.hk |
(b) 擴闊連德道近康華苑一段,增設新巴士站及行車道, 以解決現時在該路段上落客時阻塞其 他 車輛通過的問 題 legco.gov.hk | (b) to widen Lin Tak Road near Hong Wah Court to incorporate new bus bays with passing lane for accommodating the on-street loading/unloading activities currently blocking the passing vehicles legco.gov.hk |
這些樓宇的非法天台搭建物會阻塞逃 生地方,對住戶構 成嚴重的火警風險。 legco.gov.hk | IRSs on such [...] buildings will obstruct the refuge area, [...]thus posing serious fire safety risk to the residents. legco.gov.hk |
保持煤氣爐氣孔沒有阻塞,並 調校氣閥,使火焰經常保持藍色。 bccdc.ca | Keep gas-holes unplugged and adjust air shutters to [...] maintain a blue flame from a gas burner. bccdc.ca |
渠務 署在私人地段擁有人的同意下,曾進入有關私人地段,就現有溪澗受 到阻塞一事進行所需的清理工程。 legco.gov.hk | With the consent of the private lot owners, DSD [...] has entered the private lots and carried out the necessary clearance works [...] concerning the blockage of an existing stream. legco.gov.hk |
本 公告的效力是,任何人士均不得在該等古蹟之上或之內挖掘或進 行建築或其他工程,或拆卸、移走、 阻塞 、 污損或干擾該等古蹟, 但按照主管當局批給的許可證進行,則不在此限。 legco.gov.hk | The effect of the Notice is that no person shall excavate or carry on building or [...] other works on or in the monuments, or [...] demolish, remove, obstruct, deface or interface [...]with the monuments, except in accordance [...]with a permit granted by the Authority. legco.gov.hk |
根據屋宇署的執法經驗,分間樓宇單位內的常見違規事 項包括:(一 [...] )消防安全問題(因安裝扇門不當以致在開門時阻礙 其他扇門並阻塞逃生 通道、因不當改動逃生樓梯的耐火結構而 [...]令樓梯出現無防護開口等);(二 )負荷過重(主要因大幅加高地台 以埋置加裝的水管及排水渠,以及加建間隔牆所致);及(三 )滲 水問題(因內部水管或排水渠,以及浴室的加厚地台的施工質素 差劣所致)。 legco.gov.hk | Based on the enforcement experience of BD, the usual irregularities found in sub-divided flat units include: (a) fire safety issues (obstruction to means of escape caused [...] by improper [...] installation of doors that obstruct one another when [...]opened, improper alteration to the fire safety construction of escape staircases caused by unprotected [...]openings to such staircases, etc.); (b) overloading (mainly due to the extensive additional floor screeding used for embedding additional water pipes and drains, as well as the installation of additional partition walls); and (c) water seepage (due to poor workmanship of internal water pipes and drains, as well as floor screeding of bathroom floors). legco.gov.hk |
2007 年,食環署在通菜街小販認可營業地點就擴展營業範圍至檔 位以外而阻塞通道的違例行為,共提出 568 宗檢控及檢走兩批小 [...] 販棄置物品。 legco.gov.hk | In 2007, a total of 568 prosecutions were instituted by the FEHD for the offence of extending the [...] business area beyond the stall boundary [...] and causing public obstruction in the Tung Choi [...]Street Hawker Permitted Places, and two [...]batches of goods left by hawkers were seized. legco.gov.hk |
不得在停車場內的任何環迴車道停泊汽車或停車等候,或 以可阻塞環迴行駛的汽車的方式停泊汽車或停車等候 oceanpark.cn | (f) park a motor vehicle or cause a motor vehicle to [...] wait in a circulation lane in a car park, or in such a [...] manner as may cause an obstruction to circulating motor [...]vehicles oceanpark.cn |
該羣示威人士的行 徑,包括強行霸佔中區主要幹道,造成嚴重的交 通 阻塞 , 衝擊警方維 護法紀的權力和行動,破壞了社會一向尊重的自由表達、和平示威的 精神,我相信大部分市民均不會認同此等行徑。 legco.gov.hk | The behaviour of that batch of protestors, including forcible occupation of the Central District's main carriageway which caused serious traffic congestion, challenged the police's authority and operation in maintaining law and order and brought damages to the community's respect to freedom of expression and peaceful demonstration. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 主要行人路或車路嚴重阻塞或完全 阻塞。 devb.gov.hk | (c) serious/complete blockage to main pedestrian/vehicular access. devb.gov.hk |
爐門和阻塞門構 造特別, 可防止微波經由爐門和烹煮室之間的縫隙洩出。 cfs.gov.hk | The door and choke are specially engineered that they prevent microwaves from leaking through the gap between the door and the cooking cavity. cfs.gov.hk |
不得阻塞索道 的入口或妨礙或阻礙纜車的移動;或 oceanpark.cn | (f) obstruct an entrance to the Ropeway or impede or hamper [...] the movement of a cable car; or oceanpark.cn |
該等情況包括改動內部結構或排水系統、更改處所的用途, 以及阻塞走火 通道等。雖然該等違規事項未必構成即時的安全 [...] 問題,但在一些個案中,當局仍有必要進入處所進行全面的檢 驗,以確定違規事項,然後監督才可考慮採取跟進執法行動, 糾正違規事項。 legco.gov.hk | Such circumstances include alteration of internal [...] structure or drainage system, change in use [...] of premises, blockage of means of [...]escape, etc. While such contraventions may [...]not pose immediate safety concern, the entry into premises for a thorough inspection may still be essential in some cases for ascertaining the contraventions before BA could consider taking follow-up enforcement actions to rectify the contraventions. legco.gov.hk |
(2) 有關個案主要涉及乘客於東鐵線月台及車廂上因攜帶大型行李、處理貨物或 阻塞通道而阻礙其他乘客。 legco.gov.hk | (2) The cases concerned mainly involve passengers creating obstructions to others by bringing large luggage items, handling goods or blocking passages in train compartments and on platforms along the East Rail Line. legco.gov.hk |
屋宇署定期巡查這些撥出的地方,並對確認 有 阻塞 公 眾通 道的情況,採取執法行動。 devb.gov.hk | The BD conducts periodic inspections of the dedicated areas and takes enforcement [...] actions against obstructions to public passage [...]identified. devb.gov.hk |
除確定有關申請地點是 [...] 否已分配予其他團體外,所考慮的因素主要涉及公眾安全和秩序, 例如檔位會否對行人通道造成阻塞。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from checking whether the locations under applications have already been allocated to other organisations, the factors which [...] are taken into account mainly involve public safety and order, such as [...] whether a stall would obstruct public passageways. legco.gov.hk |
該公告 旨在規定,任何人均不得在該4座建築物中任何一座之上或之內 [...] 挖掘,進行建築或其他工程,種植或砍伐樹木,或堆積泥土或 垃圾;或拆卸、移走、阻塞、污損或干擾該4座建築物中任何一 座,但如按照主管當局根據該條例批給的許可證的規定進行, [...]則不在此限。 legco.gov.hk | The effect of the Notice is that no person shall excavate or carry on building or other works, plant or fell trees or deposit earth or refuse [...] on or in any of the four buildings, or [...] demolish, remove, obstruct, deface or interfere [...]with any of the four buildings except [...]in accordance with a permit granted by the Authority under AMO. legco.gov.hk |
擠塞水平"指過海隧道每日行車量達到某一水平,以致車龍形成 並阻塞非過海交通。 legco.gov.hk | Congested traffic level refers to the level of daily traffic throughput at a particular RHC where queues will be formed and the queues will block through traffic unrelated to cross-harbour movements. legco.gov.hk |
不得阻塞通往 月台的通道,或妨礙或阻礙月台上的人流移 動; 不得將服務人員認為以體積或性質而論會對其他乘客造成 滋擾或不便的物品帶上索道;或 oceanpark.cn | (g) take any item on the Ropeway that is of a size or nature which in the opinion of an attendant may cause annoyance or inconvenience to other passengers; or oceanpark.cn |
附件一載列食環署及環保署於2009年至 本年10月,在中西區、灣仔區及油尖旺區接獲有關酒牌處 [...] 所噪音及環境衞生的投訴個案數字,以及警務處於同期在 上述3區接獲投訴樓上酒吧噪音及阻塞 通 道 的數字。 legco.gov.hk | Hence we can only provide information according to the statistics kept by the departments. Annex 1 lists the number of complaints received by the FEHD and the EPD about noise and environmental hygiene problems caused by liquor-licensed premises in Central and Western, Wan Chai and Yau Tsim Mong Districts from 2009 to October this year, as well as the [...] number of complaints received by the [...] police about noise and obstruction in relation to upstairs [...]bars during the same period in the said three districts. legco.gov.hk |
除非被服務人員指示將汽車停留,否則不 得 阻塞 任 何 停車 場的入口或出口,或在停車場的任何出口或其他地方停留 [...] 超過取得泊車票或繳付泊車費所需的時間 oceanpark.cn | (g) obstruct an entrance to or exit [...] from a car park or remain stationary at an exit or elsewhere in a car park for a period [...]longer than is necessary to obtain a parking ticket or pay a parking charge, unless directed to remain stationary by an attendant oceanpark.cn |
與劏房有關的常見違規事項 包括因水管和排水管造工粗劣和缺乏維修而導致嚴重滲水、加建間 隔牆或加高地台令樓宇結構負荷過重,以及因不適當加裝入口鐵閘 而導致走火通道阻塞等。 legco.gov.hk | Common breaches of subdivided units subject to action under the Ordinance include serious water seepage due to poor workmanship and lack of maintenance of water and drainage pipes, installation of additional partition walls or thickening of floor [...] slabs overloading the [...] building structure, obstructions to means of escape due to improper installation of additional entrance gates, etc. legco.gov.hk |
在私人土地 [...] 不適當地擺放拆建物料,不但可能會違反土地用途和規劃管 制,而且或會引起環境衛生、阻塞排 水 道/溪流、造成噪音/ 塵埃滋擾和環境污染等問題。 legco.gov.hk | Improper deposition of C&D materials on private land may violate land use and planning [...] control, and may also cause environmental [...] hygiene problems, drainage/watercourse blockage, noise/dust [...]nuisance and pollution. legco.gov.hk |
若認為監管審查 程序不夠全面(例如因為這程序並沒有明確處理如風險資產質 素等項目),因而需要輔之以 CAMEL 評級制度,那麼最佳回 應可能是拓展監管審查程序,以堵塞 其 涵 蓋範圍可能存有的漏 洞(例如次按危機所反映的風險類別),而不是同時運行兩個 制度。 legco.gov.hk | If it is felt that SRP is not comprehensive enough (e.g. because it does not deal explicitly with items such as the quality of risk assets) and therefore needs to be supplemented with CAMEL, the answer may be to develop the SRP to address any perceived gaps in coverage (such as the types of risk exposure revealed by the sub-prime crisis), rather than running parallel systems. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 在短期而言,P2路會為中環填海區現有的發展項目提供 一條替代路線,紓緩干諾道中和康樂廣場路口的 擠 塞情 況 ;及 (b) 在中、長期而言,當中環至灣仔繞道建成後,P2路將負 起分配往返由中環至灣仔繞道和林士街天橋組成的策略 性東西向交通走廊至鄰近地區(包括中環、中環填海區、 金鐘、中半山、灣仔和灣仔北)的交通的責任。 legco.gov.hk | (b) in the medium to long term, after the completion of the Central-Wan Chai Bypass, Road P2 will serve to distribute traffic from the strategic east-west traffic corridor formed by Central-Wan Chai Bypass and the Rumsey Street Flyover to the neighbouring areas including Central, Central Reclamation, Admiralty, Mid-levels, Wan Chai and Wan Chai North, and vice versa from these areas to the corridor. legco.gov.hk |
7.02 在詳細考慮在公眾諮詢期間所收到的意見,以及有關 的法律問題後,現在政府提出的建議方案將可以在保 [...] 障市民的選舉權及被選舉權與有效堵 塞 議 員 隨意辭職 引發補選,以期在補選中參選和尋求再度當選這個漏 [...]洞之間取得了充份的平衡。 legco.gov.hk | 7.02 Having given detailed consideration to the views received during the public consultation period and the relevant legal issues, the proposal put forward by the Administration would be able to strike the right balance between protecting the rights to vote and the [...] right to stand for election on the one hand, [...] and plugging the loophole to effectively [...]prevent Members from resigning at [...]will in order to trigger by-elections in which they intend to stand and seek re-election on the other. legco.gov.hk |
巴塞爾委 員會作出 有關決定的理據是,多邊投資擔保機構具備穩健的股權結構 (例如該機 構 59%的股份由具有 AA-或以上信用評級的官方實體持有)、強大的股 東支持、充足的資本及流動資產水平、嚴謹的法定借貸要求,以及如該 機構尋求信用評級,將會得到 AAA 評級。 legco.gov.hk | The decision of the BCBS was on the ground that MIGA has a strong shareholder structure (e.g. 59% of MIGA’s shares are held by sovereigns with a credit rating of AA- or better), strong shareholder support, adequate levels of capital and liquidity, strict statutory lending requirements, and it would be rated AAA if it sought a credit rating. legco.gov.hk |