

单词 阔佬

See also:


broad adj
wide adj
rich adj

man (Cantonese)


male n

External sources (not reviewed)

然而,必须把青年人的健康放在更广 阔 的 背 景上来看,因为有众多年龄老大 时生病的病例,根源都在童年和青年时期。
Nevertheless, the health of young people must be seen in a wider context, because a large number of cases of disease in later age have their root causes in childhood and adolescence.
在這科技時代,政府需要有遠見 、有才 幹 的 科技官 員,“萬佬 官”式的 管 理 官 僚 , 在這個新 環境下 只 會 是 吃 力 不 討 好 。
In this age of technology, the Government needs far-sighted and competent technocrats, and "omnipotent" management bureaucrats will only perform thankless tasks under this new environment.
行动 计划设想了范围广阔的措 施,包括职业培训、通过关于避免过度使用武力的法律 和行政指导原则。
The action plan envisaged a broad range of measures, including professional training, adoption of legislative and administrative guidelines for avoiding excessive use of force.
財政司應該「佬」些,而議員們亦 不用為機場的融資問題爭拗不休。
The Financial Secretary should be more "generous" whereas Members should not bicker over the issue of airport financing any more.
政府 將來究竟如何聯絡這些既沒有“佬 ” ,也沒有別人代表,只由自己代表 自己的青少年呢?
How will the Government contact these young people in the future who represent their own selves as they neither have any "big brothers" nor anyone to represent them?
The concept of Loyal Dining is derived from the idea of revisiting this colonial era, when East meets West.
所以,政府要作出改變,不要令㆟權法案成為㆒些「有 佬 」 的護身符,而其他 市民卻沒有辦法用其他途徑去挑戰政府違反㆟權的紀錄。
Therefore, the Government should make some changes, to stop BRO from acting like a protective shield for the rich, while making available no avenue to the rest of the public to challenge government actions in violation of human rights.
坦白說,大家心知肚明,民主黨、民協、民主派中有很多人支持這方案, 有很多人想它獲得通過,但那些“ 佬 ” 說不通過便不通過。
Frankly speaking, we all know full well that in the Democratic Party, the ADPL and the pro-democracy camp, many
people supported the proposals and wanted to see them passed but since those
[...] big shots said no, they could not [...]
be passed.
他們是以這樣的字 眼回應:“為何警察願意幫‘英佬 ’ 做事,而不願幫特區政府或中國政 府做事呢?
Their reply was: "Why would the police work for the British but not the SAR or the Chinese Government?
这归功于自东向西经大西洋吹到美洲大陆的季风,以及从赤道流向挪威海的暖流, 挪威海岸线的角度以及北冰洋的阔 路 径 将温和的气流和水流引向更高纬度。
This is due to the trade winds that blow east-west across the Atlantic to the American continent and the warm currents flowing from the Equator to the Norwegian Sea, where the angle of the Norwegian coastline and the open path to the Arctic Ocean guides the temperate air and waters to more northerly latitudes.
同時,我希望時光能夠倒流回復到我童年時的 光景,可以將保存下來而不再使用的電 等物料,跟“收佬”換取糖果, 以便有人可將那些物料再作其他用途。
I also wish that the clock could be turned back to the time of my childhood, when objects kept but no longer needed, such as electric wires, could be traded with "junk collectors" for candies so that some other people could use them for other purposes.
所以,主席,這個所謂無休止的爭論,真的是沒有辦法了,一定是無休 止的,除非我們可以說服全部數百萬人,令他們認同應如此繼續只為數個大 家族(或一小撮的大有佬)服 務,我們的政治權利、以至任何東西均應全 部奉獻給他們,否則,我相信這些爭論是沒法平息的,是一定會繼續的。
They must be endless unless we can convince all the several millions people into accepting that we should continue to serve the several prominent families (or a small group of rich), that we could surrender all our political rights, or even everything to them.
大家想一想,政府恐怕我們“酒佬 ” 欺騙 它,那麼,我們這羣“酒佬”又 會否相信政府?
The Government is afraid that we restaurant guys will cheat, but can we trust it conversely?
许多代表团指出里约+20 大会的主题之一是“在可持续发展和根除贫困
[...] 范畴内实行绿色经济”,但同时亦强调应从可持续发展的更为 广 阔 的 视 角看 待绿色经济。
Many delegations noted one of the themes of Rio+20, ―green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty
eradication‖, but emphasized that the green economy should be viewed in
[...] the broader context of sustainable [...]
食典委还注意到,基于 CAC/32 LIM/16 中列出的理由,欧洲共同体和挪威对以下农 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食用内脏、苹果和梨 中的氟硅唑(165)、辣椒和生菜中的乐果(027)、小麦中的马拉硫磷(049)、葡萄和番 茄中的灭多威(094)、花椰菜阔叶 苣 、苹果和桃子中的噻嗪酮(118),以及杏、甘蓝、 花椰菜、白菜头、牛奶、油桃、桃子、番茄、甜椒和玉米中的氯氰菊酯(146)。
The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community and Norway on MRLs for carbaryl (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole (165) in edible offal, apples and pear; dimethoate (027) in peppers and lettuce; malathion (049) in wheat; methomyl (094) in grapes and tomato; cypermethrins (118) in cauliflower, scarole, apples and peaches; and cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, milk, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, peppers sweet, and corn for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16.
燈紅酒綠的蘭桂坊每夜都會上映一幕幕各式各樣的激情故事,這一晚亦不例外:任職影樓助手的攝影師在一個派對中結識了剛與富二代分手的富家女;廣告仔拿錯了美女人妻的手機;股票行業務助跟班認識到私鐘妹,逐漸由憐生愛;負責在這裡一帶巡邏的 佬 碰 上任職夜店的女DJ,成為了一對熟識的陌生人.
A photographer hits it off with a girl that just broke up with her rich ex-boyfriend; an office boy in advertising mistakes his cell phone for a pretty married woman’s; a broker gets to know a prostitute a lot more than he should; and a patrol officer comes across a female DJ working at a night club.
這就是說,政府的老㆟退休金計劃以及所有修修補補的建議,包括今日原動議和 劉千石議員的修訂建議,都有這 3 個無可避免的壞處,屬於窮㆟冒充 佬 的 計 劃。
In other words, the OPS and all other patching up motions, including today's original motion and the amendment proposed by Mr LAU Chin-shek all have these three inevitable defects, and it is just a plan where the poor pretends to be rich.
這些單親家庭的母親 在申請時,丈夫基本上仍然在港,但當她們遞交申請後,丈夫可能因 突然意外離世或“佬”,甚至要求離婚,而令這些單親母親與她們的 子女輪候來港團聚的機會終止了。
When these mothers in single-parent families submit their applications, basically, their husbands were still in Hong Kong but after they had submitted their applications, their husbands might have passed away as a result of accidents, deserted them or even asked for a divorce and as a result, there was no more opportunity for these single-parent mothers to reunite with their children, who were waiting to come to Hong Kong.
很多時 候,在工作上,我們與一些工會“大哥”、貨櫃“ 佬 ” 傾 談,他們每天 工作13、 14小時,賺到13,000元、14,000元或15,000元入息的機會很 多。
Very often, in the course of our work, when we talk to the "big brothers" of some trade unions or "leaders" of container truck drivers, we learn that they work 13 to 14 hours a day and are likely to make an income of $13,000, $14,000 or $15,000.
開始時有非官首議員、當然議員,總之各種不同的議員,全部 均是吃飽飯沒事做的,逢星期三下午便來這裏閒談一番,提出一些意 見,然後便到隔鄰的木球會 ⎯⎯
[...] 在反英抗暴時期,那裏有很多人被 打 ⎯⎯ 看 “佬碌嘢”。
At the beginning, there were unofficial Members and ex-officio Members, in sum, various types of Members and all of them were sinecures. Every Wednesday, they would come here for a chat and voice some views, then go to the cricket club next doors ― in the
Movement Against the Violence of the British, many people were beaten up there ―
[...] to watch the "gwai los" roll their bowls.
他們當時只不過是問如何能提供較好的營商環境,而不希望再有像過 去般那 3 宗所謂的“佬”事件發生。
At that time, they were just asking how they could be given a better business environment and they did not want to see anything like the three cases of brokerage houses running away with their clients' shares.
其實,這或多或少反映了香港足球 的發展,因為一直以來,香港足球都是倚靠俗稱“班主”的有心人花錢組織 球隊,形成了有所謂的“佬足球 ”的現象。
In fact, this more or less reflects the development of football in Hong Kong because all along, football in Hong Kong has relied on enthusiasts of football, who are commonly called "football
bosses" to spend money
[...] to organize football teams, so the phenomenon of so-called "factory owners football" has [...]
不過,會計界一直向政府倡議,檢討香 港稅制,尤其是利得稅制,但政府對此卻是“ 佬 懶 理 ”。
However, although the accountancy sector has all along advocated that the Government review the tax regime in Hong Kong, particularly the tax regime for profits tax, the Government's attitude towards this matter is one of "I couldn't care less".




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