单词 | 问讯 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 问讯 —interrogationless common: greeting 讯问 noun —interrogation n讯问 verb —question v讯问 —interrogate • ask about Examples:问讯处 n—information n See also:讯 n—information n • news n 讯—question • interrogate • speedy
y 打到代表休息室的电话由问讯处接 ,并用扩音系统呼唤要找的代表 的名字。 daccess-ods.un.org | Incoming calls to the Delegates’ [...] Lounge are answered by the Information Desk and delegates are paged on the loudspeaker system. daccess-ods.un.org |
使用方法不清楚时请向银行大厅问讯 处 的 职员或是 服务台的职员询问。 oiea.jp | If you do not know how to use an ATM, ask a bank guide in the lobby or at the counter to help you. oiea.jp |
一些会员国已经就书面通知和电话和会议 等形式的提醒和问讯作出 了答复,提供了信息,这些都很有助益。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some Member States have provided information in answer to written reminders and inquiries made on the telephone and following meetings, which has proved most helpful. unesdoc.unesco.org |
配合来访民众开展的活动在 2011 [...] 年底前仍以大会大楼为场地:游客大厅展 览、导游服务、在北草坪临时会议楼会议室举行的团体简报会、游客大厅下层公 众问讯台入口处等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Activities geared to the visiting public will remain based in the General Assembly building through 2011: exhibits in the Visitors’ Lobby; guided tours, group briefings in conference rooms in [...] the temporary North Lawn Conference [...] Building; and access to the Public Inquiries counter [...]in the lower concourse of the Visitors’ Lobby. daccess-ods.un.org |
从 2008 年 10 月 16 日起,导游业务改由 28 名专职导游人员承担,现在的职 类为问讯处助 理人员,其合同福利优于早先的“非经常性就业协定”合同提供的 福利。 daccess-ods.un.org | As of 16 October 2008, the Guided Tour operation began shifting to a full-time staff of 28 guides, now classified as Public Information Assistants with better contractual benefits than had been provided under the earlier “Agreement on Occasional Employment” contracts. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些人 还表示,被安全人员羁押期间,他们遭 受 讯问 人 或 狱卒以刑讯逼供或侮辱为目的 的殴打和酷刑。 daccess-ods.un.org | These individuals also [...] stated that, while in the custody of security agents, they were beaten and tortured by interrogators and jailers [...]for the purposes of [...]extracting a confession or in order to humiliate them. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 运用体恤儿童的程序保护他们在司法过程中免受困苦,包括使用专门 [...] 为儿童设计的询问室,体恤儿童的 讯问 方 法,减少询问、陈述和听证的次数。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Use child-sensitive procedures to protect children from hardship during the justice process, including by the use of special interview [...] rooms designed for children, child-sensitive [...] methods of questioning; and by reducing [...]the number of interviews, statements and hearings. daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国坚称,在整个初步调查期间,提交人和他的同案者从未抱怨过非 法讯 问手段,包括其在车臣共和国之外审前拘留设施期间。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party contends that throughout the preliminary investigation, neither the author nor [...] his co-accused ever complained about [...] unlawful methods of questioning, including during [...]their stay in pretrial detention facilities [...]located outside the Chechen Republic. daccess-ods.un.org |
即使提交人可以提供他当时不在场的证据,但调查人员在二个半月后 才讯 问了一名可以证实这一点的证人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even if the author’s son had had an alibi, the [...] investigators interrogated a witness who [...]could confirm this only two and a half months later. daccess-ods.un.org |
七人中有五人在战斗中受伤,他们在得到草草急救后被转移到阿萨 布的一处羁押设施,他们在那里受到 讯问 并 被羁押了近两个月。 daccess-ods.un.org | Five of the seven had been injured during the fighting and received superficial first aid before being [...] transferred to a holding facility in Assab, [...] where they were interrogated and remained [...]in detention for almost two months. daccess-ods.un.org |
Fordaq将不对因为市场的任何延迟,功能不足或服务中断而承担责任,Fordaq也不对因为不可抗力或异常的问题例如罢工,洪水等 通讯问题或 电脑病毒或其他任何由于第三方造成的原因承担责任。 jiaju.fordaqfurniture.com | Fordaq shall not be responsible for any delay, poor functioning or service interruption of the Market Fordaq shall also not be liable for any events which are [...] due to force majeure, or for [...] exceptional problems capable of or affecting its performance, such as strikes, floods etc., telecommunication problems or the interference [...]of computer viruses [...]or generally any event which is due to a third party. fordaqfurniture.com |
在被讯问好几 个 小时后,他被带到自己居住的那条街上释放。 daccess-ods.un.org | After being questioned for a few hours, [...] he was released on the street where he lived. daccess-ods.un.org |
它还可考虑将犯罪问题作为其他一些全球发展具 体问题的一个组成部分,例如国际法律秩序、法治、人权、冲突和重建、经济与贸 易问题以及交通和通讯问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | It could also consider crime issues as a component of a range of other specific global development issues, such as international legal order, [...] rule of law, human rights, conflict and reconstruction, economic [...] and trade issues and transport and communications issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
据称,由于尼泊尔军队拒绝移交这四名军官,拒绝按照 要求提交包括军事调查法庭讯问人员 的供述记录在内的档案,因此民事法院的案 件受理工作被推迟。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is alleged that the case in the civil court is being delayed due to the fact that the Nepalese Army refused to hand over any of the four officers and submit the files containing the statements of the people interviewed by the Military Court of Inquiry as requested. daccess-ods.un.org |
以下事实证明重新开展的调查是有偏向的:申诉人被迫接受多 次 讯问 ; 而 涉案的 警察一予否认,有关调查人员就立即接受。 daccess-ods.un.org | Its biased nature is confirmed by the fact that, while forcing the complainant to undergo numerous interviews, the investigators were immediately satisfied with the bare denials offered by the police officers involved in the incident. daccess-ods.un.org |
在以前的制 度下,上诉程序主要是基于书面提交的材料,并没有包括对证人 的 讯问 , 而 新制 度则需要法律干事出席法官主持的多次听证,每次需要提前几个小时准备,包括 为证人做准备的时间。 daccess-ods.un.org | Whereas, under the prior system, appeal proceedings were largely based on written submissions and did not include the examination of witnesses, the new system requires the appearance of Legal Officers at numerous hearings before the judges, which involves many hours of preparation prior to each hearing, including the time taken to prepare witnesses. daccess-ods.un.org |
该款应规定,仲裁庭“与各方当事人协 商后”方可指示以这种方式讯问证人。 daccess-ods.un.org | The paragraph should provide that this manner of witness examination may be directed by the arbitral tribunal “after consultation with the parties”. daccess-ods.un.org |
咨询委员会讯问后获 悉,尽管 50% 的执行率不够理想,总体上,评价和更为战略性的报告的执行率比审计报告的执 行率低很多。 daccess-ods.un.org | Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that, while the implementation rate of 50 per cent was not optimal, in general, implementation rates for evaluations and more strategic types of reports are much lower than the rates for audit reports. daccess-ods.un.org |
对等级为 1 的数据进行下一个讯问时,可以将报文作为回答发送。 highvolt.de | The message is sent as a response to the next query for class 1 data. highvolt.de |
他先在警察拘留所呆了一天, [...] 然后转到内务部门,内务部门将他送至监狱关了三个月,同牢房里还有另外四 人,他每周或每两周接受一次讯问, 问 他 大 量的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | After a day spent in police custody, he was handed over to the interior services, who took him to a prison where he was [...] held for three months in a cell with four [...] other men, and interrogated every week, or [...]every other week, on numerous topics. daccess-ods.un.org |
您可以将通讯状态文件信息用作通 讯问 题 的故障处理工具。 cn.rockwellautomation.com | The only integer file that the DAT interfaces with is the file specified in the TIF location. literature.rock...lautomation.com |
如 果 您 通 [...] 过错误方式打开此屏幕,单击重新检查按钮将重试该软件,并确保没有 通 讯问 题。 wavetronix.com | If you think you have reached this screen in [...] error, clicking the Recheck button will have the software retry and ensure that there has not [...] been a communication issue. wavetronix.com |
例 如,许多酷刑受害者没有必要的精神耐力来应付官僚的繁文缛节或经受冗长的程 序,包括长达几日的讯问。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, many victims of torture do not have the mental stamina [...] needed to deal with the bureaucratic red tape or undergo lengthy procedures, [...] including interviews of several days’ duration. daccess-ods.un.org |
第 4 款应当明确指出,仲裁庭行使其指示采用不要求亲自到庭的方式对证人或 专家加以讯问的, 则必须证明根据具体情况而有其正当理由。 daccess-ods.un.org | Paragraph 4 should clearly state that, where the arbitral tribunal exercises its authority to direct that witnesses or experts may be examined in ways that do not require their physical presence, this must be justified by the specific circumstances. daccess-ods.un.org |
国家应当确保在进行任何讯问之前 以及在剥夺自由之时,向相关人告知其 享有获得法律援助和其他程序性保障措施的权利,并向其告知自愿放弃这些权 [...] 利所可能产生的后果。 daccess-ods.un.org | States should ensure [...] that, prior to any questioning and at the time [...]of deprivation of liberty, persons are informed of their [...]right to legal aid and other procedural safeguards as well as of the potential consequences of voluntarily waiving those rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
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关于通过法律改革、 行政改革或其他措施使国内立法符合国际标准的义务,应谨记,酷刑的概念在广 [...] 义上包括任何故意实施的身体或心理折磨,而不仅仅是在调查 或 讯问 过 程中实施 的,并且实施的惩罚应与犯罪的严重程度相当。 daccess-ods.un.org | In relation to the obligation to adapt domestic legislation to international standards through legal and administrative reforms or other measures, it should be borne in mind that the concept of torture encompasses any intentional infliction of physical or mental suffering in a broader [...] context and not only in situations of [...] investigation or interrogation, and that the penalty [...]imposed should be commensurate [...]with the gravity of that crime. daccess-ods.un.org |