

单词 防盗门

See also:


defensive gate


External sources (not reviewed)

木塑门:绿色环保、一体成形不易变形、抗菌防霉、UV表面处理,光洁度较好、抗紫外线不容变色;PVC门:价格低廉、免漆;钢木门:价格低廉、抗冲力好,可 防盗门 ; 实 木门:天然木纹,高档雅观;实木复合门:天然木纹、比天然实木价格稍低;免漆门:价格低廉、可用于各需常换装修工程用门,如小酒店、饭店、低档娱乐场所。
Wood plastic door: green, one-piece easy to distort, inhibit bacteria and mold, UV surface finish better UV resistance can not be discolored; PVC door: low prices, paint; steel doors: the price is low, the impact
force can be When the
[...] security doors; wood doors: natural wood, high-grade decency; wood composite doors: the natural [...]
wood grain prices
lower than the natural wood; paint the door: cheap, can be used for various needs often change the fitting-out works with doors, such as small hotels , restaurants, low-grade entertainment.
公司为适应市场需求,针对汽车工业、造船行业、锅炉行业、健身器材、自行车、电动车、摩托车、家具行业 防盗门 窗 等专业生产厂家的需要,公司在延用台湾技术的基础上,今几年来不断引进国外的先进技术和管理方法,设计制造出国内先进的金属圆锯机、管端成型机、单头液压弯管机、双头液压弯管机、CNC弯管机、倒角机等系列机械。
Company to meet the market demand for the automotive industry, shipbuilding industry, the boiler industry, fitness equipment, bicycles, electric cars, motorcycles,
furniture industry, the professional
[...] manufacturer of security doors and windows need [...]
to continue to use the Taiwan company
technology, based on this for several years been the introduction of foreign advanced technology and management, design and manufacture advanced metal circular saw machine, tube end forming machines, single-head hydraulic bending machine, Double hydraulic pipe bender, CNC bending tube machine, chamfering machine series machines.
长恩公司自行设计生产的仿木钢 防盗门 、 不 锈钢安全门、实木钢木门、实木门、西德板装甲门、铸铝门,五彩锁锁芯,自动可控三合一锁体,多位一体的310锁………等,产品有21类、370个品项,并已获得(或已受理)的专利58项。
Ltd. has been researching and manufacturing steel doors, stainless steel doors, steel wooden doors, wooden doors, Xide Plate security doors, Aluminum doors, five-color locks, body locks and handle panels.
遥控无钥进入 (RKE) 系统和发动防盗系统 几乎是当今所有汽车的标准配置,同时安全性是汽 门 禁 应 用的必要条件,也是全世界保险公司的要求。
Remote keyless entry (RKE) systems with immobilizers are standard in nearly all cars today, while security is a [...]
must for car access applications, and is
required by insurance companies worldwide.
安防系统 博世是世界领先的电子安防与通讯系统供应商,产品线涵 防盗报 警、可视对讲、视频监控门禁控制及会议与公共广播系统等领域。
The company’s chief areas of activity are video surveillance, public address, evacuation, and access control.
[...] 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的 I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际机场旅客名单,防 止 恐怖分子入境和过境;更新丢失和 盗护 照 数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基金会。
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the
international airport
[...] in order to prevent terrorists from entering and passing through the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; [...]
and investigating
and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.
它的应用范围很广:CD 和 DVD
[...] 碟片、电子元件和设备组件、眼镜镜片、光学镜头、灯罩、前灯漫射器、挡风玻璃、飞机机窗、警车上的安全玻璃, 工门上的防盗玻璃 、相机的防水壳、温室、太阳能电池板、门廊顶、包装和瓶子、手提箱外壳、建造功能模型用支架、头盔和护目镜、一次性医疗用品等等。
It is used in a broad range of items: CDs and DVDs, electronic and device components, eyeglass lenses, optical lenses, light covers, headlight diffusers, windshields, aircraft
windows, safety glass in e.g.
[...] police cars, anti-theft glass for industrial doors, underwater housing [...]
for cameras, conservatories
and greenhouses, solar panels, porch roofs, packages and bottles, suitcase shells, carriages for constructing functional models, helmets and visors, single-use medical products, and more.
为切实给粮食生产提供一个有力的保障,我市各 门 正 在 加紧实施农田基础设施的恢复和建设,仅去冬今春就开挖疏浚各级河道1520公里,并落实了7688个河道管理人员;昆山、张家港、常熟等地已全面展开对水利机电设备的检查、维修和保养;各地还加强了渠系的建设和修复工作,新建衬砌渠道47公里,修复渠道200多公里;为落 防盗 措 施 ,部分地区还对新建的工程由政府出资进行商业保险。
In order to provide a powerful grain
production of
[...] security, zhuhai departments are scrambling to implement farmland infrastructure rehabilitation and construction, only last spring is excavation dredging river 1520 kilometers, at all levels and implemented 7688 a river management personnel; Kunshan, zhangjiagang, changshu, etc for water conservancy has already started electromechanical equipment inspection, repair and maintenance; May enhance a canal across the construction and repair work, new lining channels, repair 47 miles more than 200 kilometers; the channel For the implementation of security measures, part [...]
of the new project is
funded by the government for commercial insurance.
该便携式干扰器的总射频输出功率为 300
[...] 瓦,可同时干扰绝大多数全球最常用的 VHF/UHF 通信频段信号,包括对讲机、车门 遥 控 器、遥控玩具、汽 防盗 报 警系统以及自制无线电广播发射机等所用的频段。
The fully-portable unit has total RF output power of 300 watts and simultaneously jams the most commonly used VHF/UHF
communication bands in the
[...] world, including walky-talky, garage door remote controls, remote-controlled [...]
toys, car alarm systems
and home-made radio transmitters.
索马里境内简易爆炸装置攻击中最常用的触发系统是台州市保 防盗设 备有限公司的 BM-518 摩托防盗系统
The most common triggering system employed in improvised explosive device attacks in Somalia is the BM-518 motorcycle alarm system of the Taizhou Bodyguard Alarm Equipment Company Ltd.
安理会对确保索马里的责 任追究无所作为;而形成鲜明对照的是,安理会积极行动,打击海盗,包括今年
[...] 早时考虑建立专门的索马里法院,审判索马里和区域内海盗嫌疑人,包括拥有治 外法权的索马里门打击海盗法院
The inaction of the Council to ensure accountability in Somalia is in sharp contrast with, for instance, Security Council initiatives on combating piracy, including by considering earlier this year the establishment of specialized Somali courts to try
suspected pirates both in Somalia and in the region, including an
[...] extraterritorial Somali specialized antipiracy court.
鉴于对这些非法活动的起诉率越来越高,我在最近两份报告(S/2011/360 和 S/2012/50)中探讨了在该区域建立门反 海 盗 法 庭 的方式。
With a view to increasing the rate of prosecution for these illegal activities, my two most recent reports
(S/2011/360 and S/2012/50) explored the modalities for the
[...] establishment of specialized anti-piracy courts in the region.
防盗窃案 方面有明显改善,盗窃案下降了 14%(案件减少 72 件),武器的收缴增加 [...]
Significant improvements have
[...] been evident in the prevention of burglary, with [...]
a reduction of 14 per cent (72 fewer offences),
and firearms recovery, with an increase of 50 per cent.
某些国家给它们的遗产部门或门的 警察 部 门 配 备 被 盗 文 物目录和数据库(克罗地亚、捷 克共和国、匈牙利、意大利、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、挪威、罗马尼亚、乌克兰和联合王国)。
Some States have provided their heritage service or specialized police with catalogues and databases of stolen objects (Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Romania, Ukraine and United Kingdom).
索马里沿 海海盗问题联络小组已核可了第一工作组提出的优先需要,包括支持:索马里和 该区域的刑法-司法能力建设方案;《吉布提行为守则》的执行;根据东南非和印
度洋区域海盗和海上安全问题区域行动计划,区域海岸警卫队-海上警察和军队 开展列为优先的反海盗和海上安全能力的能力建设;索马里经济专属区的建立;
[...] 由联合国提供便利,尤其是通过坎帕拉进程以及联合国法治和安全部门改革方 案,索马里开展跨门反海盗和海上安全全面行动。
The Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia endorsed the priority needs identified by Working Group 1, including support for a penal/judicial capacity-building programme in Somalia and the region; the implementation of the Djibouti Code of Conduct; capacity-building of prioritized counter-piracy and maritime security capabilities of regional coastguard and maritime police and military forces, in accordance with the regional plan of action on piracy and maritime security in the Eastern and Southern Africa and Indian Ocean region; the establishment of an exclusive economic zone for Somalia; and comprehensive cross-sector counter-piracy and maritime security action in Somalia, facilitated by the United
Nations, especially through the Kampala Process and the United Nations rule of
[...] law and security sector reform programmes.
开发署于 2012 年建立“国家犯罪
[...] 事务局”的计划已较为成熟,该局将设有反 盗 部 门 , 并 向博萨索、加罗韦和加 尔卡约派驻行动队。
UNDP plans are advanced to establish a national
crime directorate in 2012, which will
[...] incorporate a counter-piracy unit with operational [...]
teams based in Boosaaso, Garoowe and Galkayo.
为了避免可 能的风险(尤其在总部计划门), 防 止 再 次出现重点不清,活动分散的情况,该项改革的 前提非常明确:即,每个总部外办事处负责人必须按照责任制要求,确保行动和绩效的一致 性,从而防止偏离更高一级计划编制所预期达到的主要结果。
In order to avoid perceived risks (particularly in Headquarters programme divisions) that this might encourage a return to unfocused and scattered activities, this innovation is based on the very clear precondition that each office head has committed, as part of the corollary accountability requirements, to a performance agreement that will prevent any loosening of linkages with the major expected results on the higher programming levels.
因此,安理会应根据《联合国宪章》第七章紧急 审议此一建议,并确定特派团的任务授权,以捍卫宪
[...] 政秩序,保护该国的各个机构、合法当局和人民,确 保完成选举进程,实行防和安全部 门 的 改 革,以及 最后但同样重要的是,有效打击贩毒和与之相关的有 [...]
The Council should therefore urgently deliberate such a proposal, under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, and establish a mission mandate that will safeguard the constitutional order, protect the country’s institutions, legal authorities and people, ensure the completion of the
electoral process and the
[...] implementation of the defence and security sector reform, and, [...]
last but not least, effectively
combat drug trafficking and its related impunity.
2002 年蒙特雷会议后取得了重要进展,其中包括私营 门和 政门在危机预防和解 决方面的工作关系得到改善,促进了债务可持续性问题 的对话;更清楚地认识到要维持债务可持续性,包括新巴塞尔资本协定在内的规 [...]
Some of the salient developments since the Monterrey Conference in 2002 were the improved working
relationship between the private
[...] and official sectors in the area of crisis prevention and resolution, [...]
which had contributed to
a better dialogue on debt sustainability; the increasing realization that regulations, including Basel II, had to be counter-cyclical in order to maintain debt sustainability; the increasing introduction of collective action clauses in bond issues; and the increased blurring between domestic and external debt, creating a new set of challenges.
调查结果及时地反应给客户,同时也反馈给本公司的设 计、生产、技术门,防止故 障再发生,以此确保产品质量的改善和提高。
The results of the investigation are reported promptly to the design and production department to prevent any recurrence of such a case, and to further enhance the current level of quality.
此外,您还可以设置自动关机时间,或者当设备 离线时,立刻收到一防盗通知
You can get an email when lamp life is low,
set up automatic power-down scheduling, and receive
[...] an immediate theft-prevention notice if your equipment [...]
goes offline.
欧安组织驻塞尔维亚共和国特派团努力在各级健全民主制度:支持议会, 支持地方政府,以及支持防和安全 部 门 的 改 革;实施与少数民族、两性平等、 青年、教育、难民和国内流离失所者、打击人口贩运和人权有关的项目;实施支 [...]
The OSCE Mission to the Republic of Serbia works to: improve democratic institutions at all levels: Parliamentary
support, support to local
[...] government and reform of the defence and security sector; implements projects [...]
relating to national minorities,
gender equality, youth, education, refugees and internally displaced persons, anti-trafficking and human rights; implements the programme of support to the Roma as well as programmes relating to environmental protection.
它允许工作人 员在准许持卡人进入防门之前 ,对持卡人 进行目测识别。
It allows staff to visually identify cardholders prior to their
[...] gaining access through a secure door.
邦特兰部队展示了黑色青年党旗帜,更重要的是,展示了青年党用于制造无线 电控制简易爆炸装置的 11 个摩托车保防盗装置(见下文四.C 节个案研究)。
Puntland forces displayed a black Al-Shabaab flag and, more importantly, 11 bodyguard motorcycle alarm devices of the kind used by Al-Shabaab to construct radio-controlled improvised explosive devices (see case study, paras. 136-144 below).
在这方面,委员会注意到,在 2011/12
[...] 年期间,达尔富尔混合行动的 解除武装、复员和重返社会方案将 门 针 对减 少 盗 匪 和 犯罪行为开展活动(见 A/65/740,第 188 段)。
The Committee notes, in this connection, that during the 2011/12 period, the Operation’s disarmament, demobilization and
reintegration programme will include
[...] activities specifically aimed at reducing banditry and criminality [...]
(see A/65/740, para. 188).
[...] 并提出了 25 项综合措施,包括在该地区设立门处 理海盗问题的法庭,与索马里兰和邦特兰进行更有针 [...]
The Special Adviser called for urgent action and
proposed 25 comprehensive measures,
[...] including for specialized piracy courts in the region, [...]
more targeted cooperation with Somaliland
and Puntland and regional economic development programmes.
最近通过的第 1976(2011) 号决议提出一些可实现的重要目标,联索政治处正在
[...] 同法律事务厅积极接触,紧急起草一份提交安理会的 报告,建议设立门法院审判盗嫌 犯 ;并根据兰先 生报告(S/2011/30)的建议,继续在整个地区发展检 [...]
The recent resolution 1976 (2011) sets out a number of key deliverables, and UNPOS is actively engaged with the Office of Legal Affairs in urgently
preparing a report to the Council on
[...] establishing specialized courts to try pirate suspects, and in [...]
continuing to develop prosecution
and prison capacity throughout the region, as recommended in the Lang report (S/2011/30).
为了减轻艾滋病感染对妇女健康的影响、防止母亲将艾滋病毒传 给子女,摩尔多瓦制定并公布了《防止艾滋病毒/艾滋病母婴传播指南》,同时 在母婴保健科学研究中心成立了门 的 预 防 机 构,巴蒂自治市妇产中心也成立了 相应的机构。
In order to diminish the influence of the HIV/AIDS infection on the women’s health and prevention of the mother to child transferral, the guide “HIV/AIDS infections with mother cu child transmission” was developed and published, specialised centres in the Scientific Centre of Mother and Child Healthcare have been created, as well as in the perinatal Centre in municipality of Balti.




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