

单词 阴阳



an accident arising from many causes (idiom); a freak combination of factors


an accident arising from many causes (idiom); a freak combination of factors


hidden merits will have visible rewards [idiom.]

See also:


vagina n
moon n


sun n

positive (electric.)
male principle (Taoism)

External sources (not reviewed)

传统中医理念阴阳、气 、五行、脏腑为基础,有食疗、针灸、草药、推拿、气功、太极拳等不同的治疗方式。
Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the principles governing the yin and yang, the Five Elements, Pheumatism (life comes from ‘breath’, or qi) and the organs.
The form of the article is provided where necessary to indicate gender.
他认阴阳相对 的两种反应物质还必须同时属于同一种类,“同类”的物质才能“相变”,“异类”物质之间则不能发生反应。
He argued that an alchemist must use elements that belonged to the same class or kind, or he has no chance to make effective pills.
阴极和阳极之 间保持有一定的工作间隙 阴阳 级 之间的电荷交换通过电解液进行,常用的电解液有硝酸钠和氯化钠。
The charge in the working gap between cathode and anode  runs through an electrolyte [...]
solution - usually sodium nitrate or
sodium chloride - and detaches metal ions from the workpiece.
使用类型相同阴阳性不同的接头 (或者类型相同而阴阳性 的 接头) 可以直接互连两个测试端口来构造直通连接。
If we are using connectors of the same type but with a different gender (or sexless connectors of the same type), we can directly interconnect the two test ports to produce a through connection.
对产科病人而言,针灸治疗对于胎位不正、不育、子宫内膜异位和其 阴阳 失 调 的相关症状也会有所帮助。
For obstetrical patients it can also help with fetal malposition, infertility, endometriosis and other related imbalances of the yin and yang.
就此而论,男女同性恋、双性恋 和变性者阴阳人和 性质疑者,包括妇女,均特别易遭受许多类型暴力罪之害, 从在私人家中被杀戮,至在公共场所遭到所谓“社会清洗”的杀戮;从一些发送 勒索信的人以公布受害者身份相威胁勒索钱财,至官员滥用职权,特别是警官有 时对他们实施抓捕的迫害行为。
In this sense, LGBTIQ persons, including women, are especially vulnerable to many kinds of violent crime, from killings in private homes to killings in public spaces known as ―social cleansing‖, extortion by blackmailers who threaten to reveal their identity to the public, and abuse from officials, especially the police, who sometimes arrest them.124 73.
( 变性人阴阳人及 其他属于性别少数派的人员) 的条款规 定以及关于多重歧视的条款规定,对非歧视立法改革需要的监测该法执行的法规 和条款提出最低限度的修订。
Gender equality legislation will be revised in the course of reforming nondiscrimination legislation by including provisions protecting gender minorities (transgender and intersex persons and other persons belonging to gender minorities) and provisions on multiple discrimination in the Act on Equality between Women and Men, and by introducing the minimum amendments to the statutes and provisions governing monitoring of this Act that the reform of non-discrimination legislation requires.
阳极和阴极之间存在导体(例如钎焊填料、铆钉, 阴阳 极 之 间直接接触
Presence of a conductor between
[...] the anode and cathode (for instance a brazing filler material, rivet or direct contact between anode and cathode)
4 、查验大货疋条:每疋布必须剪头尾全幅疋条,宽度12-15CM,两边各叠进5CM,叠成左中右三层,写明缸号、卷号、码长等信息,头尾、左中右色差4-5级为A级;若发现左中右或头 阴阳 色 低 于4-5级,此卷布拒收。
4, inspection of goods Piece Goods: each piece goods cloth must be cut to the head and tail of full-size piece goods bar width 12-15CM, on both sides of the stack into the 5CM quartet built left, right three-tier, specify the cylinder number, volume number, the code length information , head and tail, left, right color grade 4-5 for Class A; If
it is found to the left, right, or the
[...] head and tail of yin and yang color lower than [...]
4-5, this volume of fabric rejection.
在此过程中,找回童真,平衡体 阴阳 关 系 ,感受能量流通带来的益处,并利用这股力量建立起彼此之间的联系。
Rebalance the Yin and Yang energy in our body and feel the good energy flow.
Yin Yang
在女性阴阳人花1.5-2毫米里的Gynoecium,用雄花0.3-0.6毫米; 子房无毛的或很少疏生短柔毛。
Gynoecium in female and bisexual flowers 1.5-2 mm, in male flowers 0.3-0.6 mm; ovary glabrous or rarely sparsely pubescent.
虾与芝麻种子是婚宴上招待的菜肴,虾与芝麻代表了完美 阴阳 平 衡 ,意指给予新婚夫妇生育孩子的活力。
Shrimp with sesame seed was served at wedding banquets as the perfect equilibrium of Yin and Yang was represented by the shrimp and the sesame seed giving the newly weds the vitality of Ch’i. A touch of sherry to add an inebriating aroma!
此外,悦榕Spa 备有五项以阴阳」为主题的水疗护理(每节120 分钟,定价澳门币1,600 [...]
Five Yin Yang packages (120-minute [...]
session at MOP 1,600++) use a combination of treatments inspired by the Chinese Five
Elements healing philosophy: water for relaxation, wood for renewal, earth for balance, fire for vitality and gold for purification.
在适用的建议可允许工作压力表中, 选择一 个工作压力阴影区 域之外的卡套管壁厚。
Within the applicable suggested allowable working pressure table, select a tube wall thickness whose working pressure is outside of the shaded areas.
在这种情况 下,阳性结 果进行初步审查的反兴奋剂组织将考虑该结果是否与治疗用药豁免到期或撤销的 时间相吻合。
In such cases, the Anti-Doping Organization conducting the initial review of an adverse finding will consider whether the finding is consistent with expiry or withdrawal of the TUE.
为了落实各项建议,特别是关 于 《 儿童权利公约》的建议,2008 年 12 月 16 日关于儿童及家庭补助法(见 2008 年 12 月 22 日第 A-192 号备忘录)在其第 2 条第 3 段中重申了卢森堡法律中一项重要的本质原则,即禁止一切形式的暴力, 特别是在家庭和教育机构中:“特别是在家中和教育机构中,严 禁 身体和 性暴力 行为、上下辈之间的攻击、不人道及有辱人格的待遇和女性 阴 残 割
In order to fulfil various recommendations, including those in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the legislation of 16 December 2008 on assistance to the child and the family (Official Gazette A-No. 192 of 22 December 2008) makes reference, for example in article 2, paragraph 3, to the important principle incorporated in Luxembourg legislation of prohibition of all forms of violence, including within families and educational communities: “Within families and educational communities in particular, physical and sexual violence, intergenerational sexual transgressions, inhuman and degrading treatment and genital mutilation are prohibited.
在这方面,我们还敦促联合国会员国再次承诺实现关于普遍获得生殖健康的 千年发展目标具体目标,其中包括:根据知情选择理念,提供可获得、廉价、适 当、优质的生殖健康服务,尤其在初级保健方面;提供关于性健康和生殖健康(包
[...] 控制传染性疾病;提供充足的分娩协助,以避免过度采用剖腹产、 阴 切 开手术、 使用催产素及其他医疗程序,提供妇科紧急护理;为怀孕、生产和堕胎并发症提 [...]
In this connection, we also urge UN Member States to reaffirm their commitment to achieving the MDG target on universal access to reproductive health, which includes, based on the concept of informed choice, the availability of accessible, affordable, appropriate and high-quality reproductive health services, particularly in the context of primary health care; appropriate education and information on sexual and reproductive health, including family planning; focused and effective prenatal care; maternal nutrition programs; control of infectious diseases; adequate delivery assistance
that avoids excessive recourse to
[...] Caesarean sections, episiotomy, administration [...]
of oxytocin, and other medical procedures,
and provides for obstetric emergencies; referral services for pregnancy, childbirth and abortion complications; and post-natal care and family planning.
[...] 基伍省、南基伍省、马涅马省、加丹加省坦噶尼喀地区的政治和安全进展情况; 监测各项政治进程,包括阳城各项决议、内罗毕公报、承诺书、3 [...]
月 23 日协定 及任何其他协定;勘察安全事件、流离失所、犯罪及军事活动的趋势,协助与当
前政治、安全及军事举措相关的决策;每周向协调员提供一次分析报告;以及必 要时向访客和前方总部的参谋提供口头和书面简报。
Under the direct supervision of the Coordinator, the incumbent of the post of Political Affairs Officer (P-3) would monitor and analyse the regional political situation and developments in Burundi, Rwanda, the Sudan and Uganda; monitor and analyse political and security developments in Orientale, North Kivu, South Kivu and Maniema Provinces and the Tanganyika territory of
Katanga Province; monitor the political
[...] processes, including the Sun City resolutions, [...]
the Nairobi Communiqué, the statements
of commitment (actes d’engagement), the 23 March Agreement and any further agreements; map trends in security incidents, displacement, crime and military activity to assist in decision-making related to ongoing political, security and military initiatives; provide weekly analytical syntheses to the Coordinator; and provide oral and written briefs as necessary to visitors and staff officers in the forward headquarters.
上述所列物质,包括其他具有相似化学结构或相似生物作用的物质,诊断标识物、激素 的释放因子的存在,或其他任何发现提示所检测到的物质为外源性来源,则报告 阳 性 检 测结 果。
The presence of other substances with a similar chemical structure or similar biological effect(s), diagnostic marker(s) or releasing factors of a hormone listed above or of any other finding which indicate(s) that the substance detected is of exogenous origin, will be reported as an Adverse Analytical Finding.
任务的艰巨的,其原因一部分是锁在褐色能源技术上面的巨大投资,以及 其与更广泛的经济体系的相互依存关系;另一部分原因是,如现有知识所显示
[...] 的,以现有的转换效率,加上在部署这些技术和提高其能源使用效率方面的限 制,想大大扩大可再生能源(如风能和 阳 能 )技 术的规模可能会受到技术上的 限制。
The task will be daunting, partly because of the massive investments locked into brown energy technology and its interdependencies with the broader economic system; and partly because, as present knowledge suggests, there may be technical limits to the massive
scaling up of renewable energy
[...] technologies (such as wind and solar power), given present [...]
conversion efficiency as well as the
limits to deployment of those technologies and improvements in their energy-use efficiency.
尽管对苏丹等问题政权无 条件的支持有利于中国国有企业与其签署初步能 源协议,但同时却对确保中国的长期能源利益带 来阴影, 尤其是它增加了中国在投资、公民和 安全方面的风险。
While unquestioned support for problem regimes such as Sudan has been useful to state companies in signing initial energy agreements, it is less helpful in securing Beijing’s long-term energy interests, especially as it is confronted with mounting risks to its investments, citizens and security.




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