

单词 间谍活动

See also:

间谍 n

patriot n

活动 n

activities pl
campaign n
movement n


move about
use connections

活动 v

operate v
function v

External sources (not reviewed)

10 月,青年党在贝莱德文处决了两名少女,他们指 控这两名少女为过渡联邦政府从 间谍活动。
In October, Al-Shabaab summarily executed two teenage girls in Beled Weyne whom
[...] they accused of spying for the Transitional [...]
Federal Government.
[...] 义工作人员(特别是当地工作人员)还在复兴共和与民主军检查站被截下,被控从间谍活动,受 到威胁,包括死亡威胁。
Humanitarian personnel (especially local staff) were
also reportedly stopped at APRD
[...] checkpoints and accused of spying, with threats made [...]
against them, including death threats.
各位部长表示关切美利坚合众国加强采取行动以影响委内瑞拉的稳定,包 括最近建立了一个机构,增加针对委内瑞拉和古巴的情报搜集 间谍活动。
their concern over the increase of the action by the Government of the United States of America, aimed at affecting the stability of Venezuela,
including the recent establishment of an office to increase intelligence
[...] gathering and espionage against Venezuela [...]
and Cuba.
La Manchette 的一份新闻稿,其
[...] 中指出申诉人正在被警方通缉,警方指控她“贩卖情报和从 间谍活动 ”。
On 26 July, the complainant produced a copy of a press article taken from the Congolese twice-weekly newspaper La Manchette, dated 28 January 2005, according
to which the complainant was wanted by the political police, which accused her of
[...] “information trafficking and spying”.
[...] 艾伦·平克顿将监视罗斯·葛琳皓作为其 间谍活动 的 一 部分,并找到了足够的证据把她软禁。
Head of U.S. Intelligence Service Allan Pinkerton
observed Rose Greenhow as part of his
[...] counterintelligence activities and found sufficient [...]
evidence to place her under house arrest.
实现点到点的电子邮件加密,为您的组织在企 间谍活动 , 内 部威胁和大量黑客攻击中确保邮件安全。
Implementing point-to-point email encryption for your organization keeps your messaging protected from corporate espionage, internal threats [...]
and the most determined hackers.
威拉间谍活动被判 八年监禁》,《曼谷邮报》, 2011 年 2 月 2 日。
Veera gets eight years
[...] in prison for espionage”, Bangkok Post, [...]
2 February 2011.
常驻代表还提到在 2005 年,政府驱逐了在该国从间谍活动 并 侵 犯其 主权的美国禁毒执法机构。
He recalled that in 2005 the Government had expelled the
United States Drug Enforcement Agency, which had
[...] been engaging in espionage in Venezuela and [...]
violating its sovereignty.
在贝尔格莱德官员最初称为对科索沃实施的这些逮捕的“对等行为”中,塞 尔维亚警方在 3 月 28
[...] 日逮捕了科索沃金属工人工会主席,罪名是指称他在 1999 年代表北约开间谍活动,并 将他还押候审 30 天。
In what Belgrade officials initially referred to as “reciprocity” for these arrests in Kosovo, on 28 March the Serbian police arrested the head
of the Kosovo Metalworkers Union
[...] on charges of espionage, allegedly carried out on behalf [...]
of NATO in 1999, remanding him in custody for 30 days.
一国应避免对另一国开展军事行动 间谍活动。
3) Each State shall refrain from carrying out
[...] military acts and espionage activities against the other State
此外,关于 第一申诉人提出的解释,称其因在瑞典为寻求庇护者担任口译员而被秘密警察记
[...] 录在案,喀布尔的瑞典大使馆报告说,未曾听闻现阿富汗安全部门参与“庇间 谍活动”,也未曾听闻其案卷中载有关于阿富汗寻求庇护者的资料。
Moreover, with regard to the explanation given by the first complainant that he has been registered with the secret police because of his work as an interpreter for asylum-seekers in Sweden, the Swedish embassy in Kabul has reported that it has no
knowledge of the present Afghan
[...] security service engaging in “asylum espionage” or if its registers [...]
contain information on Afghan asylum-seekers.
[...] 了几名着便衣的尼泊尔部队军官,并把他们移交给安 全部队,同时公开指控这些人进 间谍活动。
The UCPN-M has reportedly seized a few
Nepal Army officers in civilian dress and handed them over to the security forces while
[...] publicly accusing them of spying.
[...] 够保护美国,使美国免遭大规模毁灭性武器攻击和恐怖袭击,防范外国情报动 和间谍活动
The mission of the National Security Branch (NSB) is to optimally position the FBI to protect the
United States against weapons of mass destruction, terrorist attacks, foreign
[...] intelligence operations, and espionage by
据报道,2009 年 9 月 13 日,塔利班在霍斯特省的一座清真寺绑架了
[...] 一名 15 岁男童,指控他为阿富汗政府和国际军事部队从 间谍活动 , 后 来将其 杀害。
On 13 September 2009, in Khost province, it was reported that a 15-year-old
boy was abducted by the Taliban from a
[...] mosque, accused of spying for the Government [...]
and international military forces, and later killed.
[...] 1701(2006)决议执行情况的报告印发以来,黎巴嫩安全机 构继续协调对黎巴嫩境内以色间谍 网 络 活动 的 指控进行的调查。
6. Since my last report on the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006) was issued, Lebanon’s security agencies have continued to coordinate
their investigations
[...] of alleged Israeli spying networks in Lebanon [...]
and, according to Government sources, have made at least one further arrest in this connection.
法国向德黑 兰大学派遣间谍,并在那里培训学生,以组织对该 国的抗活动。
France had sent agents to the University of Teheran, where it had trained students to organize protests against the State.
有人指 出,在一国领土上从事非活动的 间谍 和 外 国特务并不享有外国刑事管辖豁免。
It was noted that spies and foreign agents [...]
carrying out unlawful acts in the territory of a State did not enjoy immunity
from foreign criminal jurisdiction.
在黎巴嫩境活动的以间谍网构成单方面军事行动,违反第 1701(2006)号决议第 1 段,其中呼吁全面 停止军事行动。
The Israeli spying networks operating in Lebanon constitute a unilateral military action that is contrary [...]
to resolution 1701
(2006), paragraph 1 of which calls for a full cessation of military operations.
各缔约国应界定并限制私营军事和保安公司的活动范围,并明确禁止将被定 义为国家固有职能的职能外包给私营军事和保安公司,这些职能包括:直接参与 敌对行动;发动战争和/或作战动; 接 收囚犯;制定法律 间谍 ; 情 报;转让 有军事、安全和治安用途的知识;使用大规模毁灭性武器及其他有 活动 ; 警 察 的权力,特别是逮捕或拘留的权力,包括审问被拘留者的权力;以及缔约国视为 国家固有职能的其他职能。
Each State party shall define and limit the scope of activities of PMSCs and specifically prohibit the outsourcing to PMSCs of functions which are defined as inherently State functions, including direct participation in
hostilities, waging war and/or combat
[...] operations, taking prisoners, law-making, espionage, intelligence, knowledge transfer with military, security and policing application, use of and other activities related to weapons of mass destruction, [...] [...]
police powers, especially the powers of arrest or detention including the interrogation of detainees, and other functions that a State party considers to be inherently State functions.
还建议开展一些部间活动,如 科学部门和文化部门之间在文化遗产领域的活动。
A number
[...] of intersectoral activities were also suggested, [...]
such as between SC and CLT in the area of cultural heritage.
这些职能包 括:直接参与敌对行动、发动战争和/或作战 动 、 接 收囚犯、制定法律间 谍、情 报、转让有军事、安全和治安用途的知识、大规模毁灭性武器的使用及其 他有活动、警 察的权力(特别是逮捕或拘留的权力,包括审问被拘留者的权 力),以及缔约国视为国家固有的其他职能。
Among such functions are direct participation in
hostilities, waging war and/or combat
[...] operations, taking prisoners, lawmaking, espionage, intelligence, knowledge transfer with military, security and policing application, use of and other activities related to weapons of mass destruction [...] [...]
and police powers, especially the powers of arrest or detention including the interrogation of detainees and other functions that a State party considers to be inherently State functions
此外,“针对 2010 年 6 月 15 日 和发布的欧洲反对种族主义和不容忍委员会关于法国的报告,〔法国〕政府指出, 法国目前没有批准上述公约的计划……16 但是,尽管已经决定暂不讨论法国批准 该公约的问题”,但是应该铭记的是,虽然“《公约》第 7 条并不排除将剥夺国籍
程序存在作为‘严重损害缔约国重大利益行为’的处罚措施,但是《公约》所附 的解释性报告称,来源于 1961 年《减少无国籍状态公约》17
[...] 的这一措辞显然包 括了叛国和危害有关国家重大利益的其 活动 ( 例 如 为外 间谍 机 关 工作),但不 包括普通刑事犯罪,不论这些刑事犯罪如何严重’”。
...16 However, while it was decided to leave the question of France’s ratification open”, it should be borne in mind that although “article 7 of the Convention does not preclude the existence of a deprivation-of-nationality procedure as a penalty for ‘conduct seriously prejudicial to the vital interests of the State Party’, the explanatory report annexed to the Convention explains that that wording, taken from the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness,17 ‘notably includes treason and other activities directed
against the vital interests of the
[...] State concerned (for example work for a foreign secret service) [...]
but would not include criminal
offences of a general nature, however serious they might be’”.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人
[...] [...] 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要活动期 间 向 政 府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, [...]
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by
visiting remote offices
[...] twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team [...]
as part of the United
Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
大会第六十六届会议邀请裁军谈判会议在其 2012 年会议期间尽早在这个议 程项目下设立一个工作组;并且敦促从事外层 间活动 的 国 家以及有意从事这种 活动的国家,将有关这个问题的任何双边和多边谈判的进展情况随时通知裁军谈 [...]
判会议(第 66/27 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly invited the Conference on Disarmament to establish a working group under the agenda item as early as possible during its 2012
session; and urged States
[...] conducting activities in outer space and those interested in conducting such activities to keep the [...]
Conference on Disarmament
informed of the progress of bilateral and multilateral negotiations on the matter (resolution 66/27).
针对这些窗口开展了部间活动,其 中涉及社会科学及人文科学、教育和 传播与信息,并且重视青年在下述领域的发展,包括正规和非正规教育机会,利用媒体与信 [...]
息和通信技术方面的培训(包括利用信息和通信技术在线培训学习第二语言),以及有关青 年领导力和解决冲突技巧方面的培训。
Activities for these windows are intersectoral, involving [...]
SHS, ED and CI, and concentrate on youth development in the areas
of formal and non-formal educational opportunities, training in the use of media and ICTs (including using ICTs for online training in learning a second language), and training of youth in leadership and conflict resolution techniques.
一旦网友不慎上当,特洛依木马程序便会下载并启动其他恶意档案,联机到网站以建立点对点控制的殭尸网络 (botnet),使个人计算机动下载 广告软件 间谍 程 序 及其他恶意软件,成为传送垃圾邮件的傀儡,更会进一步链接到殭尸网络下载病毒下载器 [...]
(Downloader ),以便随时更新病毒,进一步窃取企业机密。
Once users inadvertently taken, the Trojan horse program will start the download and other malicious files, connect to the Web site in order to establish point-to-point control of the
zombie network (botnet), so
[...] that the PC automatically download adware, Spyware and other malicious [...]
programs to send spam
to become a puppet, but also further links to the zombie network to download virus-download (Downloader), in order to update the virus, and further to steal corporate secrets.
此外,在同次会议上,委员会听取了下列人士关于闭会 间活动 结 果 的报告: 新田晃先生(日本)关于 2009 年 11 月 [...]
11 日和 12 日以及 2010 年 3 月 18 日和 19 日分别在东京举行的“亚洲区域 3R(减少、再利用、再循环)论坛首届会议”和“扩
大发展中国家废物管理服务”国际协商会议的结果;韩国代表关于 2010 年 3 月 16 日和 17 日在首尔举行的题为“联合国减缓气候变化、燃油效率和可持续城市 交通论坛”国际专家小组会议的结果;唐纳德·库珀先生(《斯德哥尔摩公约》) 关于 2009 年 12 月 3 日和 4 日在日内瓦举行的“化学品健全管理案例研究研讨会” 的结果。
Also at the same meeting, the Commission heard
presentations by the following on
[...] the outcomes of intersessional events: Mr. Akira Nitta [...]
(Japan), on the outcomes of the “Inaugural
Meeting of the Regional 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Forum in Asia” and the International Consultative Meeting on “Expanding Waste Management Services in Developing Countries”, which were held in Tokyo on 11 and 12 November 2009 and on 18 and 19 March 2010, respectively; the representative of the Republic of Korea, on the outcome of the International Expert Group Meeting entitled “United Nations Forum on Climate Change Mitigation, Fuel Efficiency and Sustainable Urban Transport”, which was held in Seoul on 16 and 17 March 2010; and Mr. Donald Cooper (Stockholm Convention), on the outcome of the “Workshop on Case Studies in the Sound Management of Chemicals”, which was held in Geneva on 3 and 4 December 2009.




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