

单词 阎君

阎君 ()

king of hell

See also:


Yama n

surname Yan
gate of village


monarch n
gentleman n
ruler n


External sources (not reviewed)

柯南能在人群中找阎王, 并逮捕他之前被引爆的炸弹。
Conan is able to locate Hades in the crowd and apprehends him before the bomb is detonated.
阎医师 还操作Elite工作站,这是当今最全面的激光脱毛系统。
Dr. Yan also works with Elite [...]
workstation which is the most comprehensive laser hair removal system available today.
There is a kingdom of the dead under the rule of Yama, with distinct realms for the good and the wicked.
(c) 梁君彥議員認為,在 清盤過程中不恰當 或非法轉移資產屬 刑事罪行,積金局可 [...]
將個案轉交警務處 商業罪案調查科調 查。
(c) Mr Andrew LEUNG's view that inappropriate [...]
or unlawful transfer of assets in the course of liquidation was a criminal
offence and the MPFA might refer the case to the Commercial Crime Bureau of the Police Force for investigation.
虽然在两批受害人之间分配这笔赔偿金遇到 一些困难,但该案已得到最高法院审理,受害人就这笔资金的分享达成了一君 子协 议,因此受害人获得了适当的赔偿。
Although there had been difficulties in sharing the money between two groups of victims and this case was heard by the Supreme Court, the victims had reached a gentleman’s agreement to share this money.
例如,在418,一会背诵的迦太基在一个教皇使节在场的前非洲次全体会议,会议的所有大炮,安理会的chalcedon所有的行为体现了劫匪的以弗所第一届理事会,以及行为的该届会议上载有两 君 士 坦丁堡主教的行为。
For example, in 418, a Council of Carthage recited all the canons of former African plenary council in the presence of a papal legate; the Council of Chalcedon embodies all the Acts of the first session of the Robber Council of Ephesus, and the Acts of that session contained the Acts of two synods of Constantinople.
在過去兩年,我們在教育事務委員會與教資會的查史美倫女士一 起跟進,結果制訂了一個good
[...] practice,即良好處理方法的慣例,希 望 8間大學會君子協 議,表明會跟從這些建議行事,包括第一,但 [...]
凡有申訴時,要盡量適時盡快處理;第二,確保不會有任何“秋後算 帳
”及報復性的行動;第三,在申訴的最終上訴階段,必須有校外人 士參與其事,以免讓投訴的員工覺得校方由“自己人”作決定,然後由 “自己人”作調查,令作出投訴的員工覺得不公道。
During the past two years, we in the Panel on Education and Mrs Laura CHA of the UGC have followed this up together and eventually formulated a good practice, setting out good handling
approaches in the hope that the eight
[...] universities will reach a gentlemen's agreement [...]
and pledge compliance with these recommendations
which include firstly, any complaint received must be dealt with in a timely and speedy manner as far as possible; secondly, efforts must be made to ensure that there is no reprisal or retaliation; and thirdly, external parties should be involved at the final stage of an appeal, so as not to give the complainant the feeling that a decision is made by the university's own people and then an investigation is also carried out by their own people, thus making the complainant feel that it is far from fair.
阎医师是百汇的皮肤科主任医师,带领皮肤病医师及皮肤病外科医师团队为患者提供皮肤癌筛查,皮肤肿瘤的外科及激光治疗,窄谱 UVB 照射对治疗严重泛发性银屑病和湿疹具有很好的疗效。
As the chief dermatologist at ParkwayHealth China, Dr. Yan is leading a team of dermatologists and dermatologic surgeons to provide skin cancer screening, surgical and laser treatment for skin tumors, narrow-band UVB phototherapy which is effective for treating widespread psoriasis and eczema.
這是經常斷言或假定阿維斯塔宗教作為上述描繪的是宗教的大流士和其他阿契美尼德國王波斯( 549-336年)從楔形文字銘文這君主( 舊波斯語言,方言的妹妹Avestic Zend公司) ,我們知道非常好他們的宗教是什麼。
It is frequently asserted or assumed that the Avesta religion as above sketched was the religion of Darius and the other Achaemenid Kings of Persia (549-336 BC) From the cuneiform inscriptions of these sovereigns (in the Old Persian language, a sister dialect of the Avestic Zend) we know pretty well what their religion was.
2012年11月16日,上海:2012年11月13日下午,在第九届中国国际航空航天博览会上,西 阎 良 国 家航空高技术产业基地管委会、西安国家航空产业基金投资管理有限公司、美国罗斯洛克集团、罗兰贝格管理咨询公司举行了集中签约仪式。
Shanghai, November 16, 2012: On the afternoon of November 13, at the 9th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, a series of agreements were signed between Xi'an Yanliang National Aviation Hi-Tech Industrial Base Administration Commission, Xi'an National Aviation Industry Fund and Investment Management Company, Rose Rock Group, and Roland Berger Strategy Consultants.
西阎良国 家航空产业基地、西安国家航空产业基金管理有限公司与罗斯洛克集团和罗兰贝格管理咨询公司,将通过国际化与资本化的运作,为我国航空产业发展贡献积极力量。
Through investment and globalization efforts, Xi'an Yanliang National Aviation Hi-Tech Industrial Base and Xi'an National Aviation Industry Fund and Investment Management Company, together with Rose Rock Group and Roland Berger, will endeavor to drive the growth of China's aviation industry.
此外,西阎良国 家航空高技术产业基地管委会、西安国家航空产业基金投资管理有限公司与美国罗斯洛克集团也共同签署了合作备忘录。
In addition, Xi'an Yanliang National Aviation Hi-Tech Industrial Base Administration Commission, Xi'an National Aviation Industry Fund and Investment Management Company and Rose Rock Group singed a Memorandum of Cooperation.




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