

单词 阅兵

See also:

go through
ro review


read v
inspect v

a force

External sources (not reviewed)

阅兵的特种部队配备了新型卡拉什尼科夫式轻机枪,与乌克兰所更 新的枪型相同。
Special forces marching at the parade were armed with a new model of “Kalashnikov” submachine guns, which are identical to the gun type modernized by Ukraine.
据悉,这种飞机 在 2011 年 9 月 21 日的亚美尼阅兵式上首次公开展示。
It is known that such an aircraft was demonstrated publicly for the first time at a military parade in Armenia on 21 September 2011.
配置准备大约在1957年,在 1957 年十一月 7 日红 阅兵 中 首 次公开亮相,并由ZIL-157 卡车牵引.北约命名 SA-2 。
Deployment was ready about 1957 and it first appeared in public in a parade in Red Square on November 7, 1957, towed by ZIL-157 trucks.
汉肯迪阅兵上展示的武器装备表明,亚美尼亚违反了其作为武器进口交易 最终用户的义务,其中特别是未经出口国同意出口或转让所采购的军备,并未在 欧安组织信息交流机制内报告这些交易。
The weaponry displayed at the military parade in Khankendi indicates that Armenia is in breach of its obligations as an end-user under arms import operations, including, in particular, by exporting or transferring procured armaments without the agreement of the exporting States, and not reporting these operations within the existing information exchange mechanism of OSCE.
在汉肯迪阅兵式上现身的 MI-8MT 和 MI-24 型攻击直升机已列入欧洲 常规武装部队条约框架内的亚美尼亚年度信息交流和欧安组织维也纳 文件之中,并属于驻扎在埃里温的第 15 航空基地。
Mi-8MT and Mi-24 type attack helicopters demonstrated at the parade in Khankendi have been listed in the annual information exchange of Armenia in the framework of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe and the OSCE Vienna Document, and belong to the 15th Aviation Base dislocated in Yerevan
9K72“Elbrus”作战战术导弹系统(北大西洋公约组织称之为飞毛腿 B 型导弹)首次在 2011 年 9 月 21 日埃里温举阅兵式展示并且也在汉肯 迪市的作为亚美尼亚武装部队配备的武器系统展示。
9K72 “Elbrus” operational-tactical missile systems (“Scud-B” in North Atlantic Treaty Organization classification), which for the first time had been displayed at the parade held in Yerevan on 21 September 2011, were also paraded in Khankendi as a weapon system belonging to the armed forces of Armenia
录音和现场屏幕投阅兵各方 圣女蒙特市Miengo(坎塔布里亚),美国偶像歌手和演示文稿的西班牙小姐伊娃·冈萨雷斯。
Recording and live screen projection parade parties Virgen del Monte, City of Miengo (Cantabria), with singers from American Idol and the presentation of the Miss Spain Eva Gonzalez.
埃里温和汉肯迪市阅兵式在编排和格局上几乎完全相同,这表明两阅兵时都是由亚美尼亚的同一军事指挥系统所策划、装备、训练、组织 和排练的。
The almost identical scenarios and modalities of military parades held in Yerevan and Khankendi demonstrate that both parades had been planned, equipped, trained, organized and orchestrated from the same military chain of command in Armenia
如若不然,亚美尼亚领导人应解释,展示的无人驾驶侦察机等各类武器(见 所附照片)是怎么出现在阿塞拜疆被占领土上的,据报道,这些武器是在亚美尼 亚制造的,并于 2011 年 9 月 21 日首次在亚美尼亚一阅兵式上亮相。
Otherwise, the Armenian leadership should explain how the demonstrated types of weapons (see annexed photos), including unmanned spy aircraft which are reportedly manufactured in Armenia and which were presented publicly for the first time at a military parade in Armenia on 21 September 2011, appeared in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.
这个日子用来纪念在战争中勇敢战斗、慷慨捐躯的士兵们。这天会举行纪念庆典 阅兵 仪 式
This holiday is marked by ceremonies and military parades.
我在 2012 年 5 月 16 日的上一封信(A/66/808-S/2012/330)中论及亚美尼亚 共和国领导人在(被占领的阿塞拜疆达赫利戈卡拉巴赫地区)汉肯迪市举 阅兵 式。
In my previous letter, dated 16 May 2012 (A/66/808-S/2012/330), on a military parade held by the leadership of the Republic of Armenia in the city of Khankendi (occupied Daghlyq Garabagh region of Azerbaijan), on the basis of analysis of the types of weaponry demonstrated at the parade, I presented irrefutable facts attesting to Armenia’s political and military control over, and its continuing military build-up in, the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.
60周年庆典的扩声系统得到了国家领导和广电总局的认可,所有设备在排 阅兵 过 程 中没有出现一次问题,获电总局嘉奖。
The Leaders and the Radio, Film and TV State Administration think highly of ACE, because the PA system of 60th National Ceremony, no equipment had problem at this time.
今天谷拉开差距,在高...伟大的! 但是阅兵是现在你提出的停止位置,以确保脂肪的方法是把它稍低于今天的低点。
But the parade is now you put a stop position to ensure the fat ... The methodology is to put it slightly below the low of today.
2010 年 1 月 1 日,青年党在摩加迪沙北部的 Maslax 军营进阅兵,青年党高级领导人 Ali Dheere、Mukhtar Roobow 和 Fu’aad Shangole 等人出席,为了显示团结。
On 1 January 2010, Al-Shabaab conducted a parade at the Maslax barracks in northern Mogadishu, attended by senior Shabaab leaders Ali Dheere, Mukhtar Roobow and Fu’aad Shangole, among others, in an apparent show of unity.
让一米可以感觉 … … 的滑雪转而不是找经常刚性的灵巧"主要 阅兵 式 等
Let one metre can sense... instead of ski turns the minuets that I find often rigid "major, bombastic etc...
阿塞拜疆对纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫共和国胜利 阅兵 式 的 担忧和指控是荒谬 的:阿塞拜疆对纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫人民实现自决意愿的回应是,对纳戈尔诺-卡 拉巴赫周围领土和卡拉巴赫本身进行了族裔清洗;阿塞拜疆对阿尔扎赫人民发动 了大规模的军事侵略,动用了与臭名昭著的国际恐怖主义网络有着密切联系的数 千名雇佣军。
The concerns and complaints of Azerbaijan regarding the military parade dedicated to the Victory Day in Nagorno Karabakh Republic are preposterous: Azerbaijan responded to the realization of the will of the people of Nagorno Karabakh to self-determination with ethnic cleansings in the territories surrounding Nagorno Karabakh and in Karabakh proper.
2012 年 5 月 9 日,亚美尼亚共和国领导人再次采取挑衅行动,在阿塞拜疆共 和国被占领的达赫利戈卡拉巴赫(纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫)地区汉肯迪市举 阅兵 式。
On 9 May 2012, the leadership of the Republic of Armenia undertook yet another provocative action by holding a military parade in the city of Khankendi situated in the occupied Daghlyq Garabagh (Nagorno Karabakh) region of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
根据联合国常规武器登记册,亚美尼亚于 1999 年从中华人民共和国购 买了 4 套 273 mm WM-80“Typhoon”多管火箭发射器,在这 阅兵 式和 在 2011 年 9 月 21 日于埃里温举阅兵式上都作了展示。
Four pieces of 273 mm WM-80 “Typhoon” multiple rocket launcher systems purchased, according to the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms, by Armenia from the People’s Republic of China in 1999, were demonstrated at this parade and during the one held in Yerevan on 21 September 2011.
亚美尼亚总统访问阿塞拜疆被占领土,出 阅兵 式 , 而且 阅兵 式 上 还展示 了各种尖端武器,这再次戳穿了亚美尼亚与阿塞拜疆领土被占领毫无关系的神 话。
The visit of the President of Armenia to the occupied territories [...]
of Azerbaijan to witness a military parade, as well as
the presentation of sophisticated weapons there once again exploded the myth that Armenia has nothing to do with the occupation of the territories of Azerbaijan.
关于这种公然展示武力的行动,应特别注 阅兵 式 是 在正式宣布的一个仪式 上举行的,亚美尼亚共和国总统谢尔日·萨尔基相出席 阅兵 式 ; 还应该特别注 意公开展示的武器装备。
Particular attention in addressing such a defiant manifestation of force should be given to the formally announced occasion for the parade; the presence of President Serzh Sargsyan of the Republic of Armenia at the parade; and the publicly demonstrated armaments.
真实情况是,已有大量确凿证据证明亚美尼亚直接军事侵略阿塞拜疆以及亚 美尼亚对阿塞拜疆被占领土实施有效军事和政治控制,此外,这 阅兵 显 示 ,亚 美尼亚继续在这些领土上加强其军事存在,部署不受国际控制的大量武器和弹 药。
In reality, in addition to a convincing body of evidence attesting to the direct military aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan and the former’s effective military and political control over the latter’s occupied territories, the parade demonstrated that Armenia continues building up its military presence in these territories and deploys, beyond international control, a great number of armaments and ammunitions there.
在阿塞拜疆被占领土上举行美化占领部队及其附庸武装团伙 阅兵 式 是挑衅行 动,显然违背亚美尼亚根据国际法和在持续开展的解决冲突进程中作出的承诺, 这些占领部队和武装团伙在战争期间曾对阿塞拜疆平民犯下残暴罪行。
Such provocative actions as holding a military parade in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan to glorify occupation forces and subordinate armed bands, which are responsible for atrocious crimes committed against Azerbaijani civilians during the war, obviously run counter to Armenia’s stated commitments both under international law and within the ongoing conflict settlement process.
在儿童的解除武装、复员和重返社会, 兵 的 复员,培训前儿 兵, 加 强和平和撤销辅助警力等领域也采取了其他积极措施。
Other positive measures had been taken in the areas of disarmament, demobilization and the reintegration of
children, the
[...] demobilization of women soldiers, the training of former child-soldiers, the strengthening [...]
of peace and the
elimination of supplementary police forces.
会议讨论纪要已分发给所有缔约国,并可 在《公约》网站上阅。
A summary of the discussions of the meeting was distributed to all States Parties and made available on the Convention’s website.
[...] 在边远和农村地区使用流动图书馆的可能性,以激起使用 阅 读 图书的文化氛围。
Together with the Communication and information Sector and other partners, the Culture Sector should also be encouraged to explore the
feasibility of deploying movable libraries in remote and rural areas, so as to induce a
[...] culture of book use and reading.
国家必须尊重和 增进贫困儿童的权利,包括为儿童保护战略和方案增加和拨出必要的资源,尤其
[...] 要把重点放在被边缘化的儿童身上,例如,街头流浪儿童、儿 兵 、 残疾儿童、 被拐卖的儿童、家庭的儿童户主和生活在收容机构的儿童――所有这些儿童都有 [...]
States must respect and promote the rights of children living in poverty, including by strengthening and allocating the necessary resources to child protection strategies and programmes, with a particular focus
on marginalized children, such as street
[...] children, child soldiers, children with [...]
disabilities, victims of trafficking, child
heads of households and children living in care institutions, all of whom are at a heightened risk of exploitation and abuse.
根据 索马里局势的动态、非索特派团部队核 兵 力 增 加和正在进行的关于一个可能的 维持和平行动的讨论,提议续设 3 个一般临时人员职位,用于高级支助干事(P-5)、 规划干事(P-4)和小组助理(一般事务(其他职等))。
In the light of the dynamic situation in Somalia, the increased troop strength authorized for AMISOM and the ongoing discussions on a possible peacekeeping mission, it is proposed that 3 general temporary assistance positions, of Senior Support Officer (P-5), Planning Officer (P-4) and Team Assistant (General Service (Other level)), be continued.
这些努力包括鼓励各大学开设空间法教 学单元;为空间法本科生和研究生教育提供研究金;协助制定国家空间法规和 政策框架;举办讲习班、研讨会和其他专门活动以促进更多地了解空间法;为 法律研究提供资金和技术支助;编写专门的空间法研究报告、论文和出版物; 支持举办空间法模拟法庭竞赛;支持青年专业人员参加空间法方面的区域和国 际会议;提供培训和其他增阅历的 机会;并支持专门致力于空间法方面研究 的实体。
Those efforts included encouraging universities to offer modules on space law; providing fellowships for graduate and postgraduate education in space law; assisting in the development of national space legislation and policy frameworks; organizing workshops, seminars and other specialized activities to promote greater understanding of space law; providing financial and technical support for legal research; preparing dedicated studies, papers and publications on space law; supporting space law moot court competitions; supporting the participation of young professionals in regional and international meetings relating to space law; providing for training and other opportunities to build experience; and supporting entities dedicated to the study of and research relating to space law.
各行政干事将主要负责以下工作:审查和分析提交的报告所涉行政和预算 问题,确保符合立法任务且理由充分;查明供委员会审议的行政和财务政策,包 括分析和查明以往联合国各项决议、委员会报告以及其他现有文件所载问题;广 泛阅参考资料并就政策或程序问题向委员会提供技术咨询和支助;起草委员会 报告,拟定结论和建议;并就委员会报告的实质性内容提供咨询并作出澄清。
The Administrative Officers would primarily be responsible for the following: the examination and analysis of the administrative and budgetary implications of the reports submitted to ensure compliance with legislative mandates and adequacy of justification; the identification of issues of administrative and financial policy for consideration by the Advisory Committee, including the analysis and identification of issues contained in previous General Assembly resolutions, reports of the Committee and other existing documentation; extensive research and the provision of technical advice and support to the Committee on issues of policy or procedure; drafting of the Committee’s reports, setting forth its conclusions and recommendations; and, provision of advice on and clarification of the substance of the Committee’s reports.




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