单词 | 闲置的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:(机器)闲置的 adj—idle adj See also:闲置—lying idle • set aside • leave sth forgotten 闲—free time • not busy • be unoccupied • stay idle • unoccupied • enclosure
报告中可能还会提及相关信息,如房 间 闲置的 时 间 长短,当 前的市场租金,和以往获得的租金。 remminternational.com | This report may provide the following information regarding the unit: number of days vacant, current market rent, and historical rent obtained. remminternational.com |
对于很多其他办法,例如发展大规模太阳能或恢复严重退化 或 闲置的 土 地, 将需要给予鼓励、支持、甚至补贴。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many alternative approaches — such as [...] large-scale solar power or restoration of [...] heavily degraded or unused land — will need [...]to be encouraged, supported and even subsidized. daccess-ods.un.org |
笔记本电脑一定需要配置有一个 闲置的 U SB 端口以操作系统。 malvern.com.cn | A laptop computer with a USB port can be used with all Zetasizer Nano systems and MPT-2 autotitrator. malvern.com |
如果喷枪闲置的时间 将超过四周,请冲洗喷枪。 graco.com | If the gun will not be used for longer [...] than four weeks, flush the gun. graco.com |
此外,在组织要求关闭闲置的信托 基金时,需要捐助方及时做出 反应,以便改善这种情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | A timely response from the donors concerning the organizations’ requests with respect to the closure of inactive trust funds is also needed to remedy the situation. daccess-ods.un.org |
天主教末世的优势在于一个事实,即没有自称回答每个问题 , 闲置的 好 奇心可能表明,它给一个明确的,一贯的,所有需要,目前已知,或能在赢利的理解,对于满足声明的永恒生死问题对于我们每个个人,以及宇宙的一部分,我们是最后的圆满。 mb-soft.com | The superiority of Catholic eschatology [...] consists in the fact that, without professing to answer every question that idle curiosity may [...]suggest, it gives a [...]clear, consistent, satisfying statement of all that need at present be known, or can profitably be understood, regarding the eternal issues of life and death for each of us personally, and the final consummation of the cosmos of which we are a part. mb-soft.com |
根据能源供应 [...] 商相关的操作条件,,流体加热锅炉通过在非高峰期 利用闲置的电气 性能可直接或存储加热。 kloepper-therm.de | Depending on the relevant operating conditions of the energy supplier, [...] electric flow boilers are used for direct or storage heating [...] by utilising the free electric performance [...]during offpeak times. kloepper-therm.de |
工作组的讨论着重提出了某些实例:在海地,通过双边合 作,特遣队得以将该国某些闲置的工 程 能力利用起来;在塞拉利昂,巴基斯坦和 约旦营正在建设医院和公路。 daccess-ods.un.org | Several practical examples were highlighted: in Haiti, Brazilian bilateral cooperation enabled the contingent to use some of its spare engineering capacity and in Sierra Leone, Pakistani and Jordanian battalions were building hospitals and roads. daccess-ods.un.org |
上述压力加剧了土地冲突,并导致旨在“自下而上”实施“土地改革”(包 括夺走闲置的、在 他们看来应以更公平方式分配的土地)的社会运动被定为刑事 犯罪,令人忧虑。 daccess-ods.un.org | The pressures referred to above exacerbate conflicts over land and lead to a worrisome criminalization of social movements aimed at carrying out agrarian reforms “from below”, including by claiming land that is unused and, in their view, should be distributed more equitably. daccess-ods.un.org |
近期媒体报导显示,光伏行业谨慎预测今年下半年需求将回升,如果产品价格上涨超过一定水平,许多企业有望重新开 动 闲置的 产 能。 youngchinabiz.com | Recent media reports indicate the sector is cautiously optimistic that demand [...] will pick up later this year, with many [...] companies hoping to restart idle capacity if [...]prices rise above a certain level. youngchinabiz.com |
(d) 考虑到设备泄漏率高,运转设备数量有限,设备的年龄 和 闲置的 中 型和大型制 冷设备的实际数量,以及首次回收和再循环项目的明显失败,对额外增加回收 和再循环单位的要求必须进一步落实;和 multilateralfund.org | (d) The request for additional recovery and recycling units has to be further substantiated, given the system’s high leakage rate, the limited number of systems in operation, the age of the equipment and the substantial number of idle mediumand large-size refrigeration equipment, as well as the evident failure of the first recovery and recycling project; and multilateralfund.org |
此样新产品就是拉霸机同步感应系统,它可以 在 闲置的 拉 霸 机的屏幕上以及联机彩金系统显示器上播放广告、电视节目、音乐频道等同步功能,进而吸引路过的人群;只要有玩家接近机台,感应系统就会感应,自动把屏幕画面变换回原先的机台游戏画面。 taiwanslot.com.tw | This new product is a slot machine sync sensing system which offers the [...] synchronization function of playing [...] advertisements, TV programs and music channels [...]on the monitors of idle slot machines [...]and linked jackpot system displays in an attempt to attract passersby. taiwanslot.com.tw |
检查专员认为,根据相关的内部及外部审计和审查,各组织应关 闭 闲置的 信托基金,避免在会计、行政和报告等方面出现额外的工作和费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | in line with the respective internal and external audits and reviews, the organizations should close inactive trust funds, in order to avoid additional work and costs for accounting, administration and reporting. daccess-ods.un.org |
人们希望将于 2005 年初进行的大选 能够激活经济,在目前闲置的制冷 设备转向运行的过程中提高氟氯化碳的消耗量,使之接 近 20 世纪 90 年代的水平(360 ODP 吨)。 multilateralfund.org | The election scheduled in early 2005 is expected to reactivate the economy, which will in turn increase consumption of CFCs to levels similar to the late 1990s (360 ODP tonnes) as refrigeration equipment that is presently idle becomes operational. multilateralfund.org |
水景工程管网的经济流速,可以参考给水工程的资料,但水景管网有两个显著特点:管段长度远较给水工程的短,总水头损失也较小;大型喷泉水景往往是定期、定时作喷射表演,每年累计的运行时间远 较 闲置的 时 间 短,而小型喷泉往往是长期连续地运行。 onsmu.com | Waterscape project pipeline of economic flow, can refer to the water supply project information, but water features pipe network has two notable features: pipe length shorter than the water supply project, the total head loss is also smaller; Large Fountain is often [...] on a regular basis , [...] time for the injection performance, the running time of year than the cumulative idle time is short, [...]and small fountains [...]often long-term continuous operation. onsmu.com |
固定分区(如 ARINC 653)设计本身效率低下:其他分区无法临时借用分区 内 闲置的 处 理 能力,因此必须提前设定CPU资源预算以满足高峰需求。 qnx.com | Fixed partitioning designs, such as ARINC 653, are inherently inefficient: spare CPU capacity in a partition cannot be temporarily borrowed by other partitions — so CPU budgets must be set in advance to anticipate peak demand. qnx.com |
这是意料之中的,因为:全球经济所经历的经济下降幅度很大, 较大的经济体逐步取消经济刺激方案,而且主要经济体的复苏缓慢(由 于 闲置的 生产能力和仍然疲软的预期)。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is expected for several reasons, including the magnitude of the economic decline registered in the world economy, the gradual phasing-out of stimulus packages in the larger economies and a slow recovery in the major economies (because of idle productive capacity and still-weak expectations).13 Therefore, it is pertinent for public administrations in all countries to further explore ways to achieve adaptation and transformation, seeking to become more effective factors for recovery and for long-term development. daccess-ods.un.org |
团队的开发状态和进度,在任何时刻,你只需要抬一抬头,就可以一目了然:当前谁在开发什么任务,是否 有 闲置的 资 源,开发和测试的工作分配是否合理,是否有过量的Bug等待修复,不一而足。 infoq.com | Thoughtworks recently published a whitepaper including a maturity model for continuous delivery (or CD) as a response to research indicating that most companies understand the importance of innovation, but are not able to deliver software quickly enough to meet the needs of business leaders. infoq.com |
外勤特派团的闲置纪录 储存在新泽西的一个商业记录设施内,因此请求继 续保留 P-2 职等的一般临时职位。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is therefore requested that the general temporary assistance position be continued at the P-2 level. daccess-ods.un.org |
(g) 滤毒罐须至少有五年的闲置寿命,供货时须有密封的防蒸气的外包装。 opcw.org | (g) The canister must have a shelf life of at least five years and must be supplied in a sealed vapour-proof overpack. opcw.org |
客户因自身原因提前偿还贷款导致本行原本用于该笔贷款的资金出现一定时 间 的闲置 而 影 响预期的资金回报,本行可向其收取资金安 排的补偿费用 hangseng.com.cn | When borrowers prepaid the loan due to their own reasons and cause the opportunity cost of fund, the bank will charge compensation fee. hangseng.com.cn |
处理闲置 土 地的措 施:迄今,柬埔寨王国政府重视 用来 转售的 土 地和有 权 势 官员占 有 土 地的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Measures taken to deal with unused lands: So far the Royal Government [...] of Cambodia has paid attention to land bought for [...]resold and land grasp by some powerful officials. daccess-ods.un.org |
土地部还在解决历史遗留 的沿海地区房客租期不定和擅自占用空房等问题,盘点 了 闲置 土 地 ,擅自占用严 重的土地,以及房客租期不定的土地。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministry of Lands is also currently addressing the historical coastal land issues of tenants-at-will and squatters, by [...] taking an inventory of land [...] that is either idle, heavily squatted on or where members of the public [...]are tenants-at-will. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于存在安全问题的看法 一直是阻碍联合国驻牙买加各机构使用管理局总 部 闲置 空 间 的 主 要 障碍之一。 daccess-ods.un.org | A perception of security problems has been one of the primary obstacles preventing the United Nations agencies in Jamaica from taking up the unused space at the Authority’s headquarters. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了级联效应,艾默生网络能源也量化了“反向”级联效应——由 “ 闲置 而 无 法使 用 的 ” 容 量所浪费的总体能源。 emerson.com | In addition to the cascade effect, Emerson Network Power has quantified the “reverse” cascade effect: the total energy wasted by stranded capacity. emerson.com |
在正常操作中,如 果扫描站在使用过后保持一分钟 的闲置 时 间 ,警告画面将会显示并询问用 户是否要将所有的扫描站设置恢复为默认状态。 graphics.kodak.com | In normal operation, after a Scan Station has been used [...] and has remained idle for one minute, [...]a warning screen will be displayed asking [...]the user if they want to reset all Scan Station settings to the default state. graphics.kodak.com |
结果,在批准之时还具有可行性 [...] 的项目突然失去了可行性,核准资金也在危机中 被 闲置 起 来, 有 的 最 终变得不再充足,因 为一些项目的采购必须重新开始。 multilateralfund.org | Thus projects that were viable at time of [...] approval suddenly lost their viability and [...] approved funds became idle in the midst of the economic [...]crises and eventually sometimes [...]becoming inadequate as procurement of some items had to restart. multilateralfund.org |
那些在不同制度、不同时代或者不同规划理念之间牵扯挣扎而无法整合之地,那些与城市转型过程相 关 的 被 遗 弃、 被 闲置 或 正 处于变迁之中的地方,都是柏林空间实验室的实验现场。 shanghaibiennale.org | Places torn between different systems, time periods or planning ideologies, that cannot adapt. shanghaibiennale.org |
在执行土地法律与政策方面,政府集中精力巩固土地管理、分配和使用制 度,加强土地所有权和土地权安全,根除非法侵占土地,防止集 中 闲置 土 地 与非 生产性的土地。 daccess-ods.un.org | In implementing the land law and policies, the Government was focusing on strengthening the system of land management, distribution and use, land ownership, land [...] rights security and eradication of illegal encroachment, and [...] preventing the concentration of unused and unproductive lands. daccess-ods.un.org |