单词 | 闿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 阀 noun —valve n (almost always used)valves pl阀 —clique • powerful individual, family or group • (loanword) valve 闿 —loosenExamples:球阀 n—ball valve n 球阀 pl—ball valves pl 气阀 n—valve n
以十字形模式,将空气阀紧固件 (V) 重新拧紧 至指定扭力。 graco.com | Retorque the air valve fasteners (V) in a crisscross pattern to specified torque. graco.com |
要订购其它阀座材料的阀时, 在订 购号中用一阀座材料代号来取代 K。 swagelok.com.cn | To order valves with other seat materials, replace K in the ordering number with a seat material designator. swagelok.com.cn |
提升单向阀是依靠重力来动作的、故必需水平地安装、阀帽螺母 在上部。 swagelok.com | The lift check valve is gravity assisted and must be mounted horizontally, with bonnet nut on top. swagelok.com |
冲洗或释放压力时要保持接地的连续性: 将喷枪 / 分配 阀的金属部分紧紧靠在接地的金属桶的边上,然后扣动 喷枪的扳机。 graco.com | To maintain grounding continuity when flushing or relieving pressure: hold metal part of the spray gun/dispense valve firmly to the side of a grounded metal pail, then trigger the gun/valve. graco.com |
要确保储油柜和分接开关头之间的 所有截止阀都是打开的。 highvolt.de | Check that all stop valves between the oil conservator and the on-load tap-changer are open. highvolt.de |
检查,有载分接开关和储油柜之间 的所有截止阀都必需是开启的。 highvolt.de | Check whether all stop valves between oil conservator and on-load tapchanger are open. highvolt.de |
速度调整时,请将速度控制阀从低速(小流量)慢慢向高速(大 流量)方向旋转调整。 kosmek.co.jp | Turn the speed control valve gradually from the low-speed side (small flow) to the high-speed side (large flow) to adjust the speed. kosmek.co.jp |
马 达可实现双向转动;马达上可选配回路冲洗阀以实现闭式回路中工作液压油循环冷 却及清洁过滤。 sauer-danfoss.com | They also include an optional loop flushing feature that provides additional cooling and cleaning of fluid in the working loop. sauer-danfoss.com |
在这种情况下,请用回油节流式速度控制阀进 行速度调整。 kosmek.co.jp | If such is the case, use a speed control valve to adjust the meter-out speed. kosmek.co.jp |
索马里公民遭受冷酷无情的军阀的勒索、其沿海和毗连海路海盗行为层出不 穷;海洋资源遭到外部势力肆无忌惮的掠夺;这些虚弱和四分五裂的实体被邻国 利用以达成不公正和非法的协定,或利用这些脆弱的小国作为其国内经济的附属 体,这些就是纷乱的索马里局势产生的一些令人不安的现实。 daccess-ods.un.org | The extortion of its citizens by ruthless and callous warlords; the mushrooming and proliferation of piracy along its coasts and adjacent sea lanes; the unconscionable plundering of its maritime resources by extraneous forces; the instrumentalization of the weak and fragmented entities by neighbouring countries both to extract unfair and illicit agreements or to use these fragile mini-States as an appendage of their domestic economies are some of the disturbing realities that this simmering Somali situation has given rise to. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于平衡阀来说,没有压降操作限制,但事实上,还 是需要一些压降来维持阀的运作。 comatrol.com | There is no pressure drop operating limit for counterbalance valves and in fact some pressure drop is required to maintain valve operation. comatrol.com |
另外,生产线的位置也很重要,利用一个预混站同时供应两条泡沫塑料生 产线,需要增加罐、管道、阀门、装置和控制设备,在失去灵活性的同时,同样会达到或 超过增加预混站的成本。 multilateralfund.org | Moreover, location of production lines can be such that the cost of additional tanks, piping, valves, fittings and controls needed for serving two foaming lines with one premixing station, will be equal to or exceed the cost of the additional premixing station, while losing flexibility. multilateralfund.org |
LD 300的典型应用是对压缩空气测漏、真空测漏、蒸气疏水阀检验以及电气设 备中弧、追踪和电晕放电的检测。 csinstrument.com | Typical applications of LD 300 are compressed air leak detection, vacuum leak detection, steam trap inspection and detection of arcing, tracking and corona in electrical equipment. csinstrument.com |
在一个客 户定制的阀块中使用插装阀,设计师能够创造出一个液压集成回路(HIC),从而提 供一个用于液压控制的紧凑组件,比起传统的液压系统,它使用管件更少,安装和 服务更便捷,且泄漏点更少。 comatrol.com | Using cartridge valves in a custom manifold, a designer can create a hydraulic integrated circuit (HIC) that provides a compact package for hydraulic control with reduced plumbing, easier installation, easier service, and fewer leak points than traditional hydraulic systems. comatrol.com |
阀芯是压力平衡式的阀芯,压力 同时作用于阀芯的上、下两个表面, 这样由介质所带来的压力得到一定 的补偿。 cloriuscontrols.com | In this way, the forces produced by the media are compensated. cloriuscontrols.com |
散装油船最适于载运数量较大的单一品种油品,阀门打开可 以快速装运货物,较易实现平舱。 codexalimentarius.org | They are best suited for the carriage of single oils, in large volumes, where they can be loaded with valves open for fast receipt of the cargo and easier trim of the vessel. codexalimentarius.org |
插头插入插座时,在回路阀门被打 开前就启动密封,因此无需给回路 排气,并避免了回路流体遭受污染 的危险。 staubli.com | On insertion of the plug into the socket, sealing takes place before the opening of the valves, which avoids the need to purge the circuits and prevents any contamination of fluid. staubli.com |
维护检查内容包括:气压调节阀的运行情况;送气阀和疏水阀有无渗漏;温度计、恒 温器、温度记录器、称重设备和其他量表的运行情况和准确度;恒温器控制的所有泵有无 渗漏;罐体涂层有无破损;罐体和辅助设备的软管(内部和外部)和状况。 codexalimentarius.org | They should include functioning of steam pressure regulation valves; all steam supply valves and steam traps for leakage; thermometers, thermostats, recording thermometers, weighing equipment and any gauge meters for function and accuracy; all pumps regulated by thermostat for leakage; integrity of tank coatings; hoses (internal and external) and condition of tanks and ancillary equipment. codexalimentarius.org |
如果智能阀值处理未提供可接受 的颜色滤除结果,则 ATP 转换质量设置将为二进制化提供更多控制。 graphics.kodak.com | If iThresholding does not provide acceptable color dropout results, the ATP conversion quality setting will provide more control for binarization. graphics.kodak.com |
厄立特里亚认为,对索马里人民的深重苦难负有责任的各方是:㈠ 索马里 军阀;㈡ 索马里的近邻;㈢ 美国历届政府的错误政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Eritrea’s views, those who bear prime responsibility for the immense sufferings of the Somali people are: (i) Somalia’s warlords; (ii) Somalia’s immediate neighbours; and (iii) the misguided policies of successive United States Administrations. daccess-ods.un.org |
价格的不确定性可能 通过“价格上限”或“安全阀”机制得到解决,如 果许可证的市场价格达到某一界限,政府将出售更 多的许可证,从而保证价格的相对稳定。 undpcc.org | Price uncertainty may be addressed by a “price cap” or “safety valve” mechanism, which guarantees that the government will sell additional permits if the market price of allowances hits a certain price. undpcc.org |
我们的电磁 阀可以在真空控制器驱动下工作,实 现对真空过程的电气控制。 vacuubrand.com | Our electromagnetic valves are actuated with vacuum controllers to achieve electronic control of vacuum processes. vacuubrand.com |
郭仕磊先生于1994年加入艾默生,时任 Xomox 项目工程师,并曾在艾默生过程管理的阀门自动化和气相色谱仪业务部历任多项高级职务,后于2005年受命出任艾默生过程管理分析业务总裁。 emerson.com | Krishnan joined Emerson in 1994 as a project engineer for Xomox and held a series of senior positions with Emerson Process Management’s Valve Automation and Gas Chromatographs businesses before being appointed president of Emerson Process Management Analytical Liquid in 2005. emerson.com |
朴实的外表下暗藏着令人惊喜的功能与效果:由一个恒温龙头、两个开关阀及一个不对称花洒 喷头组成的雅生·奇特里奥 M淋浴解决方案提供无限可能。 hansgrohe.com.cn | A reserved exterior harbours a refreshing function and effect: the Axor Citterio M shower solution comprising a thermostat, two shut-off valves and the asymmetrical shower head is only one of many possible combinations. hansgrohe.hr |
半个世纪后,1949 年的《日内瓦四公约》及其《附 加议定书》成为国际人道主义法的核心支柱,但尚未 获得军阀和其他侵略者的严格遵守。 daccess-ods.un.org | Half a century later, the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, which act as the central pillar of international humanitarian law, have not enjoyed strict observance by warlords and other aggressors. daccess-ods.un.org |
一般的生活常识告诉我们,当使用高压锅完成蒸煮食品时,需放汽减压方可打开锅盖,此时我们会发现锅内食品是热的,约100℃;当我们在一个容器底部放置一个“快放”阀门做热喷试验时,我们会发现喷出物的温度同样在100℃附近;当我们利用汽爆工艺试验台做汽爆试验时,我们测得:当采用4Mpa的蒸汽压,即250℃温度汽爆后,其爆出物料温度在0.00875秒瞬间降至约20℃(比室内温度略低),其反应过程时间与压力无关,与装料多少容积大小无关。 gentle-st.com | General knowledge of life tells us that when using a pressure cooker to complete cooking the food, the need to put the steam vacuum before opening the lid, then we will find the pot of food is hot, about 100 ℃; when we put a bottom in a container "quick release" valve for thermal spray test, we will find that the temperature of ejecta around the same at 100 ℃; when we used to do test-bed steam explosion process steam explosion experiments, we measured: When using 4Mpa of vapor pressure, steam temperature is 250 ℃ after the explosion, which broke the moment the material temperature in 0.00875 seconds to about 20 ℃ (slightly lower than room temperature), the reaction time has nothing to do with the pressure, volume and number of loading size. gentle-st.com |
在 GSK 开发的数种氢氟烷烃-计量吸入器中,活性成分悬浮(而 不是溶解)在氢氟烷烃中,这就需要有更复杂的设备(也即可单段灌装的设备)并使用特 殊的容器(从纯铝罐向镀聚四氟乙烯铝罐过渡,费用为 0.37 美元)、定量阀(0.15 美元) 和 定量触动器(0.05 美元)。 multilateralfund.org | The active ingredient in several of the HFA-MDIs that have been developed by GSK is in suspension (and not in solution) in HFA, which requires more complex equipment (i.e., to allow for a single stage filling) and the use of specific cans (from plain aluminium to PTFE coated at a cost US $0.37), metering valve (US $0.15) and a metering actuator (US $0.05). multilateralfund.org |
22 以色列采取是否走这条道路尚不明朗,但 问题是以色列公众舆论和一些领导人认为,建立定居点是控制以色列境内不断增 长的爆炸性社会和政治压力的一个重要的安全阀。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also relevant to observe that strong demonstrations by Israeli civil society to protest skyrocketing housing costs inside Israel have produced new pressures on the Government of Israel to add to the supply of affordable housing, and one way to do this, it has been widely suggested in the Israeli media, is by expanding settlements.22 Whether this path will be taken by Israel is not yet evident, but the issue suggests that Israeli public opinion and some leaders view the settlements as a vital safety valve for explosive social and political pressures building up within Israel. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这些瞬变的同时,我们也调查管道系统运作,在冷凝现象下阀门的动态负荷,管道的断裂以及阀门的快速关闭或者打开。 tuv-sud.cn | In conjunction with these transients, we also investigate the behaviour of piping systems and valves towards dynamic loads forced by condensation phenomena, breaks of pipes or rapid closing / opening of valves. tuv-sud.com |