单词 | 防晒油 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 防晒油 —sunscreensun blockSee also:防晒—sunburn protection 晒 n—sunburn n • solarization n 晒—(fig.) expose and share (one's experiences and thoughts) on the Web (loanword from "share") • bask in (the sunshine) • dry (clothes, grain etc) in the sun • (of the sun) shine on • (coll.) give the cold shoulder to
如果用于防晒油等无 水产品体系的添加剂,则可为肌肤带来平滑、干爽的触感。 cn.lubrizol.com | It is ideal for use as an additive in anhydrous [...] systems, such as sunscreen oils, where it confers [...]a smooth, dry feel to the skin. lubrizol.com |
G-66在用于防晒油、防晒露、防晒喷雾等防晒配方产品或晒后护理产品时,可为肌肤带来极舒适的感觉。 cn.lubrizol.com | G-66 provides excellent skin feel when used as an [...] ingredient in suncare formulations, including oils, lotions, sprays [...]and after-sun products. lubrizol.com |
使用Wacker-Belsil®硅树脂凝胶的唇笔和 防晒 霜 还具 有 防 水 和 防油 性 能。 wacker.com | What’s more, Wacker-Belsil® silicone resin gel makes [...] lipsticks and sunscreens more resistant to water and oils. wacker.com |
防止因为日晒或油光引 起的晕染!使凌乱的睫毛变得规则服帖,加强纤长效果,持久有型。 clarinsusa.com | Fortifies bare lashes so they look long; stay strong. clarinsusa.com |
Bio-Oil 天然去疤美肤油」不含防晒功能 ,所以当「Bio-Oil 天然去疤美肤油」被皮肤完全吸收后需涂上防晒霜。 cosme-de.com | Bio-Oil should be applied to dry skin directly [...] after bathing or showering, and allowed to fully absorb before getting dressed. cosme-de.com |
保湿滋润的欧亚野李油结合SPF 15防晒值, 让皮肤焕发丝般柔滑光泽,避免中长波紫外线侵害。 clarinsusa.com | Enriched with [...] hydrating Mirabelle oil and SPF 15 skin stays satiny [...]smooth and protected against harmful UVA and UVB rays. clarinsusa.com |
夏季,其会选择更多的防晒产品 来保护白皙的皮肤,而不会像冬季一样,使用较为厚重 的 油 性 乳 液。 labbrand.com | In summer, [...] they will use more sunscreen cream to preserve the whiteness of their skin, and less thick and oily cream than they do [...]in winter months. labbrand.com |
穿着结实耐用的鞋袜、戴上宽沿帽、身着舒适的服装,并涂 抹 防晒 霜 和 驱虫剂。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Wear sturdy shoes and [...] socks, a hat, sunscreen lotion, comfortable [...]clothing and insect repellent. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
Dr Pharm Neroli 天然保濕SPF25防晒 BB霜多功能合一,保濕、隔離、遮瑕、粉底、潤色、 控 油。 glamabox.com | Dr Pharm Neroli Premium New Born BB Cream SPF25/PA+ is a multi-functional BB Cream, acts as a moisturizer, [...] concealer and foundation. glamabox.com |
本次展会的亮点包括非常适用于护发、护肤 和 防晒 产 品 的硅胶混合物BELSIL® GB 1020;数款基于几种不同硅油乳液调和而成的全新整合护发解决方案以及赋予个人护理品更多功效的双相个人护理品。 wacker.com | Highlights include the silicone gum blend BELSIL® GB 1020, ideally suited for hair care, [...] skin care and sun care applications, new integrated hair care solutions based on different types of silicone fluid emulsion, and [...]a dual-phase system which [...]can impart more functions to personal care products. wacker.com |
纯天然植物精油的世界,面部护肤, 防晒 美 颜 ,香薰洗浴,手足保养,纯露护体。 business-china.com | Pure natural plant volatile oil world, face protects skin, guards against exposes to sun beautiful face, [...] fragrant Xun taking [...]bath, hand and foot maintenance, pure dew protects body. business-china.com |
北京、上海及广州等地长时间在户外活动的人士,应当涂 抹 防晒 指 数至少为SPF 15 的 防晒 霜 , 特别是那些肤色白晳或对紫外线敏感的人尤其需要注意防护。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | The average person in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou who spends some time [...] outdoors running errands should [...] wear a sunblock with at least a sun protection factor (SPF) of [...]15, especially people who have [...]fair complexions or are sensitive to the sun. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
高度防晒及特 殊美白護理雙重功效,它獨有四倍NTP份子精華,能對抗污染,紫外線和控制自由基對肌膚的侵襲,在表皮能形成透明 不 油 光 的 保護膜,使肌膚整天顯現明亮光澤,白雪無暇,平撫皺紋,光彩煥發。 aster.com.hk | The Benefit comes from the ability of rose water to stimulate the skin, help boost skin's natural elasticity for a visibly smoother, firmer appearance, restoring the vitalty and moisture balance [...] of the skin on the face. aster.com.hk |
此外, [...] BELSIL® P 1101也可以作为成膜物质用在装饰性美容产品以 及 防晒 和 护 肤品当中。 wacker.com | BELSIL® P 1101 also acts as a film-former in [...] color cosmetics, sunscreen and skin-care [...]products. wacker.com |
在油过滤器 (135) 底座的周围放一块抹布,以防油 泄漏。 graco.com | Place a rag [...] around base of oil filter (135) to prevent oil from spilling. graco.com |
通过将番泻树、橄榄树、悬铃树和豌豆与猴面包树结合,娇韵诗实验室创造出了独一无二 的 防晒 护 理 产品——植物性阳光防护元素2(Phyto Sunactyl 2),能够保护皮肤细胞及其遗传免受太阳的侵袭。 clarinsusa.com | By combining senna, olive, plane tree and pea with baobab, Clarins Laboratories created Phyto-Sunactyl 2, the exclusive complex present in Clarins sun products which protects skin cells and their genetic inheritance against the sun’s aggressions. clarinsusa.com |
您可以将这些开关安装到喷漆钢、不锈钢或非金属外壳中,所有这些外壳均被认定为防冲洗 或 防油 和 切 削液。 ab.rockwellautomation.com | You can install our switches into painted [...] steel, stainless steel, or [...] non-metallic enclosures, all of which are rated to resist washdown or oils and cutting fluids. ab.rockwellautomation.com |
用CFL或LED燈改造現有的煤油防風燈 可為洪澇和颶風多發地區的臨時居民提供照明。 tipschina.gov.cn | Retrofitting existing kerosene hurricane lanterns [...] with CFL or LED lights can provide lighting for transient settlers in [...]flood and hurricane-prone areas. tipschina.gov.cn |
如果您喜爱沐浴在阳光下但是又不想遭受因晒伤引起的疼痛,那么建议您按时使 用 防晒 指 数 为SPF 15或者更高指数的广谱防晒品, 并结合应用其 他 防晒 方 法。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | If you enjoy sunshine but don’t want to deal with the pain caused [...] by sunburn, [...] regular use of a broad spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) value of 15 or higher, in combination [...]with [...]other protective measures, is recommended. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
在涂油前将木料晒干, 直至其开始褪色。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | Before oiling, allow the timber to weather [...] until it just starts to lose its colour. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
这些润肤剂可以通过更好地分散 UV 乳液中的活性成分来提高防晒系数 (SPF),展示其优良的持 久性。 talloil.se | These emollients [...] enhance the sun protection factor (SPF) by [...]better dispersing the active components of a UV lotion and exhibit excellent substantivity. talloil.se |
娇韵诗实验室在其Delicious Self Tanning Cream晒后护 理霜中结合了两种可可豆萃取物:具有滋养 、 防 脱 水和抗衰老特性的可可脂不皂化物,以及一种富含具有柔肤和抗自由基活性的多酚的可可萃取精华。 clarinsusa.com | In Delicious Self Tanning Cream, Clarins Laboratories have combined two Cocoa bean extracts: Unsaponifiables of Cocoa Butter (the most precious part of the lipidic fraction) with nourishing, anti-dehydrating and anti-ageing properties, and a Cocoa extract rich in polyphenols with a soothing and anti-free radical action. clarinsusa.com |
比如,与传统的对话类型的图片插入相比,媒体剪辑库任务面板能以更快速的,简单与直观 的 防晒 剂 进 行图片的插入与使用。 evget.com | For example, when compared to traditional dialog-style image insertion, Media Gallery Task Pane provides faster, easier and more intuitive way to insert and work with images. evget.com |
根据路博润研究人员的研究,聚合乳化剂(如丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交联聚合物)可在低粘度滴抗广 谱 防晒 护 理 配方中提供优异的乳化性能和稳定性。 cn.lubrizol.com | The use of a polymeric emulsifier such as acrylates/C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymer provides excellent [...] emulsification and stability [...] performance in drip-resistant broad spectrum low viscosity sun care formulations, [...]according to Lubrizol researchers. lubrizol.com |
这天,Lenawee县的居民可以把禁止归入一般 家庭垃圾的废弃物带来,如油彩和乳胶涂料、油漆、易燃 液体、废油、防冻液 、驱虫剂、气雾罐、碱或汞电池、荧光 灯管、灯泡等。 reports.wacker.com | The event is an opportunity for neighbors from Lenawee county to bring in almost anything [...] not allowed in trash [...] cans, such as oil and paints, flammable liquids, waste oil, antifreeze, insect repellents, spray cans, [...]alkaline and mercury [...]batteries, fluorescent tubes and incandescent lamps. reports.wacker.com |
该款围油栅采用耐 磨损、耐油蚀、耐曝晒材料,浮子采用抗紫外线辐射的高密度聚乙烯材料铸型而成,栏体采用双层洛氏围油栏专用的特殊纤维材料制 成,浮子与栏体用螺栓紧固在一起,并在浮子下方安装压载铅块或链条。 desmi.com | The floats are moulded in UV stabilised HD polyethylene, which are then bolted to a twin layer of RO-BOOM fabric and ballasted using either lead weight or chain beneath the floats. desmi.com |
当用紫外线杀菌系统来照射整个房间时,如手术室,操作人员应配戴保护眼镜或面罩来防止被紫外线照射到,穿尽可能多的衣服和用更多 的 防晒 霜 来 避免皮肤裸露在紫外线辐射区域内。 light-sources.com | When a germicidal UVC system is used to irradiate an entire room, such as a surgical suite, personnel should wear eye [...] goggles or face shields designed for ultraviolet exposure, and by covering as much skin as [...] possible with clothing or sunblock. light-sources.com |
產品簡介 功效: 特含50%嫩麥芽白滑精華,能充份潤白肌膚,改善肌膚細胞缺乏營養所致的暗啞膚色,S PF - 1 5 防晒 及 水 嫩配方,有效針對黑色素形成,去除黃氣及改善膚色不均現象及減低紫外線對肌膚的傷害; 配合近似人體天然保濕成份的氨基酸保濕劑,令肌膚長效鎖水,即時感受深層滋潤及注入無限營養,細紋表情紋也能迅速撫平。 aster.com.hk | Product Description Function: Concentrated 50% Wheat Germ extract and SPF-15 formula will control the melanin level and even skin complexion as well as prevent the harm of UVA and UVB by blocking the sunlight radiation. aster.com.hk |