

单词 阴平声

See also:

overcast (weather)
negative (electric.)
surname Yin


vagina n
moon n


level or even tone
first and second tones in modern Mandarin

External sources (not reviewed)

精确移除线条、断线阴影、噪声、 向导文本以及其它。
Precisely remove lines, broken
[...] lines, shading, noise, guide text, and more
[...] 面临的艰难情况是显而易见的,在冲突地区所遭受的损失规模以及生活在暴阴 影下的平民所 处的困境也是显而易见的。
The challenging conditions being faced by UNSMIS in the field were apparent, as was the scale of damage that has
occurred in areas where conflict has taken place, and the difficulties
[...] confronting civilians living in the shadow of violence.
影响海洋生物多样性的行为、持续不断的气候变 化和破坏自平衡的阴谋, 使自然与人类作对。
Actions that affect marine biodiversity, unrelenting climate change and the conspiracy against the natural balance are leading nature to rebel against humankind.
定居点产生的问题继续对任何有意义的 平 进程阴影。
In itself the threat of settlements continues to
[...] cast a shadow on any meaningful peace process.
此外,Palm的具有自动/开/关闪光灯,夜间拍摄模式自动关闭灯的图片,视频双LED灯,内置立体声麦克风和 声 器 ,和 白 平 衡 修 正设置(自动,晴天 阴 天 , 荧光灯和白炽灯),以确保每一个记忆都是保存为用户经历它的第一手。
Additionally, the Palm features an auto/on/off flash light for pictures, dual LED lights for video, a
night shot auto off
[...] mode, a built-in stereo microphone and speaker, and white balance correction settings [...]
(auto, sunny, cloudy,
fluorescent and Tungsten) to ensure every memory is saved as the user experienced it first-hand.
当儿童获得发表真实感受的机会,获得 声 被 倾听 的 平 台 时 ,他们会成为针对影响其日常生活问题的最有说服力的、充满激情的发言人。
When children are given an honest
[...] chance to speak and a platform to be listened to, [...]
they are the most eloquent, passionate
speakers on issues that affect their daily lives.
安理会还在关于“恐怖主义行为对国际和平与安全造成的威胁”的第 1373/2001 号决议(安理会“关切地注意到国际恐怖主义与跨国有组织犯罪、非法
[...] [...] 药物、洗钱、非法贩运军火、非法运送核、化学、生物和其他潜在致命材料之间 的密切联系”和关于“非洲平与安 全”的主 声 明 (S/PRST/2009/32)(“安理 会关切地注意到,贩毒和相关的跨国有组织犯罪在一些情况下对包括非洲在内的 [...]
It also considered the issue from a more general point of view in resolution 1373 (2001) on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts (the Council “[noted] with concern the close connection between international terrorism and transnational organized crime, illicit drugs, money-laundering, illegal arms-trafficking, and illegal movement of nuclear, chemical, biological and other potentially deadly
materials”) and in the presidential
[...] statement (S/PRST/2009/32) on peace and security in Africa [...]
(“the Security Council notes
with concern the serious threats posed in some cases by drug trafficking and related transnational organized crime to international security in different regions of the world, including in Africa”).
厄立特里亚对外国武装反对派团体的支持过去仅限于传统的军事行动, 但在破坏 2011 年
[...] 1 月在亚的斯亚贝巴举行的非洲联盟首脑会议 阴 谋 中 ,计 划平民目 标进行大规模的杀伤性进攻,以及战略性地使用炸药来制造恐惧气 [...]
Whereas Eritrean support to foreign armed opposition groups has in the past been limited to conventional military operations, the plot to disrupt the African Union summit in Addis Ababa in
January 2011, which envisaged mass
[...] casualty attacks against civilian targets and the strategic [...]
use of explosives to create a
climate of fear, represents a qualitative shift in Eritrean tactics.
他请上述国家停止阴谋诡计,一些 决议草案提案国的外长每做出一次不负责任声 明,这种阴谋就暴露得越发明显。
He invited those countries to put a stop to the plot, the existence of which was becoming more apparent with every irresponsible statement made by the foreign ministers of several of the States sponsoring the draft resolution.
各机构的信息流通促进发展办法可分为两类:(a)发展有利于自由、独立 和多元化媒体的环境,以培养媒体的能力,除承担信息传播者的职能之外,还能 发挥公共辩论、民主参与和放大多方 声 音 ” 平 台 的 作用;以及(b)以兼用信 息流通和媒体方法为动力和支持的兼容并包的参与办法,包括人际办法、土著居 民/人民、印刷、广播和非广播音像以及新媒体,以便动员、宣传和应对范围广泛 [...] [...]
的社会发展问题——从粮食安全、农业生产、治理、性别问题、生计、幼儿发展、 环境、教育和健康到保护、艾滋病毒/艾滋病、水和卫生等等。
Agencies’ communication for development approaches fall within one or the other of the following: (a) developing enabling environments for free, independent and pluralistic media to foster the media’s ability to engage beyond the
role of an information
[...] conveyor to that of platforms for public debate, democratic participation and amplification of multiple “voices”; and (b) participatory [...]
and inclusive
approaches driven and supported by a mix of communication and media methods, including interpersonal, indigenous/folk, print, broadcast and non-broadcast audio-visual and new media in order to mobilize, campaign and respond to a broad range of social development issues — from food security, agricultural production, governance, gender, livelihoods, early childhood development, environment, education and health to protection, HIV/AIDS, water and sanitation.
动态范围双连拍可使反⽩区平滑 过渡 到 阴 影 区 域,实现⾃ 然对⽐度。
Dynamic range double shot creates a smooth transition
[...] from highlights to shadows for natural contrast.
y 本组织赞同人权理事会关于以下内容的多 声 明 : 作为 平 条 件 消除极 端贫穷;土著人与人类和平权利的关系;人的和平权利与种族主义、仇 [...]
外心理和其他形式歧视;对人的和平权利采取顾及两性平等的方式;以 及人的和平权利与移徙。
The organization endorsed several statements to the Human Rights
Council on the eradication of extreme
[...] poverty as a condition to peace; the relation between [...]
indigenous people and the human right
to peace; the human right to peace vs. racism, xenophobia and other forms of discrimination; the gender approach to the human right to peace; and the human right to peace and migration.
2010-2014 年消除伴侣间的暴力行为国家行动计划的目标是处理伴侣 间暴力行为、女性阴残割、涉及 声 的 暴 力行为和强迫婚姻。
The draft national action plan against domestic violence 2010–2014 aims to tackle violence between partners, genital mutilation, honour-related violence and forced marriage.
首先,争端的再次爆发将带来严峻的政治影响,因 为政府和克钦独立(KIO)组织未能达成停火协 议,为其它平努力蒙上阴影。
First, renewed conflict could have important political
impacts, as the failure of the government and the KIO to agree a
[...] ceasefire has cast a shadow over the other peace efforts.
(b) 教科文组织和欧盟签署(2005
[...] 年)了关于建立促进文化间对话的跨机构合 平台 的声明, 着重开展教育、青年和体育运动、文化(遗产和创造性)、传播和 [...]
(b) UNESCO and the Council of Europe have
signed a declaration of intent (2005) on
[...] the setting up of a platform of inter-institutional [...]
cooperation for intercultural dialogue,
focusing on programmes and activities in the areas of education, youth and sport, culture (heritage and creativity), communication and information.
当地渔民 报告害怕“在平线上消失声称有 同行的尸体被海水冲上岸,头部有弹孔,据 称是从事非法、 [...]
Local fishermen report fear
[...] of going “beyond the horizon”, claiming that the [...]
bodies of their peers have washed ashore with
bullet holes to the head, purportedly inflicted by foreign-flagged vessels engaging in illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.
联合会代表在人权理事会第四、第七、第九和第十一届会议(2007 年至 2009
[...] 年)上就妇女议题发言,其中包括保健、就业、人权、国 声 援 、两 性 平 等 观 点、 自决权和发展、经济、社会和文化权利、公民权利和政治权利、巴勒斯坦人民的 [...]
In the fourth, seventh, ninth and eleventh sessions of the Human Rights Council (2007-2009), the representatives of the Federation made statements on women’s issues,
including health, employment, human rights,
[...] international solidarity, the gender perspective, [...]
the rights to self-determination and
development, economic, social and cultural rights, civil and political rights, the rights of the Palestinian people, and the adoption of the universal periodic reports of Cuba and China.
无论声音多低或多高,Dolby Volume 均可保声音的平衡:对话、音乐声道效 果以及音乐唱 片中歌唱家或乐器演奏家的精彩表演。
No matter how soft or loud you play it, with Dolby Volume everything is always in balance: dialogue, music, and effects on soundtracks, and vocalists and instrumentalists on music recordings.
而且,不论是中国还是美国,我们都会偶尔见到这样的情况:当商业交易由于纯粹的商业原因而无法达成时,那些反对中美建立更紧密经济交往 声 音 就 会提 阴 谋 论
And, as we have seen occasionally in both countries, when business deals just do not work
out for purely commercial reasons, opponents of greater economic engagement
[...] will see conspiracies lurking in the shadows.
阴影效果与平滑的 色彩衰减或者滚动式动画效果相结合,为用户的ASP.NET应用程序添加高质量的专业化菜单系统。
Combine a shadow effect with a smooth fading or sliding animation to add a high quality, professional menu system to your ASP.NET application.
一般的情绪变化不会对人体健康产生影响,但强烈的情绪波动或长期的精神紧张则可能打 阴 阳 平 衡 , 引发生理功能异常。
These emotions are considered a major cause of internal disease in TCM. Experiencing extremes of these emotions or experiencing these emotions for too long upsets your internal balance.
当用户在计算诸阴影闪烁、声影 响 及视觉影响前,需要在常规地图上查找和读取 Z 坐 标时,线条对象对减少工作量也有重要作用。
The Line Object also contributes to a significant reduction in workload when the user has to find and read Z-coordinates on traditional maps before calculating, e.g., shadow flickering, noise impact and visual impacts.
极夜期间,一抹红色阴影在地平线 上 幻变出一份沉郁,但又安慰人心的气氛。
During kaamos, shades
[...] of red on the horizon create a gloomy, yet soothing [...]
atmosphere, inspiring hope of a new dawn when
the sun returns in springtime.
安全理事会回顾其关于冲突后建设 平 的 各 项主 声 明 , 特别是 S/PRST/2009/23 和 S/PRST/2010/7,并重申建设和平作为冲突之后可持续和 平与发展的基础,具有极为重要的意义。
The Security Council recalls the Statements of its President on post-conflict peacebuilding, in particular S/PRST/2009/23 and S/PRST/2010/7, and reaffirms the critical importance of peacebuilding as the foundation for sustainable peace and development in the aftermath of conflict.
它是人们 打破沉默阴谋、要求平和尊 严的故事。
It is the story of people breaking the conspiracy of silence, demanding equity and dignity.
(cc) 加强经社会成员与准成员之间以及与其他相关利益攸关方在对 本区域至关重要的政策选项和问题上的区域以及次区域对话和合作,以在 全球性进程中发出亚洲及平洋区域 的 声音
(cc) To strengthen regional and subregional dialogue and cooperation among members and associate members of the Commission as well as other relevant stakeholders on policy options and issues crucial to the region and for conveying the regional voice of Asia and the Pacific in global processes
Jabra BIZ 2400 USB 加入
[...] Jabra SafeTone 技术以确保安全平均声级, 这使它成为世界第一款通过内嵌技术符合严格的欧盟国家工作场所噪音法规的有线 [...]
USB 耳麦。
The Jabra BIZ 2400 USB incorporates Jabra SafeTone technology to
[...] ensure safe average sound levels, making [...]
it the world’s first corded USB headset
with built-in compliance to the strict noise-at-work regulations in force in EU countries.
公报反映出非洲联盟委员会对国际刑事法院决定深为不安,强调了非洲联盟 成员国由于《非洲联盟组织法》而承担的义务,回顾非洲联盟一再呼吁安全理事
会推迟国际刑事法院关于苏丹的诉讼——安全理事会对此完全不闻不问,谴责国 际刑事法院企图把安全理事会卷入以向非洲联盟国家施压,从而支持国际刑事法
[...] 院,而不顾当地局势的复杂和变化——当地的局势需要 平 与 正义 的 平 衡 , 并明声明非 洲联盟反对任何胁迫非洲国家从而破坏非洲对这一问题共同立场的企 图。
The communiqué reflected the deep concern expressed by the African Union Commission about the decisions of the International Criminal Court, highlighted the obligations of the African Union Member States arising from the constitutive act of the African Union, recalled the repeated appeals of the African Union to the Security Council to defer the proceedings of the International Criminal Court concerning the Sudan, which are being totally ignored by the Security Council, denounced the attempts of the International Criminal Court to involve the Security Council in pressuring the African Union Member States to support the International Criminal Court, irrespective of the complex
dynamics on the ground which
[...] require balance between peace and justice, and clearly stated the opposition [...]
of the African Union
to any attempt to coerce African countries to undermine the common African position in this regard.
[...] 得到不断表达(联合国安理会第 1325 号决议,非洲联盟关于性平等的庄 严 声 明 , 该地区 的某些宪法,2009 年 8 [...]
月 8 日在路萨卡召开大湖地区国家元首第三届国际峰会,峰会请教科 文组织给予地区妇女与性别问题信息中心以特殊地位)。
A degree of political commitment to the promotion of women’s rights has thus emerged in recent years (United Nations Security Council
resolution 1325, the African Union’s Solemn
[...] Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa, certain [...]
Constitutions of the region, and the
Third Summit of Heads of State and Government of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, which concluded its proceedings in Lusaka on 8 August 2009 by requesting UNESCO to grant special status to the Regional Information Centre on Women and Gender).
采用中药口服或针剂注射的方法进行治疗,通过中药杀死癌细胞,消除肿瘤,调 阴 阳 平 衡 , 扶正祛邪,消除癌细胞赖以生存的环境,达到治疗效果。
The treatment is conducted through oral take or injection; Chinese medicines not only can kill cancer cells and destroy tumor, but also adjust the balance of yin and Yang and strengthen body resistance, in the end eliminate survival environment of cancer cells and achieve the therapeutic effect.




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