单词 | 队 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 队noun—teamnless common: groupn squadronspl 队—squadronExamples:队伍pl—teamspl 队伍n—cadren 乐队n—bandspl orchestran
我们的 卫星队伍及服务由装设於大埔之十一枚高性能的天线负责监控,其中一枚天线为 [...] 11.3 米、一枚 9 米、 五枚 7.3 米和四枚 6.3 米。 asiasat.com | Our satellite fleet and services are [...] controlled and monitored from Tai Po’s eleven high performance antennas: one 11.3 metre [...]antenna, one 9 metre antenna, five 7.3 metre antennas and four 6.3 metre antennas. asiasat.com |
通过此次培训,项目团队成员的内控意识得到提高,对18项应用指引的内容有了深刻认识。 zte.com.cn | Through the training, members [...] of the project team have enhanced [...]their awareness of internal control and developed a thorough [...]understanding of the 18 Application Guidelines. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
我们的团队在亚洲建立具盈利的业务方面有良好往绩,而我们将继续执行我们的业务计划,以确保 [...] 我们所有业务能在将来持续发展。 aia.com | Our teamhas a proven track record [...] of building profitable businesses in Asia and we will continue to execute our business [...]plan to position all our businesses for sustained growth into the future. aia.com |
风险总监、集团风险管理团队以及彼等获提供的多源风险报 告有助行政总裁及高级管理层作出适当分析,以让彼等就本集团进 [...] 行 合 适 风 险 管 理。 glencore.com | The CRO, the Group [...] Risk Management Team and the multi-sourced [...]reporting available to them, help to equip the CEO and senior [...]management with appropriate analysis in order to allow them to conduct appropriate risk management of the group. glencore.com |
本人谨藉向各位股东、投资者及业务夥 [...] 伴之信任及支持致以衷心感谢;同时感谢董事会成员、 管理团队及员工努力不懈地为本集团作出贡献。 wqfz.com | I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our shareholders, investors and business partners for their trust and support, and would also [...] like to thank the members of the Board, the [...] entire managementteam and our employees, [...]for their dedication and hard work. wqfz.com |
如果您要依类别储存档 案 [...] (如客户档案、专案档案或财务归档档案);或如果您要依业务团队储存档案 (如市场行 销、会计或销售),则可能要执行此操作。 seagate.com | You might want to do this if you want to store files by category, such as client files, project [...] files, or financial archive files; or if you want to store [...] files bybusiness team, such as marketing, [...]accounting, or sales. seagate.com |
本公司拥有一支经验丰富的国际化管理团队,并获其主要股东中国五矿集团公司的支持。 mmg.com | The company benefits from an experienced [...] international management teamandthe support [...]of its majority shareholder China Minmetals Corporation. mmg.com |
我们的行政团队和员工 紧密合作,确保家长积极参与子女教育和有份决策过程,不分文化或语言背景。 sfusd.edu | Our staff and administration collaborate closely to ensure true engagement and shared leadership of all cultural and linguistic backgrounds. sfusd.edu |
有 人 仍 然 可 以 批 [...] 评 说 值 日 官 是警队的一员 , 但 我 们 [...]再 也 想 不 出 还 有 甚 麽 更 加 实 在 的 建 议 , 可 让 独 立 於 调 查 之 外 的 人 来 向 被 捕 人 提 供 所 需 的 资 料 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The criticism can still be made that he is part [...] of the policeteam but weare unable [...]to make any more practical recommendation [...]as to how an arrested person is to be given the requisite information by a person independent of the investigation. hkreform.gov.hk |
尽管如此,本人仍然信心十足,我们的团队将会采取迅速、强势兼具成效的措施,确保 [...] 本集团持续茁壮成长,并为股东带来长远利益。 cflg.com.hk | However, I am full for [...] confidence that ourteam will take prompt, [...]forceful and effective measures to ensure the health of [...]the Group and bring long term benefits to our stakeholders. cflg.com.hk |
有几名成员提议豁免包括纪律部队在内,提供 紧急服务的車辆,以及有实际运作需要的商业車辆,如冻柜車 和雪糕車等。 forum.gov.hk | A few members suggested exempting emergency vehicles including those of disciplinary forces and commercial vehicles with genuine operational needs, e.g. refrigerator trucks, ice-cream vans, etc. forum.gov.hk |
此设施支援亚洲卫星旗下卫星队伍之遥测、追踪及监控工作,让我们可以提升为客户而设的多项增值服务,例如 C 波段和 Ku 波段讯号上行链路服务、共享主站服务、多路单载波(MCPC)分发平台、设备托管及後 备支援服务。 asiasat.com | This facility supports the Telemetry, Tracking and Control (TT&C) activities of AsiaSat's fleet of satellites,enabling usto enhance value-added service offerings such as Cband and Ku-band traffic uplink, shared hub services, MCPC (Multiple Channels per Carrier) distribution platforms, equipment hosting and backup services to customers. asiasat.com |
彼 等 按 照 董 事 会 所 订 方 针 [...] 领 导 本 集 团 之 管理队伍,并 负 责 确 保设有 [...]适当 之内部 监控制 度及 本集 团 业务 符合 相 关法 律 及规 例。 vindapaper.com | They lead the [...] Group’s managementteam in accordance [...]with the directions set by the Board and are responsible for ensuring [...]that proper internal control system is in place and the Group’s business conforms to applicable laws and regulations. vindapaper.com |
由於威廉是全美 亚太裔耆老中心长者环境就业 计划的参加者而不是联邦政府 环境保护局的职员﹐他的名字 [...] 不会在奖项内﹐但他的监督主 任要确认他是获奖队伍内重要 的一份子﹐而全美亚太裔耆老 [...]中心亦认同他的成就。 napca.org | Because William is a NAPCA SEE Enrollee and not a Federal EPA employee, he will not be named on the award but his monitor wanted to be sure that he received [...] the recognition for being an integral part [...] of the winningteam,andwe at NAPCA [...]wanted to recognize his achievement as well. napca.org |
五矿资源定位独特,拥有一支经验丰富的国际化管理团队、香港联合交易所的公衆股权(28.3%)和最终控股 [...] 股东中国五矿集团公司(71.7%)的支持。 mmg.com | MMR is uniquely positioned with an experienced [...] international management team, public ownership [...]on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (28.3%) [...]and support of its ultimate controlling shareholder China Minmetals Corporation (71.7%). mmg.com |
建 立 机 制,吸 收 社 会 人 [...] 才,开 展 校 园 招生,为後备队伍培养种 子选 手。 vindapaper.com | The Group has also established the corporate executive trainee program, [...] to attract fresh graduates through campus recruitment to seek out candidates of good [...] potential as new bloodfor ourteam. vindapaper.com |
演出嘉宾包括有被喻为 “香港鼓王” 的恭硕良、EO2、蔚雨芯、香港超级巨声:陈国峰、曾臻及何雁诗,并联同本地乐队Scamper,Black Sheep 和Rush & Crush。 yp.mo | The performers have been hailed including Jun Kung, EO2, Rainky Wai; Penny Chan, Eileen and Stephanie Ho of The Voice at TVB, and lined up with the local rocks bands: Scamper, Black Sheep and Rush & Crush. yp.mo |
自2004年以来她一直为公司财务团队的一员,并曾担任SGS集团财务经理。 sgsgroup.com.hk | She has been part of the company’s [...] Corporate Finance team since 2004 and [...]previously held the position of SGS Group Financial Controller. sgsgroup.com.ar |
2007年七一游行人数点算计划由「香港大学学生研究队」全面负责,民意计划提供协助,民意计划主任锺庭耀担任顾问。 hkupop.hku.hk | The HKU Student ResearchTeam is fully responsible [...] for the 2007 July 1 Rally Headcounting Project, with the assistance of the Public Opinion Programme. hkupop.hku.hk |
剩余基础风险敞口乃对此进行积极管理的Glencore商品部门团队的主要专注点。 glencore.com | Residual basis risk exposures represent a key focus point for Glencore’s [...] commodity department teams who actively [...]engage in the management of such. glencore.com |
(b)向其他有关连人士提供服务所得之收入包括向国泰航空机队、港龙航空及华 民航空机队收取之维修费,以及向国泰航空收取之後勤支援及储存开支。 swirepacific.com | (b) Revenue from the provision of services to other related parties comprised maintenance charges for the [...] Cathay Pacific Airways fleet, [...] the Dragonair and Air HongKong fleetsas well as logistic support and [...]storage charges for Cathay Pacific Airways. swirepacific.com |
为使本公司之内部监控制度完善,并全面保障本公 [...] 司股东之投资及公司资产,本公司设有独立及客观之内部 审计队伍,负责检讨及监察本集团业务及其内部监控的各 [...]项重要范畴。 htisec.com | To maintain a sound system of internal control and safeguard our shareholders’ investments and the Company’s assets at all times, [...] the Company has an independent and objective [...] internalaudit team which reviews [...]and monitors all critical aspects of the Group’s [...]activities and its internal controls. htisec.com |
内控建设项目组邀请会计师事务所对内控自我评价团队成员进行内控测试专题 培训,培训内容包括内控测试方法、样本总体的确定、抽样方法的选择以及内 控执行缺陷的评价等,为内控自我评价工作的全面开展做准备。 zte.com.cn | Aspects of the training included internal control test methods, general determination of samples, options of sampling methods and assessment of deficiencies in internal control execution, etc., preparing the team for the full implementation of the self-assessment of internal control. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
我们一 [...] 直聚焦亚洲市场,奠定领先地位,并累积丰富的经验,配合我们雄厚的财务实力和积极进取的团队,使我们雄踞优越位置,尽享进一步增长的机会,为股东缔造强劲及可持续的回报。 aia.com.tw | Our focus on Asia Pacific markets in which we have a leading position and depth of experience, [...] combined with our financial strength and a [...] highlymotivatedteam,put us ina very [...]strong position to optimise opportunities [...]for further growth and generate strong and sustainable returns for our shareholders. aia.com |
由於中国公司主要专注中国市场,倘中国公司之潜在新海外客户(均为独立第三方)有 意向中国公司下发采购订单,中国公司之销售团队须转介、协助(即与新客户沟通及就下发 采购订单安排相关文件)及安排潜在新海外客户直接向BVI附属公司下发采购订单。 cre8ir.com | Since the PRC Company mainly focuses in the PRC market, when the potential new overseas customers of the PRC Company, who are all Independent Third Parties, intend to placethepurchaseorderstoit,thesalesteam of the PRC Company, refers, assists (i.e. communicate with new customers and arrangement for relevant documentations for placing the purchase orders) and arranges for potential new overseas customers to place the Purchase Orders directly to the BVI subsidiary. cre8ir.com |
凭 借 专 注 且 有 丰 富 经 验 的 高 [...] 级 管 理 层 及 专 业团队,本集 团 未 来 年 度 [...]将 可 成 功 实 现 其 业 务 目 标,并 为 股 东 创 造 更 大 价 值。 evoc.cn | Leveraging on our experienced senior management and [...] professional team, the Group will [...]successfully realize our business goals for [...]the coming year and maximize value for our shareholders. evoc.cn |
(a) 为推行项目而聘用的员工的按 年增薪额( 在客席研究员产业研 究计划7 下聘请的客席研究员除 外 ),惟就员工的生活费用作出的 调整则不受此限,但所调整的比 率应适用於公务员队伍并与其 相若。 itf.gov.hk | (a) annual salary increment for any staff recruited for implementing the project (except for the chairholder under the Industrial Research Chair Scheme7 ) other than cost of living adjustment at a rate comparable with and applicable to the civil service. itf.gov.hk |