单词 | 防洪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 防洪 —flood controlless common: flood prevention 防洪 noun —flood protection nSee also:洪 adj—big adj 洪—surname Hong 防 v—protect v • prevent v • defend v • guard against v
教科文组织发布了一套新的国际防洪 计 划 丛 书,这将对与水有关的灾害治理理论和实践做出重大贡献。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO launched a new IFI book series that will provide a significant contribution to water-related disaster management theory and practice. unesdoc.unesco.org |
借助堤坝,河流的防洪和通 航问题均能明显改善。 voith.com | With the help of [...] dams, they provide flood protection and improve the [...]navigability of rivers. voith.com |
各国政府可能也感到在突尼斯和其他国 家发生的事件打开了防洪闸, 因此对抗议活动采取了强硬手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | Governments may also feel that the floodgates have been opened by the events in Tunisia and other countries, and take a hard line on protest. daccess-ods.un.org |
除此之外,还有为使防洪工作 符 合现行洪水安全标准而编入预算的费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | They are additional to the costs already budgeted for [...] bringing the flood defences into compliance with present flood safety standards. daccess-ods.un.org |
绿化带旨在提高公民的生活质量和影响 [...] 城市扩张的动态;它们保护重要的生态系统服务, 如空气温度的调节和城市区域自然 防洪 的 提 供。 teebweb.org | Greenbelts are intended to improve citizens’ quality of life, and influence the dynamics of urban sprawl; they secure important [...] ecosystem services such as the regulation of air temperature and the [...] provision of natural flood control in urban areas. teebweb.org |
我們需要及時設置一個新的卸置設施,以應付卸置污染泥的需 [...] 求;否則,正在進行的及已規劃的大型基建工程項目 , 防洪 工 程 及航 道定期養護工程將陷於停頓或無法進行。 legco.gov.hk | We need to provide a new disposal facility in time to cope with the disposal demand; otherwise, implementation of [...] the on-going and planned major [...] infrastructure projects, flood protection works and harbour [...]maintenance dredging works will [...]either come to a halt or not be able to proceed. legco.gov.hk |
该框架将提供水域联合管理战略及多 [...] 用途大坝和相关水电方案、灌溉农业、稳定河流 、 防洪 、 渔 业发展、供水及道路 的具体投资计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | The framework will provide a joint management strategy for the waters and detailed investment plans for a multipurpose dam and associated [...] hydropower schemes, irrigated agriculture, river [...] stabilization, flood control, fisheries [...]development, water supply and roads. daccess-ods.un.org |
有關這個集水區的雨水排放系統全 [...] 面評估所得的結論是,必須改善現有的系統,以減低有關地區出現水 浸的風險,並滿足市民在改進防洪設 施 方面不斷提高的期望。 legco.gov.hk | A comprehensive assessment of the drainage systems in this catchment area concluded that the existing drainage systems [...] require improvement to alleviate the flooding risks in the districts and to meet the community’s increasing [...] expectation for better flood protection. legco.gov.hk |
我們認為有關裝置是必須的而且有成本效益地達致有關 的 防洪 目 的。 devb.gov.hk | The installations are considered necessary and cost effective to achieve [...] the respective flood control purposes. devb.gov.hk |
国际防洪计划 (IFI)在拉丁美洲及加勒比开展了关于强降雨事件特征的研究。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The International Flood Initiative (IFI) carried out research in [...] Latin America and the Caribbean on the characterization of maximum rainfall events. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,政府亦採取防洪措施,以確保島嶼安全,例如植樹及護礁等,亦努力避免國民受海平面高漲波及,制定「安全島嶼策略」,遷移高風險島嶼居民至較安全、較大的島嶼,實際成效如何則取決於執行是否徹底。 thisbigcity.net | The Maldivian government is also taking action to protect its citizens from the ravages of higher waters, instituting the “safer island strategy”, which would effectively relocate residents of at-risk islands to better-protected, larger islands. thisbigcity.net |
与防洪 战略 一样,有关选择哪些滑坡进行保护的决策也应 由地方层面做出。 teebweb.org | Similar to flood strategies, decisions [...] about which slopes to protect are determined at a local level. teebweb.org |
建築事務所、顧問公司等機構紛紛開發適用於整座城市 的 防洪 措 施 ,例如將人造溼地開闢為公園,同時做為海平面高漲的緩衝區,我目前住在阿根廷首都布宜諾斯艾利斯,美國遭逢颶風襲擊之時,當地也發生水災,原本在人造半島上的房地產開發案失敗後,改造為生態保育區(如下圖),此後協助市區防堵海水倒灌,紐約歷經風災後,亦有些人提出類似構想。 thisbigcity.net | In Buenos Aires, my current place of residence and a city that ironically [...] experienced flooding at the same [...]exact time as the hurricane hit in the US, [...]a failed housing development to be built on an artificial peninsula was later converted into an ecological reserve. thisbigcity.net |
例如,小型的 海湾和水湾以及防波堤、防洪堤及 其他人造建筑 下方就是被困的油类可能会再活化并随后污染其 他区域的地方。 itopf.co.uk | Small coves and inlets, as well as under jetties, piers and other man-made structures, are examples of locations from where trapped oil can remobilise and subsequently contaminate other areas. itopf.co.uk |
政府已開展試驗計劃,包括垂直綠 [...] 化公路隔音屏障(例如將軍澳近翠屏一段、八號幹線近蝴蝶谷一段)、公 共屋 升降機塔和外牆(例如東區海底隧道第 3 和第 4 期地盤)、學 校 (例 如將軍澳第 65 區小學、粉嶺第 [...] 36 區中學),以及其他政府建築物(例如 大龍獸醫化驗所新翼、大坑東防洪抽 水 站)。 devb.gov.hk | The Government has embarked upon pilot schemes such as vertical greening for noise barriers along highways (e.g. Tseung Kwan O near Tsui Ping and Route 8 near Butterfly Valley), vertical greening at lift towers and external walls in public housing estates (e.g. Eastern Harbour Crossing Sites Phases 3 and 4), schools (e.g. primary school in Area 65, Tseung Kwan O and secondary school in Area 36, Fanling), other [...] Government buildings (e.g. New Annex Building in Tai Lung Veterinary Laboratory [...] and Tai Hang Tung Flood Pumping Station) etc. devb.gov.hk |
珠江的洪、涝、风暴潮灾害频繁, 防洪 问 题 极为突出。 surekam.com | Flood, waterlogging, storm disasters occur frequently to Pearl River, So, flood control is [...] extremely important. surekam.com |
委员会了解到泰 [...] 国最近在遭遇洪灾方面的经历及其打算制订一项水事管理计划,以便 建立更多的防洪设施和严格控制土地的控制,从而使所有利益攸关方 [...]都能从中获益。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee was informed of Thailand’s experiences with the recent floods and of its intention to [...] develop a water management plan, to [...] construct additional flood protection barriers and strictly [...]enforce land use control for [...]the mutual benefit of all stakeholders. daccess-ods.un.org |
很多情况下,大坝对物种和生态系统造成了巨 大的不可挽回的损失,包括对以下方面的影响:森 林和野生动植物生态环境、水生物的多样性、上游 和下游的渔业;还有下游漫滩、湿地、流域、河口 [...] 以及邻近的海洋生态系统 —— 诸如防洪、水质维 护、洪灌农业和渔业等。 banktrack.org | In many cases, dams have led to a significant and irreversible loss of species and ecosystems.This includes the loss of forests and wildlife habitat, aquatic biodiversity, upstream [...] and downstream fisheries, and the services of [...] downstream floodplains, wetlands, [...]and riverine, estuarine and adjacent marine ecosystems – i.e. banktrack.org |
超过 12 000 [...] 名技术和非技术人员,通过修复涵洞、修补路面和街道、加强 防洪结构 和改进排水系统等项目,获得款项。 daccess-ods.un.org | Over 12,000 skilled and unskilled persons have received funds through projects [...] to restore culverts, repair pavements and [...] streets, strengthen flood protection structures and [...]improve drainage systems. daccess-ods.un.org |
联邦政府拨出了马币三千六百万以进行亚庇市附近的丹拜河(Sg. [...] Dambai),孟加达河,必打卡士河和摩约河 的 防洪 计 划 工程项目,该工程是属于第十大马计划中的第一滚动计划(2011-2012年)。 e-sabahdaily.com | In the Kota Kinabalu area, like the Sg [...] Dambai under the Flood Mitigation Project [...]of Sg Menggatal, Sg Petagas and Sg Moyog [...]was given RM36 million Federal allocation under the 10th Malaysia Plan 1st Rolling Plan (2011-2012). e-sabahdaily.com |
长期以来,由于各种原因,防洪非工 程措施建设滞后、基础工作薄弱,尤其是流域干支流水文站点、水库报汛站点没有考虑全流域防汛抗旱要求,测报设施普遍落后,设备老化,测报信息上报困难,珠江水情测报缺乏统一管理和协调机制,每遇大洪水等紧急状况往往“测不到、测不准、报不出”,不能满足珠江防汛抗旱、水资源配置、水环境保护的协调、管理和决策需要。 surekam.com | Hydrological stations on main streams and branch streams and blood reporting stations at reservoirs don't take the overall river basin flood control requirements into account. surekam.com |
多年来,包括飞力、Lowara、Leopold和Sanitaire品牌在内的Xylem产品帮助伦敦有效应对挑战,例如监控全球最大的可移 动 防洪 坝 , 以及在英国最繁忙的金融区输送水资源。 impeller.xyleminc.com | Over the years, Xylem products – including Flygt, Lowara, Leopold and Sanitaire – have helped London solve these [...] challenges, from monitoring one of the world’s [...] largest movable flood barriers to transporting [...]water in one of the UK’s busiest financial districts. impeller.xyleminc.com |
与此同时,以确保防洪安全 、粮食安全、城乡供水安全和生态环境安全为总体取向,全面建设防灾减灾、水资源优化配置和水生态保护等水利支撑体系。 kincle.net | At the same [...] time, to ensure flood safety, food security, [...]rural and urban water supply security and ecological security for [...]the overall direction, building a disaster prevention and mitigation, optimal allocation of water resources and water ecology protection water support system. kincle.net |
双方 支持全体巴州金融服务业努力将可持续性环境保护纳入到公司的经济业 务 [...] (如在“公私伙伴关系”(PPP) 中开展合作项目,又如联合调研气候变 化、防洪等问题) 。 stmug.bayern.de | This measure also supports the joint efforts of the financial service providers in Bavaria in the implementation of sustainable environmental management (e.g. cooperations in the field of [...] Private-Public-Partnership, in the field [...] of joint studies on flood control and climate [...]change) in the different business segments of the companies. stmug.bayern.de |
针对中小河流防洪标准 低,泥石流、滑波、山洪等灾害监测与防御能力不足的实际,推开全省中小河流治理工作,提高中小河流 堤 防防洪 能 力,抵御常见洪水;加大易灾区小流域综合治理力度,推进水土保持生态治理进程,完善以小流域为单元的水土保 持 防洪 减 灾 体系建设。 kincle.net | Low standard for small and [...] medium rivers flood, debris flow, landslide, flash floods and other disasters, lack of monitoring and the actual defense, pushing the province's management of small and medium rivers, small river embankments to improve flood control capacity, against common floods; step easy to hit small basin management efforts to promote soil and water conservation ecological management process, improve the small watershed flood control and water [...]conservation system. kincle.net |
我们采取这一立场是由于我 们认为,在物质环境允许为公民提供更好的保护时, 安全将得到加强,可以从提供电灯照明、开通道路、 建造医院和修建防洪水道等服务开始。 daccess-ods.un.org | This position is based on our view that security is strengthened when the [...] physical environment allows [...] for greater protection of citizens, starting with services such as electric light, access routes, hospitals and anti-flooding waterways. daccess-ods.un.org |