

单词 阴德必有阳报

See also:

External sources (not reviewed) 所有筛查化验中除了受检样品外必 须 包 括 阴 性 和 阳 性 的 比对 检样。
unesdoc.unesco.org All screening assays shall include negative and positive controls in addition to the Samples [...]
being tested.
The form of the
[...] article is provided where necessary to indicate gender.
德国提交了四个项目的项目完成报告,并就此向秘书处 报 说 , 德 国 持 留的下列项目 的未缴余额共计 15,344 美元,它们是:克罗地亚和罗马尼亚促进遵守蒙特利尔议定书技 术援助项目(EUR/SEV/28/TAS/01),项目原核准金额为 67,800 美元,有余额 6,900 美 元;黎巴嫩制冷行业培训项目(LEB/REF/26/TRA/25),项目原核准金额为 49,500 美元,现 有余额 8,197 美元;黎巴嫩制冷剂管理计划余留问题技术援助项目 (LEB/REF/28/TAS/31),项目原核准金额为 37,550 [...]
美元,现有余额 3 美元;和纳米比亚制 冷维修业恢复和再循环项目(NAM/REF/24/TAS/05),项目原核准金额为
34,400 美元,现 有余额 244 美元。
In the context of Germany’s submission of project completion reports for four projects, Germany informed the Secretariat that it had remaining balances amounting to US $15,344 for the following projects: Technical assistance project on promoting compliance with the [...]
Montreal Protocol in Croatia and Romania
(EUR/SEV/28/TAS/01) where US $6,900 out of the US $67,800 originally approved for the project remained; Training project in the refrigeration sector in Lebanon (LEB/REF/26/TRA/25) where US $8,197 out of the US $49,500 originally approved remained; Technical assistance project on remaining issues for a RMP in Lebanon (LEB/REF/28/TAS/31) where US $3 out of the US $37,550 originally approved remained; and Recuperation and recycling project in the refrigeration servicing sector in Namibia (NAM/REF/24/TAS/05) where US $244 out of the US $34,400 originally approved remained.
因此,特报告员 欢迎艾滋病方 案/卫生组织 2004 年关于艾滋病毒 检测的政策声明中就同意问题使用的明确语言,其中要求, 为了能 够 做 到 知 情的同意 , 病 人至少应被告 知 : 检测带来的诊 断和防治上 的益 处,拒绝的权利,将 会提供的后续服务,在检测结 果阳性的情况下必须事 先 考 虑有必 要 通 知 否则不会怀疑自身可能受到艾滋病毒 感 染 的高 危 人 群 。
Therefore, the Special Rapporteur welcomes the clear language used in the UNAIDS/WHO policy statement on HIV testing of 2004, regarding consent, which requires that, in order to be able to provide informed consent, the patients should at a minimum be informed of the clinical benefit and the prevention benefits of testing, their right to refuse, the follow-up services that will be offered and, in the event of a positive test result, the importance of anticipating [...]
the need to inform
anyone at ongoing risk who would otherwise not suspect they were being exposed to HIV infection.
当本地习俗或其他情况导致您很难拒绝出于个人使用目的而提供的门票或 如果不接受就造成冒犯时,无论门票价格是多少, 必 须 向 公司 德 办 公 室报 告接受门票的情况。
If local customs or other circumstances make it very difficult or offensive for you to reject a
ticket offered for
[...] personal use, you must report the acceptance to the corporate ethics office regardless [...]
of the value of the ticket.
典型阴离子 增稠剂可能不适合较低pH值或 有阳 离 子 的环境,而非离子配方又可能有某些不受欢迎的审美感觉。
Typical anionic thickeners may not be well suited in a low pH or cationic containing environment, and non-ionic options may provide undesirable aesthetics.
如果基督教不存在于有在上 埃及,公元150之前,那么我们 必 须 降 下来 德 米 特 里版本尽早日期,但如果像更容易,基督教传播的手段尼罗河立即开始鼓吹在亚历山德里亚,并已成为感染邪教和半异教迷信,在第二个世纪,我们可能会暂时结束Sahidic版本,这是当时的性格“(”科普特版本在南方方言的新约圣经“,三,牛津大学,1911年,第398页)。
If Christianity did not exist at all in Upper Egypt before AD 150, then we must come down to the date of Demetrius [...]
as the earliest possible
date of the version; but if, as is more likely, the Christian religion had spread by means of the Nile immediately after it began to be preached in Alexandria, and had already become infected by heretical and semi-pagan superstitions in the second century, we may provisionally conclude from the character of the Sahidic version that it was made at that time" ("The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Southern Dialect", III, Oxford, 1911, p. 398).
上述所列物质,包括其他有相似 化学结构或相似生物作用的物质,诊断标识物、激素 的释放因子的存在,或其他任何发现提示所检测到的物质为外源性来源, 报 告 为 阳 性 检 测结 果。
The presence of other substances with a similar chemical structure or
similar biological
[...] effect(s), diagnostic marker(s) or releasing factors of a hormone listed above or of any other finding which indicate(s) that the substance detected is of exogenous origin, will be reported as an Adverse Analytical Finding.
It may be necessary to rethink the existing process so that there could be more consolidation and streamlining of reports.
因此,我们需要开有能力发现恐怖 主阴谋的情报活动,需要训有素 和作好制止恐怖 主义准备的军人和执法人员、能够查出潜在危险的边 防官员、能够公平和有效起诉罪犯的司法系统以及其 后有能力关押被逮捕或被定罪人员的惩教系统。
Therefore, we need intelligence operations capable of discovering terror plots, military and law enforcement officers trained and ready to stop them, border control officials who can spot potential dangers, justice systems that can fairly and effectively prosecute criminals, and corrections systems that can then detain those who have been arrest and/or convicted.
他提及儿基会报中提到的德省部 分地区存在营养不良问题,并向与会各 位报,就在上星期五,德省和 旁遮普省政府已在合作伙伴的帮助下,制定了 战略计划,以解有关地区营养不良日趋严重的问题。
He referred
[...] to the reference to malnutrition in parts of Sindh province in the UNICEF briefing and informed those present that the previous Friday, with the help of partners, the provincial governments of Sindh and Punjab had come up with strategic plans [...]
to address the
increased level of malnutrition in the affected districts.
秘书长称,对司机服务的需求增加 是因为 2008 年区域办事处关闭后必须从加德满 都向驻扎营地提供有 的支 助,另外,特派团只有一架飞机(同上,第 195 段)。
According to the Secretary-General, the increased demand for driver services is due to the fact that all support to the cantonment sites has had to be provided from Kathmandu after the closure of the regional offices in 2008, in addition to the fact that the Mission has only one air asset (ibid., para. 195).
欢迎制定全系统的德守则,但必 须 充分考 虑到联合国的价值观及其会员国的文化多样性,并 基于有有关各方进行广泛协商。
A system-wide code of ethics would be welcome, but it must take full account of the values of the United Nations and the cultural diversity of its [...]
Members and be based on widespread consultation of all the parties involved.
8 条规定的限制情况,即在获准举行群众活动之前,禁止在大众媒 体公布活动举行的日期、地点和时间、印制并散发传单、 报 及 其 他出于此目的 的相关材料,不符合尊重他人的权利或名誉、保障国家安全或公共秩序、公共卫 生或德的必需条 件,因此每次适用这项条款时,其结果便违反《公约》第十九 条第
The restriction set out in article 8 of the Law on Mass Events, according to which it is prohibited to announce in mass media the date, place and time of a
mass event, as well as prepare and distribute
[...] leaflets, posters and other materials for this purpose before the permission to hold said event is received, does not meet the requirement of necessity for the respect of the rights and reputation of others, the protection of national security or public order, public health or morals and, consequently, [...]
every time this
provision is applied, it results in a violation of article 19, paragraph 2, of the Covenant.
4 、查验大货疋条:每疋必须剪头尾全幅疋条,宽度12-15CM,两边各叠进5CM,叠成左中右三层,写明缸号、卷号、码长等信息,头尾、左中右色差4-5级为A级;若发现左中右或头 阴阳 色 低 于4-5级,此卷布拒收。
4, inspection of goods Piece Goods: each
[...] piece goods cloth must be cut to the head and tail of full-size piece goods bar width 12-15CM, on both sides of the stack into the 5CM quartet built left, right three-tier, specify the cylinder number, volume number, the code length information , head and tail, left, right color grade 4-5 for Class A; If it is found to the left, right, or the head and tail of yin and yang color lower than [...]
4-5, this volume of fabric rejection.
德鲁精密铝管必须使用太阳能设 备专用的、经过防腐处理的乙二醇,在市场上可以买到。
Hydro: It is necessary to use a commercially available inhibited glycol, specially designed for solar applications.
最后而且最重要的一点是:我们通过互动以确保每一位员工理解如何 报 任 何 道 德 问 题 ,而 必 担 心 或惧 报 复 行 为。
Finally, and most important, we use the interaction
to ensure that every employee
[...] understands how to report any ethical concern without apprehension or fear of retaliation.
2010 年,全球最大的晶硅光电矩阵生产商、第三大太阳能公司——中国 德 太 阳 能 电 力 有 限 公 司与斯威本科技大学强强联手,共同开发具有革命性的太阳能电池技术。
In 2010, China’s Suntech Power, the world’s largest [...]
producer of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and third largest solar company, partnered with Swinburne
University of Technology to develop its revolutionary solar cell technology.
此外,许多部委现必须报告其 开支对妇 女和贫有何影响。
Furthermore, many ministries now had to report on how spending affected women [...]
and poverty.
维多利亚-尚德先进太阳能设施计划(VSASF)是斯威本科技大学 (Swinburne University of Technology)同全球最大的阳能电 池板制造商之一 — 中国的德电力 — 之间的一个合作项目,旨在生产与 有 的 电池相比效率翻倍、成本减半的新型太阳能电池。
The Victoria-Suntech Advanced Solar Facility (VSASF) is a partnership between Swinburne University of Technology and China-based Suntech Power – one of the world’s largest manufacturers of solar panels – that aims to develop solar cells that are twice as efficient and [...]
half the cost of existing cells.
这些投资的范围从小型企业到大型企业,包括大连万达集团最近的数十亿美元的AMC影院连锁公司的收购以及像天津钢管, 德 太 阳 能 , 金龙精密铜管这样的公司,甚至像中海油,中石化和中航工业这样的 有 企 业的重大投资项目。
These investments range from small enterprises to large, including Dalian Wanda’s Group’s recent multi-billion dollar acquisition of the AMC
theater chain as well as major
[...] investments by companies like Tianjin Pipe, Sun Tech, Golden Dragon Precise Copper, and even state-owned enterprises like CNOOC, SINOPEC, and AVIC.
中化新网讯  “路透社”德文网站(www.de.reuters.com)11月 11 日 报 道 , 德 国 太 阳 能 技 术集团SMA因业内需求减弱,业务面临亏损,且在未来数月内业务难以好转,该公司到年底前只得逐步裁减约1000个临时工。
In the new network" Reuters" Devin site (
[...] www.de.reuters.com ) reported on November 11th, the German solar energy technology [...]
group SMA due to
industry demand, business losses, and in the next few months to improve business, the company by the end of the year had to gradually cut down about 1000 temporary workers.
主席先 生,對於㆟權法案條例 第 16 條(即公民權利政治權利國際公約第 19 條)㆗有關每 名㆟士通過他所選擇的 媒介接受各種消息和思想的權利,唯㆒可接納為予以限制的理由,就是:這些限制必 須由法律規定,並須為尊重他㆟的權利或名譽、或保障國家安全或公共秩序及公共衛 生或德所必需的
The only grounds permitted as restrictions upon the right of every person to
receive information and
[...] ideas of all kinds through the medium of his or her choice under Article 16 of the Bill of Rights Ordinance which is Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights should be that such restrictions must be, Mr President, provided by law and are necessary for respect of the rights or reputations of others or for the protection of national security, public order, and public health or morals.
代表团还注意到,特报告员 提出了一些需关注的领域,包有必 要 针对土地改革制定具有法律约束力的国家 准则;立法进程有待进一步透明化,应与更广泛的社区共同讨论法律草案对人权 [...]
问题的影响;此外,应设立政府和公民社会论坛,以加强合作环境,促进该国的 民主和人权。
The delegation also noted that the Special Rapporteur had identified a number of areas of concern, [...]
including the need to develop binding national
guidelines to address land reform; making the legislative process more transparent by sharing draft legislation with an impact on human rights issues with the wider community; and creating a Government and civil society forum to foster an environment of cooperation to strengthen democracy and human rights in the country.
报告必须采 取书面形式,并写明送交者的身份;如果信息来源不 是家庭成员,必须有该家 庭的直接同意,才可代表该家庭送交案件;它还必须 能与失踪人员的亲属一起就其命运采取后续行动。
They must be submitted in writing with a clear indication of the identity of the sender; if the source is other than a family member, it must have direct consent [...]
of the family to
submit the case on its behalf, and it must also be in a position to follow up with the relatives of the disappeared person concerning his or her fate.
正如向大会第六十四届会议提交的一 报 告 (A /64/350)所述 必 须 通 过多管 齐下的办法对付气候变化的威胁: 有 利 于 可持续发展的方式大力正面应对减轻 气候变化方面的挑战;促进发展中国家的普惠性经济增长,以此作为建立抵抗和 适应能力的重要手段;紧急加强对发展中国家特别是弱势国家适应能力的国际金 [...]
强联合国及其他国际机构,使其能够为面临与气候有关的灾害和长期影响的国家 提供有效的人道主义、重建和发展支助。
As argued in a report to the General Assembly at its sixty-fourth session (A/64/350), the response to the climate change threat must have multiple prongs: [...]
strongly addressing
the mitigation challenge head on in ways that are supportive of sustainable development; promoting inclusive economic growth in developing countries as a key means of building resilience and adaptive capacities; urgently increasing international financial and technical support for the adaptation of developing countries, especially vulnerable countries; strengthening institutions at the local level to manage resource scarcities and environmental stresses peacefully; and strengthening the United Nations and other international institutions to be able to provide effective humanitarian, reconstruction and development support to countries faced with climate-related disasters and longer-term impacts.




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