

单词 阳道



you hit the high road, I'll cross the log bridge
you take the easy way, I'll follow the hard path


fig. wide open road
lit. the road through Yang Guan
bright future

See also:

male principle (Taoism)
positive (electric.)

External sources (not reviewed)

在欧空局观测阳的太阳轨道任务 以及观测暗能量的 Euclid 项目中,国家 空间研究中心对法国的多种仪器和数据处理工具进行了协调。
On the ESA Solar Orbiter mission, which observes [...]
the Sun, and Euclid, which observes dark energy, CNES coordinates all the
various French instruments and data-processing tools.
捷克有两家学术机构参与了为计划中的欧空局阳 轨道器飞行任务提供仪器的准备过程。
Two Czech academic institutes have been involved in the preparation process to provide instruments for
[...] the planned ESA Solar Orbiter mission.
Let’s start with Canadian Solar, which said it now [...]
expects to report that first-quarter shipments totaled 335-345 MW, or
about 13 percent higher than its previous forecasts.
Flower Princess 花漾公主的灵感来自于Princess 活泼却不失柔美的精神,以及夏阳 光 的 味 道 : 轻 柔、闪耀。
Flower Princess enchants with a light and feminine sparkling floral scent that captures the essence of beauty, inspired by the original Vera Wang Princess.
该卫星将用第聂伯 号运载火箭发射到高度为 668 公里的阳同步轨道。
The satellite will be
[...] launched into sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude [...]
of 668 km by a Dnepr carrier rocket.
当一名客户向我咨询采光问题时, 我就道室内遮阳窗帘是理想的选择。
When one of my customers asked for my help with
[...] a sun issue, I knew interior window shades [...]
would be the answer.
[...] 的那样,当联合国海地稳定团(联海稳定团)每天晚上 在太子港的阳城街道上巡 逻时,巴西部队充分展现 了能够打击任何可能攻击者的强有力的姿态。
As a team from my delegation saw at first hand recently in Haiti, when the United Nations
Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH)
[...] patrols the streets of Cité Soleil in Port-au-Prince [...]
each night, Brazilian troops demonstrate
a credibly robust posture that deters any would-be attackers.
皇后商厦是一处令人神清气爽、精神愉悦的购物空间,阳光透过带条纹的天窗倾泻到商厦之中,形成一条从樱木町车站通往横滨皇后广场的 阳 光 ” 大 道。
Queen Mall is a light and refreshing space bathed in sunlight streaming in from a striped skylight serving as a main public artery leading to Queen’s Square Yokohama from Sakuragicho Station.
正泰阳能经各种道与 利 益相关方沟通后将其关心的议题进行汇总,并由各相关单位对各类议题的受关注程度及其重大性分别打分、 综合考量决定各议题的优先性,将优先议题纳入年度工作事项或目标。
Astronergy summarizes the topics mostly focused on through all channels and after communication [...]
with stakeholders, and relevant
units score the focus degree of the topics and their materiality, decide their priority via comprehensive consideration, and put priority topics into annual working items or targets.
需要淘汰的 228.6 ODP 吨(2,078
[...] 公吨)HCFC-141b 这一剩余消费量将通过与道 隔温、太阳能热 水器和泡沫塑料板次级行业的 20 [...]
The remaining consumption of 228.6 ODP tonnes (2,078 mt) of HCFC-141b to be phased out will be addressed
through contracts with about 20 large enterprises in
[...] the pipe insulation, solar water heater and foam [...]
panels sub-sectors.
它们包括:阳系中的轨道共振 效应、行星环和 阳 系 外行星;较差转动放大和盘状星系旋臂结构的关系;星际微波激射放大效应的产生和进行测定的机制;脉冲星的电动力学;在日震学和星际闪烁中出现的天体物理湍流的特征;将木卫一(即伽利略发现的 Io 卫星)考虑为从木星发出的低频射电爆源等。
The variety, depth and breadth of his most important
contributions are
[...] staggering: the effects of orbital resonances in the solar system, planetary rings, [...]
and extrasolar planets;
the importance of swing amplification in the explanations of the origin of spiral structure in disk galaxies; the mechanisms by which interstellar masers are produced and can be diagnosed; the electrodynamics of pulsars; the character of the astrophysical turbulence that arises in helioseismology and interstellar scintillation; and the role of the Galilean satellite Io as a source of low-frequency radio bursts from the planet Jupiter.
成为Avaya会员必将帮助我们更加有效地服务客户”飞音时代C EO 刘 阳 新 评 论 道 “ 结 合Avaya的广阔资源,发布兼容Avaya统一通信解决方案的产品,将提高网络连接的灵敏度,改善安全可靠性,加速部署。
Membership in Avaya’s developer community will help us build
our business by serving customers more efficiently and
[...] effectively,” said Yangxin Liu, CEO of Flying [...]
Voice Technology Ltd.
毛出租面积 可出租总面积从截止到外墙的面积扣除管轴,垂直 道 , 电 梯槽 阳台 和楼梯的面积。
The gross rentable area includes all areas within the outside walls, less pipe shafts, vertical ducts, elevator shafts, balconies, and stairs.
无论房间凉爽与否,不要把胶片储存在热的 道 旁 或 在直 阳 光 下 的窗户边。
Do not store film near heating pipes or in the line of sunlight coming through a window, regardless of whether the room is cool or not.
早在电影《星际迷航》里的Spock先生(嵌入图所示)出现之前,19世纪到20世纪早期的很多天文学家都曾设想过一颗名叫“祝融星”的行星存在,它在水星的 道 内 侧绕 太 阳 运 行 (其经过太阳时如主图所示),牵引着水星,导致了水星独特的运行轨迹。
Long before Star Trek's Mr. Spock (inset), many astronomers during the 19th and early 20th centuries
thought a planet named Vulcan
[...] circled the sun inside the orbit of Mercury (shown transiting [...]
the sun, main image) and tugged
on the latter, accounting for peculiarities in Mercury's motion.
STEREO是美国宇航局的两个近地球道 的 绕 太 阳 运 行 的宇宙飞船。
Now, in the March issue of Icarus,
astronomers report results of a search using STEREO, two NASA spacecraft that
[...] revolve around the sun near Earth's orbit.
[...] 价研究表明,相当一部分吸烟者对吸烟危害的认识不足:四分之一以上的吸烟者不相 信吸烟会引起中风,只有不足50%的吸烟者 道 吸 烟 会导 阳 痿。
An ITC evaluation study of health knowledge and warning labels in Canada, the US, Australia, and the UK in 2002 demonstrated that a large proportion of smokers have inadequate knowledge of the harms of smoking: more than a quarter of
smokers did not believe that smoking causes stroke, and fewer than half of
[...] smokers believed that smoking causes impotence.
英文道)日本将为阳能电 池制造商提供一些迄今为止最强有力的刺激,这一消息显然对太阳能行业股票有好坏参半的影响,尚德电力(NYSE: STP)在周一交易中大涨,也许意味着大公司最可能从这一新进展中获益。
(English article) The news that Japan will provide some of the strongest incentives to date for makers of solar cells is having a decidedly mixed effect on solar shares, with only Suntech (NYSE: STP) receiving a big boost in Monday trade, perhaps indicating that the biggest names are most likely to benefit from this new development.
然而,传统的采光方案很难既保证防水又不影响景观,导光管采光系统的使用不仅让地下卫生间和地下 道阳 光 明 媚,还为广场的景观增加了几分神秘。
East-View solved this problem, the application of Suntube tubular skylight system light up the underground passage and underground toilet, the basement full of sunshine, and more important is also added some mysterious for the ground water features.
在这种情况 下,阳性结 果进行初步审查的反兴奋剂组织将考虑该结果是否与治疗用药豁免到期或撤销的 时间相吻合。
In such cases, the Anti-Doping Organization conducting the initial review of an adverse finding will consider whether the finding is consistent with expiry or withdrawal of the TUE.
洛杉矶时报(11/10, Maugh)的“变化镜头”博客道,“HIV 阳 性 患 者在接受抗逆转录病毒的治疗过程中会出现脂肪代谢障碍,而用于治疗HIV患者脂肪代谢障碍的首个药物Egrifta (tesamorelin) 于本周三获得了美国食品药品管理局的批准”。
The Los Angeles Times (11/10, Maugh) "Booster Shots" blog reported, "The Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday approved Egrifta (tesamorelin),the first drug designed specifically to treat lipodystrophy in HIV-positive patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy.
道,河南省阳市官 员在京非法开办了一家“黑监狱”或非法监狱,专门关押来首都请愿的南阳请愿者,以压制对财产请求、警察暴力和官员腐败的申诉。
Officials from Nanyang City, Henan Province, reportedly operated a "black" [...]
or illegal jail in Beijing to detain Nanyang
petitioners arriving in the capital to press grievances for property claims, police brutality, and official corruption.
[...] “路透社”德文网站(www.de.reuters.com)11月11日 道 , 德国 太 阳 能 技 术集团SMA因业内需求减弱,业务面临亏损,且在未来数月内业务难以好转,该公司到年底前只得逐步裁减约1000个临时工。
In the new network" Reuters" Devin site ( www.de.reuters.com ) reported on
[...] November 11th, the German solar energy technology [...]
group SMA due to industry demand,
business losses, and in the next few months to improve business, the company by the end of the year had to gradually cut down about 1000 temporary workers.
[...] 基伍省、南基伍省、马涅马省、加丹加省坦噶尼喀地区的政治和安全进展情况; 监测各项政治进程,包括阳城各项决议、内罗毕公报、承诺书、3 [...]
月 23 日协定 及任何其他协定;勘察安全事件、流离失所、犯罪及军事活动的趋势,协助与当
前政治、安全及军事举措相关的决策;每周向协调员提供一次分析报告;以及必 要时向访客和前方总部的参谋提供口头和书面简报。
Under the direct supervision of the Coordinator, the incumbent of the post of Political Affairs Officer (P-3) would monitor and analyse the regional political situation and developments in Burundi, Rwanda, the Sudan and Uganda; monitor and analyse political and security developments in Orientale, North Kivu, South Kivu and Maniema Provinces and the Tanganyika territory of
Katanga Province; monitor the political
[...] processes, including the Sun City resolutions, [...]
the Nairobi Communiqué, the statements
of commitment (actes d’engagement), the 23 March Agreement and any further agreements; map trends in security incidents, displacement, crime and military activity to assist in decision-making related to ongoing political, security and military initiatives; provide weekly analytical syntheses to the Coordinator; and provide oral and written briefs as necessary to visitors and staff officers in the forward headquarters.
上述所列物质,包括其他具有相似化学结构或相似生物作用的物质,诊断标识物、激素 的释放因子的存在,或其他任何发现提示所检测到的物质为外源性来源,则报告 阳 性 检 测结 果。
The presence of other substances with a similar chemical structure or similar biological effect(s), diagnostic marker(s) or releasing factors of a hormone listed above or of any other finding which indicate(s) that the substance detected is of exogenous origin, will be reported as an Adverse Analytical Finding.
任务的艰巨的,其原因一部分是锁在褐色能源技术上面的巨大投资,以及 其与更广泛的经济体系的相互依存关系;另一部分原因是,如现有知识所显示
[...] 的,以现有的转换效率,加上在部署这些技术和提高其能源使用效率方面的限 制,想大大扩大可再生能源(如风能和 阳 能 )技 术的规模可能会受到技术上的 限制。
The task will be daunting, partly because of the massive investments locked into brown energy technology and its interdependencies with the broader economic system; and partly because, as present knowledge suggests, there may be technical limits to the massive
scaling up of renewable energy
[...] technologies (such as wind and solar power), given present [...]
conversion efficiency as well as the
limits to deployment of those technologies and improvements in their energy-use efficiency.
[...] 续开展合作,在受影响地区的社区进行雷险教育,而且拥有一支训练有素、装备 完善的道主义排雷队,时刻准备应对任何紧急情况。
Gambia also reported that it continues in collaborate to deliver mine risk education in communities in the
affected areas and has a well trained and
[...] fully equipped humanitarian demining team [...]
which is always ready to respond to any emergencies.
此外,拟将驻巴基斯坦的首席 安保顾问员额改叙为 D-1
[...] 职等,原因是,按照其规模、复杂程度和承担的责任, 再加上复杂的道主义 紧急情况,驻巴基斯坦安保管理系统堪比一个大型维持和 [...]
In addition, the post of the Chief Security Adviser in Pakistan is proposed to be reclassified to the D-1 level as, in terms of size, complexity and
degree of responsibility, in combination with
[...] a complex humanitarian emergency, [...]
the security management system in Pakistan
is considered comparable to a large peacekeeping operation.
在 2010/11 年度期间,稳定团与海地政府、国家机构、非政府组织以及联合 国道,致力 于:(a) 提升民间社会团体通过参与重建工作倡导社会和经济权利的 能力;(b) 协助政府报告、预防和应对侵犯人权,特别是侵犯儿童和妇女权利的行 为:(c) 确保在向受地震影响的脆弱人群提供 道 主 义援助时采用保护的原则和标 准,并在提供援助过程中与地方当局密切协调;以及(d) 向国家警察提供临时的后 勤和技术专家支持,以便向暴力行为和虐待行为的受害者,包括主要发生在流离失 所者营地的性暴力和性别暴力的儿童和妇女受害者提供援助。
During the 2010/11 period, the Mission worked with the Government of Haiti, State institutions, NGOs and the United Nations country team to: (a) promote the capacity of civil society groups to advocate social and economic rights through participation in the reconstruction
process; (b) assist the
[...] Government to report, prevent and respond to human rights violations, with particular regard to the rights of children and women; (c) ensure that humanitarian assistance to vulnerable persons affected by the earthquake incorporated the principles and standards on protection and was provided in close [...]
coordination with local
authorities; and (d) provide temporary logistical and technical expert support to the national police to assist children and women victims of abuse and violence, including sexual and genderbased violence mainly in camps of displaced persons.
随后,道尔、 澳大 利亚、奥地利、比利时、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、布基纳法索、加拿大、中国、 [...]
克罗地亚、丹麦、法国、加纳、希腊、危地马拉、匈牙利、印度、印度尼西亚、 爱尔兰、日本、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、墨西哥、摩 纳哥、黑山、荷兰、尼加拉瓜、挪威、巴基斯坦、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、斯
洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、斯里兰卡、瑞士、土耳其和大不列颠及北爱尔兰 联合王国加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Andorra, Australia, [...]
Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark,
France, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland joined the co-sponsors.




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