

单词 间皮瘤

间皮瘤 adjective ()

malignant adj

See also:


skin n
leather n
fur n
scalp n
cortice n

pico- (one trillionth)
surname Pi


cancer n
tumourBE n
sarcoma n
hyperplasia n
node n
lump n

External sources (not reviewed)

我们分析了乳腺癌患者循环瘤细胞(CTCs)的 皮间 质 特 性并展示出令人信服的证据。
We analyzed EMT features in
[...] circulating tumor cells (CTCs) from breast cancer patients and demonstrated compelling evidence for EMT in human cancers.
  软组织肿瘤是发生间叶组织的 瘤 , 包 括自 皮 和 真 皮 的 良性肿瘤、囊性病变,以及位于深筋膜的恶性肿瘤。
Soft tissue
[...] tumors are tumors that occur in mesenchymal tissue, including epidermal and dermal [...]
benign tumor, cystic lesion,
and malignant tumor located in the deep fascia.
皮间质转 化(EMT)使互相牵连的上皮细胞转成可迁徙的间质状态,这一过程在临床前模型的 瘤 转 移中有重要作用。
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of adherent epithelial cells to a migratory mesenchymal state has been implicated in tumor metastasis in [...]
preclinical models.
(2) 第 12B(3)條現予修訂,廢除“肺塵埃沉着病引致”而代以 “他所患的肺塵埃沉着病或皮瘤(或 兩 )引致”。
(2) Section 12B(3) is amended by repealing “of pneumoconiosis” and substituting “of the
[...] pneumoconiosis or mesothelioma (or both) [...]
suffered by him”.
我們期望修訂建議能盡快獲得立法會通過並付諸實施,讓 因暴露於石棉而患上癌症皮瘤的人 士,得到與肺塵埃沉着病 患者相同的補償和福利。
We hope that the proposed amendments will be approved by the Legislative Council and implemented as
soon as possible in order that persons
[...] suffering from mesothelioma could be accorded [...]
the same compensation and benefits as those for pneumoconiotics.
在有需要的情况下,对以下病症的诊断及治疗过程做出指示、开具处方及 进行相关处理:传染病和寄生虫病; 瘤 ; 内分泌、营养、代谢及免疫紊乱方面 的疾病;血液及造血器官方面的疾病;精神障碍;神经系统及感官方面的疾病; 循环系统疾病;呼吸系统疾病;消化系统疾病;泌尿生殖器官疾病;妊娠并发 症;分娩及产褥期疾病皮肤及皮下 组 织疾病;骨关节系统及结缔组织疾病;先 天性异常;围产期遗留疾病;损伤及中毒。
Indication or prescription, and execution where appropriate, of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures concerning
infectious and parasitic
[...] diseases, neoplasias, endocrinal, nutritional and metabolic diseases and immunity disorders, diseases of the blood and the haematopoietic organs, mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system and the sensory organs, circulatory diseases, diseases of the respiratory and digestive tracts, diseases of the genito-urinary tract, complications in pregnancy, birth and puerperium, diseases of the skin and the subcutaneous layer, diseases [...]
of the osteo-myoarticular
system and connective tissue, congenital anomalies, diseases originating during the perinatal period, injuries and poisoning.
為避免 出 現 灰色地帶或 令 人 產生誤解,以為條例草案會涵蓋良性及非癌症皮瘤,當局才建議在條例草案中使 用 "惡 性皮瘤"一 詞
To avoid any grey area or misunderstanding that benign and non-cancerous mesothelioma will be covered, the term "malignant mesothelioma" is proposed to be used in the Bill.
从打印头和滚轴(橡皮滚轴)之间拆除 泡沫塑料板。
Remove the foam
[...] pad from between the printhead and the platen (rubber roller).
條例草案亦訂有新條文,藉以解決下述問題:某人如患有肺 塵病或皮瘤其中一種疾病,而其後發現罹患其中的另一種疾病,並 [...]
擬申索補償,該人不須根據《肺塵病條例》第14條提出另一申索,只 須根據《肺塵病條例》第23A條要求作進一步的身體檢查(草案第17(4) 條 )。
There are also new provisions which seek to resolve the problem that
where a person who suffers from either
[...] pneumoconiosis or mesothelioma is subsequently [...]
found to be suffering from the other
of the 2 diseases and wishes to claim compensation, instead of making another claim under section 14 of PCO, he shall make a request for a further medical examination under section 23A of PCO (clause 17(4)).
这是一种口服的ALK抑制剂,设计用途是检测晚期非小细胞肺癌患 间 变 型淋 巴 瘤 激 酶 (ALK)基因的重组。
It is designed to detect
[...] rearrangements of the anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) [...]
gene in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients.
[...] 表、特别代表以及美洲人权委员会儿童权利报告员保罗·塞尔吉 奥 · 皮 涅 罗 教授间举行 的正式对话中,都重点讨论了暴力侵害儿童的问题。
Violence against children was centre stage in the official sessions and the formal dialogue between ministers and high authorities, and the Special
Representative and the Rapporteur on the
[...] Rights of the Child of the Inter-American Commission on [...]
Human Rights, Professor Paulo Sergio Pinheiro.
鉴于仲裁法庭于 1992 年明确裁定了适用于所有目的的加拿大与法国 间 (在 圣皮埃尔 -密克隆)的永久边界,并由于可能存在跨越加拿大和法国边界的油田, [...]
As the 1992 Arbitral Tribunal definitively decided the
[...] permanent boundary between Canada and France (for Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon) for [...]
all purposes, a need was
felt for an agreement triggered by the possibility of petroleum fields straddling the Canadian-French boundary.
真菌通常生长于足跖部及脚趾间皮 肤 ,发作在温暖潮湿的天气和地区。
The fungi tend to favor the
[...] warm, moist areas between the toes and [...]
usually flare up during warm weather.
这个装置可用来皮关闭房隔间通流 (关闭主 动脉和肺动脉之间的病理开口,称为动脉导管介入程序),以避免心内 手术,因为这种手术不仅有风险,而且需要重症监护并恢复三个星期。
The device is used for percutaneous closure of inter-atrial communication [...]
(it closes a defective opening between the aorta
and the pulmonary arteries, a procedure known as an interventional cardiac catheterization), which eliminates the need for open-heart surgery, a procedure which is not only risky, but also requires intensive care and a three-week recovery period.
由於惡性皮瘤和肺 塵病有 共同的 致病原因及一些共同的特徵,而且為保障惡性 皮瘤 患 者 的權益,故 此必需修訂《肺塵病條例》,將惡性 皮瘤 納 入 條例下成為可獲補償 的疾病。
As malignant mesothelioma and pneumoconiosis share a common cause and some common characteristics, and to safeguard the rights of patients of malignant mesothelioma, it is necessary to amend PCO to make malignant [...]
mesothelioma compensable under PCO.
另 一方面,由於在 60 至 70 年代在工業上使用石棉甚為普 遍,而皮瘤由暴露於石棉以致形成該病的潛伏期頗 長,因此我們預計未來 10 年間新的皮瘤個案不會減 少。
On the other hand, in view of the more common industrial use of asbestos from the 1960's to 1970's and the long
latent period between
[...] asbestos exposure and development of mesothelioma, it is envisaged that the number of new mesothelioma cases will not decrease during the next [...]
10 years.
由《肺塵病條例》所設立的法定補償計 劃以僱主集體負責制的形式承擔補償惡性 皮瘤 的 責任是合理的做法。
It is reasonable for the statutory compensation scheme under the PCO
to take up the responsibility to
[...] compensate malignant mesothelioma patients on [...]
the basis of collective liability of employers.
在條例 草案中使 用 "惡 性皮瘤"一 詞 ,可能會在執行方面產 生混淆,尤 其需要注 意 的 是,在 醫學診斷上鮮 有將"間皮瘤"個案區分為 "惡 性 "或 "良 性 "。
The use of
[...] the term "malignant mesothelioma" in the Bill may cause confusion in implementation, especially with respect to medical diagnosis that rarely makes distinction as to whether a mesothelioma case is a [...]
"malignant" or a "benign" case.
為了保障惡性皮瘤患者 的權益,我們 認為有明顯需要修訂《肺塵病條例》,將惡性 皮瘤 納 入條例內成為可獲 補償的疾病。
To safeguard the rights of malignant mesothelioma sufferers, there is an obvious need to amend the PCO to make malignant mesothelioma [...]
compensable under the PCO.
为缓和现场的气氛,打消大家的紧张心理,彭主任通过显示屏直观地给在场的孟加拉记者介绍了氩氦刀:氩氦刀,它是一种全程监控、精确定位、快速冷冻的肿瘤治疗系统,通过超低温和常温 间 的 互 相转换,在 瘤 内 部短 时 间 内 形 成巨大的温差,在“冷冻”肿瘤的同时,用温差彻底破坏肿瘤细胞。
In order to relieve the nervous atmosphere, Dr. Peng introduced cryotherapy to presenting journalists of Bangladesh: cryotherapy is a tumor treatment of whole-process monitor, precise positioning and fast freezing. Through the alternative shift of ultra-low and normal temperature, huge temperature difference is made in a short time inside tumor to freeze tumor and destroy tumor cells completely.
在刚果特派团重组和缩 编间,霍加皮电台应该作为全国性的网络得以维持。
Radio Okapi should be maintained as a nationwide [...]
network as MONUC reconfigures and downsizes.
[...] 意识到管理国与领土政府正在基于同领土人民的磋商,重建总督府与领土政 府间的关系,皮特凯 恩继续获得管理国的预算援助,用于领土政府的运作
Aware that the administering Power and the territorial Government are in the process of restructuring the relationship between the Governor’s Office and the territorial Government, based on
consultations with the people of the
[...] Territory, and that Pitcairn continues to receive [...]
budgetary aid from the administering
Power for the operation of the territorial Government
我们的政府间海洋学委员会正在为里约+20 筹备进程协调联合国关于海洋 的机间报告——“皮书”
Our Intergovernmental Oceanographic
Commission is coordinating the
[...] United Nations Inter-Agency Report on Oceans – the “Blue Paper” – for the [...]
Rio+20 preparatory process.
在彩妆领域, 它们可以提高颜色的保持间, 改善皮肤感觉。
As for decorative cosmetics, these grades ensure a good hold for the pigments and improve the feel on the skin.
根據條例草案第4(6)條 (釋義條文),皮瘤指惡性間皮瘤,即 由於石棉塵埃或含有石棉的塵埃而導致的間皮組織的原發性惡性腫 瘤,不論 該疾病是否與肺結核病一併出現,或是否與任何 其 他 因暴露 於該等 塵埃而導致的疾病一併出現。
Under clause 4(6) (Interpretation clause) of the Bill, mesothelioma means malignant mesothelioma which is a primary malignant neoplasm of the mesothelial tissue due to dust of asbestos or dust containing asbestos, whether or not such disease is accompanied by tuberculosis of the lungs or by any other disease caused by exposure to such dust.
草案第 21 條修訂該條例第 23A
[...] 條,以規定患有肺塵埃沉着病或皮瘤兩 其中之一的人士,可要求肺塵埃沉着病判傷委員會作進一步的身 [...]
體檢查,以裁定他是否亦患有該兩 中的另一疾病(“第二種疾病”)及其 喪失工作能力程度有否任何增加,但該要求須有醫學意見支持,指出該人 士患有第二種疾病。
Clause 21 amends section 23A of the Ordinance to provide
that a person suffering from either
[...] pneumoconiosis or mesothelioma may request [...]
the Pneumoconiosis Medical Board to conduct
a further medical examination to determine whether he is also suffering from the other of the 2 diseases (“the second disease”) and whether there has been any increase in the degree of his incapacity, but the request has to be supported by a medical opinion that the person is suffering from the second disease.
(8A) 凡任何人在《2008 年肺塵埃沉着病(補償)(修 訂)條例》(2008 年第 號)生效之後,在香港任何法院 的一項判決中,就皮瘤引致 的死亡或殘疾獲判給損害賠 償,則該人根據本條例就皮瘤獲得 補償或其他付款(在該 項判決的日期前就有關皮瘤須獲 支付的補償除外)的全部 權利,須因本條而終絕。
(8A) Where after the commencement of the Pneumoconiosis (Compensation)(Amendment) Ordinance 2008 ( of 2008), a person is awarded damages
for death or disability
[...] resulting from mesothelioma in a judgment of a court in Hong Kong the whole of the person’s entitlement to compensation or other payment under this Ordinance in respect of the mesothelioma, other than compensation in respect of the mesothelioma payable prior [...]
to the date of such
judgment, shall by virtue of this section be extinguished.
基於上述的共同特徵,政府當局建議向患有惡性 皮瘤 的工人提供補償或福利,與患有肺塵病的工人在《肺塵病條例》下所得的 補償或福利相同。
Because of the above common characteristics, the Administration proposes to provide the same compensation or benefits to workers suffering from pneumoconiosis under PCO to workers suffering from malignant mesothelioma.
修訂條例修訂《僱傭條例》(第 57章 )、《僱員補償條例》 及《肺塵埃沉着病及皮瘤(補償 )條例》,除其他事項外,對下 述事宜作出規定:為對上述條例所訂的若干僱員權益的享有權 的目的而承認註冊中醫所發出的不同形式的核證、所進行的身 體檢查及所給予的醫治。
The Amendment Ordinance amends the Employment Ordinance (Cap. 57), ECO and PMCO to, among other things, provide for the recognition of certification in various forms given by, and medical examination and treatment conducted or given by, a registered Chinese medicine practitioner for the purposes of entitlement to certain employee benefits under those Ordinances.
天鹅绒般柔软、软垫般的质地“包裹 皮 肤 ,顷 刻 间 提 供滋润养护,同时明显减少细纹,色素含有氨基酸,有助于完美覆盖阴暗区域、斑点和瑕疵,令容颜更加年轻靓丽。
A velvety-soft, cushion-like texture "wraps" itself around the skin, instantly replenishing while visibly reducing the appearance of lines while colour pigments coated with amino acids, help perfect coverage to conceal shadowy areas, blemishes and other imperfections so complexion looks more youthful-looking in any light.




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