单词 | 防守 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 防守 noun —defenseAE n防守 verb —defend v防守 —protect (against)Examples:防守者—defender 划圆防守—counter (a stroke in fencing) 严密防守的 adj—secure adj See also:守 v—guard v • defend v 守—nearby • adjoining • keep watch • abide by the law • observe (rules or ritual) 防 v—prevent v • defend v • protect v • guard against v
鉴于本次区域危机的多重性,再加上边界难 于 防守 , 能 够很容易地在其他国 家发现邻国使用的武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the multiplicity of crises in the subregion and the porous borders, arms used in one country easily find their way into neighbouring countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 攻擊方持球球員在極陣內壓球觸地, [...] 同時也壓觸到極陣邊線或死球線(或超 越這些線)防守方會獲得22公尺反攻踢。 irblaws.com | (b) When an attacking player who has possession of the ball grounds the ball in in-goal and simultaneously [...] contacts the touch-in-goal line or the dead-ball-line (or anywhere beyond), a 22m drop-out [...] is awarded to the defending team. irblaws.com |
卡奥尔的城市是首都之处,著名的桥梁:桥Valentré的六尖拱和三 名 防守 塔 ,是,强化河跨度在欧洲的最佳。 leapfrog-properties.com | The city of Cahors is the capital of the department, famous for its [...] bridge: Pont Valentré with its six pointed [...] arches and three defensive towers and is the [...]best fortified river span in Europe. leapfrog-properties.com |
目前最佳 的防守策略 是以由底向上為主,緊貼信貸市況。 aia.com.hk | A bottom-up focus on credit [...] conditions remains our best defense. aia.com.hk |
雖 然美國(比重偏高,市盈率為10.9)和歐洲(比重偏低,市盈率 為8.8)的估值差距顯著,但這反映美國市場 具 防守 特 性。 abnamroprivatebanking.com | The valuation gap between the US (Overweight, with a price–earnings ratio of 10.9) and [...] Europe (Underweight, with a price–earnings ratio of 8.8) is significant, [...] but reflects the defensive nature of the US market. abnamroprivatebanking.com |
对于防守的一 方来说,它意味着将平民和民用物 体撤离军事目标附近地区,并避免将军事目标部署在 [...] 人口稠密地区或其附近。 daccess-ods.un.org | For those in defence, it means removing [...] civilians and civilian objects from the vicinity of military objectives and avoiding [...]locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然美因茨上周六在主场1-2负于多特蒙德,但他们仍是德甲本赛 季 防守 最 好 的球队之一,尤其是在主场。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Though Mainz 1-2 lost to Dortmund last Saturday, they are still one of the best defending team in Bundesliga, especially at home. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
这支部队部署在 一个严加防守的大 院内,大院外筑有反车辆路障、其他障碍物和沙袋堆成的炮火 工事。 daccess-ods.un.org | This unit is situated in a heavily fortified compound, which has anti-vehicle chicanes, barriers and sandbagged gun emplacements. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了小武器与轻武器的非法转让以及漫长 和防 守不严 的边界和领水缺乏监管与巡逻机制等长期得 不到解决的问题之外,非洲大陆还面临着新的和/或 正在出现的威胁,这包括毒品贩运与跨国有组织犯 罪、海盗和恐怖活动,例如最近对坎帕拉无辜百姓犯 下的卑劣恐怖主义行径。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to the perennial problems of the illicit transfer of small arms and light weapons and the lack of surveillance and patrol mechanisms for long and porous borders and territorial waters, the continent is also experiencing new and/or emerging threats involving narcotic drug trafficking and transnational organized crime, piracy and terrorist activities, such as the recent cowardly act of terrorism committed against the innocent citizens of Kampala. daccess-ods.un.org |
在地區層面, [...] 我們已調低對新興市場比重偏高的配置,對歐洲維持比重偏低的 部署,並調高美國 - 防守性最佳的地區 - 的部署至比重偏高 (見第11頁)。 abnamroprivatebanking.com | On a regional level this means that we have reduced our Overweight in emerging [...] markets, remain Underweight in Europe, and upgraded the [...] US – as the most defensive region – to Overweight [...](see page 11). abnamroprivatebanking.com |
防守型: (3070) 中國平安CSI香港高息股ETF ─ 以追蹤香港上市的30項高息股的ETF。 asset.pingan.com.hk | Defensive: (3070) Ping An of China [...] CSI HK Dividend ETF – a ETF designed to track 30 high divdend yield stocks listed in Hong Kong. asset.pingan.com.hk |
反攻踢是用來在攻擊球員把球弄進或帶進極陣內,在沒有違規的情形下而 有 防守 球員在那裡把球做成死球、或球運行到極陣邊場或死球線上或越過死球線以後, 使比賽重新開始的。 irblaws.com | A drop-out is used to restart play after an attacking player has put or taken the ball into the in-goal, without infringement, and a defending player has made the ball dead there or it has gone into touch-in-goal or on or over the dead ball line. irblaws.com |
为本报告之目的,并认识到下定义的难度,工作组所指私营军事公司和私 营保安公司(私营军保公司)包括从事各种保安协助、培训、供应和咨询服务的私营 公司,例如,范围从非武 [...] 装 后 勤支援、武装 保安警卫, 到参与 防守或进 攻性军事 和(或)与保安有关的活动,特别是在武装冲突地区和(或)冲突后情况下。 daccess-ods.un.org | For the purposes of this report, and while recognizing the definitional challenges, the Working Group refers to private military and private security companies (PMSCs) as including private companies which perform all types of security assistance, training, provision and consulting services, i.e. ranging from unarmed [...] logistical support, armed security guards, to [...] those involved in defensive or offensive military [...]and/or security-related activities, [...]particularly in armed conflict areas and/or post-conflict situations. daccess-ods.un.org |
毒品和小武器贩运依然是该次区域的一项严重关切,特别是 无人防守的边境地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | The trafficking of drugs and small arms continues to be a serious concern to the subregion, [...] especially across unguarded sections of [...]the border. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国耗资689亿美元,在防守中20 11,以上40%所有这些支出在全球范围内2011,根据斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所编制的数据。 zh-cn.seaphantom.com | The U.S. [...] spent $689 billion on defense in 2011, more than [...]40 percent of all such spending globally in 2011, according to [...]data compiled by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. ar.seaphantom.com |
两家公司都需要认真考虑聘用更多的公关和战略专家,以避免类似问题的出现,相关顾问可能会建议他们避开美国和澳大利亚的网络建设项目投标,并暂停他们在伊朗的活动,在被 迫 防守 前 先 就自身计划发表声明。 youngchinabiz.com | Both companies need to seriously consider hiring more public relations and strategy specialists to avoid these kinds of issues, as such consultants probably would have advised them to avoid both the US and Australian network-building bids, and also to suspend their Iranian [...] activities and put out statements on the [...] matter on their own initiative before being “caught” and forced to sound defensive. youngchinabiz.com |
同时你还需要在屋顶安置战士防守, 为 他们选 择 防守 武 器。 budapest-defen...n.uptodown.com | In your mission you have to place your fighters on the [...] top of the roofs and choose which weapon they'll use. budapest-defen...n.uptodown.com |
还有一种选择,雷丁在本周末的比赛中应该会更加注 重 防守 , 所以在比赛一开始可能会没有进球,因此你可以在一个比较合适的赔率下进行现场运行下注,但斯旺西最终应该仍会赢得这场比赛。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Alternatively, Reading [...] should be rather defensive this weekend, so [...]there is a possibility that there would be no goals early [...]in the game, following which you can take either bet Live in-running at a better price, since Swansea should still win this game eventually. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
投資組合策略及展望 鑒於歐洲局勢和環球增長極不明朗,投資組合定位將側重於抗 跌 防守 , 偏 好受周期影響較少的行業。 aia.com.hk | However, an out of index allocation to U.S. Treasury securities and overweight positions to integrated oil and electric utilities hindered performance. aia.com.hk |
新一集要求玩家發揮更多「技術性」,特意調整球員之間的速度差距,增加身體的碰撞程度;大大提高 A . I . 防守 球 員 的能力值,更講求個人的操控技術,極具競爭趣味。 think-silly.com | The focus is on technique this time, the difference of [...] speed between players are adjusted to [...] create more tension; defense ability of A.I. players [...]are hugely increased, therefore [...]more demanding of its player’s technique. think-silly.com |
该Reuchlinists,有“艺术与人类研究fosterers”,“亮,著名的男人”(clari viri),其批准书(Epistolæ clarorum [...] virorum)Reuchlin已刊登在1514年,在数量上和智力为主;的科隆党,由他们的对手“的蒙昧主义”(viri obscuri)的风格,更在防守比进 攻的意图。 mb-soft.com | The Reuchlinists, the "fosterers of the arts and of the study of humanity", the "bright, renowned men" (clari viri), whose approving letters (Epistolæ clarorum virorum) Reuchlin had published in 1514, predominated in numbers and intellect; [...] the Cologne party, styled by their opponents "the obscurantists" (viri obscuri), [...] were more intent on defence than attack. mb-soft.com |
在两位全球最佳防守型球 手的对决中,双方花了近三小时才能打破对方的发球局,直至德约科维奇打出可能是全场最佳的一球时,才暴露了穆雷强势还击中难以察觉的弱点。 audemarspiguet.com | With the [...] world's best two defensive players on opposite [...]sides of the net, it took nearly three hours for either player to [...]break serve, and then only when Djokovic produced perhaps the best point of the match to expose a rare soft spot in Murray's resolve. audemarspiguet.com |
除傳統單人模式外,還參考了初代《Tekken》的設定,增設兩人自由組合對戰形態,可中途交換控制人選、施展合作攻擊及呼召同 伴 防守 , 大 大加強遊戲的趣味和變數;但只要其中一角耗盡能量便即被判輸,換人的時機及對策成了勝負關鍵之一。 think-silly.com | Apart from traditional ‘single’ setting, there is also a ‘double’ — not unlike early “Tekken”. Two characters chosen by the users (who can also make a swap at any time) may team up to deliver special attack together and call for assisting attack, taking the game to the next level; when one character runs out of life line, the user must choose a new character, adding a strategic aspect to this battle. think-silly.com |
但作為 公務㆟員,他們須全面遵守《防止賄 賂條例》及其他適用於公務 ㆟員的條例的規定。 legco.gov.hk | However, as public servants they will be subject to the [...] full force of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance [...]as well as other legislation applicable to public servants. legco.gov.hk |
在黑山经营的银行和其他机构必须遵 守 《 防 止 洗钱和资助恐怖主义法》(第 14/07 号和第 04/08 号黑山政府公报),遵守黑山中央银行为防止洗钱和资助恐怖 [...] 主义而拟定的“银行风险分析准则”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Banks and other institutions operating in [...] Montenegro have to abide by the Law on the Prevention of Money-Laundering [...]and Financing of Terrorism [...]( , No. 14/07 and 04/08) and by the Guidelines for Risk Analysis for Banks to prevent money-laundering and financing of terrorism, as drafted by the Central Bank of Montenegro. daccess-ods.un.org |
12.1.1 申請機構須遵守《防止賄賂條例》 (第 201 章)的規定,並須告知其僱 員、次承辦商、代理和其他以任何形 [...] 式參與項目的人員,不得在進行項目 時或因項目的關係向任何人士提供或 索取金錢、饋贈或利益,或接受任何 人士的金錢、饋贈或利益(定義見 [...]《防止賄賂條例》)。 hketa.org.hk | 12.1.1 The project applicant [...] shall observe the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance [...](Cap. 201) (PBO) and shall advise their employees, [...]subcontractors, agents and other personnel who are in any way involved in the project that they are not allowed to offer to or solicit or accept from any person any money, gifts or advantage as defined in the PBO in the conduct of or in relation to the project. hketa.org.hk |
消除对妇女的暴力行为宣言》阐明,一旦出现 基于性别的暴力,不论是国家还是个人所犯,国家须克尽职守,履行义务。148 [...] 人权理事会和大会通过的无数涉及加强努力,消除一切形式侵害妇女暴力的决议 也敦促各国克尽职守,防止、 调查、追究和惩处侵害妇女和女孩的施暴者,并为 [...]受害者提供赔偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women spells out the obligation of States to exercise due diligence when gender-based violence occurs, whether perpetrated by the State or by private persons.148 In numerous resolutions relating to the intensification of efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women, the Human Rights Council and the General [...] Assembly have also urged States to act with [...] due diligence to prevent, investigate, [...]prosecute and punish the perpetrators of violence [...]against women and girls and to provide protection to the victims.149 86. daccess-ods.un.org |
按照《准则》的各项原则,并为了促进今后对采矿区(海底和水柱)以对 环境上和社会负责任的利用,减少其余与采矿有关的废弃物对环境可能造成的影 响,并遵守《防止倾 倒废物及其他物质污染海洋的伦敦公约和议定书》。 daccess-ods.un.org | Reduce the possible environmental impacts of mine-related waste in a manner that is consistent with the Principles of the Code and that will facilitate future environmentally and socially responsible use of the area [...] (both seabed and water [...] column) and complying with the London Convention and Protocol on the Prevention of Marine Pollution [...]by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter. daccess-ods.un.org |