单词 | 防暑降温 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 防暑降温 —prevent heatstroke and reduce temperatureSee also:暑温—summer-warm disease (TCM) 降温—lower the temperature • become cooler • (of interest, activity etc) decline 降温 n—cooling n
我們亦會繼續舉辦宣傳活動,提高業 界對預防工作時中暑、職 業病和與工作有關的疾病的認知。 legco.gov.hk | We will also continue with our publicity programmes to raise [...] awareness of the prevention of heat stroke at [...]work, occupational diseases, and work-related diseases. legco.gov.hk |
同样,此操作适合在温度最高的阶段进行,因为随作 业 温 度 增 加,母液粘 度 降 低 ,洗 涤效力增强。 exxonmobilchemical.com.cn | Once again, the warmest stage is favored for this [...] operation because the effectiveness of the wash [...] increases with operating temperature due to reduced mother liquor [...]viscosity. exxonmobilchemical.com.cn |
生产间歇进行降温,以节省能源,并 防 止 材 料碳化 graco.com | Temperature setback conserves energy during production breaks and prevents material charring graco.com |
洪水、 干旱、酷暑和不 规律的天气模式导致粮食产量 下 降 , 能 源价格上涨,世界粮食供需 不稳定。 fao.org | Floods, droughts, heat waves, and unusual weather patterns reduce food output, raise energy prices, and destabilize the supply and demand of the world’s food. fao.org |
就預防中暑方面 ,僱主有法律上的責任,為他們在酷 熱環境中工作的僱員評估風險及採取適當的預防措施,包括提供 [...] 足夠的可飲用水。 legco.gov.hk | In respect of the prevention of heat stroke, it [...] is therefore the legal responsibility of employers to assess such risks [...]for their employees working in a hot environment and take appropriate preventive measures including the provision of potable water. legco.gov.hk |
这些替代工作场所战略的可持续裨益将包括减少纸张的使用、减少供暖 和降温、更 进一步的空间利用以及减少通勤和旅行污染。 daccess-ods.un.org | The sustainable benefits of these alternative workplace strategies include reduced paper use, reduced heating and cooling, greater space utilization as well as reduced commuting and travel pollution. daccess-ods.un.org |
设备运转停止后不要立即进行拆卸作业,要等到完 全 降温 后再进行拆卸。 kosmek.co.jp | preventive device are in place, shut off the air of hydraulic source and power and make [...] sure that no pressure exists in in the hydraulic circuit. kosmek.co.jp |
勞 工 處 更 特 別 為 非 空 調 巴 士 的 車 長 提 供 預 防 工 作 時 中 暑 的 培 訓 , 及 向 其 僱 主 提 出 一 系 列 預 防 中 暑 的 建 議 , 包 括 避 免 安 排 非 空 調 巴 士 在 酷 熱 時 段 行 駛、安 排 有 相 關 駕 駛 經 驗 的 車 長 駕 駛 非 空 調 巴 士 、 提 供 足 夠 清 涼 飲 用 水 及 個 人 降 温 用 品 、 以 及 增 加 有 關 車 長 的 小 休 時 間 等 。 legco.gov.hk | These included avoiding arranging non-air-conditioned buses to run in very hot periods, arranging captains with relevant driving experience to operate non-air-conditioned buses, provision of adequate cool drinking water and personal cooling devices, and increasing the duration of rest breaks for the captains concerned. legco.gov.hk |
有關檢控涉及僱主沒有提供足夠的 飲用水及僱主沒有提供預防中暑的工 作系統。 legco.gov.hk | The prosecution cases involve employers' failure to provide adequate drinking water or a [...] work system that prevents heat stroke. legco.gov.hk |
就預防中暑而言,僱主有法 定責任為在酷熱環境下工作的僱員評估風險,並採取適當的預 防措施,例如在方便的位置供應足夠的飲用水,提供有遮蔭上 [...] 蓋的工作和休息地點、通風設施,以及為工人提供訓練。 legco.gov.hk | In respect of prevention of heat stroke, the [...] employers had the statutory responsibility to assess the risk of their employees [...]working in a hot environment, and to take appropriate preventive measures, such as provision of adequate drinking water at readily accessible locations, sheltered work and rest areas, ventilation facilities and training for workers. legco.gov.hk |
在外墙外保温系统的作用下,大包装箱中的温度在两个星期内始终保持在5摄氏度,所以尽管 高 温 酷 暑 , 仅 有不到20%的冰融化成水。 wacker.com | Thanks to the EIFS, the inside temperature of the large packing crate was maintained [...] at a constant 5 °C throughout the entire two weeks, so that only 20% of the ice [...] melted despite the summer temperatures. wacker.com |
为了生产这些产品,需要一个非常严格控制的冷冻水系统,因为那些模具必须在一个极端低温下冷却,并且机器本身也需要冷 却 降温。 tahydronics.com | Producing these goods requires a carefully controlled chilled-water [...] system, as the moulds have to be [...] cooled at very precise temperatures, and the machines [...]themselves also require cooling. tahydronics.com |
新的捐款多数与气候变化有关,包括地 球 降温 伙 伴 关系和世界银行森林碳伙伴关 系融资机制还在积极与发展中国家合 作 降 低 温 室 气 体排放,从而推动可持续森林 管理方面发挥了作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some new financial contributions, mostly in the context of climate change, including the Cool [...] Earth Partnership and [...] the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility of the World Bank, were also recognized as cooperating actively with developing country efforts aimed at reducing greenhouse emissions [...]and thereby promoting [...]sustainable forest management. daccess-ods.un.org |
特區政府應一併立法 限制酷熱天氣警告生效時的工時上限,規定僱主安排足夠休息時間和食 水予僱員,並提供預防中暑的設施。 legco.gov.hk | The SAR Government should at the same time legislate to cap the maximum hours of work when the Very Hot Weather Warning is in force, [...] requiring employers to provide adequate rest breaks, portable [...] water and heat stroke prevention facilities for their [...]employees. legco.gov.hk |
(四 ) 除了《職業安全及健康條例》(第 509章 [...] )、《工廠及工業經 營條例》(第 59章 )及 “酷熱環境下工作預防中暑”指 引外, 現時有甚麼其他法例及工作指引保障在酷熱天氣下工作的 [...]僱員;當局有否計劃修訂有關的法例( 包括加重違規的罰 則 )? legco.gov.hk | (d) apart from the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance (Cap. 509), the Factories and Industrial [...] Undertakings Ordinance (Cap. 59) and [...] the guidelines on "Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work [...]in a Hot Environment", what other [...]legislation and working guidelines are currently in place to protect employees at work under hot weather; whether the authorities have plans to amend the relevant legislation (including the imposition of heavier penalties for contravention)? legco.gov.hk |
(b) 外展探訪 - 我們聯同業界工會到訪巴士、的士、小巴、 電車等大型公共交通交匯處、工廠載貨區及貨櫃碼頭等, 向職業司機派發職安健宣傳資料,如預防措施指引、毛 巾、降溫頸帶和水樽等,直接向他們宣傳職安健及 預 防中 暑訊息。 legco.gov.hk | (b) Outreach visits - We pay visits to large public transport interchange areas of buses, taxis, public light buses and trams, etc, factory loading areas and container terminals together with representatives of relevant workers’ unions. legco.gov.hk |
我們亦與職安局、建造業議會,及有關僱主組織和職工 [...] 會合作,攜手宣傳相關訊息,例如到工作地點(如建築地盤和户外 清潔工作場所)進行推廣探訪,實地向工友推廣 預 防 中 暑。 legco.gov.hk | We had also launched promotional efforts in collaboration with OSHC, the Construction Industry Council, employers’ associations and workers’ unions such as conducting promotional visits to workplaces [...] (e.g. construction sites and outdoor cleansing [...] workplaces) to promote the prevention of heat stroke among [...]workers on site. legco.gov.hk |
汽爆法:汽爆物料可在汽爆的过程中将热能转为机械能,将木质素与纤维素分离及支链淀粉溶解,同时还伴随产生膨 胀 降温 的 物 理过程,可使物料在0.00875S的时间内,从爆前的摄氏2 50 度 降 至 室 温 , 因 此没有物料冷却过程,直接进入下一生产环节,其生产节奏仅是保压所需的1—2分钟。 gentle-st.com | Steam explosion method: steam explosion burst the material in the process of steam will heat to mechanical energy, the separation of lignin and cellulose and amylopectin dissolved, accompanied by the physical process of cooling resulting expansion will enable [...] the material in [...] 0.00875S time, from the explosion before the 250 ° C to room temperature, the cooling process so there is no material directly into [...]the next production [...]processes, the production rhythm is only required holding pressure for 1-2 minutes. gentle-st.com |
(三 ) 過去3年,勞工處不時聯絡長期從事戶外工作的行業,向僱 主和僱員推廣加強預防工作時中暑的 措施,保障員工的職 業安全及健康。 legco.gov.hk | (c) In the past three years, the LD liaised with the sectors engaged in [...] long-term outdoor work from time to time to [...] promote measures to prevent heat stroke at work [...]to employers and employees, so as to [...]safeguard the occupational safety and health of workers. legco.gov.hk |
到年底,该区域最大的经济体巴西开始采取更多措 施来刺激投资和消费,而其他国家则宣布加速公共投资,或采取其他措施来应对 经济降温超过预期幅度的可能性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Towards the end of the year, Brazil, the region’s biggest economy, began to take additional steps to stimulate investment and consumption, while other countries announced the acceleration of public investment or other measures to confront the possibility of a deeper-than-expected cooling of the economy. daccess-ods.un.org |
空气还可通过水帘降温系统进行冷却。 bigdutchman.de | The air can be cooled additionally by means of the Pad Cooling system. bigdutchman.de |
牛舍环境技术,例如通风板、幕帘、循环风扇、照明、奶 牛 降温 、 粪 道清粪、粪沟清粪、干湿分离和粪便输送等,均采用简单、一体化的方式进行操作,有利于提高效率并减少对环境的影响。 delaval.cn | Barn environment technologies like panels, curtains, circulating fans, illumination, cow cooling, alley cleaning, gutter cleaning and manure transfer are all handled in an easy, integrated way contributing to higher efficiency and lower environmental impact. delaval.com |
(d) 上述(e)項包括電機裝置、通風及空氣調節系統 ; 防火 裝置;升降機和 行人扶手電梯;窗戶清潔設備等。 legco.gov.hk | (d) Item (e) comprises electrical installations, ventilation and [...] airconditioning; fire protection system; lifts and escalators; [...]window cleansing equipment etc. legco.gov.hk |
蒸汽在虹吸盘管内凝结、从而可防止 高 温 蒸 汽 影响压力仪表 的传感元件。 swagelok.com.fr | The vapor condenses inside the coil [...] of the siphon, preventing the hightemperature vapors from reaching [...]the sensing element of the pressure instrument. swagelok.com.fr |
在預防工作時中暑方面 ,我們與職安局、建造業議會,及 有關僱主組織和職工會合作,在 2011 年 4 月至 9 月期間針對一些 風險較高的工作場所(如建築地盤、戶外清潔工作場所、貨櫃場 等),進行了一連串的推廣和教育工作,以加強有關的僱主和僱 員對預防工作時中暑的認識。 legco.gov.hk | On the prevention of heat stroke at work, we collaborated with the OSHC, Construction Industry Council, and relevant employers’ associations and workers’ unions to launch a series of focused publicity and educational activities between April and September 2011, targeting workplaces with a higher risk of heat stroke (e.g. construction sites, outdoor cleansing workplaces, container yards, etc.) to enhance the awareness of employers and employees on prevention of heat stroke at work. legco.gov.hk |
為了 向僱主及僱員提供指引,以評估工作場所的中暑風險,勞工處 已製作和發布《預防工作時中暑的風險評估》核對表,亦會致 力推動業界更廣泛採納建造業議會發出的《在炎熱的天氣下工 作的工地安全措施指引》。 legco.gov.hk | To provide guideline for employers and employees in assessing the risk of heat stroke at their workplaces, LD had developed and publicized a checklist on "Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work". legco.gov.hk |
同時,這些功能與直 覺式使用者介面的深度整合可簡化整體安全政策的建立與監 控、為客戶提供同等級產品中的最佳安 全 防 護 ,同 時 降 低管 理各點解決方案的複雜性與成本。 watchguard.com | At the same time, the deep integration of these functions and an intuitive user interface streamline the creation and monitoring of the holistic security [...] policy, giving [...] customers best-in-class security while eliminating the complexity and cost of managing [...]disparate point solutions. watchguard.com |
勞工處亦向機場地勤公 司及機場管理局,提供有關加強預防 中 暑 措 施 的建議,並 曾為有關機構的管理人員和前線員工舉辦健康講座,提高 他們對預防中暑的認識。 legco.gov.hk | The LD also provided recommendations on [...] strengthening heat stroke preventive measures to the airport ground handling service operators and the Hong Kong Airport Authority, and organized health talks for the managerial and front-line staff of the organizations concerned to enhance their awareness of heat stroke prevention. legco.gov.hk |
鑑 於 炎 熱 天 氣 及 風 季 來 臨,我 們 已 加 強 執 法、教 育 及 推 廣 工 [...] 作,敦 促 持 責 者 採 取 預 防 中 暑 的 措 施 及 在 惡 劣 天 氣,例 [...]如 颱 風 情 況 下,須 採 取 有 效 及 適 當 的 工 作 安 排 [...], 以 確 保 所 有 從 業 員 的 安 全 及 健 康 。 legco.gov.hk | In view of the coming hot weather and typhoon season, we have stepped up our efforts on enforcement, [...] education and promotion to urge [...] duty-holders to take precautionary measures against [...]heat stroke, and to make effective and [...]suitable arrangements to ensure the safety and health of workers at times of inclement weather conditions, such as typhoon. legco.gov.hk |
d) 耗冷量的能质系数 [...] 为了满足建筑物夏季供冷的需要,在现有技术条件下,被处理的空气一般都要达到露点 以下,冷却同时伴随着除湿,即在 降温 的 同时要消耗额外的能量来进行除湿。 greencouncil.org | To meet the demand of buildings for cooling in summer, with the current technical conditions, the temperature of processed air is generally below the dew point, and the cooling process [...] is accompanied by dehumidifying, that is, there is extra energy consumption for [...] dehumidifying with the temperature drop. greencouncil.org |