单词 | 阳痿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 阳痿 noun —impotence n阳痿 —(med.) impotenceSee also:阳 n—sun n 阳—positive (electric.) • male principle (Taoism) 痿—atrophy
图形 方式健康警示能够增加人们对吸烟和某些特殊疾病之间关系的认识(例如肺癌、心脏 病、中风和阳痿)。 itcproject.org | Pictorial warning labels increased awareness [...] of the association between smoking and specific health hazards (e.g. lung cancer, heart [...] disease, stroke, and impotence). itcproject.org |
这些错误的观念源于谣言,有些通过神职人员传播开来,他们认为,疫苗会导 致 阳痿 和 艾滋病,会‘从内部打垮我们’。 unicef.org | These misconceptions arose from [...] rumours, some spread by clerics, that the [...] vaccine would cause impotence and AIDS, which would [...]“eat us away from within,” he said. unicef.org |
ITC项目于2002年在加拿大、美国、澳大利亚和英国开展的健康知识和警示标签的评 价研究表明,相当一部分吸烟者对吸烟危害的认识不足:四分之一以上的吸烟者不相 [...] 信吸烟会引起中风,只有不足50%的吸烟者知道吸烟会导 致 阳痿。 itcproject.org | An ITC evaluation study of health knowledge and warning labels in Canada, the US, Australia, and the UK in 2002 demonstrated that a large proportion of smokers have inadequate knowledge of the harms of smoking: more than a quarter of [...] smokers did not believe that smoking causes stroke, and fewer than half of smokers believed [...] that smoking causes impotence. itcproject.org |
這些藥物影響血液的凝結能力,而 當您獻血時,凝結能力可能會導致過度瘀傷或出血。 nybloodcenter.org | These medications affect the blood’s ability to clot, which might cause excessive bruising or bleeding when you donate. nybloodcenter.org |
在这种情况 下,对阳性结 果进行初步审查的反兴奋剂组织将考虑该结果是否与治疗用药豁免到期或撤销的 时间相吻合。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In such cases, the Anti-Doping Organization conducting the initial review of an adverse finding will consider whether the finding is consistent with expiry or withdrawal of the TUE. unesdoc.unesco.org |
最后是几种不同的医疗用品,比如手套、绷带、抗菌霜(如百多邦或抗生素软膏)、绷带卷、纱布、医用胶带和酒精消毒片,在应对擦伤、割伤和瘀伤时也能派上用场。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Finally, a few different medical supplies such as gloves, bandages, antibacterial cream like Bactroban or Neosporin, wrap bandages, gauze, medical tape and alcohol wipes also come in handy with injuries, cuts and bruises. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
欧洲联 盟通过其派驻实地的两个特派团,即欧洲联盟驻波斯 尼亚和黑塞哥维那部队(欧盟部队“木槿花”行动)和 欧洲联盟警察特派团,支持波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那努 力维护安全环境。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through our two missions on the ground, the European Union Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina (EUFOR ALTHEA) and the European Union Police Mission, the European Union supports Bosnia and Herzegovina’s efforts to maintain a safe and secure environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
上述所列物质,包括其他具有相似化学结构或相似生物作用的物质,诊断标识物、激素 的释放因子的存在,或其他任何发现提示所检测到的物质为外源性来源,则报告 为 阳 性 检 测结 果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The presence of other substances with a similar chemical structure or similar biological effect(s), diagnostic marker(s) or releasing factors of a hormone listed above or of any other finding which indicate(s) that the substance detected is of exogenous origin, will be reported as an Adverse Analytical Finding. unesdoc.unesco.org |
任务的艰巨的,其原因一部分是锁在褐色能源技术上面的巨大投资,以及 其与更广泛的经济体系的相互依存关系;另一部分原因是,如现有知识所显示 [...] 的,以现有的转换效率,加上在部署这些技术和提高其能源使用效率方面的限 制,想大大扩大可再生能源(如风能和 太 阳 能 )技 术的规模可能会受到技术上的 限制。 daccess-ods.un.org | The task will be daunting, partly because of the massive investments locked into brown energy technology and its interdependencies with the broader economic system; and partly because, as present knowledge suggests, there may be technical limits to the massive [...] scaling up of renewable energy [...] technologies (such as wind and solar power), given present [...]conversion efficiency as well as the [...]limits to deployment of those technologies and improvements in their energy-use efficiency. daccess-ods.un.org |
欧洲联盟致力于继续依照第 1895(2009)号决议 的规定,履行欧盟部队“木槿花”行动的执勤任务。 daccess-ods.un.org | The European Union is committed to continuing the executive mandate of EUFOR ALTHEA in accordance with resolution 1895 (2009). daccess-ods.un.org |
尸检发现新旧瘀伤和双 手被绑的痕迹。 daccess-ods.un.org | The autopsy found recent and older bruise marks and signs that the hands had been tied. daccess-ods.un.org |
13 时 15 分,一个武装团伙拦截一辆搭载 4 名执法官员、正在 Nabk 沿着 Urqub 街前行的巡逻车,殴击车上人员,造成瘀伤和挫伤,并拿走他们的武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 1315 hours, an armed group intercepted a patrol vehicle carrying four law enforcement officers as it was proceeding along Urqub Street in Nabk, beat the men, inflicting bruises and contusions, and took their weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合王国大力支持因兹科高级代表所作的评估, 即:欧洲联盟部队“木槿花”行动所担负的执勤任务 继续为波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那人民提供重要的保障, 为支持该国努力维持一个安全和有保障的环境发挥 核心作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Kingdom strongly supports High Representative Inzko’s assessment that the executive mandate of the European Union Force-Operation Althea continues to provide critical reassurance to the Bosnian people and that it plays a central role in supporting Bosnia and Herzegovina’s own efforts to maintain a safe and secure environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
何秀蘭議員: 主席,這宗個案中的受害兒童,身上有 20 組傷痕,頭部及左 臉有一片 12 厘米乘 9 厘米乘 7 厘米的紫啡色瘀傷。 legco.gov.hk | MS CYD HO (in Cantonese): Madam President, 20 patches of injuries are found on the child victim of this case, including a bruise on her head and the left side of her face, spreading across an area of 12 cm times 9 cm by 7 cm. legco.gov.hk |
理事会还欢迎关于木槿花行动的筹备计划 工作方面的进展,可能将该行动演变为一个非执行性能力建设和培训行动;并强 调关于该行动可能演变的决定需要考虑到政治事态发展,包括欧洲联盟特别代表 将来的作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | It welcomed further progress with the preparatory planning work for the possible future evolution of Operation Althea into a non-executive capacity-building and training operation; and reiterated that a decision on the possible evolution of the operation would need to take political developments, including the future role of the European Union Special Representative, into account. daccess-ods.un.org |
关在一个一英尺宽,两到三英尺长的狭小牢房里; − 用棍子打脚底板,做法是给被拘留者带上脚镣,把他的脚抬起来,用棍 子或警棍打脚底板,时间长短不一,然后迫其行走,以掩盖抽打造成的 瘀血。 daccess-ods.un.org | Beatings on the soles of the feet with sticks, done by shackling and raising the detainee’s feet, whereupon he is beaten with sticks or clubs for variable lengths of time, then required to walk in order to obscure the blood congestion resulting from the beating. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,為數約一成半至兩成半的被訪者認為「顯示人體流出的血液佔相當大篇幅」(27%)、「女性裸露胸部」(26%)及「顯示人體上有好多瘀傷」(15%)的照片或圖像應該被完全禁止發佈給所有人士觀看。 hkupop.hku.hk | Besides, approximately 15% to 25% respondents thought photographs or pictures that "with large space in displaying blood coming out from a human body" (27%), "with female revealing her breast(s)" (26%) and "displaying many bruises on a human body" (15%) should be prohibited from publication for all ages. hkupop.hku.hk |
翌日,安理会一致通过了第 2019(2011)号决议,再次授权会员国通过欧盟采 取行动或与欧盟合作采取行动,设立一支多国稳定部队(欧盟部队木槿花行动), 为期 12 个月,作为稳定部队的继承者。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the following day the Council unanimously adopted resolution 2019 (2011) whereby it renewed, for a further 12 months, the authorization for Member States, acting through or in cooperation with the European Union, to establish a multinational stabilization force (EUFOR ALTHEA) to succeed SFOR. daccess-ods.un.org |
認為「顯示人體流出的血液佔相當大篇幅」及「顯示人體上有好多瘀傷」的照片或圖像不適合18歲以下人士觀看的亦分別有63%及33%,認為全部適合18歲以下人士觀看者有6% (表九)。 hkupop.hku.hk | Meanwhile, 63% and 33% considered photographs or pictures "with large space in displaying blood coming out from a human body" and that "displaying many bruises on a human body" not suitable for persons below 18 years old to view. hkupop.hku.hk |
用棍棒敲打被拘留者的脚底,上脚镣后,把脚抬高,再用棍子或大头 棒敲打脚底,时间长短不一,然后强迫其步行,以掩盖殴打造成的血 瘀。 daccess-ods.un.org | Beatings on the soles of the feet with sticks, done by shackling and raising the detainee’s feet, whereupon he is beaten with sticks or clubs for variable lengths of time, then required to walk in order to obscure the blood congestion resulting from the beating. daccess-ods.un.org |
它反驳提交人受到警察虐待的 指控,并且指出提交人援引的法医报告显示有下列伤情:面部和右前臂瘀伤、右 颈部擦伤、两颊粘膜出血和两颊粘膜伤口。 daccess-ods.un.org | It refutes the author’s allegations of ill-treatment by police and notes that the forensic medical report invoked by the author refers to the following injuries: bruises on the face area and on the right forearm; abrasions on the right side of the neck; hemorrhages and wounds on the mucous membranes of both cheeks. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,當有人投訴被人弄至瘀 傷,要求檢驗傷勢時,警方卻表示要等候一兩個星期才能檢驗,投訴的人當 然便說,還等甚麼,屆時甚麼傷也驗不到了。 legco.gov.hk | Besides, when someone complained of having been beaten up to have sustained bruises all over the body and requested an injury assessment, the police would say that the complainant would have to wait for one or two weeks before such an assessment can be arranged. legco.gov.hk |
木槿花行 动”继续注重能力建设和培训,同时继续随时了解实 地情况,并且是一支可信的后备力量,可以按照第 2019(2011)号决议的规定,在必要情况下为维护或恢 复安全可靠环境的努力提供支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | Operation Althea continues to focus on capacity-building and training, while maintaining situational awareness and a credible reserve, in case it is called upon to support efforts to maintain or restore the safe and secure environment, as stipulated by resolution 2019 (2011). daccess-ods.un.org |