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也有建议 提出将虚拟图书馆的建设作为促阅 读 习 惯的手段。
The development of virtual libraries was also suggested as a means of
[...] promoting a culture of reading.
会议讨论纪要已分发给所有缔约国,并可 在《公约》网站上阅。
A summary of the discussions of the meeting was distributed to all States Parties and made available on the Convention’s website.
[...] 在边远和农村地区使用流动图书馆的可能性,以激起使用 阅 读 图书的文化氛围。
Together with the Communication and information Sector and other partners, the Culture Sector should also be encouraged to explore the
feasibility of deploying movable libraries in remote and rural areas, so as to induce a
[...] culture of book use and reading.
这一原则包括可阅官方文件,记者不公开信 息来源的权利和职责受宪法保护,拥有传播和出版信息的权利,以及法院审讯和 [...]
This principle, inter alia,
[...] encompasses access to official documents, [...]
a constitutionally protected right and duty for journalists
to protect the anonymity of sources, the right to communicate and publish information and access to court hearings as well as meetings of decision-making assemblies.
这些会议的摘要已在《公约》网站 上公布,供所有相关行为方阅。
Summaries of these meetings were made available to all interested actors on the Convention’s web site.
阅您正 在使用的设备的用户手册了解如何将它与蓝牙立体声耳麦配对。
Please consult the user manual of the device you are using for how to pair it to a Bluetooth stereo headset.
详细信息阅读电 压调整器的使用说明书。
For details, see the voltage regulator operating instructions.
这些努力包括鼓励各大学开设空间法教 学单元;为空间法本科生和研究生教育提供研究金;协助制定国家空间法规和 政策框架;举办讲习班、研讨会和其他专门活动以促进更多地了解空间法;为 法律研究提供资金和技术支助;编写专门的空间法研究报告、论文和出版物; 支持举办空间法模拟法庭竞赛;支持青年专业人员参加空间法方面的区域和国 际会议;提供培训和其他增阅历的 机会;并支持专门致力于空间法方面研究 的实体。
Those efforts included encouraging universities to offer modules on space law; providing fellowships for graduate and postgraduate education in space law; assisting in the development of national space legislation and policy frameworks; organizing workshops, seminars and other specialized activities to promote greater understanding of space law; providing financial and technical support for legal research; preparing dedicated studies, papers and publications on space law; supporting space law moot court competitions; supporting the participation of young professionals in regional and international meetings relating to space law; providing for training and other opportunities to build experience; and supporting entities dedicated to the study of and research relating to space law.
各行政干事将主要负责以下工作:审查和分析提交的报告所涉行政和预算 问题,确保符合立法任务且理由充分;查明供委员会审议的行政和财务政策,包 括分析和查明以往联合国各项决议、委员会报告以及其他现有文件所载问题;广 泛阅参考资料并就政策或程序问题向委员会提供技术咨询和支助;起草委员会 报告,拟定结论和建议;并就委员会报告的实质性内容提供咨询并作出澄清。
The Administrative Officers would primarily be responsible for the following: the examination and analysis of the administrative and budgetary implications of the reports submitted to ensure compliance with legislative mandates and adequacy of justification; the identification of issues of administrative and financial policy for consideration by the Advisory Committee, including the analysis and identification of issues contained in previous General Assembly resolutions, reports of the Committee and other existing documentation; extensive research and the provision of technical advice and support to the Committee on issues of policy or procedure; drafting of the Committee’s reports, setting forth its conclusions and recommendations; and, provision of advice on and clarification of the substance of the Committee’s reports.
所有操作员在操作设备前必须 仔阅读所 有说明手册、标签以及标注。
All operators
[...] must thoroughly read all instruction [...]
manuals, tags, and labels before operating the equipment.
专家组建议,它与联科行动综合禁运监察股和特派团联合分析小组的协作 应包括允许专家组即时阅所有 收集到的信息和随后的分析结果。
The Group recommends that its collaboration with the Integrated Embargo Monitoring Unit and Joint Mission Analysis Cell of UNOCI should involve immediate access by the Group to all collected information and the resulting analyses.
如需了解更多屏幕信息,请阅表中 所指出 的页面。
See the page indicated in the table for further screen information, if needed.
要查实您的电话是否配有该规范,请阅 Jabra 的“兼容指南”或联系您的服务提供商了解更多信息。
To check if your phone is equipped with this
[...] profile, please check Jabra's Compatibility [...]
Guide or contact your service provider for more information.
它的界面非常简洁;不需要学习wiki语法, 通过使用WYSIWYG在线编辑器来代替;不需要用户管理,它实时连到活动目录(Active Directory)来重复使用用户账号和组,它应该是唯一一个与活动目录组相集成的Wiki,本地账号和组都可以用它来创建;所有的文章都具有一个层次结构,以使得内容易于管理;可以针对每一个页面设置不同的访问权限或自由更新或锁定或发布;用户可以使用 阅 机 制 来获得更新通知,更新可以是每天或每周或立即通知;可以自定义界面布局(使用Velocity模板和CSS实现) 。
Its interface is very simple ; need to learn wiki syntax , by using WYSIWYG online editor to replace ; do not need user management , it is connected to the Active Directory real-time (Active Directory) to re-use user accounts and groups , it should be only one integrated with the active Directory group 's Wiki, local accounts and groups can use it to create ; all of the articles have a hierarchical structure to make the content easy to manage ; can set different for each page or free access to update or lock or release ; users can use a subscription mechanism to get the update notifications and moreNew can be a daily or weekly or immediately ; can customize the interface layout (using Velocity templates and CSS implementation) .
检查传感器的功能性之前阅读下 列章节。
To check sensor
[...] functionality, please read the following sections.
最后,大会在审议本报告时应同时 阅 咨 询 委员 会关于 2008-2009 两年期拟议方案预算的第一次报告 (A/62/7)、会议委员会 2008 年的报告(A/63/32)以及 大会有关决议。
Lastly, the present report should be considered in conjunction with the Advisory Committee’s first report on the proposed budget programme for the biennium 2008-2009 (A/62/7), the report of the Committee on Conferences for 2008 (A/63/32) and relevant General Assembly resolutions.
有关这 些设置的详细信息,请阅标题为 “扫描设置屏幕”的小节。
For more information regarding these settings, see the section entitled, “Scan Settings screen”.
如果您的薪资以另一种货币为单位,请 阅 附录C 中的表格,上面有适用于新货币单位的最高投资额 和最低投资额。
If your salary will be paid in a different currency, please refer to the table in Appendix C for the Maximum Investment Amount and Minimum Investment Amount applicable to your new currency.
本报告应与秘书长关于为促进国际税务合作加强体制安排的报告(E/2011/76) 一并阅。
The present report should be read in conjunction with the report of the Secretary-General on strengthening of institutional arrangements to promote international cooperation in tax matters (E/2011/76).
男性青少年被拘留者解释说,有时由老师 阅 读 和宗教课,而且非政 府组织也教他们诸如美发等其他技能。
Male adolescent detainees explained that classes were
[...] sometimes given on reading and religion [...]
by teachers, and that NGOs also taught them
other skills such as hairdressing.
如果我们阅有关委任制度和托管制度的大量专家著作,特别是那些熟悉这 些制度运作的专家的著作,我们会发现:(a) 私法类比,因为这些司法机构的设 立是从私法中得到启发;(b) 监督机制的设立(委任制度和托管制度下的领土), 在国际一级(可向前常设委任统治委员会和前托管理事会提出申诉);(c) 国内和 国际法律秩序的互动;(d) 单位分类(委任统治和托管领土);(e) 各制度的工作 方式。
If we go through the bulk of expert writing on the mandates and the trusteeship systems, especially those who were familiar with the operation of those systems, we detect: (a) analogies of private law wherefrom inspiration was drawn for the establishment of those juridical institutions; (b) devising of mechanisms of supervision (of territories and mandates and in the trusteeship system), also at international level (recourse to the former Permanent Mandates Commission and the former Trusteeship Council); (c) interactions between the domestic and international legal orders; (d) classification of units (mandates and trust territories); (e) modus operandi of the respective systems.
有关安装传真调制解调器的说明,请阅本章较早部分标题为 “安装可选的传真调制解调器”小节。
For instructions on installing the fax modem, see the section entitled, “Installing the optional fax modem” earlier in this chapter.
在这方 面,已经或正在采取一些措施,其中包括发布对项目拨款持有人和工发组织外地办事处代表的采购授权,他 们将进行权力下放的采购;实行关于遵守工发组织采购道德和职业标准的声明制度;制定并继续实施综合培 训方案,以提高对采购规则的普遍认识;在工发组织内部网上公布有关参考文件,使工发组织所有工作人员 包括工发组织外地办事处都能方便 阅 ; 目 前正在开发计算机化的监测系统,向管理层提供例外情况报告, 其中可指出不遵守采购规则的情况;以及最近设立了业务协调委员会,该委员会也将处理采购问题。
These included the issuance of delegations of procurement authority to project allotment holders and UNIDO representatives at the field offices, who performed decentralised procurement; the introduction of declarations of compliance with UNIDO procurement ethics and professional standards; the development and continued rollout of a comprehensive training programme to increase the general awareness of procurement rules; the publication of relevant reference documentation on the UNIDO Intranet, making it easily accessible to UNIDO staff at large, including UNIDO field offices; the current development of a computerised monitoring system, providing management with exception reports which could indicate incidents of non-compliance with procurement rules; and the recently established operational coordination committee, which would also be addressing procurement issues.
在因特网连通有限并且支付不起网上资源 阅 的 发 展中国家,技术保 护形式将会完全排除对网上材料的使用并构成一个沉重的负担,从而延迟那些国家对全球 [...]
For developing countries, where Internet connectivity is
[...] limited and subscriptions to on-line [...]
resources unaffordable, it may exclude access
to these materials altogether and impose a heavy burden that will delay the participation of those countries in the global knowledge-based society.
对于您的应用的安全充灌极限请阅 当 地的规章条例和其 它使用的准则。
See local regulations and other appropriate guidelines for safe filling limits for your application.
食品法典将永远是各国政府和国际贸易商宝贵的参 考工具,当然,他们必须随时阅和 遵 守国家法律。
The Codex Alimentarius will always be an invaluable reference for governments and for international traders although national legislation must always be consulted and complied with.
其中包括:可阅并更 新所有拘留和监禁所的被拘留者登记册;保证亲属和律师获得适当的资料 并进入所有此类拘留场所;确保将被捕者迅速移交给司法当局;加强处理被强迫 失踪问题的民间社会组织的实力。
These include: accessible and updated registries of detainees at all places of detention and confinement; guaranteed access to appropriate information and to all such places for relatives as well as lawyers; bringing arrested persons promptly before a judicial authority; and strengthening civil society organizations that deal with the issue of enforced disappearance.
河马读书提供了逼真的读书体验和人性化的考虑,包括真实的翻书效果、羊皮 阅 读 效 果、舒服 阅 读 配 色;自动保存书签、自由调节行间距及文字大小、背景模式可调、当 阅 读 的 章节记录 阅 读 省电设计等等; 阅 读 杂 志和漫画时,用户可以保存喜欢的图片作为手机背景,或者将图片作为彩信发给好友;同时河马读书拥有最快速的TXT搜索功能,同时支持ANSI、UTF-8、UTF-16、UNICODE等各种TXT编码格式,随你畅读。
Hippo Reader provides a vivid reading experience and humane considerations, including the real effects of page flipping, the
parchment texture effect,
[...] comfortable reading color options; automatically save bookmarks, free to adjust line spacing and text size, background mode adjustable, records of current reading chapter, battery saving design, etc.; in reading magazines [...]
and comics, the user
can save favorite pictures as backgrounds for mobile phones or sent to friends as an MMS picture; while Hippo Reader provides the most rapid TXT search function, supports ANSI, UTF-8, UTF-16, UNICODE encoding and many other TXT format etc..
前南斯拉夫各国的合作仍然至关重要,尤其是在以下几个方面:(a) 查阅档 案、文件和接触证人;(b) [...]
保护证人;(c) 找到、逮捕和移交余下的两名逃犯(包 括对其支持者采取措施)。
Cooperation from the States of the former
Yugoslavia remains vital, particularly in the areas
[...] of: (a) access to archives, documents [...]
and witnesses; (b) the protection of witnesses;
and (c) efforts to locate, arrest and transfer the two remaining fugitives (including taking measures against those who support them).
还可通过其提供的上千个插件进行功能扩展包括:电子商务与购物车引擎,论坛与聊天软件,日历,博客软件,目录分类管理,广告管理系统,电子报,数据收集与报表工具,期刊 阅 服 务 等。
Also available through the thousands of plug-ins for extensions include : e-commerce and shopping cart engines , forums and chat software , calendars , blog software , directory category management ,
advertising management system , email newsletters, data collection and reporting tools
[...] , periodicals subscription services.




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