单词 | 阳光明媚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 阳光明媚 —the sun shines brightly [idiom.]See also:阳光 adj—sunny pres-p 阳光 n—direct sunlight n • sunbeam n 阳光—transparent (open public scrutiny) 明媚—bright and beautiful
冬季凉爽,少风,有时阳光明媚,早晨通常有霜雾。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Winter days are cool and [...] sometimes gloriously sunny, with little wind, [...]and often start with early morning frost and fog. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
4间卧室的房子在德塞夫勒塞夫勒的平均价格将耗资210K和250K欧元之间,这是非常好的价值,考虑 其 阳光明媚 的 气 候和邻近的大西洋海岸。 leapfrog-properties.com | The average price of a 4 bedroom house in Deux Sevres will cost [...] between 210k and 250k Euros which is very good [...] value considering its sunny climate and proximity [...]to the Atlantic coast. leapfrog-properties.com |
今天,世界大多数国家的首都清晨都 是 阳光明 媚,而在大马士革却是血雨腥风。 daccess-ods.un.org | Today started as a beautiful sunny day in most of the [...] capitals of the world, but it was a bloody day in Damascus. daccess-ods.un.org |
这里全年阳光明媚,沙 质细腻的“碧波海滩”定能让您流连忘返。 msccruises.com.cn | With year-round sunshine, we’re sure Fort [...] Lauderdale’s soft sandy ‘blue wave’ beaches will hold a strong appeal. msccruises.com.au |
隐藏在法国阿尔卑斯山南部,Risoul 是一个精致、适宜、阳光明媚的滑 雪度假胜地。 leapfrog-properties.com | Hidden in the Southern French Alps, Risoul is a [...] compact, uncrowded, sunny gem of a ski holiday resort. leapfrog-properties.com |
由于所有季节都阳光明媚,白 天较长,且气候温暖,袋鼠岛是全年适宜的理想度假目的地。 australia.com | With long, warm and sunny days in all seasons, [...] Kangaroo Island is an ideal holiday destination all year round. australia.com |
冰上钓鱼也是很受欢迎的活动,尤其是 在 阳光明媚 的 春 天。 visitfinland.com | Ice fishing is also a popular activity, [...] especially when the sun comes out in the spring. visitfinland.com |
在花粉热季,暖和、阳光明媚的日子空气中的花粉数量一般比较高,晚上的花粉数量通常也会升高。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Pollen levels tend to [...] be higher on warm, sunny days during hay fever [...]season, and pollen levels often rise in the evening. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
ST-吕克和Chandolin的位于阳光明媚的东 部斜坡的Val D'Anniviers的(Eifischtal)和享受壮观的全景。 holidays.rentalp.ch | St-Luc and Chandolin [...] are situated on the sunny eastern slope of [...]the Val d'Anniviers (Eifischtal) and enjoy a majestic panorama. holidays.rentalp.ch |
巴基斯坦信德省格什莫尔(KASHMORE)地区,2013年4月4日——在坎德侯特(Kandhkot),这是一 个 阳光明媚 的 早 晨,孩子们下船后兴奋地奔向他们的学校 —— 见到的或许只是学校的残骸。 unicef.org | KASHMORE DISTRICT, Sindh province, Pakistan, 4 April 2013 – On a bright, sunny morning, children [...] disembark from a boat in [...]Kandhkot and run excitedly towards their school – or what remains of it. unicef.org |
克莱恩 - 蒙塔纳是一个阳光明媚的高 俯瞰罗讷河谷在1500米的高原上,在瓦莱州的主要旅游目的地。 rentalp.ch | The two neighbouring resorts of Crans and Montana are situated at an altitude of 1500 m on a sun-drenched plateau high above the Rhone Valley. holidays.rentalp.ch |
Melissa Contreras在阳光明媚的加 利福尼亚州出生和长大,毕业于加州大学洛杉矶分校,获得美术专业学位。 playbling.com | Axelhoney is Melissa Contreras. [...] Born and bred in sunny California, Melissa [...]graduated from UCLA with a degree in Fine Art. playbling.com |
这个宽敞的一楼公寓由一个开放的居住面积与享 受 阳光明媚 的 天井,时髦的意大利安装花岗岩台面,2个明亮的卧室,逐次淋浴房和家庭浴室。 maispa.estatecy.com | This spacious ground floor apartment comprises of an open plan living area with access to the sunny patio, stylish Italian fitted kitchen with granite worktops, 2 bright bedrooms, en suite shower room and family bathroom. maispa.estatecy.com |
在费沙岛,您会发现大自然依季节呈现不同景观——春天野花铺地、夏 天 阳光明媚 、 秋 天艳丽华美、冬天荒芜苍凉。 australia.com | On Fraser Island, you’ll find that nature offers a different exhibition each season - wild spring flowers, bright summer days, autumn colours and winter wilderness. australia.com |
阳光明媚的德文郡(Devon)犹如海滩上的浓缩奶油和新鲜蟹肉三明治,又如码头旁的苹果汁;在这里,可以感受海上冲浪课程,在崎岖的达特穆尔(Dartmoor)野营,或悠闲驱车欣赏乡间小道沿途的绵延青翠田野美景。 visitbritain.com | Sunny Devon is clotted cream, [...] fresh crab sandwiches on the beach and cider on the quayside; it's a salty surfing lesson, [...]camping wild on rugged Dartmoor and driving leisurely down country lanes with green fields rolling on both sides. visitbritain.com |
坐落在海拔1500米,它是在一个 阳光明媚 的 度假区,其壮丽景色而闻名的心脏。 holidays.rentalp.ch | Situated at an elevation of 1500 meters above sea level, Verbier is a vacation [...] destination with a sunny and attractive landscape. holidays.rentalp.ch |
洛杉矶虽然阳光明媚,但 在冬天却总是阴雨连绵。 ba-repsasia.com | Shooting [...] in natural light in sunny Los Angeles might be a given, but not [...]during the rainy winters of the west coast. ba-repsasia.com |
吉斯本青年旅舍是一间舒适迷人的背包客旅舍,坐落在新西 兰 阳光 最 明媚 的 城 市中的一片广阔的绿地上。 cn.yha.co.nz | YHA Gisborne, a cosy and charming backpackers hostel, is set in spacious [...] grounds within New Zealand’s sunniest city. yha.co.nz |
然而,传统的采光方案很难既保证防水又不影响景观,导光管采光系统的使用不仅让地下卫生间和地下通 道 阳光明媚 , 还为广场的景观增加了几分神秘。 east-view.com.cn | East-View solved this problem, the application of Suntube tubular skylight system light up the underground passage and [...] underground toilet, the [...] basement full of sunshine, and more important is also added some mysterious for the ground water features. east-view.com.cn |
东部地区则截然不同:这里以明媚的 阳光 和 静 谧的海滩而闻名于世。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | It is known for its sunshine and idyllic beaches. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
新鲜的空气,明媚的阳光,宁 静的雪地,是到户外滑冰的时机。 visitfinland.com | Fresh air and a [...] soothing white landscape bathing in sunlight is what many [...]consider a perfect day out. visitfinland.com |
南海滩 明媚的阳光,温暖的碧水和光闪闪的白沙滩是迈阿密最吸引人的地方。 abgcorp.com | South Beach Sunny weather, warm turquoise [...] water, and glistening white sand make South Beach one of the top attractions in Miami . abgcorp.com |
精美的粉盒内马赛克格子中容纳了多种色调,助您更完美的打造理想肤色 和 光 晕 ,呈 现 明媚 动 人 的自 然 光 彩。 clarinsusa.com | The stunning mosaic palette houses different shades and finishes, enabling you to illuminate [...] your complexion and enhance its natural radiance and beauty. clarinsusa.com |
今天我可以现实而 充满乐观地声明:那新黎明的第一缕 阳光 正 在 开始温 暖我们和照亮我们的道路。 daccess-ods.un.org | Today I can state with realism [...] and well-founded optimism that the first rays of that new [...]dawn are beginning to warm us and light our way. daccess-ods.un.org |
无声的沉默结合明媚的午夜太阳,是 治疗疲惫灵魂的天然药方。 visitfinland.com | The sound of silence combined with the revitalizing rays of the Midnight Sun is nature’s own remedy for the weary soul. visitfinland.com |
联席董事长Songning Shen先生表示,“在中国海洋石油总公司的海上油田项目中,这项技术已被 证 明 是 成 功的 , 阳光 油 砂对‘多成分热流体热回收技术’的研究有望表明该技术在沥青储层中的应用在经济上是可行的。 tipschina.gov.cn | Mr. Songning Shen, Co-Chairman, said "this [...] technology has been proven successful in an CNOOC limited offshore project, and Sunshine Oilsands'' research [...]of the "multi-component [...]thermal fluid thermal recovery technology" gives a possible indication that it could work economically in bitumen reservoirs". tipschina.gov.cn |
Green Zone」其實是指伊拉克境內一個受到美軍嚴密保護的非戰事區域,這範圍 的 明媚 風 光 跟 不 到幾公尺、頹垣敗瓦的外戰區形成強烈對比,開宗明義是一齣反戰諷美的作品,著力描寫美國跟伊拉克人民政府的矛盾。 think-silly.com | The condition within the green zone makes an ironic contrast with the war zone. think-silly.com |
“在不同的经度地区架设两架类似的设备将提高地面的太阳观测密度,且因此能够提高和目前已经上天的几大空间设备,包括STEREO(日地关系天文台)、TRACE(太阳过渡区与日冕探测器)和RHESSI(拉马第高能 太 阳光 谱 成像探测器),以 及 明 年 将 要发射的太阳动力学观测站的合作机会。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The availability of two similar instruments at different longitudes will increase the amount of solar observing from the ground and will therefore increase the opportunities to collaborate with space-based instruments such as STEREO (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory), TRACE (Transition Region [...] and Coronal [...] Explorer), and RHESSI (Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Explorer), [...]which are currently flying; and the Solar Dynamics Observatory, which will [...]be launched next year,” he said in a written interview. chinese.eurekalert.org |