

单词 阻援

See also:



help v

External sources (not reviewed)

特 别值得一提的是,他们在摩加迪沙部分地区设立非法检查站,敲诈公众钱财并在 某些情况下阻碍援助物 资的交付或攻击试图扩大政府行使权力范围的过渡联邦 政府和非索特派团的部队。
In particular, mention should be made here of the establishment of illegal checkpoints in some of the districts of Mogadishu to extort money
from the public and, in some
[...] cases, the disruption of the delivery of aid or attacks against [...]
Transitional Federal Government
and AMISOM forces attempting to extend the authority of the Government.
在这些地区以及北部、东北部和西北部地区,不安全程度大 幅增加阻碍了援助机 构评估需要、协助弱势民众并监测援助提供情况的能力。
Significantly increased levels of insecurity in these areas, as well as the
northern, north-eastern and north-western
[...] regions, also hindered the capability of aid agencies [...]
to assess needs, assist vulnerable
populations and monitor provision of assistance.
除了对该区域的和平与安全构成威胁之外,监察组认为 Garaad 和他的民 兵多次违反安全理事会第 1844(2008)号决议,其中禁阻碍人道主 援 助。
In addition to posing a threat to peace and security in the region, the Monitoring Group considers Garaad and his militia to have committed
multiple violations of Security Council resolution 1844 (2008),
[...] which prohibits the obstruction of humanitarian assistance.
在廷杜夫联络处以及提法里提和米杰克队部,波利萨里奥阵线安全 部队迅速采取行阻止声援 Gdim Izik 抗议者的示威人员进入联合国场地。
At the Tindouf liaison office and at the Tifariti and Mijek team sites, quick action by security forces of the Frente Polisario prevented demonstrators expressing solidarity with Gdim Izik protesters from entering United Nations premises.
在 这方面,应当向加沙地带的居民提供畅通 阻 的人 道主援助。
In that regard, unhindered humanitarian assistance should be provided [...]
to the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip.
专家组在 2011
[...] 年的最后报告中得出结论认为,尽管影响人道主义行动的 安全事件在增加,但没有证据表明有人在有系统 阻 碍 人 道主 援 助 的 分发。
In its final report of 2011, the Group concluded that despite a rising number of security incidents affecting humanitarian operations, there was
no evidence of intent on the part of individuals to systematically
[...] prevent the distribution of humanitarian assistance.
我眼前的任务是继续与的黎波里和班加西当局 和其他有关对话者紧急磋商,落实第 1970(2011)号决 议和第
[...] 1973(2011)号决议的重要规定,即对需要人道 主义援助的地方提供畅通阻的此种 援 助 , 立即实行 停火和开始一个满足利比亚人民的愿望的政治进程。
My immediate task is to continue to undertake urgent consultations with the authorities in Tripoli and Benghazi, and with other concerned interlocutors, on the key elements of resolutions 1970 (2011) and 1973
(2011) — which are, unrestricted access
[...] for humanitarian assistance wherever it is needed, [...]
an immediate ceasefire and a political
process that meets the aspirations of the Libyan people.
[...] 即决处决和残割肢体,冲突各方对平民区狂轰滥炸,基于性别的暴力行为十分普 遍,征募儿童参加武装冲突阻止人 道主 援 助 , 这些可能构成战争罪和危害人 类罪。
Member States, observers, and civil society organizations were particularly troubled by extensive reports of Al-Shabaab’s summary executions and mutilations, indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas by all parties to the conflict, pervasive gender-based violence, the conscription
of children into the armed conflict,
[...] and blocked humanitarian assistance that may amount [...]
to war crimes and crimes against humanity.
为此目的,冲突中的各方必须遵守国际人 道主义法,允许迅速和畅通阻的人 道主 援 助并 提供便利,必须严格遵守国际法下的义务。
To that end, all parties to the conflict must allow and facilitate rapid and unimpeded humanitarian access, in conformity with international humanitarian law, and must comply strictly with all their obligations under international law.
此外,我呼吁民族团结政府为从事儿童保护工作的人道主义组织提供便利, 能够阻碍和安全援助达 尔富尔受影响的民众。我要求民族团结政府和苏丹南 [...]
方政府确保联苏特派团人员在阿卜耶伊地区有行动自由,使其能够执行任务,在 安全理事会第 1612(2005)号决议框架内,监测和报告人民保卫部队和其他武装团 体使用儿童的情况。
I also call upon the Government of National
[...] Unity to facilitate unhindered and safe access by [...]
humanitarian organizations working
on child protection issues to affected populations in Darfur and request that the Government of National Unity and the Government of Southern Sudan ensure freedom of movement of UNMIS personnel in the Abyei area to enable the implementation of its mandate to monitor and report on the use of children by popular defence forces and other armed groups within the framework of Security Council resolution 1612 (2005).
[...] 道主义行为者的密切合作关系,便利和加快向有需要 的人提供人道主义援助,而不是减缓人道主 援 助的 速度阻挠人道主援助的 提供,或者将物资和服务 的提供与同样重要的旨在防止侵害行为和拯救生命 [...]
But I urge all affected States to use close cooperation with humanitarian actors to
facilitate and expedite
[...] humanitarian aid to all who need it, and not slow it down or block it, or try to make artificial [...]
between the provision of goods and services and equally essential protection work designed to prevent abuses and save lives.
安全理事会第 1844(2008)号决议第 8(c)段禁止阻碍向索马里运送人道主援助或阻碍在 索马里境内提供或分发人道主义援助的行为。
The Security Council in resolution 1844 (2008),
paragraph 8 (c), prohibited
[...] acts that obstruct the delivery of humanitarian assistance to Somalia, or access to, or distribution of, humanitarian assistance in Somalia.
他察悉,至今未有任何銀行僱員因為 與不當銷售迷你債券有關而被刑事檢控。他質疑警方所進行的 調查是否因為欠缺專業援而受阻。
Noting there had not been one criminal prosecution of employees of banks in connection with the mis-selling of
minibonds, he queried whether it was due to the lack of
[...] professional support that had hindered the Police's investigation.
[...] 在武装冲突中保护平民的第 1894(2009)号决议中指 出,小武器和轻武器的过分积累和破坏稳定的作用 严阻碍人道主援助的 提供,并可能加剧和延长 冲突,危害平民,破坏恢复和平与稳定所需的安全 和信心。
In resolution 1894 (2009) on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, the Council noted that the excessive accumulation and destabilizing effect of
small arms and light
[...] weapons pose a considerable impediment to the provision of humanitarian assistance and have the potential [...]
to exacerbate and
prolong conflicts, endanger civilians, and undermine security and the confidence required for a return to peace and stability.
青年党阻碍了向索马里提供人道主 援 助 的 工作 阻 挠 了 在索马里境内 交付或分发人道主义援助的工作。
Al-Shabaab has also obstructed the delivery of humanitarian assistance to Somalia, or [...]
access to, or distribution of, humanitarian assistance in Somalia.
以色列不仅继续拒绝遵守这项决议和以前通过 的各项决议的规定,它还继续实施侵犯巴勒斯坦平民
[...] 的政策,包括实行封锁、关闭过境点、拘留平民、剥 夺行动自由、不让学生接受治疗阻 挡 国 际 援 助 , 更 遑论使西岸和戈兰高地的平民陷于恶劣的处境。
Those include the blockade, the closing of crossing points, detentions, denial of the freedom of movement, refusing to allow students to receive
medical treatment and obstacles to the flow
[...] of international assistance, not to mention [...]
the deplorable conditions of civilians
in the West Bank and the Golan Heights.
表示严重关切索马里境内人道主义局势的恶化和目前的干旱影响,强调国际 社会需要紧急支持联合国的联合呼吁和其他呼吁;谴责青年党和索马里境内的其 它武装团伙袭击阻碍人道主援助 的 运送。
To express serious concern about the worsening humanitarian situation in Somalia and the impact of the current drought; to stress the need for the international community to support the United Nations consolidated appeal and other appeals urgently; and to express
its condemnation of
[...] the targeting and obstruction of the delivery of humanitarian aid by Al-Shabaab and [...]
other armed groups in Somalia.
会上提到的运援助受到的阻碍包括:交通运输;接 援 助 中 的官僚主义和法律障碍;对发送的 粮食和物资没有监管,很多时候不能满足受灾人口的紧急需要;人道主义组织或 专家组大批涌入;缺乏发出国际救援呼吁的政策和程序;以及信息管理和问责不 [...]
Issues referred to included obstacles to sending help, such
as transportation;
[...] read tape affecting the receipt of assistance, and legal barriers; lack of controls [...]
over the delivery of
provisions and supplies that in many cases did not address the immediate needs of the affected population; the mass presence of humanitarian organizations or teams of experts; a lack of policies and procedures for making an international call for help; and weaknesses in information management and reporting.
该报告的专题领域包括:对国际和平与安全的 威胁、青年党的财政、海盗活动、军火禁运和对提供人道主 援 助 的 阻 挠。
The thematic areas of the report include threats to international peace
and security, Al-Shabaab finances, piracy, the
[...] arms embargo and obstruction of the delivery of humanitarian assistance.
因此,捐助方义不容辞的首要任务是,将尚未到位 的人道主义援助充分实施到位;47 政府方面则应保援助人员能畅通阻地进入救援地 区 ,同时还包 括恢复原有的弱势族群援助计划,而政府在这些方 面尚无任何进展。
As a priority, it is incumbent on the donor community to provide adequate humanitarian support, which is not yet forthcoming;47 and on the government to ensure free unfettered access to the area, including for the resumption of pre-existing programs for vulnerable communities, which it has not yet done.
这包括:第一, 立即支持索马里新当局;第二,立即向非洲联盟驻索 马里特派团(非索特派团)提供外交和财 援 助 ;第 三,提供透明、阻的人道主援助 ; 第四,解决安 全理事会制裁清单上所列个人问题;第五,解决有罪 不罚现象;最后,解决索马里沿海海盗活动问题。
Those include, first, immediate support for the new authorities;
secondly, immediate diplomatic
[...] and financial assistance to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM); thirdly, transparent and unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance; fourthly, the [...]
matter of individuals
on the Security Council sanctions list; fifthly, impunity; and, finally, piracy off the Somali coast.
还有证据表 明,外国人员对那些对运送国援助 阻 碍 最 大的青年党领导人产生了有害 影响。
Evidence also pointed towards the negative
influence of foreign elements on Al-Shabaab leaders who were viewed as
[...] being the most obstructive to international aid delivery.
[...] 一道,呼吁直接有关各方尽早达成持久和充分遵守的 停火协定,确保对加沙境内苦难人民的人 援 助 畅阻,采取一切必要措施,充分落实第 1860(2009) 号决议。
In this vein, my delegation joins many others that have spoken before us in urging all parties directly concerned to work to establish a durable and fully respected ceasefire
agreement at the earliest
[...] juncture, secure unimpeded passage for humanitarian aid to the suffering [...]
people in Gaza, and take
all necessary measures to fully implement resolution 1860 (2009).
(g) 还关注索马里境内,特别是中部和南部地区,继续缺少人道主义援助准 入及其对千百万儿童的有害影响,呼吁冲突各方确保人道主 援 助 不 受 阻 碍 和 安 全地送达给儿童,尊重援助的纯粹人道主义性质和中立性,不加区分地尊重所有 人道主义组织的工作; (h) 呼吁冲突各方立即停止违反适用国际法,袭击或威胁袭击以及占领学校 和医院,保持按照国际人道主义法为儿童提供居所、照顾儿童需要的民事机构的 中立和安全。
(g) Also expressing concern about the continuing lack of humanitarian access in Somalia and its detrimental impact on millions of children, particularly in the central and southern regions, and calling upon all parties to the conflict to ensure unhindered and safe humanitarian access to children, respect the exclusively humanitarian nature and impartiality of aid and respect the work of all humanitarian organizations, without distinction
[...] 1844(2008)号决议第 8(c)段规定的任务,监察 组利用数百个渠道提供的各种信息,对 2010 年全年和 2011 年初阻碍向索 马里运送人道主援助物资,阻碍 在索马里境内分发和提供人道主义援 助的情况进行了调查。
In fulfilment of its mandate, as defined in paragraph 8 (c) of Security Council resolution 1844
(2008), the Monitoring Group
[...] investigated obstruction of delivery and distribution of, and access to, humanitarian assistance in Somalia [...]
throughout 2010 and early
2011, utilizing a wide range of data from hundreds of sources.
这项决议要求人道主援助畅通无阻 , 然 而由于 没有要求占领国结束对加沙过境点迄今已为期 19 个 月的封锁,而这一封锁得到了安理会本身一些最强大 [...]
The resolution called for unimpeded humanitarian assistance, but it was undermined [...]
by the absence of a demand to end the
now 19-month closure of Gaza’s border crossings by the occupying Power in a blockade supported by some of the most powerful members of the Council itself.
不幸的是,在最近几天里, 我们目睹有关方面实施了一系列行动,结果导致平 民遭到侵略,重要的人道主援助 物资 受 阻 , 无 法 送达到那些因这些行动而受害的人手中。
Unfortunately, in recent days we have witnessed the unfolding of actions whose result has been
aggression against civilian
[...] populations and the obstruction of crucial humanitarian assistance to the victims [...]
of those actions.
他呼吁进行紧急人道主援助,以阻 止 危 机在萨赫勒升级,并再次强调通过改善卫生系统、社会服务和社会保护,控制该地区居高不下的营养不良水平,支持可持续的生存方式和行为改变。
He called for an urgent escalation
[...] of humanitarian efforts to stop the crisis [...]
in the Sahel and made renewed calls for tackling
the region’s high levels of malnutrition through improved health systems, social services, social protection, and support for sustainable livelihoods and behaviour change.




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