单词 | 阴 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 阴—feminineshadycloudyless common: genitalia negative (electric.) overcast (weather) implicit surname Yin 阴noun—vaginanmoonnExamples:一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴—fig. Time is precious and must be treasured. lit. An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold, money cannot buy you time. [idiom.] 阴凉adj—cooladj 阴道adj—vaginaladj
假 如㆖述走势持续㆘去,我希望各位议员不会继续指称这是㆒项阴谋。 legco.gov.hk | I hope that if the trend does develop, Members would not continue to [...] attribute this to aconspiracy. legco.gov.hk |
把发酵食物和饮品贮存在阴凉及较暗的地方。 cfs.gov.hk | Store fermented foods and beverages in a cool place under low light conditions. cfs.gov.hk |
如果影像品质降低,或阴影调整程序之後仍未改善,请还 原预设值。 graphics.kodak.com | Restore the default if the image quality deteriorates or has not improved as a result of the shading adjustment process. graphics.kodak.com |
如果找不到阴凉的地方,可自制一个!在 阳台上安装凉篷,户外活动时搭起帐篷或 顶篷,或者去海滩、野餐或外出散步时带 备遮阳伞。 cancer-asian.com | Install an awning on your porch, set up tents or canopies for outdoor events or take an umbrella to the beach, on a picnic or when you’re going out for a walk. cancer-asian.com |
目前家庭计划指导会 有为学童提供性教育的讲座,其㆗亦有关於性侵犯的知识,效果显着,但由於学校对 性教育的态度仍是裹足不前,恐怕目前仍有不少孩子活在被侵犯的阴影㆗,茫然不知 所措。 legco.gov.hk | However, as our schools are still conservative towards sex education, I am afraid that quite a number of children are still at a loss of what to do under the threat of sexual assault. legco.gov.hk |
他们把这些婴儿放在阴暗的隔离房,大人们不能抚摸 宝宝或跟他们说话。 sites.kiwanis.org | They put these babies in a dark isolated room and adults can’t touch them or speak to them. sites.kiwanis.org |
到 二零一二年下半年,很有可能我们将会开始看到增长放缓的迹象,特别是因卫星行业的特性反 应往往滞後於经济走势,无论在经济阴晴的日子均如是。 asiasat.com | In the second half of 2012, there is the possibility that we may begin seeing signs of slower growth, especially given the nature of our industry which tends to lag economic trends, both negative and positive. asiasat.com |
每间工厂应在切实可行的情况下进行有效预防,以防止(i)直接来自任何光源或任 [...] 何光滑或抛光面折射产生的强光,及(ii)形成阴影,而在某种程度上造成眼睛疲劳或导 [...]致工人发生事故。 cre8ir.com | In every factory effective provision shall, so far as is practicable, be made for the prevention of (i) glare either directly from any source of light or by reflection [...] from a smooth or polished surface, and (ii) [...] the formation ofshadows to such [...]an extent as to cause eye strain or risk of accident to any worker. cre8ir.com |
在高纯水的生产过程中,水中的阴、阳离子可用电渗析法、反渗透法及离子交换树脂技术等去除;水中的颗粒一般可用超过滤、膜过滤等技术去除;水中的细菌,目前国内多采用加药或紫外灯照射或臭氧杀菌的方法去除;水中的TOC则一般用活性炭、反渗透处理。 kincle.net | The production process in high water, the water anions and cations can be electrodialysis, reverse osmosis and ion exchange resins, such as removal; water particles generally available ultrafiltration, membrane filtration techniques to remove; water of bacteria, the current domestic multi-dosing or the use of ultraviolet light or ozone disinfection to remove; water TOC is generally used activated carbon, reverse osmosis. kincle.net |
将伺服器置於阴凉乾燥处,请勿在伺服器上 面或旁边放置任何物件,否则可能堵塞其通风孔并导致过热。 seagate.com | Keep it cool, keep it dry, and don’t put anything on it or beside it that might block its vents and allow it to overheat. seagate.com |
预期於二零一二年第一季完成二期工厂前端(研磨及沥滤)及相关的钴电路,加上已经动工的EW2及EW3电解室将整体工厂产能提升至 60,000吨阴极铜/年及18,000吨氢氧化钴/年(按设计给料品位计)。 glencore.com | This, along with the already commissioned EW2 and EW3 tank houses, will increase overall plant capacity to 60,000 tonnes per annum of copper cathodes and 18,000 tonnes perannum of cobalt in hydroxide at design feed grades. glencore.com |
香港妇产科学会会长李福谦医生表示,调查结果反映香港新一代更年期女性虽然在各方面的生活条件均有改善,但是她们仍然不能摆脱更年期带来的阴影,而且对年老的生活有不少忧虑。 hkupop.hku.hk | According to Dr. Dominic Li, President of the Hong Kong Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society, though new generation of menopausal women are enjoying better qualities of life, they cannot let go the shadow of menopause and still bear many worries about the future. hkupop.hku.hk |
再次清洁零件,然後再执行阴影调整程序一次。 graphics.kodak.com | Clean the parts again and perform the shading adjustment procedure again. graphics.kodak.com |
出现ASC-US及HPV DNA测试结果阳性的妇女,她们是患上高度鳞状上皮内病变甚至子宫颈癌的高危一族,风险较只有ASC-US 但HPV DNA测试结果为阴性的高20倍,她们应直接进行阴道镜检查而不需再等候重覆做抹片检查。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | Women with ASC-US and positive for HPV should be identified as high risk group for having cervical cancer (20 times higher in relative risk when compared with women with ASC-US but negative for HPV DNA test) and they should be referred for colposcopy directly without waiting for repeat smears. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
在铸就了1 Million金砖瓶身後,基於种种幻想,Lady Million的瓶身重新诠释了大胆不羁的女性阴柔气质的终极图腾:钻石。 hk.eternal.hk | After the 1 Million ingot, the object of every fantasy, the Lady Million bottle had to be an audacious reinterpretation of an ultimate symbol of femininity: a diamond. hk.eternal.hk |
性侵犯/淫秽物:携有或传送有关以下所列的 文字描述,图像,录音,或任何类似的其他 [...] 材料,包括:(a)任何类型的性行为,(b) 暴露未成年人的生殖器,阴部,乳房或臀部, 或(c)其他有图形的色情内容。 lilburnms.com | Sexually Exploitative/Sexually Explicit materials. Possession or transmission by any means of descriptions, images, recordings, or other materials involving [...] (a) sexual acts of any type, (b) exposure of [...] the genitals, pubic area, breasts [...]or buttocks of a minor, or (c) other graphic sexual content. lilburnms.com |
感染B型肝炎的唯一途径是接触到感染者 的血液或体液,如精液或阴道分泌物。 hepbsmart.com | The only way to get hepatitis B is to come in contact with an infected person’s blood or body fluids, such as semen or vaginal fluid. hepbsmart.com |
回顾年度对本集团及化妆品行业而言充满挑战,主要由於美国次按危机对北美及欧洲市场以至全球造成深远影 响,导致投资者对环球股市及整体金融服务业缺乏信心,加上失业率攀升,猪流感疫情於各个国家及地区肆虐, 更为环球经济复苏蒙上阴影。 cre8ir.com | the Year Under review was a challenging year for the Group and the cosmetic industry, owing to the far-reaching effect of the Us sub-prime economic meltdown in north america and europe across the globe in undermining investors’ confidence in the global stock markets and the financial service industry as a whole. the mounting unemployment rate and swine flu epidemic affecting all countries and regions posed as additional factors hindering the global economic recovery. cre8ir.com |
甲基红试验(M) 取可疑菌落或斜面培养物,接种於磷酸盐葡萄糖腖水培 养基中,培养 48 小时 ± 2 小时,於管内加入甲基红指示液数滴,立即观察, 呈鲜红色或橘红色为阳性,呈黄色为阴性。 cmchk.org.hk | Methyl red test (M): Take the suspect colonies or slant culture, inoculate them into phosphate dextrose peptone water medium, incubate for 48±2 hours, and then add several drops of methyl red indicator liquid to observe the immediate color change: bright red or tangerine colour change indicates positive result, while yellow color change indicates negative result. cmchk.org.hk |
色情材料:持有或传送用任何方式描述涉及 到人体的生殖器,阴部,臀部,或乳房等的 图像,录音,或其他材料。 lilburnms.com | Possession or transmission by any means of [...] descriptions, images, recordings, or other materials involving the display [...] of genitals, pubic areas, buttocks, [...]or breasts. lilburnms.com |
如果在室内、室外等光线和阴影反差强烈的地方(风景)追踪拍摄移动的被摄物体,曝光可能不会 变成最佳值。 us.leica-camera.com | If you are following a moving subject while taking pictures in a place (landscape) indoors, outdoors etc. where there is a large difference between the light and shade, the exposure may not become optimal. en.leica-camera.com |
简介 首播日期: 2008.09.28 中丽塔和德克斯特关系升级,德克斯特阴差阳错的认识一个朋友并让他知道了自己的秘密;然而米格尔未必能像德克斯特那样不乱杀无辜,就连德克斯特自己都做不到,德克斯特到底需要一个真心朋友还是独自一人呢。 justlatte.com | Synopsis Release Date: 2008.09.28 Rita discovers she is pregnant, informing Dexter that she will keep the baby and raise him with or without his help. justlatte.com |
我们藉着是次《雷神奇侠》的慈善首映夜延续关怀爱心,为日本受灾的人走出阴霾重燃 希望,期望客户能大力支持。 aia.com.hk | The participation and donations of our customers to the Gala Premiere Night of “THOR” is much needed to bring hope to people there. aia.com.hk |
历史调查纪录片也同样具有竞争力,关於二战时期抵抗运动的系列纪录片《阴影下的战士》(Les Combattants de l’ombre)由Arte电视台制作并播出,在国际上大获成功。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | French historical investigation is also highly regarded: Les Combattants de l’ombre [Shadow Fighters Tell Their Story], a documentary series on the Resistance, co-produced and broadcast on Arte, has met with great international success. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
虽然是阴雨天气,许多越战退伍老兵仍与眷属一起出席。 ktsf.com | Even though it was cold and wet, many Veterans still came to observe the event with their families. ktsf.com |
以日本为例,中日政治关系阴晴不定,钓鱼台争端悬而未决,导致2012 年下半年日 本对华出口大幅下滑。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | In Japan's case, its uneasy political relationship with its mainland rival - exemplified in an unresolved island dispute – led to a collapse in exports from Japan to China in the second half of 2012. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
上述各项试验反应,一般应为硫化氢阳性(或阴性),靛基质阴性,脲酶 性,氰化钾阴性,赖氨酸脱羧酶阳性,动力阳性,A~F”0”多价血清凝集试验 阳性。 cmchk.org.hk | Generally speaking, the results for the above tests shall be: hydrogen sulfide test positive (or negative), Indole test negative, urease test negative, potassium cyanide test negative, lysine decarboxylase test positive, dynamics test positive, and A~F”0” polyvalent autoagglutination test positive. cmchk.org.hk |
预期第三期工厂的前端及相关钴电路的改造分别於二零一二年第二季及二零一二年第四季末完成,加上已经动工的EW4电解室会使整体水 冶综合设施生产110,000吨阴极铜/年及23,000吨氢氧化钴/年(按设计给料品位计)。 glencore.com | The optimisation of the front end of the Phase III plant and the associated cobalt circuit is expected to be completed by the end of Q2 2012 and Q4 2012 respectively which, along with the already commissioned EW4 tank house, will result in the overall hydrometallurgical complex being [...] capable of producing [...] 110,000 tonnes per annum of copper cathodes and 23,000 tonnes per annum of cobalt [...]in hydroxide at design feed grades. glencore.com |
但从负面角度看,本地各派依然帽子乱扣,以一己利益解读群众诉求;失势者,仍然蠢蠢欲动,阳奉阴违;得势者又恃势凌人,没有重整人民的理性力量。 hkupop.hku.hk | However, on the negative side, politicians are still throwing nasty titles to others, and reinterpreting people's demands according to their private interest. hkupop.hku.hk |
以往一些研究包括与港大合作的本地可行性试验指出,HPV DNA测试有高预测值,所以家计会於2007年接纳了这项措施,率先直接安排有ASC-US同时HPV DNA测试呈阳性反应的妇女进行阴道镜检查,而不需等候半年後再做抹片检查。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | Since previous studies including trials in collaboration with HKU have shown that HPV DNA test is sensitive in detecting cervical lesions, FPA adopted the practice since 2007 that women with ASC-US and positive for HPV will be referred for colposcopywithout waiting for repeat smears. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |