单词 | 阴阜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 阴阜 —mons venerisSee also:阴—feminine • shady • cloudy • genitalia • implicit • overcast (weather) • surname Yin • negative (electric.) 阴 n—vagina n • moon n 阜—abundant • mound
在适用的建议可允许工作压力表中, 选择一 个工作压力在阴影区 域之外的卡套管壁厚。 swagelok.com.cn | Within the applicable suggested allowable working pressure table, select a tube wall thickness whose working pressure is outside of the shaded areas. swagelok.com.cn |
接着,陈保琼校监和叶国华教授上台向 曲 阜 学 校 校长及两位同学递交一张款项为人民币500,250元的大支票,象征去年成功筹建 曲 阜 市 耀中耀华希望小学。 ycis-bj.com | Present at the concert were the [...] Principal and two students from Qufu School to accept a symbolic check of RMB 500,250 yuan that helped establish the Qufu Yew Chung and Yew Wah Hope [...]Primary School. ycis-bj.com |
建于山东省曲阜的第 一所“希望种子学校”,目前已为超过500名学生提新的校舍及优越的图书馆设施。 ycis-bj.com | The first Seeds of Hope [...] School, built in Qufu, Shandong Province, [...]has gone a long way to provide education to over 500 rural [...]students and has excellent library facilities. ycis-bj.com |
1993 年 10 月至 2000 年 6 月,中华人民共和国财政部人事教育司工作人员、 [...] 副处长(1997 年 4 月至 1998 年 4 月,任河北省阜城副县长)。 daccess-ods.un.org | October 1993 to June 2000: Staff and Deputy Director, Department of Personnel and Education, Ministry of [...] Finance, People’s Republic of China (April 1997 to April 1998, serving as the [...] vice mayor of Fucheng city, Hebei Province). daccess-ods.un.org |
孔子的故鄉山東曲阜每年 均會舉行盛大紀念活動,吸引來自世界各 地的孔子後裔,以及國外駐華使節、聯合國教育、科學及文化組織的官 [...] 員出席有關慶典。 legco.gov.hk | In Confucius' [...] native city of Qufu in Shandong, [...]major commemorative events are held every year to attract descendants of [...]Confucius from all over the world, foreign consuls in China and officials of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to attend the celebrations. legco.gov.hk |
为了落实各项建议,特别是关 于 《 儿童权利公约》的建议,2008 年 12 月 16 日关于儿童及家庭补助法(见 2008 年 12 月 22 日第 A-192 号备忘录)在其第 2 条第 3 段中重申了卢森堡法律中一项重要的本质原则,即禁止一切形式的暴力, 特别是在家庭和教育机构中:“特别是在家中和教育机构中,严 禁 身体和 性暴力 行为、上下辈之间的攻击、不人道及有辱人格的待遇和女性 外 阴 残 割。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to fulfil various recommendations, including those in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the legislation of 16 December 2008 on assistance to the child and the family (Official Gazette A-No. 192 of 22 December 2008) makes reference, for example in article 2, paragraph 3, to the important principle incorporated in Luxembourg legislation of prohibition of all forms of violence, including within families and educational communities: “Within families and educational communities in particular, physical and sexual violence, intergenerational sexual transgressions, inhuman and degrading treatment and genital mutilation are prohibited. daccess-ods.un.org |
最新的事故 [...] 則是腸 道 病毒 EV71 自 3 月在安徽阜陽流 傳,疫 情 迅速蔓 延, [...]引 致 多 名 兒童死 亡 , 而當地 政 府 卻 一 直 否 認 , 至 4 月 才作出公布 。 legco.gov.hk | The latest incident is the spread of the [...] enterovirus EV71 in Fuyang, Anhui since March. [...]The rapid spread of the epidemic has [...]caused a number of deaths in children. legco.gov.hk |
种子卵球形,约 2.2 * [...] 1.5 毫米,黄,平滑和发亮;种阜钻形 ,深黄,无柄,容易脱落。 flora.ac.cn | Seeds ovoid, ca. 2.2 × 1.5 mm, yellow, smooth [...] and shiny; caruncle subulate, deep [...]yellow, sessile, easily lost. flora.ac.cn |
在这方面,我们还敦促联合国会员国再次承诺实现关于普遍获得生殖健康的 千年发展目标具体目标,其中包括:根据知情选择理念,提供可获得、廉价、适 当、优质的生殖健康服务,尤其在初级保健方面;提供关于性健康和生殖健康(包 [...] 括计划生育)的教育和资料;提供有重点的切实产前护理;提供孕产妇营养方案; [...] 控制传染性疾病;提供充足的分娩协助,以避免过度采用剖腹产、 外 阴 切 开手术、 使用催产素及其他医疗程序,提供妇科紧急护理;为怀孕、生产和堕胎并发症提 [...]供转诊服务;产后护理和计划生育。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this connection, we also urge UN Member States to reaffirm their commitment to achieving the MDG target on universal access to reproductive health, which includes, based on the concept of informed choice, the availability of accessible, affordable, appropriate and high-quality reproductive health services, particularly in the context of primary health care; appropriate education and information on sexual and reproductive health, including family planning; focused and effective prenatal care; maternal nutrition programs; control of infectious diseases; adequate delivery assistance [...] that avoids excessive recourse to [...] Caesarean sections, episiotomy, administration [...]of oxytocin, and other medical procedures, [...]and provides for obstetric emergencies; referral services for pregnancy, childbirth and abortion complications; and post-natal care and family planning. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管对苏丹等问题政权无 条件的支持有利于中国国有企业与其签署初步能 源协议,但同时却对确保中国的长期能源利益带 来了阴影, 尤其是它增加了中国在投资、公民和 安全方面的风险。 crisisgroup.org | While unquestioned support for problem regimes such as Sudan has been useful to state companies in signing initial energy agreements, it is less helpful in securing Beijing’s long-term energy interests, especially as it is confronted with mounting risks to its investments, citizens and security. crisisgroup.org |
4月,在安徽省阜阳一家纺织厂,警方用武力镇压了一群封锁了公路和铁路,并袭击了一家旅馆的工人。 embassyusa.cn | In April at a [...] textile factory in Fuyang, Anhui Province, [...]police responded with force to workers who blocked roads and railways and rushed a hotel. eng.embassyusa.cn |
鹿儿岛大学、东北大学、茨城大学、首都大学东京、日本原子力研究开发机构的研究小组,针对从 岐 阜 县 坂祝(Sakahogi)町的木曾川河床采集的岩石试验材料,使用ICP质量分析装置或者多重伽玛线检测装置等进行了分析。 tohoku.ac.jp | The research group consisting of Kagoshima University, Tohoku University, Ibaraki University, Tokyo Metropolitan University, and Japan Atomic Energy Agency collected rock samples [...] from the bottom of the Kisogawa riverbed in [...] Sakahogi-machi, Gifu Prefecture and [...]analyzed them using Inductive Coupled Plasma [...](ICP) Mass Spectrometers and Multiplex Gamma Ray Sensing devices. tohoku.ac.jp |
目前人们有很多认识上的误区:一是消费者 要求零风险,其实零风险的食品是不存在的;二是过于重视化学污染而忽视食源性疾病;三 是笼统地把假冒伪劣与食品安全划等号,例如安 徽 阜 阳 假奶粉事件就不是一个食品安全事件 四是将致癌物污染的食品等同于致癌食品,含苏丹红的食品不会引发癌症;五是将不合格食 品等同于有毒食品,例如碘含量超标的雀巢奶粉就不是有毒食品。 docs.china-europa-forum.net | Third, poor quality counterfeit products are often taken as proof of a lack of food safety, an example of this being the “fake milk powder” incident in Fuyang, Anhui province, which was not really a food safety problem. docs.china-europa-forum.net |
2011年11月,耀中宗教德育部主管Steve [...] Hackman牧师和另一位同事刘克辉先生,代表耀华及耀中前赴位于山东省 曲 阜 市 的 “希望种子学校”,进行为期两天的访问。 ywies.com | In November 2011, Mr. Steve Hackman and Mr. Davy Lau from Christian and Moral Education Division of Yew Chung paid a two-day visit, on behalf of Yew Chung and Yew [...] Wah, to the new Seeds of Hope School under [...] construction in Qufu, Shangdong Province [...]which is the focus of our current Seeds [...]of Hope fundraising initiative of Yew Chung and Yew Wah. ywies.com |
年齡必須40歲以上,華裔血統,居住在 華 阜 或 鄰 近地區。 ktsf.com | Participants must reside in the Chinatown neighborhood. ktsf.com |
作为岐阜清流国体・岐阜清流 大会援助事业的一部 分,MINAMO团队也来到现场与大家一起照相、跳舞,很是尽兴。 gic.or.jp | Team Minamo also visited as part of the celebrations for the National Sports Festival and the National Sports Festival for People with Disabilities, and participants had a great time taking photos and dancing along with the team. gic.or.jp |
为了让在日本的菲律宾人 安心地生活,成为对社会有贡献的 一员, ASFIL岐阜将一直给予支援。 gic.or.jp | ASFIL is working to support Filipino people living in Japan to live stable lives so that they can contribute and cooperate as full members of society. gic.or.jp |
该研究所将在2008年初对阜新蒙 古勒津地区展开调查,首先在互联网上面向社会各界征集有关瑞应寺及蒙古勒津地区特别是曼巴扎仓历史的文献材料,也希望能有人提供现仍然健在的对这一历史有了解的知情人,他们将以研究所的名义在著作出版时向线索提供者表示感谢并赠送研究成果。 chinatibetology.org | As a first step, a notice will be issued on the Internet calling all circles of the society to collect literature material regarding Ruiying Monastery and Mongolia Lejin district of Fuxin especially about the history of Man Ba Zha Cang. chinatibetology.org |
董事會包括四名執行董事,分別為顏禧強先生、顏寶鈴女士、James S. Patterson先生及顧青瑗女士(於二零一二年二月一日獲委任);兩名非執 行董事,分別為謝錦阜先生及顏肇臻先生,以及三名獨立非執行董事,分別為梁樹賢先生、勞恒晃先生及劉鐵成太平紳 士。 mainland.com.hk | The Board comprises four Executive Directors, namely Mr. Ngan Hei Keung, Madam Ngan Po Ling, Pauline, Mr. James S. Patterson and Ms. Maggie Gu (appointed on 1 February 2012); two Non-executive Directors namely, Mr. Tse Kam Fow, and Mr. Andrew Ngan, and three Independent Non-executive Directors, namely Mr. Leung Shu Yin, William, Mr. Lo Hang Fong and Mr. Liu Tieh Ching, Brandon, JP. mainland.com.hk |
同时为了保证赛阜所有 程序的操作与自然和谐符合全球环境要求,我们承诺遵守ISO14001国际环境标准的要求。 sayfupcb.com | SAYFU is committed to follow ISO14001 International environmental standard and to ensure all of our operations are earth-friendly an in harmony with the global environment. sayfupcb.com |
阜外心血管病医院高展等回顾性总结191例三支病变左室射血分数(LVEF)<40%的接受经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)患者,与同期4144例LVEF≥40%比较,结果发现LVEF <40%是主要心脏不良事件、心源性死亡、心肌梗死的独立危险因素,但不是靶血管血运重建的危险因素。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Among patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention for multivessel coronary artery disease, left ventricular dysfunction remains associated with further risk of cardiac death in-hospital and during long-term follow-up, reported in Chinese Medical Journal by doctor Zhan Gao and his colleagues, Cardiovascular Institute & Fu Wai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Peking Union Medical College. chinese.eurekalert.org |
該項目亦可與港華燃氣在遼寧省之朝陽 、 阜 新 、本溪、鐵嶺,黑龍江省之齊齊哈 爾等管道燃氣項目及中華煤氣之遼寧省營口,吉林省吉林天然氣等項目產生協同效應。 towngaschina.com | There will also be synergies between this project and our existing piped gas projects in the province, those in the cities of Chaoyang, Fuxin, Benxi and Tieling, for example as well as our projects in Qiqihaer, Heilongjiang Province, and HKCG’s projects in Yingkou city in Liaoning Province and Jilin city in Jilin Province. towngaschina.com |
佐渡民家的房门口以及设施入口处等,到处都能看到的赤石被称为赤玉石(AKADAMAISHI),被选为日本三大铭石( 岐阜县的 菊花石、北海道的神居古潭石,佐渡的赤玉石)之一。 sado-biyori.com | The red stones which can be seen at various places such as the entrances of private houses and facilities are called "Akadama-ishi," and recognized as one of [...] Japan's three greatest noted stones (the [...] chrysanthemum stone of Gifu, the kamuikotan [...]of Hokkaido and the Akadama-ishi of Sado). sado-biyori.com |
中意学院王锐光教授、建筑与城市规划学院阮仪三教授、意大利非洲与亚洲研究院Giorgio Casacchia教授、B&T国际律师事务所Giampaolo [...] Naronte教授、意大利博洛尼亚大学Giampiero Cuppini教授和曲阜市规 划局领导等出席会议并发言。 whitr-ap.org | Professor WANG Ruiguang from Sino-Italian Campus, Professor RUAN Yisan from College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University, Professor Giorgio CASACCHIA from Istituto Italiano per l,Africa e l,Oriente ( IsIAO), Professor Giampaolo NARONTE from B&T LLP, Professor [...] Giampiero CUPPINI from Bologna University [...] and officials from Qufu Urban Planning Bureau [...]attended the meeting and made speeches. whitr-ap.org |
果多汁或干燥,裸露,有鳞片,有毛,具刚毛,或者具刺,不裂或开裂,种子通常多数,通常具假种皮或具 种 阜 ; 胚弯曲或很少直; 胚乳提出或无; 子叶退化或者残留,很少叶状。 flora.ac.cn | Seeds usually numerous, often arillate or strophiolate; embryo curved or rarely straight; endosperm present or absent; cotyledons reduced or vestigial, rarely leaflike. flora.ac.cn |
1990 年 7 月-1993 年 10 月:中国社科院应用语言学研究所助理研究员 1993 年 10 月-2000 年 6 月:中国财政部人事教育司职员和副司长(1997 年 4 月至 1998 年 4 月,担任河北省阜城县副县长) daccess-ods.un.org | September 2007-July 2010: Doctorate in Applied Economics, Department of Finance, Graduate School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics daccess-ods.un.org |
於 2012 年內,集團繼續擴展業務版圖,分別在遼寧省、山東省、江西省、福建省和河北省共取得八個新 項目,包括遼寧省大連瓦房店市的城市管道燃氣項目及中游長輸管線項目 、 阜 新 市 新邱區;山東省招遠市 濱海科技產業園、濟南市平陰縣;江西省宜春市宜豐縣;以及集團在福建省和河北省首個的投資項目— 福 建省龍岩市長汀縣和河北省秦皇島市山海關區臨港產業園管道燃氣項目。 towngaschina.com | We continued to expand the geographic extent of our business presence in 2012 with the acquisitions of eight new projects in Liaoning, Shandong, Jiangxi, Fujian and Hebei Provinces. These included a piped city gas and a midstream gas pipeline project in Wafangdian City, Dalian, Liaoning Province and piped gas projects in Xinqiu District in Fuxin City, Liaoning Province; Binhai Science and Technology Industrial Park in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province; Pingyin County in Jinan City, Shandong Province; Yifeng County in Yichun City, Jiangxi Province; as well as debut projects in Fujian Province and Hebei Province. towngaschina.com |
巨邦香料凭借薄荷产区之优势,在安徽 省 阜 阳 市 投资组建了专业薄荷加工厂,年产薄荷脑1200吨,薄荷素油600吨,其中80%用于出口,远销欧美、东南亚、香港、韩国、日本等国家和地区。 china-menthol.com | With this location advantage, our factory is specialized in manufacturing Menthol Crystals and Peppermint Oil Dementholized, with annual processing capability of 1200MTS Menthol Crystals and 600MTS Peppermint Oil. 80% of the products are exported to Europe, U.S.A., Southeast Asia, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and other overseas market, enjoying popularities of customers. china-menthol.com |