

单词 闯红灯

See also:

break through
temper oneself (through battling hardships)

surname Hong


bonus n

External sources (not reviewed)

不得违反交通规则,如:超速、违法停车 闯红灯 、 不服从停车指挥等。
Please ensure that you do not violate other rules related to speeding, illegal parking, ignoring traffic signal and stop signs, etc.
[...] ATMS)是易华录公司专门为城市公安交通指挥控制中心开发的一套交通综合管理平台系统,该系统是在城市数字化电子地图(GIS)的主控界面下进行操作控制,集中实现CCTV电视监控、交通信号控制、交通态势监控、交通流检测、交通信息诱导发布 闯红灯 监 测 、治安卡口监测、GPS车辆定位、110/122接处警、交通紧急救援、车辆驾驶员管理、违章管理、事故管理等多种交通管理技术手段的“网络化”、“桌面化”、“数字化”、“可视化”。
This system is operated and controlled under the main control interface of city geographic information system (GIS), and focuses on achieving a variety of such traffic management technical means of “networking”, “desktop-orientation”, “digitalization” and “visualization” as CCTV television monitoring, traffic signal control, traffic situation monitoring, traffic flow
detection, traffic information induced
[...] release, monitoring of red Signal crossing, security [...]
gate monitoring, GPS vehicle location,
110/122 emergency call reception and handling system, traffic emergency rescue, vehicle drivers management, violation management, and accidents management, etc.
如果列表中没有出现耳机,请核实耳机处于固件更新模式(LED 闪红灯)并点击刷新按钮。
If the headset does not appear in the list verify that the headset is in firmware update mode
[...] (LED is flashing pink) and click the Refresh button.
按一下该按钮红灯将停 止闪烁,您应在电话响的时候听到耳麦里有铃声。
By pressing this
[...] button one time; the red light will stop flashing and [...]
you should hear a ring tone in your headset when your telephone rings.
该计划最重要的一项工程是在米奥利斯/邦万大楼入口处外部 建造一个新的中心检查站,配备监视器和防止擅 闯 入 的 设施。
One of the main features of the Plan is the construction at the entrance to the Miollis-Bonvin site of a new outside, centralized control post equipped with surveillance and an anti-intrusion system.
在挺过2011年下半年的低潮期之后,现在她重新恢复了良好的状态,上周已 闯 进 Pl exicushion澳网公开赛热身赛之一——悉尼国际网球赛的决赛。
She has now rediscovered her form at the Plexicushion Australian Open lead up tournaments having reached the final round of last week's Sydney International after a difficult second half of 2011.
铁道官方表示,由於闪电击中静止的那列火车,以致於有一个应该转变 红灯 的 信号灯仍然保持绿灯,而员工没有发现这个状况。
Railway authorities said a signal, which
[...] should have turned red after lightning hit [...]
the train that stalled, remained green,
and rail staff failed to see something was amiss.
此后,傀儡部队有计划闯入朝 鲜民主主义人民共和国海上警戒线的行径逐 [...]
年愈演愈烈,并于 2009 年触发了西海第三次小规模冲突,结果却暴露出他们力 图以延坪岛周围水域为前进基地对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国煽动战争。
In the subsequent period, the puppet forces
[...] annually escalated the intrusions into [...]
the maritime guard line of the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea side in a planned way and triggered the third West Sea skirmish in 2009, only to disclose that they sought to use the waters around Yonphyong Island as an advance base for provoking a war against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
艺术家尼古拉斯·帕里斯收集了一系列存在于哥伦比亚流行想象的“唐人街”,包括加西亚•马尔克斯最新的忏悔式小说中描述 红灯 区 唐 人街,在波哥大北部,他和朋友们曾经去过,在圣诞节期间去买过烟花。
For his part, Nicolas Paris has been collecting a series of “Chinatowns” that exist in the Colombian popular imagination, including the Red Light district described as Chinatown in Garcia Marquez’s latest, confessional novel, and the place where he and his friends used to go, in the North of Bogota, to buy fireworks during Christmas time.
非洲期待着一个具有支助区域、国家和地方行动的具体执行手段及富有闯 精神的全球 10 年期方案框架来支持这些优先事项。
In support of these priorities, Africa is looking forward to a bold global 10-year framework of programmes with concrete means of implementation to support regional, national and local actions.
13 时 15 分 以色列敌闯入移动电话网,并播放阿拉伯语录音电 话,大意是悬赏 1 000 万美元征集在黎巴嫩失踪以色 列士兵的情报。
1315 Israeli enemy forces broke into the cellular telephone network and sent recorded messages in Arabic to the effect that anyone with information about the Israeli soldiers missing in Lebanon was guaranteed a reward of $10 million.
设置值极性显示指示 灯,在设置值为正值时红灯,在为负值时亮绿灯。
Press UP/DOWN control for the value setup. The polarity
[...] indicator LED glows RED when the set value [...]
is positive, and glows GREEN when negative.
设置值极性显示指示灯,在正倾斜特性时 红灯 , 在 负倾斜 特性时亮绿灯。
The polarity
[...] indicator LED glows RED when the set value [...]
is in the positive gradient characteristic, and glows GREEN in the
negative gradient characteristic.
60 这是一种提高认识的工具,可借以侦查发现可能表明存 在舞弊问题的迹象或“亮起红灯” ,并追查到水落石出之类的地步。
Anti-fraud guidelines and policies on the consequences of resettlement fraud have been identified as one of the important developments and issues to be included in the revised Resettlement
Handbook.60 It is an awareness-raising tool to
[...] detect symptoms or “red flags” that may indicate [...]
the presence of fraud and pursue
these until fraud is proven or otherwise.
这里是高档的银行区和花园,走过席勒的雕像,就是横跨6个街区的火车 红灯 区 了 ,像一个酒 杯,里面的哈气呼呼闷响:高档的银行职员在这里显示他们的魅与力,低档的酒店开了 红 的 灯 光 ,开 了又关,关了又开。
Here is a forest of high-class banks; walk past a statue of Schiller, and you arrive in six square blocks of the Bahnhofsviertel red light district.
电脑输入 / 输灯 - 闪烁红灯 (H)指示灯闪烁表示电脑发送数据给收发器和收发器发送数据给电脑。
PC IN/PC OUT - Red flashing lights (H) Flashing [...]
lights indicate transmission from the PC to the Transceiver and Transceiver to PC.
以大家生活中司空见惯的交灯为 例, “ 红灯 停 , 绿灯行,黄灯亮了等一等”的观念早就深入人心,因此把这种颜色所包含的特殊寓意借喻到GUI设计中并加以合理利用,有时就会显得很贴切,让用户可以不假思索、得心应手的使用。
The concept of “Red for stop, green for go and yellow [...]
for wait” is already deeply rooted in people’s minds, so implanting
the special meaning of the different colors of the traffic lights in the GUI design is just a case in point and users can utilize them readily and instinctively.
Trapster(R)是一种免费的应用程序,提醒您当你接近警方的速度陷阱, 红灯 摄 影 机,高速摄影机,钱包和其他道路的危害。
Trapster(R) is a FREE app that alerts you as you approach
[...] police speed traps, red light cameras, speed [...]
cameras, and other roadway wallet hazards.
该国还有其他令人不安的迹象,例如去年 9 月发 生了袭击反对派总统候选人的事件,随后反对派成员 损害了执政党的财产,有关方面以备受争议的方式实 施为期三个月禁止政党集会的法令,反对派在弗里敦 市议会议员补选中获胜一事引发了暴力,最近有闯 入一家批评政府的报社。
There are other worrying signs, such as the attack on the opposition presidential candidate in September of last year, which was followed by an attack by members of the opposition on property of the governing party, the questionable imposition of a threemonth ban on all political party rallies, violence surrounding a win by the opposition in by-elections for the Freetown City Council and the recent break-in into a newspaper critical of the Government.
加沙地带事实上的管辖当局下属安全部门必须遵守巴勒斯坦《刑事诉讼 法》的规定,即如果事先没有法院的命令,就不得进行逮捕;必须尊重民宅和私
[...] 人处所的神圣性,如果事先没有法院的命令,则不 闯 入 , 还要遵守允许的拘留 期限。
The security services of the de facto authority in the Gaza Strip must abide by the provisions of the Palestinian Code of Criminal Procedure which state that no arrest may be effected without a prior court order; that the sanctity
of homes and private places must be
[...] respected and may not be entered without [...]
a prior court order; and that the permitted
custodial time limits must be respected.
口感圆润柔和,突出成熟水果红灯 笼 辣 椒的味道。
In the mouth, it is round and smooth with a prominent presence of ripe fruits and paprika.
在本次报告所述期间,以色列安全部队 313 次侵 入西岸,造成一名巴勒斯坦人 7 月 22 日在试闯入 Barkan 定居点时被以色列士兵击毙。
During the reporting period, Israeli security forces conducted 313 incursions in the West Bank, resulting in one Palestinian being shot dead by Israeli soldiers on 22 July while he attempted to intrude into the settlement of Barkan.
国际反对酷刑协会说,关于要求调查指称的酷刑案件并将违法者绳之以法 的建议,没有搜查令闯入马普切社区和警方的威胁是很常见的事。
The International Association against Torture stated that, with regard to recommendations requesting the investigation of alleged cases of torture and to bring perpetrators to justice, it was common for raids of Mapuche communities to be carried out without a legal warrant and with threats by the police.
这些条款禁止非法搜查闯入住 宅以及安保措施。
They are established as a defence against illegal house searches and inspections and social-protection orders.
此 外 , 英 国 食 品 标 准 局 于 二 零 零 五 年 就 香 料 进 行 研 究 , 结 果 发 现 辣 椒 粉 、 红 辣 椒红 灯 笼 辣 椒 的 赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 含 量 , 由 每 公 斤 0.3 至 47.7 微 克 不 等 32 。
A survey on spices carried out by Food Standard Agency of the United Kingdom (UKFSA) in 2005 reported a range of 0.3 to 47.7 μg/kg of ochratoxin A levels for chilli powder, cayenne pepper and paprika 32 .
在 Ferizaj/Uro ševac 市的 Sërpskibabush/Srpski Babuš回返人员地点,2006 年回返的 73 户科 索沃塞族流离失所家庭全都离开了这个村,科索沃特派团发现,有 20 多栋房屋 被闯入并 洗劫一空,门窗都被拆除了。
At the Sërpskibabush/Srpski Babuš returnee site in Ferizaj/Uroševac municipality, where 73 Kosovo Serb displaced families returned in 2006, all such families have left the village and UNMIK found that more than 20 houses were broken into and extensively looted, with windows and doors removed.
因此,威慑的主要手段是负责治安人员要拥有较高的防御素质 及防卫和/或保护器材,特别是因为,设计一个天衣无缝和有效率达到百分之百的防擅闯 入系统是极为艰难的。
The chief means of deterrence is therefore the visible nature of the defences embodied in security personnel and defence and/or protective equipment, all the more so as it is extremely difficult to imagine a site with absolutely no loopholes and a completely effective anti-intrusion system.




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