

单词 阅卷


阅卷员 pl

markers pl

See also:

classifier for ancient Chinese books or paintings in the form of a scroll
classifier for rolled material (wad of paper money, movie reel etc)


roll v
scroll v
coil v


chapter n
wrap n

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 一些与调查活动有关的文件,包括审讯记录和刑事案 阅卷 记 录 是伪 造的
(c) Some of the documents relating to investigative activities, including transcripts of interrogation and the protocol of familiarization with the criminal case, had been fabricated
几位律师不能摘录或复制案件卷宗, 只能在国家安全局或法院阅卷宗。
The lawyers were not allowed to excerpt or copy the case file and could work on the file only in the NSS and in court.
[...] 上述问题和其它事项的请求,辩护律师未能自由和不受防碍地 阅 案 卷。
All the requests to clarify these and other matters were denied by the Court and the defence did not have free and
[...] unimpeded access to his case file.
相反地,鼓励缔约国遵守公平诉 讼的基本规则,例如辩护权和阅本 人 卷 宗 的 权利。
On the contrary, States parties are encouraged to comply with the basic rules of fair proceedings, such as the right to a defence and the right to access one’s own files.
2008年6 月,修订后的《律师 法》正式实施,进一步保障律师在诉讼中的权利,包括会见权 阅卷 权 、 调查取 证权和辩护权。
When the amended Law on Lawyers went into effect in June 2008, it further ensured the rights of lawyers during trial proceedings, including the right to meet with their clients, view case documentation, investigate evidence and mount a defence.
本案的基本案情是:陈建长期从事机读 阅卷 和 研 究工作, 完成了具有三个主观分答题卡的设计并于 2008 年 4 月 9 日在四 川省版权局对设计的三个主观分答题卡进行了版权登记。
It has also explored the possibilities of establishing district-level intellectual protection regimes: together with the district’s intellectual property bureau and judicial bureau, the Shijingshan District Court has established the “Zhongguancun Tech Park Shijingshan Park Legal Service Platform”; the Chaoyang District Court and the relevant authorities in the district have jointly organised a theme activity called “Protect Your Intellectual Property, Usher in Innovation and Development”; the Dongcheng District Court, the district’s intellectual property bureau, Yongheyuan Management Committee jointly organised the Third “IP-Yonghe Campaign”; the Huairou District Court worked with seven industry associations, including the Beijing Electronic Chamber of Commerce to establish a focal point.
Paul在其职业生涯中一直是审计考试考官 阅卷 人 , 非常清楚学生要通过考试需要付出哪些努力,还了解学生如何才能完美地应答考卷。
Paul has been an examiner and a marker for audit exams during his career, and knows exactly what it takes for students to get inside the examiner’s head and understand what they are looking for in the perfect exam answer.
因 此,如秘书长报告(A/64/349/Add.6,第 11 段)所述,协调人将腾出一部
[...] 分时间,向监察员提供足适的支助,同时提供与除名有关的机构记忆、 帮助阅文卷,协 助正常范围的办公室后勤工作。
Consequently, and as indicated in the report of the Secretary-General (A/64/349/Add.6, para. 11), part of the focal point’s time will be freed to provide support to the Ombudsman at an adequate level
while providing the institutional memory related to
[...] de-listing, access to files and the normal range [...]
of office logistics.
不幸的是,尽管有联检组章程第 6(2)和(3)条,尽管向秘书长执行办确认检查 专员对候选人的个人资料和身份并不感兴趣,但 阅 案 卷 的 要求仍以保密为由未 被同意。
Unfortunately, access to the files was not granted under the pretext of confidentiality, despite article 6 (2) and (3) of the JIU Statute and despite confirming to the EOSG that the Inspectors were not interested in candidates’ personal information or their identity.
仲裁程序包括当事方阅案卷及其索引标号,拥 有与仲裁员进行互动的各种工具,并能参与仲裁程序的进行。
The arbitral procedure includes the access of the parties to the file and their keys with various tools to interact with the arbitrators and to participate in the conduct of the arbitral proceedings.
据报道,周勇军的律师未获准阅其 全部 案 卷。
It was reported that his attorneys were not allowed to review the complete file of his case.
委员会建议与人权高专办一起找到一个可以接受的解决办法,以使委 员会成员能够阅登记前的卷。
The Committee proposed to work out an acceptable solution with OHCHR that would enable Committee members access to the files prior to registration.
法院还批准了律师的请求,同意给他阅 案件卷宗的时间。
For example, the prosecutor requested the court to read out the testimony of a witness, one K., and after familiarization with the respective report, both the
counsel and the author
[...] agreed to have it read out in court.15 The court also satisfied the counsel’s request for time to consult the case file.16 However, after [...]
Mr G. consulted the
case file, the author refused his legal assistance.
G. 先生没有阅案件卷宗也 没有支持提交人当庭请求的说法没有事实依据。
The author’s claims that Mr G. did not consult the case file and did not support his motions in court are unfounded.
这份文件对辩护人办公室负责人行使出庭权和辩护人办公室 阅 当事 方卷宗提供了准则。
This document provides guidelines regarding the exercise of rights of audience by the Head of the Defence Office as well as the Defence Office’s access to filings by the parties.
他从未被允 许阅自己的刑卷宗, 而是由军事法院指定的一名律师为其提供协助。
He was never given access to his criminal case file, and a lawyer was appointed by the military court to assist him.
为参与提交人的案件阅读案件卷 宗, 几位律师需获得国家情报局批准,为此他们需提交完整简历,并填写一种专 门表格。
In order to participate in the author’s case and study the case file the lawyers had to get permission from the NSS by presenting their full CVs and filling out a special form.
各签字公司将要求所有员工准许其 阅 和 保 留就 卷 宗 以 及可获得的政府记录, 但法律禁止的情况除外。
Signatory Companies will require all Personnel to authorize the access to, and retention of, employment records and available Government records, except where prohibited by law.
此书共 14 卷,陆之祝阅研习 了大量医学书籍后写成。
This work in 14 juan was compiled by Lu, based on the many medical works he consulted and studied.
年8月28日至9月20 日,提交人没有到检察院阅案件卷 宗 , 还毫 无理由地拒绝接受任何传唤,尽管他充分了解自己有义务在传唤令指明的时间内 前往检察院。
4.13 The author failed to appear to the Prosecution’s Office in order to consult the case file between 28 August and 20 September 2002, and refused to accept any summon without explaining the reasons, although he was well aware of his obligation to appear at the Prosecution’s office at the time indicated in the summons.
218 条,证明被告 及其律师阅了案件卷宗的 唯一文件是为此做出的报告,而且被告及其律师均应 在报告上签名。
He maintains that, according to article 218 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the only document attesting that the accused and his counsel consulted the case file is the report produced for that purpose, and it should be signed by both the accused and his counsel.
关于特别报告员报告页数的限制考虑,例如 阅 《 19 77 年……年鉴》,第卷(第二部分),第 132 页,和《1982 年……年鉴》,第二卷(第二部分),第 123-124 页。
For considerations relating to page limits on the reports of Special Rapporteurs, see for example, Yearbook … 1977, vol.
另一种选择方案 是,只出页数有限的卷,而 将附件和技术性细节放在网站上。
Another option is the possibility of producing
[...] only one limited volume, while annexes [...]
and technical details would be placed online.
4.12 2002 年7月25 日,提交人在两名普通证人面前拒绝接受至萨马拉区检察阅读案件卷宗的通知。
4.12 On 25 July 2002, the author refused to receive, in the presence of two lay witnesses, a notice to appear to the Prosecutor’s Office of Samara district in order to familiarize himself with the case file.
会议讨论纪要已分发给所有缔约国,并可 在《公约》网站上阅。
A summary of the discussions of the meeting was distributed to all States Parties and made available on the Convention’s website.
虽然他们当时没有在报告 上签名,但是案卷宗查阅时间 表上面出现了他们的签名
Although the report was not signed by any of them at that time, their signatures appear in the timetable of familiarization with the case file, according to which they both watched the videotape on 16 July 2003 from 4 p.m. to 5.45 p.m.
[...] 与培训中心,明尼苏达大学,第 13 卷,第 3 期(可阅 http://ici.umn.edu/products/impact/ [...]
Impact: feature issue on violence against women with developmental or other disabilities, Institute on Community Integration and Research and Training
Center on Community Living, University of Minnesota,
[...] vol. 13, No. 3 (available from http://ici.umn.edu/products/impact/133/).
通过合并人数统计卷至订阅申请 ,登陆页等,发行商便有机会更有效了解和锁定订户。
By incorporating demographic questions into subscription applications, log-in pages, etc., Pactera digitization solutions give publishers the ability to identify and target subscribers more effectively.
翻译工作需要如此长的时间,特别是自我辩护上诉人的情况下,对此本应作 出更多解释,然而本报告限于篇幅而不能做此解释,但可以说的是,正在作出努
力,以更有效地与会议和语文支助事务科主管不断联系,以评估进展情况并确定 是否需要对具体的翻译要求分轻重缓急,并重新探讨会议和语文支助事务科的内
[...] 部要求,即判决书翻译的审校工作必须整体一起完成,而不是 卷 完 成 (这样做 可以逐步公布翻译好的部分)。
The inordinate length of translation times, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants, calls for greater explanation than suitable for a report of this size, but it can be said that efforts are under way to more effectively liaise with the supervisors in the Conference and Language Services Section on a continual basis in order to assess progress and determine the need for requesting prioritization of specific translations, and to readdress the internal requirement of the Conference and Language Services Section that the revision process for translation of a
judgement must be accomplished as a
[...] whole, rather than volume by volume (which would [...]
allow for gradual release of translated portions).
该法第 15 节列举了适用于其解 释的一些条约,亦即:(a) 1948 年的《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》;(b) 1949 年日内瓦四公约及其《第一和第二附加议定书》(1977 年)和《第三附加议定书》 (2005 年);(c) 1954
[...] 《议定书》和《第二议定书》(1999 年);(d) 1989 年《儿童权利公约》及其 2000 年《关于儿卷入武 装冲突问题的任择议定书》;(e) 习惯国际法规则和原则; (f) 各个国际法院和法庭的司法裁判。
Section 15 of the Act enumerates several treaties to be applied in its interpretation, namely (a) the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide; (b) the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Additional Protocols I and II (1977) and Additional Protocol III (2005) thereto; (c) the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, its Protocol and its Second Protocol (1999); (d) the 1989
Convention on the Rights of
[...] the Child and its 2000 Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict; [...]
(e) the rules and
principles of customary international law; (f) the judicial decisions of international courts and tribunals.




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