单词 | 防控 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 防控 —take defensive measuresless common: control and protect
2011 年,国防部将该公司的所有权转给新的国 防控股公司 Ukroboronprom。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2011, the ownership of the company was transferred from the Ministry of [...] Defence to the new defence holding company Ukroboronprom. daccess-ods.un.org |
该系统对疾病防控方面 的数据收集、深入 分析、监测及风险传达过程,有莫大帮助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The System contributes significantly to the data collection, in-depth analysis, surveillance and risk communication processes for disease prevention and control. daccess-ods.un.org |
近期流感盛 行 ,多種 傳 染 病 亦可能 在 港 爆 [...] 發,鑒於兒童及長者 為 高 危 組 羣 ,有關 傳 染 病 對他們的健康 影 [...] 響 亦較嚴重, 本 會 促 請政府加強傳 染 病 防控工 作 , 擴 大傳染 病 防 疫 注 射 範圍, 包括為 [...]所 有長者 提 供 免 費 流感疫 苗 注 射 , 並 檢 討兒童免疫 [...]接 種 計 劃 , 因 應 傳 染 病 和 疫 苗 的發 展,研 究 引 入 新 的 疫 苗 , 減少市民 受 傳 染 病 感 染 的 危 機 。 legco.gov.hk | That, as influenza has been prevalent recently and there is also a possibility that a number of communicable diseases may break out in Hong Kong, and given that children and the elderly are high-risk groups whose health may be more seriously affected by these communicable diseases, this [...] Council urges the Government to [...] strengthen the prevention and control of communicable diseases, [...]expand the coverage of immunisation [...]against such diseases, including providing free influenza vaccination for all elderly people, as well as reviewing the Childhood Immunisation Programme and studying the introduction of new vaccines in the light of the development of communicable diseases and vaccines, so as to reduce the risk of the public being infected with communicable diseases. legco.gov.hk |
世衞建議,所有禽流感感染疑似個案的樣本經測試方法( 包括 快速抗原測試、病毒培植和甲型流感病毒聚合酶鏈反應測試) 得出陽 性結果後,必須送交指定的世衞 H5 [...] 參考實驗室作進一步測試及核 實,在國內即為北京的中國疾病預 防控 制 中心病毒學研究所。 legco.gov.hk | WHO recommends that any specimens with a positive result using testing approaches, including rapid antigen detection, virus culture and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for influenza A virus and suspected of avian influenza infection should be further tested and [...] verified by a designated WHO H5 Reference Laboratory, which corresponds to the Virology [...] Institute of Chinese CDC in Beijing. legco.gov.hk |
为了防治非传染病,我国采取了以下行动措施: 1992 年设立癌症登记册;2005 年批准《烟草控制框 架公约》;2006 [...] 年国民议会通过烟草控制法;2007 年 颁布了对影响女性的癌症实行免费治疗的法令;开展 了筛查和治疗癌症的工作;与国际原子能机构合作, [...] 建立了国家抗癌中心;国民议会通过有关设立官方管 理机构即所谓的国家抗癌中心的立法;以及起草了国 家防控非传染病战略计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | To fight against NCDs, my country has taken the following operational measures: the establishment of a cancer registry, in 1992; the ratification of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, in 2005; the adoption by the National Assembly of a law on tobacco control, in 2006; a decree providing free treatment of cancers affecting women, in 2007; campaigns to screen for and treat cancer; the construction, in partnership with the International Atomic Energy Agency, of a national centre to combat cancer; the adoption by the National Assembly of legislation relating to the creation of an official administrative agency known as the national centre for [...] the fight against cancer; and the drafting of a national [...] strategic plan for the prevention of and the fight against NCDs. daccess-ods.un.org |
在国家一级创建有效的援助机制,特别是在非传染性疾 病 防控 工 作 中, 将执行《公约》的工作纳入《联合国发展援助框架》。 daccess-ods.un.org | Creating an effective assistance mechanism at the national level, in particular through integration of Convention implementation in United [...] Nations Development Assistance Frameworks, especially in the [...] context of non-communicable disease prevention [...]and control. daccess-ods.un.org |
本集团敦促有关国际组织和伙伴加大向发展中 [...] 国家提供研究和能力建设方面的技术援助,以便改进 非传染性疾病防控工作 以及普及用药、医疗和诊断技 术工作,其中包括通过充分利用《多哈宣言》所载的 [...]灵活规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group urges relevant international organizations and partners to increase technical assistance for research and [...] capacity-building to developing countries in [...] order to improve prevention and control of non-communicable [...]diseases, as well as universal [...]access to medicines, medical and diagnostic technologies, including through the full use of the flexibilities contained in the Doha Declaration. daccess-ods.un.org |
应通过突出防控非传染性疾病的框架内在控制烟草方面所做的努力,扩 大关于烟草控制的宣传,使其受众超出烟草控制/保健专业人员以外的 [...] 各界。 daccess-ods.un.org | Communication on tobacco control should be expanded [...] to reach out to a larger audience, beyond that of tobacco control/health [...]professionals, by highlighting the tobacco control efforts within the context of the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases. daccess-ods.un.org |
支持定制化的全方位解决方案:支持完善的以太网、MPLS(多协议标签交换)、组播业务,部署先进的城域承载平台;支持IEEE [...] 1588v2和同步以太网,助力面向未来的融合承载;支持先进的深度报文识别和安 全 防控 , 支持多维的园区核心汇聚平台;支持虚拟化、FCoE(光纤通道以太网协议)和虚拟交换集群等,体现未来的“云端”承载平台。 zte.com.cn | It supports IEEE 1588v2 and synchronous Ethernet (for future [...] convergence of bearers), advanced deep packet inspection [...] and security control, and multidimensional [...]core convergence platform. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
其次,各国政府应该反对针对DDT的国际限制并截留所有来自反对使用“最佳现有技术”(包括DDT) 来 防控 蚊 子传播疾病的联合国机构的资金。 project-syndicate.org | Second, governments should oppose international restrictions on DDT and withhold all funding [...] from UN agencies that oppose the use of the “best available technology” [...] (including DDT) to control mosquito-borne diseases. project-syndicate.org |
中国正健全对艾滋病、结核病、血吸虫病、乙型肝炎等严重传染病的 预 防控 制和 医疗救治体系,对艾滋病、结核病、血吸虫病等重大传染病患者提供免费救 治,专门成立国务院防治艾滋病工作委员会、防治经费逐年增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | China is strengthening systems to prevent, control and treat serious infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, schistosomiasis and hepatitis B. It provides treatment free of charge for those suffering from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and schistosomiasis, and has set up a working committee on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment under the State Council; the budget for prevention and treatment is being increased yearly. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于预防、控制和 治疗传染病的第2/2004 号法律列明相关的疾病,及避免 传播传染病的预防措施,如要求进入澳门特区的人申报其健康状况;当出现对公 [...] 共卫生构成危险的情况时,要求入境者填写特定的健康申报书、出具医生声明书 和接受有关的医学检查;以及控制或限制进入澳门特区的动物、财物或产品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Law 2/2004 on the Prevention, Control and Treatment of Contagious [...] Diseases sets up a list of diseases and a number of preventive [...]measures in order to avoid the risk of propagation of contagious diseases, such as the duty of any person who enters the MSAR to declare his/her health condition, or, in case of danger to public health, to declare specific health information, to present medical certificates or declarations, or to be subject to a medical exam. daccess-ods.un.org |
Chapin 博士还是 NFPA 期刊编审委员会、美国化学学会、美国消防局/美国疾病 预 防控 制 中心/美国消费品安全委员会 (USFA/CDC/CPSC) 消防安全委员会,以及美国州级防火长官协会 (State Fire Marshal) 下的学校安全风险治理委员会的成员。 ul.com | Dr. Chapin also is on the editorial review board of the NFPA Journal and a member of the American Chemical Society, the USFA/CDC/CPSC Fire Safety Council and the National Association of State Fire Marshals' School Safety Committee for Hazard Abatement. ul.com |
鼓励会员国、联合国系统相关组织、国际机构、非政府组织、私营部门 [...] 和民间社会继续纪念世界疟疾日,并开展合作,在发展中国家特别是非洲减少疟 疾十年的最后一年中举办纪念活动,以便提高公众对 预 防 、 控 制 和医治疟疾和对 实现千年发展目标的重要性的了解和认识 daccess-ods.un.org | Encourages Member States, relevant organizations of the United Nations system, international institutions, non-governmental organizations, the private sector and civil society to continue to observe World Malaria Day and to collaborate in the observance of the final year of the Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa, in order to [...] raise public awareness of and [...] knowledge about the prevention, control and treatment of malaria [...]as well as the importance [...]of meeting the Millennium Development Goals daccess-ods.un.org |
世界动物卫生组织的总干事向食典委通报了以下情况:世界动物卫生组织与食 [...] 典工作有关的活动、最近与粮农组织和世卫组织签订的两项新的相互协议、其动物 生产食品安全工作组的工作(该工作组的成员包括具有食典背景的和来自粮农组织 [...] 和世卫组织的几位专家)以及 2005 年 5 月通过注重为预防、控制和 根除动物疾病制 定有科学依据的标准和方法的《2006-2010 [...]年战略计划》。 codexalimentarius.org | The Director-General of the OIE informed the Commission of the OIE activities relevant to the work of Codex, the recent conclusion of two new mutual agreements with FAO and WHO, the work of the OIE Animal Production Food Safety Working Group, whose membership included several experts having Codex background and from FAO and WHO, the adoption in May 2005 of the Strategic Plan for the period 2006-2010 with emphasis [...] on the development of science-based standards [...] and methods for the prevention, control and eradication of [...]animal diseases. codexalimentarius.org |
国际社会应继续为海地防控霍 乱疫情提供援助,防止疫情继续蔓延。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community should [...] continue to provide assistance [...] to Haiti in preventing and controlling the cholera epidemic [...]so as to prevent any further spread. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国国家疾病防控中心(CDC) —卫生与公共服务部(HHS)的13个主要运行组成部分之一,HHS是美国政府主要机构之一,负责保护美国人的健康与安全,并提供人类必需的各种服务,尤其是为残疾人提供服务。 camfil.cn | US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is [...] one of the 13 major operating [...]components of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which is the principal agency in the United States government for protecting the health and safety of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those people who are least able to help themselves. camfil.de |
GTSS于1998年由世界卫生组织、美国疾病 预 防控 制 中 心和其他一些合作伙伴共同发起,旨在帮助各国建立烟草控制 [...] 监测和监督系统。 world-heart-federation.org | GTSS was initiated in 1998 by the World [...] Health Organization (WHO), the [...] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and other [...]partners to assist countries in [...]establishing tobacco control surveillance and monitoring programs. world-heart-federation.org |
根据该决议,安全理事会认识到,需要加强努力,通过注重以下各方面 来防 控冲突 和冲突后局势下的艾滋病毒/艾滋病流行病 daccess-ods.un.org | Pursuant to the resolution, the Security Council recognized the need to intensify efforts to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic in conflict and post-conflict situations by focusing on the following daccess-ods.un.org |
对于那些没有并发症风险的女性,疾病 预 防控 制 中 心和美国妇产科学院建议成年人每天进行30分钟的适度运动,这与向其他人士建议的运动量相同。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | For those women not at risk of complications, the [...] Centers for Disease Control and American College [...]of Obstetricians and Gynecologists [...]recommend 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise for adults, the same amount it recommends for everyone else. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
在加入传播项目中心之前,他曾任Prospect Associates公司传播部和国际项目主任、Saffitz, Alpert & Associates公司总裁,以及Porter Novelli公司副总裁/客户部负责人,1979年在Porter Novelli公司时,他开始与美国全国卫生研究院、全国癌症研究院、全国心脏、肺部和血液研究院,以及美国疾病 预 防控 制 中 心一起,开展美国的烟草控制项目。 globaltobaccocontrol.org | Prior to joining CCP, he was Director of the Communication Group and International Programs for Prospect Associates, President of Saffitz, Alpert & Associates, and Vice President/Account Group Head at Porter Novelli, where in 1979, [...] he first began working [...] in US based tobacco control programs with the National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute, and Centers for Disease Control. globaltobaccocontrol.org |
加强收集和利用有关青年的各种活动和项目的信息 [...] (如出版两张只读光盘和其他出版物、开办电脑和网 络培训班);通过地区协商,改进青年政策和计划的 制定与管理;通过在青年中开展艾滋病预防与有关宣 [...] 传活动(如布基纳法索、罗马尼亚、印度、南非和突 尼斯),促使青年更多地利用信息和传播技术来预 防、控制艾滋病病毒/艾滋病。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Enhanced collection and availability of information concerning different youth activities and projects (e.g. production of two CD-ROMs and publications, computer literacy and internet training courses); Improved process of elaboration and management of youth policies and programmes through regional consultations; Increased use of ICTs in HIV/AIDS [...] prevention and management among young [...] people through AIDS prevention and information [...]activities for youth (e.g. Burkina Faso, [...]Romania, India, South Africa and Tunisia). unesdoc.unesco.org |
该组织积极参加由联合国组织主办的许多会议,其中包括:2008 年和 2009 年度召开的世卫组织肺结核防治会议;2009 年度抗击疟疾行动会议;2009 年度 世卫组织 [...] 非传染性疾病会议;儿童基金会参与的、旨在制定相关新政策和“补 [...] 锌工作组”成员(关于低收入国家治疗痢疾)建议的会议;与儿童基金会全面沟 通策略和肺炎与痢疾防控框架工作小组的会议;以及 2008 年开发计划署关于实 [...] 施全球抗击艾滋病、肺结核与疟疾基金会相关计划的会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The organization actively participates in several meetings hosted by United Nations organizations, including: the WHO Stop Tuberculosis meetings in 2008 and 2009; the Roll Back Malaria implementer’s meeting in 2009; the WHO meeting on non-communicable diseases in 2009; meetings with UNICEF to develop new policies and recommendations with members of the Zinc Task Force (for the management of diarrhoea in low-income countries); meetings of the UNICEF working group on a comprehensive [...] communications strategy and a framework for [...] pneumonia and diarrhoea control; and in a UNDP meeting [...]on implementers of programmes [...]of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in 2008. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 健全各 [...] 级季度管理监察制度和年度评 价制度,增强传染 性疾病防控 系统, 以通过扶 助机制制订 经常性工作计划来预防传染 [...]病、管理和 干预或预防其他传染病和提供服务 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Strengthening the system of quarterly administration and inspection, and annual evaluation at all levels [...] in line with the enhanced system of [...] communicable diseases control in order to use [...]the mechanism supportive to developing the [...]regular work plan, management, interventions for communicable diseases or protection of other epidemic diseases and service providing daccess-ods.un.org |
Presutti 先生(欧洲联盟观察员)也代表加入国 克罗地亚,候选国冰岛和黑山以及摩尔多瓦共和国、 [...] 塞尔维亚和乌克兰发言说,欧洲联盟对特别政治任务 供资和支助安排的报告晚发表示遗憾,但它期待深入 讨论这个问题,因为特别政治任务对 预 防 、 控 制 和解 决冲突非常重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Observer for the European Union), speaking also on behalf of the acceding country Croatia; the candidate countries Iceland and Montenegro; and, in addition, the Republic of Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine, said that, while the European Union regretted the late introduction of the reports on funding and backstopping arrangements for special political missions, it looked forward to a [...] thorough discussion of the topic, given the importance [...] of such missions for preventing, controlling and resolving conflicts. daccess-ods.un.org |
WFCA 為隸屬於國際消防長官協會的西部分會 [...] (IAFC)的10 個州的消防長官提供支援、晉升、和發展;並專注於為這個地區 預 防 、 控 制 、減少火災、災害、危險等情況。 ul.com | WFCA supports, promotes and develops chief officers in the 10 states included in the Western Division of the International Association of [...] Fire Chiefs (IAFC), and furthers [...] the interests of prevention, control, and mitigation [...]of fire, life safety and all hazards in the region. ul.com |
中国疾病预防控制中 心发行根据世界卫生组织的推荐在本地生产的流感疫苗,因此尽管每个国家可能有几家生产流感疫苗的厂商,但都根据预测出的病毒模型使用相似的配方。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | The Chinese [...] Center for Disease Control distributes several [...]locally manufactured flu vaccines all based on the same strains [...]as suggested by the World Health Organization, so although each country may have several manufacturers producing the flu vaccine, the formulations are similar based on predicted viral patterns. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007 静电防控标准 的设计是用于帮助组织设计、开发、实施及维护静 电 防控 , 以保护敏感的电子元器件及设备免遭大于或等于100伏特的人体模型静电干扰。 tuv-sud.cn | ANSI/ESD [...] S20.20-2007, Electrostatic Discharge Control Program Standard, was created to help organizations design, develop, implement and maintain an Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Control Program to protect [...]ESD-sensitive electrical [...]or electronic parts, assemblies and equipment from being damaged by Human Body Model (HBM) discharges greater than or equal to 100 volts. tuv-sud.cn |
在日本化学品管理方面,日本环境省环境保健部企划科化学物质审查室的濑川惠子女士介绍了日本化审法(CSCL),污染物排放和转移登记制度(PRTR)和其他污 染 防控 的 法 律。 chemlinked.com | As for the chemicals management in Japan, Ms Keiko Segawa introduced the [...] Chemical Substance Control Law (CSCL), the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) and [...] the other pollution control laws. chemlinked.com |