单词 | 闯 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 闯—chargeless common: dash break through temper oneself (through battling hardships) rush Examples:强闯v—gatecrashv 闯入n—trespassn 走南闯北—travel extensively
作为城市的市民,人的成长发展需要培养创业意识,让 自我干一番事业,闯一番天地。 gemconsortium.org | People living in cities should develop entrepreneurship while growing up, so that they can develop their own business and create a world of theirs. gemconsortium.org |
红木城警方发出一张疑犯照片,呼吁公众协助追缉涉嫌本月初闯入一 幢住屋,并持枪打劫一名79岁老妇的21岁男子。 ktsf.com | Police have released a suspect photo and are asking for the public’s help in locating a 21-year-old man who helped rob a 79-year-old woman at gunpoint earlier this month in Redwood City. ktsf.com |
这 种 权 力 的 使 用 范 围 仍 然 很 广 泛 , 并 容许闯入物业 的 权 力 , 即 使 该 人 只 是 有 理 由 被 怀 疑 触 犯 了 轻 罪 。 hkreform.gov.hk | This power remains wide and permits the right to violate property even if the person is only reasonably suspected of having committed a minor offence. hkreform.gov.hk |
之後,凶器的男子闯入商店和捕捉加里。 zh-tw.seekcartoon.com | Afterwards, Shanker’s men break into the store and capture Gary. nl.seekcartoon.com |
梦境成真”带领我们一同闯进Anna Sui的奇幻世界,穿过神奇的魔镜,揭开浪漫粉红的香氛世界。 hk.eternal.hk | Dreams come true" lead us into the Anna Sui fantasy world, through the magic mirror, and romantic pink in the world. hk.eternal.hk |
有着社会大众、政府、工商机构及义工朋友们的热心支持,本会将与大家携手同心,为视障朋友的福祉再闯高峰,跨越未来。 hksb.org.hk | With the enthusiastic support of the community, government, business organizations and volunteers, we will continue to work together to bring about a better future for the visually impaired. hksb.org.hk |
与其说参观,不如说是自己闯进校园。 4tern.com | Or I should say, I intruded the school compound. 4tern.com |
本署亦就此事与内地有关当局保持紧密联系,又向 其提供闯入海岸公园及海岸保护区非法捕鱼的渔民及船只的资料,以增加阻吓作 用。 devb.gov.hk | AFCD also maintains close contact with the Mainland Authorities on the issue and provides them with information on Mainland fishermen and vessels intruding into the marine parks and marine reserve for illegal fishing with a view to increasing the deterrent effect. devb.gov.hk |
我觉得全部打工渡假者都有一个读书脸孔,因此直接闯入,并不是什麽大问题。 4tern.com | Most of working holiday makers have a student face, it shouldn’t be a big problem to sneak into the library. 4tern.com |
阁下不得及不可企 图干扰、更改、改动、反编码或作其他任何改动或未经授权擅闯任何电子交易服务及敦沛营办的网站之 任何部份或其中任何软件。 tanrich.com | You shall not, and shall not attempt to, tamper with, modify, decompile, reverse engineer or otherwise alter in any way or gain unauthorized access to, any part of the Electronic Trading Service, the website operated by Tanrich or any of the software comprised in them. tanrich.com |
Glencore可能需要承担与危害环境有关的损失、导致其牌照及许可证撤回或冻结,或被迫 承担大量补救清理行动或支付政府下令进行的补救清理行动,不论有关的危险是由有关物 业的任何过往或其後的业主或营办商导致,或邻近物业的任何过往或现时业主导致,或向 [...] Glencore提供服务的独立第三方承办商导致,或任何擅闯者的恶意行为导致。 glencore.com | Glencore may be liable for losses associated with environmental hazards, have its licences and permits withdrawn or suspended or may be forced to undertake extensive remedial clean-up action or to pay for government-ordered remedial clean-up actions, even in cases where such hazards have been caused by any previous or subsequent owners or operators of the property, by any past or present owners of adjacent [...] properties, by independent third party contractors providing services to Glencore or by [...] acts of vandalism by trespassers. glencore.com |
勇闯太空3D」的奇幻旅程由世界成功发射第一颗人造卫星展开。 msc.org.mo | The show "Dawn of the Space Age 3D" begins with the launch of the world's first artificial satellite! msc.org.mo |
有一天,欧雷斯特闯进皇宫,瞬间後宫里传出斧头砍下的声音,随之而来是克莉丹内丝特拉濒死的惨叫。 hkphil.org | Orest enters the palace and moments later the blood-curdling death cries of Klytaemnestra follow the sound of an axe falling. hkphil.org |
透过闯入电脑系统,并植入恶意程式,然後进一步将恶意程式散播和感染其他未受感染的系统从而扩大他们的控制能力。 hkcert.org | To intrude into systems and implant malware, then further propagate and expand their access to other clean systems. hkcert.org |
3.5 未经敦沛事先授权,用户不得擅自进入、非法强行闯入、 登入、使用,或尝试擅自进入、非法强行闯入、登入或使用敦沛或来源公司任何其他 部份的伺服器、其内容及/或其他范围的任何资料。 tanrich.com | 3.5 User will not trespass, break into, access, use or attempt to trespass, break into, access or use any other parts of Tanrich's servers, its Content and/or any data areas for which User has not been authorized by Tanrich. tanrich.com |
各位或许也曾听过,巴斯大学心理学家沃克(Ian Walker)使用「outgrouping」一词,描述对负面行为以偏盖全的态度,例如「他们全都总是闯红灯」,但心里明知道并非人人如此。 thisbigcity.net | If you’re caught up in this debate, you’ll have heard Bath based psychologist, Ian Walker, describe this behaviour as characteristic of ‘outgrouping’: the “overgeneralisation of negative behaviour and attributes – e.g. ‘They all ride through red lights all the time’’. thisbigcity.net |
基於公司的成长与转型,自1992年开始引进自动带束机与TAKARA株式会社的L型封口机、贴标机,在精致的包装领域,闯出一片天地,也在包装业界树立特殊包装机材的地位。 coratex.com.tw | In order to increase the business of company, CORATEX was starting to vend the TAKARA, in Japan, packing machine and being the only agency in Taiwan. coratex.com.tw |
这包括侦测擅自闯入系统的入侵者或误用系统资源的用户。 hkcert.org | This includes detection of intruders breaking into a system or users misusing the system resources. hkcert.org |
从单向到双向,数字告示资讯流方向的改变,虽不至於像Web 2.0般,让观看者具备内容编辑权力,但对拥有者与观看者来说,都是一种全新体验,拥有者(通常是企业)透过互动式数字告示的输入装置,与使用者产生了直接连结,例如:设计互动游戏,当观看者闯关成功後,就列印出一张实体折价券,或是经由2.5G、3G网路传输出观看者的手机中,让观看者持这张虚拟折价券至附近店家消费,而观看者在与数字告示互动的同时,还可能吸引路过民众的目光并聚焦於此,顺利达到营销效果。 sharp-i.net | from unidirectional to bidirectional, digital bulletin information class direction change, although is not look like Web 2.0, lets the viewer have the content edition authority, but to the owner and the viewer, is one kind of brand-new experience, the owner (usually is enterprise) by the interactive type digit bulletin input device, produced with the user has linked directly, for example: Design interaction game, when after the viewer overcomes an obstacle successfully, leaves an entity on the series printing to give a discount the ticket, perhaps by way of 2.5G, the 3G network transmits in viewer's handset, lets the viewer hold this hypothesized to give a discount to expend the ticket to the neighbor shop owner, but viewer while with digital bulletin interaction, also possibly attracted the passing by populace's vision and focuses in this, achieved the marketing effect smoothly. sharp-i.net |
当日两名男子和一名未成年少女闯入老妇的住屋,持抢威吓她,然後在住屋大肆搜掠。 ktsf.com | Two men and a juvenile girl had entered the home of a 79-year-old resident and held her at gunpoint while ransacking her home, police said. ktsf.com |
记得聚会中有人报告看到一则「人生写照」说:「人 0 岁出场,10 岁快乐成长,20 岁为情旁徨,30 [...] 岁基本定向,40 岁拼命打闯,50岁回头望望,60 岁告老还乡,70 [...]岁 搓搓麻将,80 岁晒晒太阳,90 岁躺在床上,100 岁挂在墙上。 mccc.org | During one of the meetings there was a report on this “Portrayal of Life”: appearing on stage at age 0, growing happily at 10, worrying about love at 20, having a fixed direction at 30, [...] working hard at 40, looking back at 50, retiring [...] at 60, playing Mah-jong at 70, enjoying [...]the sun at 80, lying in bed at 90, and placed on a wall at 100. mccc.org |
所有的这一切,真是让我们这些走南闯北的摄影师喜出望外啊! 我很早就听说过Kata的产品在摄影界享有极高的声誉,而实际使用的感受,则让我彻底明白了为什麽Kata在世界专业顶级摄影包领域享有如此高的至尊地位。 tw.evershooting.com | I'm heard about Kata products enjoy a high reputation in the photography world, and the actual use of the experience, so I completely understand why Kata enjoy such a supreme position in the world's top professional camera bag,. evershooting.com |
伦敦许多骑士确为男性上班族,也大多穿着莱卡布料衣物,在通勤族中形成特殊的单车文化,他们跟得上往来车潮,行为已近似车辆,改变都会交通样貌,但这不代表所有单车骑士常撞倒老妇或擅闯红灯。 thisbigcity.net | They’re able to keep up with traffic, impose themselves similarly to a motorised vehicle and negotiate the urban car-scape. thisbigcity.net |
Mark一心等豪出狱再闯天下,但豪决意退隐,可惜不为当差的弟杰(张国荣饰)谅解。 buyoyo.com | Ho comes out of jail repentant and is determined to turn over a new leaf for the sake of his policeman brother, Kit, (Leslie Cheung, Farewell To My Concubine) but his old arch enemy is equally determined to take him out of the picture. buyoyo.com |
恒 生 保 险 有 限 公 司 ( 「 恒 生 保 险 」 ) 之 「 危 疾 现 金 保 」 人 寿 保 险 计 划 , 为 你 带 来 全 方 位 的 危 疾 保 障 。 无 论 任 何 阶 段 , 你 都 可 安然闯过任何 挑 战 。 bank.hangseng.com | Critical Illness Life Insurance Plan of Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited ("Hang Seng Insurance") brings you all-round critical illness protection and enables you to confront any challenge in each stage of life. bank.hangseng.com |
展望未来,本集团将持续开展以「勇闯天涯」系列为主的「雪花 Snow」品牌宣传推广活 动,提升「雪花 Snow」品牌的美誉度和忠诚度;加强与供应商合作,集中采购以稳定原 材料价格;进一步完善市场销售网路,巩固优势市场的领先地位。 cre.com.hk | Looking ahead, the Group will continue to promote the “雪花 Snow” brand through marketing the “The Great Expedition” (“勇闯天涯”) series in order to strengthen the brand’s reputation and customer loyalty. cre.com.hk |