

单词 阻挠

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这种错误定罪继阻 挠提交人作为合格会计师工作的机会,从而损害其接济家庭的能力。
This wrongful conviction continues to prevent the author from working as a qualified accountant, thereby jeopardizing his ability to provide for his family.
青年党还阻碍了向索马里提供人道主义援助的工作 阻挠 了 在 索马里境内 交付或分发人道主义援助的工作。
Al-Shabaab has also obstructed the delivery [...]
of humanitarian assistance to Somalia, or access to, or distribution of, humanitarian assistance in Somalia.
[...] 鼓励波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的执法部门和司法当局采取一切必要措施,对帮助余 留逃犯逃避法律制裁或以其他方 阻挠 法 庭 有效执行任务者进行打击。
The Office of the Prosecutor encourages law enforcement and judicial authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina to take all necessary measures against those
helping the remaining fugitives evade
[...] justice or otherwise obstructing the effective implementation [...]
of the Tribunal’s mandate.
国际刑事法院的决定不会成为任何改变苏丹政 府应遵守安全理事会决议、避阻挠第 1 828(2008) 号决议中提及的人道主义援助和确保平民和联合国 [...]
The decision of the International Criminal Court will not justify any change in the obligation of the Government of the
Sudan to comply with Security Council
[...] resolutions, to avoid impeding humanitarian assistance, [...]
as referred to in resolution 1828
(2008), and to ensure the safety and security of civilians and United Nations personnel.
安理会在同一决议第 4
[...] 段(f)和(g)分段中决定,冻结资产和旅行 禁令也适用于在刚果民主共和国东 阻挠 领 取 或分发人道主义援助物资的个人, 以及通过自然资源的违禁贸易支持刚果民主共和国东部非法武装团体的个人或 [...]
By subparagraphs 4 (f) and (g) of the same resolution, the Council decided that the assets
freeze and travel ban would also
[...] apply to individuals obstructing the access to or distribution [...]
of humanitarian assistance
in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as individuals or entities supporting the illegal armed groups in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo through the illicit trade in natural resources.
以色列政府企图依照法律以不民主的方阻 挠与叙利亚签署和平协议,阻挠在 耶 路撒冷问 题上与巴勒斯坦实现和解。
The Israeli Government is attempting to undemocratically prevent by law the signing of a peace agreement with Syria and the achievement of reconciliation with Palestine with regard to Jerusalem.
人们普遍认为吴丁昂敏乌是旧商业精英的 庇护人、是关键性改革阻挠者, 他的离职可能会 使决策过程变得更容易,也为吴登盛总统推行其经 济议程铺平了道路。
Widely regarded as a patron of the old business elite and an obstacle to key reforms, his departure may facilitate easier decision-making and smooth the way for President Thein Sein to push ahead with his economic agenda.
在决定一个问题时,信息委员会具有广泛的补救权力,包括: 命令公共机构采取必要的步骤,确保依照法律的以某种特定的形式来提供信息获取的渠道,
[...] 要求向委员会提供年度报告;要求公共机构补偿投诉人;或按照法律规定,施加任何其它惩罚 措施,例如,阻挠信息公开的信息官员进行罚款(第 19 条第 ( 7 ) -( [...]
8 )款) 。
In deciding a matter, an Information Commission has wide remedial powers, including to: order the public body to take such steps as may be necessary to secure compliance with the Law by providing access, in a particular form, by appointing information officers, by publishing certain information, by making changes to its record management systems, by enhancing the provision of training to its officials or by providing the Commission with an annual report; require the public body to compensate the complainant; or impose any other
penalties provided for under the Law, for example to fine an
[...] information officer for obstructing access (sections 19(7)-(8)).
阻挠实现 性别平等的因素包括文化 和传统习俗及信念,以及获取生产资源和信贷的机会有限。
Factors that undermine the achievement of gender equality include cultural and traditional practices and beliefs and limited access to productive resources and credit facilities.
[...] 人员和顾问,并让其担任高级管理职务,事实上这项政策使一些本可担任此类职务的工作人员遭到 排挤,从阻挠了他们晋升的机会,存在的诸多问题必须认真审查。
The hiring of retirees and consultants entrusted with administrative tasks, and the fact that this policy results in the sidelining of
staff members who could be assigned to
[...] these duties and blocks their promotion, [...]
are all issues that must be examined closely.
2012 年,即本报告概列预计所需资源涉及的一年,刚果民主共和国问题专家
[...] 措施的军火流动及网络活动的相关信息,并就今后需要采取的行动提出建议供安 理会审议,行动针对的目标包括:严重违反国际法以儿童或妇女为攻击目标的个 人阻挠所属 战斗人员解除武装的武装团体政治和军事领导人、在刚果民主共和 国东阻挠领取 或分发人道主义援助的个人以及通过自然资源非法贸易支持该 国东部非法武装团体的个人或实体。
In 2012, the projected requirements for which are outlined in the present report, the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo will collect information on the implementation by States of the measures imposed by the Security Council; investigate and analyse information regarding the flow of arms and the operation of networks in violation of relevant measures imposed by the Council; and make recommendations for consideration by the Council on future action to be taken, including on individuals who commit serious violations of international law targeting children and women, on political and military
leaders of armed
[...] groups who prevent their combatants from disarming, on individuals obstructing access to or the distribution of humanitarian assistance in the eastern [...]
part of the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, and on individuals or entities supporting the illegal armed groups in the eastern part of the country through the illicit trading of natural resources.
然而, 西班牙曲解其意义阻挠其意图。
However, Spain misrepresented their meaning and frustrated their purpose.
同样,对厄立特里亚的“政治和军事领导人”的“定向制裁”不是依据法律 或证据,而主要是为阻挠厄立 特里亚的外交参与,压制其发展目标和愿望。
In the same vein, the “targeted sanctions” against Eritrea’s “political and military” leadership are not hinged on law
or evidence but mainly
[...] pursued to obstruct Eritrea’s diplomatic engagement and hamper its development [...]
objectives and aspirations.
[...] 难人员相关信息方面,建议采取的措施包括:保证采取切实可行的措施对死亡人 员的人体遗骸进行鉴定并记录其身份;避 阻挠 、 干 扰或妨碍人体遗骸鉴定工作; 签发死亡证明;确保所有参与人员都能遵守适用于人体遗骸管理、发掘和鉴定的 [...]
掘和鉴定程序,评估人体遗骸发掘及鉴定的最佳方法时充分考虑国际刑警组织、 失踪人员国际委员会以及主管专业科研机构(比如欧洲法医科学研究网)业已制 定的标准;遵守并发展国际背景下工作的法医专家职业道德规范和执业标准;确 保所有从事死亡人员信息收集和人体遗骸处理的人员都能接受适当培训。
With respect to the management of human remains and information relating to the dead, measures proposed include: ensuring that all feasible measures are taken to identify the
human remains and to record their
[...] identity; avoiding obstruction of, interference [...]
with or impediments to the identification
of human remains; issuing death certificates; ensuring that all those involved respect the legal rules and professional ethics applicable to the management, exhumation and identification of human remains; ensuring that forensic specialists, whenever possible, carry out the procedures to exhume and identify human remains and assess the most appropriate methods for doing so, taking into account standards that have been developed by the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), the International Commission on Missing Persons and competent professional and scientific organizations such as the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes
女孩叫Penny和狗命名为箭星上热播的电视连续剧螺栓名义的字符有不同的超级大国,必须不断 阻挠 邪 恶 计划的邪恶博士印花布。
A girl named Penny and a dog named Bolt star on a hit television series called Bolt in which
the titular character has various superpowers and
[...] must constantly thwart the evil plans [...]
of the nefarious Doctor Calico.
在报告第 1969(c)和(e)段,调查团进一步建议: “安全理事会收到委员会报 告之后即审议这一局势,”如果以色列国有关当局或者加沙有关当局没有分别“根 据第四十条的规定,在安理会决议通过六个月之内已经或正在依照国际标准独立 进行真诚调查”,“则再次根据《联合国宪章》第七章行事,根据(国际刑事法院) 《罗马规约》第 13(b)条将加沙局势提交国际刑事法院检察官处理”;在报告第 1969(f)段,调查团进一步建议:“安全理事会将以色列政府或加沙当局不配合委 员会工作的行为视阻挠委员 会的工作”。
In paragraphs 1969 (c) and (e) of its report, the Mission further recommended that “upon receipt of the committee’s report, the Security Council should consider the situation and, in the absence of good-faith investigations that are independent and in conformity with international standards having been undertaken or being under way within six months of the date of its resolution under Article 40” by the appropriate authorities of the State of Israel or the relevant authorities in Gaza, respectively, “acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, refer the situation in Gaza to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court pursuant to article 13 (b) of the Rome Statute” of the International Criminal Court.
以色列不阻挠难民 回返,侵犯他们 的权利,忽视相关的国际决议和法律并且有罪不罚, 从而加剧了已经十分严重的人道主义灾难。
Israel had consistently obstructed their return, violated [...]
their rights and ignored, with impunity, the relevant international
resolutions and laws, thereby gravely compounding what was already a humanitarian catastrophe.
[...] 利亚戈兰的叙利亚公民,停止对他们采取镇压措施,停止所有其 阻挠 他 们 享有 其基本权利,以及公民权利、政治权利、经济、社会和文化权利的行径,其中有 [...]
些已写入调查以色列侵害占领区巴勒斯坦人民和其他阿拉伯人人权的行为特别委 员会的报告
Further calls upon Israel to desist from imposing Israeli citizenship and Israeli identity cards on the Syrian citizens in the occupied Syrian Golan, and to desist from its repressive
measures against them and from all
[...] other practices that obstruct the enjoyment of [...]
their fundamental rights and their civil,
political, economic, social and cultural rights, some of which are mentioned in the report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories
关于近东救济工程 处的业务的决议草案
A/C.4/64/L.13,详细介绍了工 程处在极端危险条件下开展工作的全面情况;他特 别提请注意描述巴勒斯坦被占领土的难民的艰难生
[...] 活情况,以及描述以色列占领军造成的破坏 阻挠 的序言段落,还强调了第 1、2、16 至 18、22 [...]
和 23 段。
Draft resolution A/C.4/64/L.13 on the operations of UNRWA gave a comprehensive picture of the work the Agency was doing under extreme and dangerous conditions; he drew particular attention to the preambular paragraphs detailing the harsh life of the refugees in the
Occupied Palestinian Territory and
[...] the destruction and obstruction caused by the Israeli [...]
occupying forces, highlighting also
paragraphs 1, 2, 16 to 18, 22 and 23.
任何这类重大政治改革无可避 免要经受严峻考验,但缅甸政治精英们就根本性变 革的必要性已达成广泛共识,这意味着局势逆转的 风险较小;同时心怀不满的民众没有结成有组织的 团体,因而也无阻挠改革进程。
Any such program of major political change must inevitably face serious tests, but the broad consensus among the political elite on the need for fundamental change means that the risk of a reversal appears low; there is no coherent group of disaffected individuals with the power to undo the process.
决定 决定 决定
[...] 决定在大会第六十七届会议题为“人民自决的权利”的项目下审议以雇 佣军为手段侵犯人权阻挠行使民族自决权的问题。
to consider at its sixty-seventh session the question of the use
of mercenaries as a means of violating
[...] human rights and impeding the exercise of the [...]
right of peoples to self-determination
under the item entitled “Right of peoples to self-determination”.
例如,《联合国工作人员细则》 细则 1.2(i)规定:“工作人员不得企图影响会员国、联合国主要或附属机构或专 家组,以期改变秘书长所采取的立场或决定,包括关于秘书处方案或单位筹措经 费的立场或决定,或争取支持改善本人或其他工作人员的情况, 阻挠 或 改 变对 本人或同事的地位不利的决定”。
For instance, according to rule 1.2(i) of the United Nations staff rules: “Staff members shall not seek to influence Member States, principal or subsidiary organs of the United Nations or expert groups in order to obtain a change from a position or decision taken by the SecretaryGeneral, including decisions relating to the financing of Secretariat programmes or units, or in order to secure support for improving their personal situation or the personal situation of other staff members or for blocking or reversing unfavourable decisions regarding their status or their colleagues’ status.
这条法规背后的基本原理很清楚:国际司法 不可因被告有意逃避司法或因某个国家意图庇护被告或拒绝将其移交国际法庭 而受阻挠。
The rationale behind this legal regulation is clear: international justice must not be thwarted, either by the will of the accused to evade justice or by the intent of a State to shelter such an accused by refusing to hand him or her over to the international tribunal.
在接受通知书送达该供应商 或承包商至采购合同生效这段时间内,采购实体和该供应商或承包商均不得采 取任何行阻挠采购 合同的生效或履行。
Between the time when the notice of acceptance is dispatched to the supplier or contractor concerned and the entry into force of the procurement contract, neither the procuring entity nor that supplier
or contractor shall take
[...] any action that interferes with the entry into force of the procurement [...]
contract or with its performance.
以色列在 1967 年以来占领的巴勒斯坦和其它
[...] 阿拉伯领土内建立移民点的政策和做法都没有 法律效力,并且对于在中东达成全面、公正和持 久的和平构成了严重阻挠”。
the policy and practices of Israel in establishing settlements in the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied
since 1967 have no legal validity and
[...] constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, [...]
just and lasting peace in the Middle East”.
这一天是一个高度敏 感的日子,占领下的巴勒斯坦人民和散居国外的全体侨民在这一天回想几十年来
[...] 占领国以色列强加给巴勒斯坦人民的非正义和压迫,以及以色列持续拒绝和侵犯 巴勒斯坦人民不可剥夺的人权阻挠 巴 勒 斯坦人民在自己的祖国实现自由、正义、 和平、安全与尊严这一民族合法愿望。
It was a day marked with high sensitivities as the Palestinian people under occupation and throughout the Diaspora reflected on the decades of injustice and oppression inflicted by Israel, the occupying Power, on the Palestinian people and its continuing
denial and violation of their inalienable
[...] human rights and obstruction of the fulfilment [...]
of their legitimate national aspirations
for freedom, justice, peace, security and dignity in their homeland.
委员会建议缔约国采取必要措施,按照《公约》和其他国际人权文书的规定,避 免任阻挠通过 互联网获得和传播信息;并且不限制网站、博客或其他任何网络 信息的运作,以免侵犯国际法中规定的言论自由。
The Committee recommends that the State party take
the necessary measures to
[...] avoid arbitrary impediments to receiving and disseminating information [...]
through the Internet, in
accordance with the provisions of the Convention and other international human rights instruments; and refrain from restricting the operation of websites, blogs or any other Internet-based information in violation of the freedom of expression as provided for by international law.
[...] 某个新设立的实体或其自身拥有的不同实体,目的是为了自己的利益而保全和 保留这些资产;对其债权人进阻挠 、 拖 延和欺诈;设局假冒35 或庞氏骗局36和 [...]
Examples of such fraud may include transfers by a debtor of substantially all of its assets to a newly formed entity or to self-owned separate entities for the purpose of
preserving and conserving those assets for its own
[...] benefit and to hinder, delay and defraud [...]
its creditors, simulation35 or Ponzi36
and other such fraudulent schemes.
2007 年通过的第2 号一般性意见 (CAT/C/GC/2)
[...] ,向缔约国指出,委员会认为,实行大赦或采取其 阻挠 办 法 ,事 先排除或表明不愿意对施行酷刑或虐待的人进行及时和公正的起诉和处罚,会违 [...]
In this regard, it points out to the State party, with reference to its general comment No. 2, adopted in 2007
(CAT/C/GC/2), that the Committee considers that
[...] amnesties or other impediments which preclude [...]
or indicate unwillingness to ensure prompt
and fair prosecution and punishment of perpetrators of torture or ill-treatment may violate the principle of non-derogability.
勒斯坦权力机构在联合国决议的基础上建立一个独立的巴勒斯坦国的努力;谴责 以色列侵犯巴勒斯坦人权利的行动,包括改变被占领的耶路撒冷城的人口;对加
[...] 沙实行封锁;在巴勒斯坦领土上修建用于吞并和扩张的隔离墙 阻挠 实 现 发展和 建设巴勒斯坦机构的努力; 2.吁请成员国
its commitment to the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and its support to the efforts of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian Authority towards the establishment of an independent State of Palestine, based on United Nations resolutions; its condemnation of the Israeli actions that violate the rights of Palestinians, including changing the demography of the occupied city of Jerusalem; imposing a siege on Gaza; building the
annexation and expansion wall on
[...] Palestinian territory; and obstructing efforts to achieve [...]
development and build Palestinian institutions




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